package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Vector; public class ProgSynthesis { public static int time_limit = 20; Vector<Vector<TNode>> orgVector = new Vector<Vector<TNode>>(); Vector<Vector<TNode>> tarVector = new Vector<Vector<TNode>>(); String bestRuleString = ""; // for tracking the stats public long learnspan = 0; public long genspan = 0; public long ruleNo = 0; public PartitionClassifierType classifier; public void inite(Vector<String[]> examples) { for (int i = 0; i < examples.size(); i++) { Ruler r = new Ruler(); r.setNewInput(examples.get(i)[0]); orgVector.add(r.vec); Ruler r1 = new Ruler(); r1.setNewInput(examples.get(i)[1]); tarVector.add(r1.vec); } } public Vector<Vector<Integer>> generateCrossIndex(Vector<Integer> poss, Vector<Vector<Integer>> p, int index) { Vector<Vector<Integer>> qVector = new Vector<Vector<Integer>>(); if (index >= poss.size()) { return p; } int curleng = poss.get(index); if (p.size() == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < curleng; i++) { Vector<Integer> x = new Vector<Integer>(); x.add(i); qVector.add(x); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < p.size(); j++) { for (int i = 0; i < curleng; i++) { Vector<Integer> x = (Vector<Integer>) p.get(j).clone(); x.add(i); qVector.add(x); } } } qVector = generateCrossIndex(poss, qVector, index + 1); return qVector; } public double getCompScore(int i, int j, Vector<Partition> pars) { Partition p = pars.get(i).mergewith(pars.get(j)); if (p == null) { return -Double.MAX_VALUE; } int validCnt = 0; for (int x = 0; x < pars.size(); x++) { if (x == i || x == j) { continue; } Partition q = p.mergewith(pars.get(x)); if (q != null) { validCnt++; } } return validCnt; } public Vector<Partition> initePartitions() { Vector<Partition> pars = new Vector<Partition>(); // inite partition for each example for (int i = 0; i < orgVector.size(); i++) { Vector<Vector<TNode>> ovt = new Vector<Vector<TNode>>(); Vector<Vector<TNode>> tvt = new Vector<Vector<TNode>>(); ovt.add(this.orgVector.get(i)); tvt.add(this.tarVector.get(i)); Partition pt = new Partition(ovt, tvt); pars.add(pt); } return pars; } public void mergePartitions(Vector<Partition> pars) { double maxScore = 0; int[] pos = { -1, -1 }; for (int i = 0; i < pars.size(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < pars.size(); j++) { double s = getCompScore(i, j, pars); if (s < 0) { continue; } if (s >= maxScore) { pos[0] = i; pos[1] = j; maxScore = s; } } } if (pos[0] != -1 && pos[1] != -1) UpdatePartitions(pos[0], pos[1], pars); } public void UpdatePartitions(int i, int j, Vector<Partition> pars) { Partition p = pars.get(i).mergewith(pars.get(j)); pars.set(i, p); pars.remove(j); } public String getBestRule() { return this.bestRuleString; } public Vector<Partition> ProducePartitions(boolean condense) { Vector<Partition> pars = this.initePartitions(); int size = pars.size(); while (condense) { this.mergePartitions(pars); if (size == pars.size()) { break; } else { size = pars.size(); } } return pars; } public Collection<ProgramRule> producePrograms(Vector<Partition> pars) { Program prog = new Program(pars); HashSet<ProgramRule> rules = new HashSet<ProgramRule>(); int prog_cnt = 1; int i = 0; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (i < prog_cnt) { ProgramRule r = prog.toProgram1(); if (r == null) return null; String xString = ""; int termCnt = 0; boolean findRule = true; while ((xString = this.validRule(r,pars)) != "GOOD" && findRule) { if(xString.compareTo("NO_CLASIF")==0) { return null; // indistinguishable classes. } if (termCnt == 10) { termCnt = 0; if((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)/1000 >= time_limit) { findRule = false; break; } } for (Partition p : prog.partitions) { if (p.label.compareTo(xString) == 0) { String newRule = p.toProgram(); if (ConfigParameters.debug == 1) System.out.println("updated Rule: " + p.label + ": " + newRule); if (newRule.contains("null")) { findRule = false; break; } r.updateClassworker(xString, newRule); } } termCnt++; } if (findRule) rules.add(r); this.ruleNo += termCnt; // accumulate the no of rules while the i++; } return rules; } public Collection<ProgramRule> run_main() { long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); Vector<Partition> vp = this.ProducePartitions(true); long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); Collection<ProgramRule> cpr = this.producePrograms(vp); long t3 = System.currentTimeMillis(); learnspan = (t2 - t1); genspan = (t3 - t2); if (cpr == null || cpr.size() == 0 ) { t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); vp = this.ProducePartitions(false); t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); cpr = this.producePrograms(vp); t3 = System.currentTimeMillis(); learnspan += t2 - t1; genspan += t3 - t2; } Traces.AllSegs.clear(); return cpr; } public String validRule(ProgramRule p,Vector<Partition> vp) { for(Partition px:vp) { for (int i = 0; i < px.orgNodes.size(); i++) { String s1 = UtilTools.print(px.orgNodes.get(i)); String labelString = p.getClassForValue(s1); if(labelString.compareTo(px.label)!=0) { return "NO_CLASIF"; } InterpreterType worker = p.getWorkerForClass(labelString); String s2 = worker.execute(s1); String s3 = UtilTools.print(px.tarNodes.get(i)); if (s3.compareTo(s2) != 0) { return labelString; } } } return "GOOD"; } }