/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.tomcat.unittest; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.EventListener; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.Filter; import javax.servlet.FilterRegistration; import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher; import javax.servlet.Servlet; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletRegistration; import javax.servlet.ServletRegistration.Dynamic; import javax.servlet.SessionCookieConfig; import javax.servlet.SessionTrackingMode; import javax.servlet.descriptor.JspConfigDescriptor; import org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterRegistration; import org.apache.catalina.deploy.FilterDef; public class TesterServletContext implements ServletContext { /** * {@inheritDoc} * <p> * This test implementation is hard coded to return an empty String. */ @Override public String getContextPath() { return ""; } @Override public ServletContext getContext(String uripath) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public int getMajorVersion() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public int getMinorVersion() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public String getMimeType(String file) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public Set<String> getResourcePaths(String path) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public URL getResource(String path) throws MalformedURLException { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String path) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String path) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public RequestDispatcher getNamedDispatcher(String name) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public Servlet getServlet(String name) throws ServletException { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public Enumeration<Servlet> getServlets() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public Enumeration<String> getServletNames() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public void log(String msg) { // NOOP } @Override public void log(Exception exception, String msg) { // NOOP } @Override public void log(String message, Throwable throwable) { // NOOP } @Override public String getRealPath(String path) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public String getServerInfo() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public String getInitParameter(String name) { return null; } @Override public Enumeration<String> getInitParameterNames() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public Object getAttribute(String name) { // Used by websockets return null; } @Override public Enumeration<String> getAttributeNames() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public void setAttribute(String name, Object object) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public void removeAttribute(String name) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public String getServletContextName() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public int getEffectiveMajorVersion() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public int getEffectiveMinorVersion() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public boolean setInitParameter(String name, String value) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public Dynamic addServlet(String servletName, String className) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public Dynamic addServlet(String servletName, Servlet servlet) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public Dynamic addServlet(String servletName, Class<? extends Servlet> servletClass) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public <T extends Servlet> T createServlet(Class<T> c) throws ServletException { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public ServletRegistration getServletRegistration(String servletName) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public Map<String, ? extends ServletRegistration> getServletRegistrations() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public javax.servlet.FilterRegistration.Dynamic addFilter( String filterName, String className) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public javax.servlet.FilterRegistration.Dynamic addFilter( String filterName, Filter filter) { return new ApplicationFilterRegistration( new FilterDef(), new TesterContext()); } @Override public javax.servlet.FilterRegistration.Dynamic addFilter( String filterName, Class<? extends Filter> filterClass) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public <T extends Filter> T createFilter(Class<T> c) throws ServletException { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public FilterRegistration getFilterRegistration(String filterName) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public Map<String, ? extends FilterRegistration> getFilterRegistrations() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } private SessionCookieConfig sessionCookieConfig = new TesterSessionCookieConfig(); @Override public SessionCookieConfig getSessionCookieConfig() { return sessionCookieConfig; } private final Set<SessionTrackingMode> sessionTrackingModes = new HashSet<SessionTrackingMode>(); @Override public void setSessionTrackingModes( Set<SessionTrackingMode> sessionTrackingModes) { this.sessionTrackingModes.clear(); this.sessionTrackingModes.addAll(sessionTrackingModes); } @Override public Set<SessionTrackingMode> getDefaultSessionTrackingModes() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public Set<SessionTrackingMode> getEffectiveSessionTrackingModes() { return sessionTrackingModes; } @Override public void addListener(String className) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public <T extends EventListener> void addListener(T t) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public void addListener(Class<? extends EventListener> listenerClass) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public <T extends EventListener> T createListener(Class<T> c) throws ServletException { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public JspConfigDescriptor getJspConfigDescriptor() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } @Override public void declareRoles(String... roleNames) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } }