package edu.isi.karma.modeling.research.graphmatching.xml; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; import edu.isi.karma.modeling.research.graphmatching.nanoxml.XMLElement; import edu.isi.karma.modeling.research.graphmatching.util.Edge; import edu.isi.karma.modeling.research.graphmatching.util.Graph; import edu.isi.karma.modeling.research.graphmatching.util.GraphSet; import edu.isi.karma.modeling.research.graphmatching.util.Node; public class XMLParser { /** the path to the graph sets*/ private String graphPath; public void setGraphPath(String graphPath) { this.graphPath = graphPath; } /** * @return a graph set with * @param filename * @throws Exception */ public GraphSet parseCXL(String filename) throws Exception { XMLElement xml = new XMLElement(); FileReader reader = new FileReader(filename); xml.parseFromReader(reader); GraphSet graphSet = new GraphSet(); Vector<XMLElement> children = xml.getChildren(); XMLElement root = children.get(0); Enumeration<XMLElement> enumerator = root.enumerateChildren(); int i = 1; while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) { XMLElement child = enumerator.nextElement(); Graph g = this.parseGXL(this.graphPath + child.getAttribute("file", null)+""); g.setClassName((String) child.getAttribute("class", "NO_CLASS")); graphSet.add(g); } return graphSet; } /** * @return a graph with * @param filename * @throws Exception */ public Graph parseGXL(String filename) throws Exception { XMLElement xml = new XMLElement(); FileReader reader = new FileReader(filename); xml.parseFromReader(reader); reader.close(); Graph graph1 = new Graph(); Vector children = xml.getChildren(); XMLElement root = (XMLElement) children.get(0); String id = (String) root.getAttribute("id", null); String edgemode = (String) root.getAttribute("edgemode", "undirected"); graph1.setGraphID(id); if (edgemode.equals("undirected")){ graph1.setDirected(false); } else { graph1.setDirected(true); } Enumeration enumerator = root.enumerateChildren(); int n = 0; while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) { XMLElement child = (XMLElement) enumerator.nextElement(); if (child.getName().equals("node")) { String nodeId = (String) (child.getAttribute("id", null)); Node node = new Node(); node.setNodeID(nodeId); Enumeration enum1 = child.enumerateChildren(); while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) { XMLElement child1 = (XMLElement) enum1.nextElement(); if (child1.getName().equals("attr")) { String key = (String) child1.getAttribute("name", null); Vector children2 = child1.getChildren(); XMLElement child2 = (XMLElement) children2.get(0); String value = child2.getContent(); node.put(key, value); } } graph1.add(node); n++; } } Edge[][] edges = new Edge[n][n]; graph1.setAdjacenyMatrix(edges); enumerator = root.enumerateChildren(); while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) { XMLElement child = (XMLElement) enumerator.nextElement(); if (child.getName().equals("edge")) { Edge edge = new Edge(); String from = (String) child.getAttribute("from", null); String to = (String) child.getAttribute("to", null); edge.put("from", from); edge.put("to", to); edge.setEdgeID(from + "_<>" + to); // ******************************* Enumeration enum1 = child.enumerateChildren(); while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) { XMLElement child1 = (XMLElement) enum1.nextElement(); if (child1.getName().equals("attr")) { String key = (String) child1.getAttribute("name", "key failed!"); Vector children2 = child1.getChildren(); XMLElement child2 = (XMLElement) children2.get(0); String value = child2.getContent(); edge.put(key, value); } } for (int i = 0; i < graph1.size(); i++){ Node nodeI = graph1.get(i); if (nodeI.getNodeID().equals(from)) { edge.setStartNode(nodeI); nodeI.getEdges().add(edge); for (int j = 0; j < graph1.size(); j++){ Node nodeJ = graph1.get(j); if (nodeJ.getNodeID().equals(to)) { edge.setEndNode(nodeJ); nodeJ.getEdges().add(edge); edges[i][j] = edge; if (!graph1.isDirected()){ edges[j][i] = edge; } } } } } } } return graph1; } /** * @return a graph with * @param filename * @throws Exception */ public Graph parseGXLFromString(String graph) throws Exception { XMLElement xml = new XMLElement(); xml.parseString(graph); Graph graph1 = new Graph(); Vector children = xml.getChildren(); XMLElement root = (XMLElement) children.get(0); String id = (String) root.getAttribute("id", null); String edgemode = (String) root.getAttribute("edgemode", "undirected"); graph1.setGraphID(id); if (edgemode.equals("undirected")){ graph1.setDirected(false); } else { graph1.setDirected(true); } Enumeration enumerator = root.enumerateChildren(); int n = 0; while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) { XMLElement child = (XMLElement) enumerator.nextElement(); if (child.getName().equals("node")) { String nodeId = (String) (child.getAttribute("id", null)); Node node = new Node(); node.setNodeID(nodeId); Enumeration enum1 = child.enumerateChildren(); while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) { XMLElement child1 = (XMLElement) enum1.nextElement(); if (child1.getName().equals("attr")) { String key = (String) child1.getAttribute("name", null); Vector children2 = child1.getChildren(); XMLElement child2 = (XMLElement) children2.get(0); String value = child2.getContent(); node.put(key, value); } } graph1.add(node); n++; } } Edge[][] edges = new Edge[n][n]; graph1.setAdjacenyMatrix(edges); enumerator = root.enumerateChildren(); while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) { XMLElement child = (XMLElement) enumerator.nextElement(); if (child.getName().equals("edge")) { Edge edge = new Edge(); String from = (String) child.getAttribute("from", null); String to = (String) child.getAttribute("to", null); edge.put("from", from); edge.put("to", to); edge.setEdgeID(from + "_<>" + to); // ******************************* Enumeration enum1 = child.enumerateChildren(); while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) { XMLElement child1 = (XMLElement) enum1.nextElement(); if (child1.getName().equals("attr")) { String key = (String) child1.getAttribute("name", "key failed!"); Vector children2 = child1.getChildren(); XMLElement child2 = (XMLElement) children2.get(0); String value = child2.getContent(); edge.put(key, value); } } for (int i = 0; i < graph1.size(); i++){ Node nodeI = graph1.get(i); if (nodeI.getNodeID().equals(from)) { edge.setStartNode(nodeI); nodeI.getEdges().add(edge); for (int j = 0; j < graph1.size(); j++){ Node nodeJ = graph1.get(j); if (nodeJ.getNodeID().equals(to)) { edge.setEndNode(nodeJ); nodeJ.getEdges().add(edge); edges[i][j] = edge; if (!graph1.isDirected()){ edges[j][i] = edge; } } } } } } } return graph1; } }