package; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import sun.misc.Unsafe; public class OffHeapStorage implements IStorage { protected final AtomicBoolean disposed = new AtomicBoolean(false); protected ByteBuffer byteBuffer; private static final Unsafe UNSAFE = getUnsafe(); private static final long BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET = (long) UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(byte[].class); private final long address; private static Unsafe getUnsafe() { try { Field unsafeField = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe"); unsafeField.setAccessible(true); return (sun.misc.Unsafe) unsafeField.get(null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public OffHeapStorage(int capacity) { this.address = UNSAFE.allocateMemory(capacity); } public OffHeapStorage(int capacity, ByteBuffer buffer) { this.byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(capacity); try { Method method = byteBuffer.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("address"); method.setAccessible(true); this.address = (Long) method.invoke(byteBuffer); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to allocate offheap memory using sun.misc.Unsafe on your platform", e); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (!disposed.compareAndSet(false, true)) return; UNSAFE.freeMemory(address); } @Override public void get(int position, byte[] dest) throws IOException { assert !disposed.get() : "disposed"; assert position >= 0 : position; this.get(address + position, dest, BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET, dest.length); } /** * Get bytes from the local buffer to a given byte array. * * @param baseAddress the absolute base address of the local buffer * @param dest the dest byte array * @param destOffset the offset of the dest byte array * @param length the length of bytes to get */ private void get(long baseAddress, byte[] dest, long destOffset, long length) { UNSAFE.copyMemory(null, baseAddress, dest, destOffset, length); } @Override public void put(int position, byte[] source) throws IOException { assert !disposed.get() : "disposed"; assert position >= 0 : position; this.put(BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET, source, address + position, source.length); } /** * Put bytes from a given byte array to the local buffer. * * @param srcOffset the offset of the source byte array * @param source the source byte array * @param baseAddress the absolute base address of the local buffer * @param length the length of bytes to put */ private void put(long srcOffset, byte[] source, long baseAddress, long length) { UNSAFE.copyMemory(source, srcOffset, null, baseAddress, length); } @Override public void free() { //do nothing } }