package edu.isi.karma.modeling.research.graphmatching.util; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Properties; public class ResultPrinter { /** * where the results are printed */ private String resultFolder; /** * the filename and path of the source and target graph sets */ private String source; private String target; /** * the decimalformat for the editdistances found */ private DecimalFormat decFormat; /** * the properties defined via GUI or properties file */ private Properties properties; /** * constructs a ResultPrinter * @param resultFolder * @param properties */ public ResultPrinter(String resultFolder, Properties properties) { this.resultFolder = resultFolder; = properties; String s ="source"); String[] sarray = s.split("/"); this.source = sarray[sarray.length-1]; String t ="target"); String[] tarray = t.split("/"); = tarray[tarray.length-1]; } /**prints out the properties and the distance-matrix @param d * in the resultFolder */ public void printResult(double[][] d) { this.decFormat = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat .getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH); this.decFormat.applyPattern("0.00000"); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss"); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); String resultName = this.resultFolder+this.source+"_""_"+dateFormat.format(cal.getTime())+".txt"; PrintWriter out; try { out = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(resultName)); out.println("*** The properties of the matching ***\n"); out.println("Source graph set:\t""source")+" ("+d.length+" graphs)"); out.println("Target graph set:\t""target")+" ("+d[0].length+" graphs)\n"); out.print("Graph edit distance procedure:\t""matching")+"\n"); if ("matching").equals("Beam")){ out.println("s = "+ Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty("s"))+"\n"); } int undirected = Integer .parseInt(properties.getProperty("undirected")); out.print("Edge mode:\t\t"); if (undirected == 1){ out.println("undirected\n"); } else { out.println("directed\n");; } out.println("Cost for node deletion/insertion:\t""node")); out.println("Cost for edge deletion/insertion:\t""edge")+"\n"); out.println("Alpha weighting factor between node and edge costs:\t""alpha")+"\n"); int numOfNodeAttr = Integer.parseInt(properties .getProperty("numOfNodeAttr")); int numOfEdgeAttr = Integer.parseInt(properties .getProperty("numOfEdgeAttr")); for (int i = 0; i < numOfNodeAttr; i++) { out.print("Node attribute "+i+":\t"+ properties.getProperty("nodeAttr" + i)+";\t"); out.print("Cost function:\t"+properties.getProperty("nodeCostType" + i)+";\t"); if (properties.getProperty("nodeCostType" + i).equals("discrete")){ out.print("mu = "+properties.getProperty("nodeCostMu" + i)+" nu = "+properties.getProperty("nodeCostNu" + i)+";\t"); } out.println("Soft factor:\t"+properties.getProperty("nodeAttr" + i + "Importance")); } if (numOfNodeAttr==0){ out.println("No attributes for nodes defined"); } out.println(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfEdgeAttr; i++) { out.print("Edge Attribute "+i+":\t"+ properties.getProperty("edgeAttr" + i)+";\t"); out.print("Cost Function:\t"+properties.getProperty("edgeCostType" + i)+";\t"); out.println("Soft Factor:\t"+properties.getProperty("edgeAttr" + i + "Importance")); } if (numOfEdgeAttr==0){ out.println("No attributes for edges defined"); } out.println(); double squareRootNodeCosts = Double.parseDouble(properties .getProperty("pNode")); int multiplyNodeCosts = Integer.parseInt(properties .getProperty("multiplyNodeCosts")); double squareRootEdgeCosts = Double.parseDouble(properties .getProperty("pEdge")); int multiplyEdgeCosts = Integer.parseInt(properties .getProperty("multiplyEdgeCosts")); if (multiplyNodeCosts==1){ out.println("Individual node costs are multiplied"); } else { out.println("Individual node costs are added"); } if (multiplyEdgeCosts==1){ out.println("Individual edge costs are multiplied"); } else { out.println("Individual edge costs are added"); } System.out.println(); out.println("(Combined node cost)^(1/"+squareRootNodeCosts+")"); out.println("(Combined edge cost)^(1/"+squareRootEdgeCosts+")"); int simKernel=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty("simKernel")); switch (simKernel){ case 0: out.println("\n*** The distance matrix ***\n"); break; case 1: out.println("\n*** The similarity matrix (-d^2) ***\n");break; case 2: out.println("\n*** The similarity matrix (-d) ***\n");break; case 3: out.println("\n*** The similarity matrix tanh(-d) ***\n");break; case 4: out.println("\n*** The similarity matrix exp(-d) ***\n");break; } for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < d[0].length; j++){ out.print(decFormat.format(d[i][j])); if (j+1 < d[0].length){ out.print(","); } } out.println(); } out.flush(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }