package; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Vector; public class Segment implements GrammarTreeNode { public Vector<Section> section = new Vector<Section>(); public static int cxtsize_limit = 2; public static int time_limit = 5; public String tarString = ""; public static final String LEFTPOS = "leftpos"; public static final String RIGHTPOS = "rightpos"; public static final int CONST = -1; public static final int UNDFN = -2; public int start = 0; // start position in tarNodes public int end = 0; // end position in tarNodes public Vector<int[]> mappings; // corresponding areas in org public boolean isinloop = false; public Vector<TNode> constNodes = new Vector<TNode>(); public String repString = ""; private int curState = -1; public Vector<String> segStrings = new Vector<String>(); public int VersionSP_size = 0; public Segment(Vector<TNode> cont) { constNodes = cont; createTotalOrderVector(); } public Segment(int start, int end, Vector<TNode> cont) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.constNodes = cont; this.createTotalOrderVector(); } public Segment(Vector<Section> sections,boolean loop) { this.section = sections; this.isinloop = loop; this.createTotalOrderVector(); } public Segment(int start, int end, Vector<int[]> mapping,Vector<TNode> orgNodes,Vector<TNode> tarNodes) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.mappings = mapping; for(int i = start; i<end; i++) { tarString += tarNodes.get(i).text; } initSections(orgNodes); repString = ""; if(tarNodes.size() == 0) { repString += "EMPTY"; } else { repString += tarNodes.get(this.start).getType(); if(end >start+1) repString += tarNodes.get(this.end-1).getType(); } this.createTotalOrderVector(); } /* public void setSections(Vector<Position[]> sections) { Vector<Section> s = new Vector<Section>(); for(Position[] p:sections) { Section sx = new Section(p,this.isinloop); s.add(sx); } this.section = s; this.createTotalOrderVector(); }*/ public Vector<TNode> getLeftCxt(int c, Vector<TNode> x) { int i = Segment.cxtsize_limit; Vector<TNode> res = new Vector<TNode>(); while(i>0) { if((c-i)<0) { i--; continue; } res.add(x.get(c-i)); i--; } return res; } public Vector<TNode> getRightCxt(int c, Vector<TNode> x) { int i = 0; Vector<TNode> res = new Vector<TNode>(); while(i<Segment.cxtsize_limit) { if((c+i)>=x.size()) break; res.add(x.get(c+i)); i++; } return res; } //if valid segment reture the first program //else reture "null" public String verifySpace() { String ruleString = "null"; if(this.isConstSegment()) { String mdString = ""; for(TNode t:this.constNodes) { mdString += t.text; } mdString = "\'"+mdString+"\'"; return mdString; } long seg_time_limit = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(Section s:this.section) { if((System.currentTimeMillis()-seg_time_limit)/1000>time_limit*1.0/2) { return "null"; } s.isinloop = this.isinloop; ruleString = s.verifySpace(); if(ruleString.indexOf("null")== -1) { return ruleString; } } return ruleString; } // public void initSections(Vector<TNode> orgNodes) { for (int[] elem: mappings) { int s = elem[0]; int e = elem[1]; //record the data Vector<String> orgStrings = new Vector<String>(); Vector<String> tarStrings = new Vector<String>(); String org = ""; for(int i = 0; i<orgNodes.size(); i++) { org += orgNodes.get(i).text; } orgStrings.add(org); tarStrings.add(tarString); //create the startPosition Vector<Integer> sset = new Vector<Integer>(); sset = UtilTools.getStringPos(s, orgNodes); Vector<String> tars = new Vector<String>(); tars.add(sset.get(0).toString()); Position sPosition = new Position(sset, getLeftCxt(s, orgNodes), getRightCxt(s, orgNodes),orgStrings,tars,this.isinloop); sPosition.isinloop = this.isinloop; //create the endPosition Vector<Integer> eset = new Vector<Integer>(); eset = UtilTools.getStringPos(e, orgNodes); Vector<String> tars1 = new Vector<String>(); tars1.add(eset.get(0).toString()); Position ePosition = new Position(eset, getLeftCxt(e, orgNodes), getRightCxt(e, orgNodes),orgStrings,tars1,this.isinloop); ePosition.isinloop = this.isinloop; if(sPosition != null && ePosition !=null) { Position[] pair = {sPosition,ePosition}; Section xsec = new Section(pair,orgStrings,tarStrings,isinloop); section.add(xsec); } } } public void setinLoop(boolean res) { this.isinloop = res; for(Section pair:section) { pair.isinloop = res; } } public void setCnt(Vector<TNode> cnst) { for(TNode t:cnst) { constNodes.add(t); } } public boolean isConstSegment() { if(this.constNodes.size() >0) { return true; } else { return false; } } public Segment mergewith(Segment s) { if(this.isConstSegment()) { if(s.isConstSegment()) { if(this.constNodes.size() != s.constNodes.size()) { return null; } else { for(int i = 0; i< this.constNodes.size();i++) { if(!this.constNodes.get(i).sameNode(s.constNodes.get(i))) { return null; } } } } else { return null; } Segment res = new Segment(0,0,this.constNodes); return res; } //merge the position HashSet<String> uniqueKeys = new HashSet<String>(); Vector<Section> newSections = new Vector<Section>(); for(Section x:this.section) { for(Section y:s.section) { GrammarTreeNode zSection = x.mergewith(y); if(zSection!=null ) { String ukey = zSection.toString(); if(!uniqueKeys.contains(ukey)) { newSections.add((Section)zSection); uniqueKeys.add(ukey); } } } } if(newSections.size() ==0) return null; boolean loop = this.isinloop || s.isinloop; Segment res = new Segment(newSections,loop); return res; } public String getrepString() { if(this.constNodes.size()>0 && this.repString.length()==0 ) { repString = UtilTools.print(this.constNodes); return repString; } else { return this.repString; } } public String toString() { if(this.isConstSegment()) { return "<"+this.constNodes+">"; } else { String s = "<"; if(this.isinloop) { s += "loop"; } for(Section x:this.section) { s += x.pair[0]+","+x.pair[1]; } s += ">"; return s; } } private double score = 0.0; public double getScore() { double r = score; this.score = 0.0; return r; } public Vector<Integer> rules = new Vector<Integer>(); public void createTotalOrderVector() { SortedMap<Double,Vector<Integer>> xmap = new TreeMap<Double, Vector<Integer>>(); for(int i=0; i< section.size(); i++) { Double double1 = 0.0; //reverse the order to get higher values sorted in front double1 += section.get(i).getScore(); double key = double1; if(xmap.containsKey(key)) { xmap.get(key).add(i); } else { Vector<Integer> vi = new Vector<Integer>(); vi.add(i); xmap.put(key, vi); } } while(!xmap.isEmpty()) { Double x = xmap.firstKey(); Vector<Integer> v = xmap.get(x); //add the vth pair's rules for(Integer e:v) { rules.add(e); } xmap.remove(x); } // String mdString = ""; // if(this.isConstSegment()) // { // for(TNode t:this.constNodes) // { // mdString += t.text; // } // //mdString= UtilTools.escape(mdString); // mdString = "\'"+mdString+"\'"; // rules.add(mdString); // } rules.add(-1); for(Section s:section) { this.VersionSP_size += s.size(); } this.VersionSP_size ++; // constant segment } public long size() { return this.VersionSP_size; } public void emptyState() { this.curState = 0; for(Section s:section) { s.emptyState(); } } public String toProgram() { if(curState >=rules.size()) { return "null"; } String s = "null"; while(curState<rules.size() && s.contains("null")) { s = section.get(rules.get(curState)).toProgram(); if(s.contains("null")) curState ++; } return s; } public GrammarTreeNode mergewith(GrammarTreeNode a) { GrammarTreeNode s; if(a.getNodeType().compareTo("loop")==0) { Loop p = (Loop)a; s = p.mergewith(this); return s; } else { s = this.mergewith((Segment)a); return s; } } public String getRule(long index) { if(index>=this.size() || index <0) { return "null"; } else { for(int i = 0; i<rules.size(); i++) { if(rules.get(i) == -1) { String mdString = ""; if(this.isConstSegment()) { for(TNode t:this.constNodes) { mdString += t.text; } mdString = "\'"+mdString+"\'"; return mdString; } else { return "null"; } } if(index< section.get(rules.get(i)).size()) { section.get(rules.get(i)).isinloop = this.isinloop; return section.get(rules.get(i)).getRule(index); } else { index = (index - section.get(rules.get(i)).size()); } } return "null"; } } public String getNodeType() { return "segment"; } }