/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package javax.el; import java.beans.FeatureDescriptor; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.apache.jasper.el.ELContextImpl; public class TestMapELResolver { /** * Tests that a null context results in an NPE as per EL Javadoc. */ @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testGetType01() { MapELResolver mapELResolver = new MapELResolver(); mapELResolver.getType(null, new Object(), new Object()); } /** * Tests that a valid property is not resolved if base is not Map. */ @Test public void testGetType02() { doNegativeTest(new Object(), new Object(), MethodUnderTest.GET_TYPE, true); } /** * Tests that a valid property is resolved. */ @Test public void testGetType03() { MapELResolver mapELResolver = new MapELResolver(); ELContext context = new ELContextImpl(); Class<?> result = mapELResolver.getType(context, new HashMap<Object, Object>(), "test"); Assert.assertEquals(Object.class, result); Assert.assertTrue(context.isPropertyResolved()); } /** * Tests that a null context results in an NPE as per EL Javadoc. */ @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testGetValue01() { MapELResolver mapELResolver = new MapELResolver(); mapELResolver.getValue(null, new Object(), new Object()); } /** * Tests that a valid property is not resolved if base is not Map. */ @Test public void testGetValue02() { doNegativeTest(new Object(), new Object(), MethodUnderTest.GET_VALUE, true); } /** * Tests that a valid property is resolved. */ @Test public void testGetValue03() { MapELResolver mapELResolver = new MapELResolver(); ELContext context = new ELContextImpl(); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("key", "value"); Object result = mapELResolver.getValue(context, map, "key"); Assert.assertEquals("value", result); Assert.assertTrue(context.isPropertyResolved()); result = mapELResolver.getValue(context, map, "unknown-key"); Assert.assertNull(result); Assert.assertTrue(context.isPropertyResolved()); } /** * Tests that a null context results in an NPE as per EL Javadoc. */ @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testSetValue01() { MapELResolver mapELResolver = new MapELResolver(); mapELResolver.setValue(null, new Object(), new Object(), new Object()); } /** * Tests that a valid property is not set if base is not Map. */ @Test public void testSetValue02() { doNegativeTest(new Object(), new Object(), MethodUnderTest.SET_VALUE, false); } /** * Tests that an exception is thrown when readOnly is true. */ @Test(expected = PropertyNotWritableException.class) public void testSetValue03() { MapELResolver mapELResolver = new MapELResolver(true); ELContext context = new ELContextImpl(); mapELResolver.setValue(context, new HashMap<Object, Object>(), new Object(), new Object()); } /** * Tests that a valid property is set. */ @Test public void testSetValue04() { MapELResolver mapELResolver = new MapELResolver(); ELContext context = new ELContextImpl(); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); mapELResolver.setValue(context, map, "key", "value"); Assert.assertEquals("value", mapELResolver.getValue(context, map, "key")); Assert.assertTrue(context.isPropertyResolved()); } /** * Tests that an exception is thrown when the map is not modifiable. */ @Test(expected = PropertyNotWritableException.class) public void testSetValue05() { MapELResolver mapELResolver = new MapELResolver(); ELContext context = new ELContextImpl(); Map<Object, Object> map = Collections .unmodifiableMap(new HashMap<Object, Object>()); mapELResolver.setValue(context, map, "key", "value"); } /** * Tests that a null context results in an NPE as per EL Javadoc. */ @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testIsReadOnly01() { MapELResolver mapELResolver = new MapELResolver(); mapELResolver.isReadOnly(null, new Object(), new Object()); } /** * Tests that the propertyResolved is false if base is not Map. */ @Test public void testIsReadOnly02() { MapELResolver mapELResolver = new MapELResolver(); ELContext context = new ELContextImpl(); boolean result = mapELResolver.isReadOnly(context, new Object(), new Object()); Assert.assertFalse(result); Assert.assertFalse(context.isPropertyResolved()); mapELResolver = new MapELResolver(true); result = mapELResolver.isReadOnly(context, new Object(), new Object()); Assert.assertTrue(result); Assert.assertFalse(context.isPropertyResolved()); } /** * Tests that if the MapELResolver is constructed with readOnly the method * will return always true, otherwise false. */ @Test public void testIsReadOnly03() { MapELResolver mapELResolver = new MapELResolver(); ELContext context = new ELContextImpl(); boolean result = mapELResolver.isReadOnly(context, new HashMap<Object, Object>(), new Object()); Assert.assertFalse(result); Assert.assertTrue(context.isPropertyResolved()); mapELResolver = new MapELResolver(true); result = mapELResolver.isReadOnly(context, new HashMap<Object, Object>(), new Object()); Assert.assertTrue(result); Assert.assertTrue(context.isPropertyResolved()); } /** * Tests that the readOnly is true always when the map is not modifiable. */ @Test public void testIsReadOnly04() { MapELResolver mapELResolver = new MapELResolver(); ELContext context = new ELContextImpl(); Map<Object, Object> map = Collections .unmodifiableMap(new HashMap<Object, Object>()); boolean result = mapELResolver.isReadOnly(context, map, new Object()); Assert.assertTrue(result); Assert.assertTrue(context.isPropertyResolved()); } /** * Tests that a valid FeatureDescriptors are not returned if base is not * Map. */ @Test public void testGetFeatureDescriptors01() { MapELResolver mapELResolver = new MapELResolver(); ELContext context = new ELContextImpl(); Iterator<FeatureDescriptor> result = mapELResolver .getFeatureDescriptors(context, new Object()); Assert.assertNull(result); } /** * Tests that a valid FeatureDescriptors are returned. */ @Test public void testGetFeatureDescriptors02() { MapELResolver mapELResolver = new MapELResolver(); ELContext context = new ELContextImpl(); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("key", "value"); Iterator<FeatureDescriptor> result = mapELResolver .getFeatureDescriptors(context, map); while (result.hasNext()) { FeatureDescriptor featureDescriptor = result.next(); Assert.assertEquals("key", featureDescriptor.getDisplayName()); Assert.assertEquals("key", featureDescriptor.getName()); Assert.assertEquals("", featureDescriptor.getShortDescription()); Assert.assertFalse(featureDescriptor.isExpert()); Assert.assertFalse(featureDescriptor.isHidden()); Assert.assertTrue(featureDescriptor.isPreferred()); Assert.assertEquals("key".getClass(), featureDescriptor.getValue(ELResolver.TYPE)); Assert.assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, featureDescriptor .getValue(ELResolver.RESOLVABLE_AT_DESIGN_TIME)); } } private void doNegativeTest(Object base, Object trigger, MethodUnderTest method, boolean checkResult) { MapELResolver resolver = new MapELResolver(); ELContext context = new ELContextImpl(); Object result = null; switch (method) { case GET_VALUE: { result = resolver.getValue(context, base, trigger); break; } case SET_VALUE: { resolver.setValue(context, base, trigger, new Object()); break; } case GET_TYPE: { result = resolver.getType(context, base, trigger); break; } default: { // Should never happen Assert.fail("Missing case for method"); } } if (checkResult) { Assert.assertNull(result); } Assert.assertFalse(context.isPropertyResolved()); } private static enum MethodUnderTest { GET_VALUE, SET_VALUE, GET_TYPE } }