package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; public class Traces implements GrammarTreeNode { public static int time_limit = 20; public Vector<TNode> orgNodes; public Vector<TNode> tarNodes; public HashMap<Integer, Template> traceline = new HashMap<Integer, Template>(); public HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String,Template>> loopline = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String,Template>>(); private int curState = 0; private Vector<Template> totalOrderVector = new Vector<Template>(); //keep all the segment expression to prevent repeated construction public static HashMap<String, Segment> AllSegs = new HashMap<String, Segment>(); public Traces(Vector<TNode> org, Vector<TNode> tar) { this.orgNodes = org; this.tarNodes = tar; this.createTraces(); createTotalOrderVector(); } public void createTotalOrderVector() { ArrayList<Integer> xArrayList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); xArrayList.addAll(traceline.keySet()); xArrayList.addAll(loopline.keySet()); Integer[] a = new Integer[xArrayList.size()]; Arrays.sort(xArrayList.toArray(a)); for (Integer elem : a) { if (loopline.get(elem) != null) { totalOrderVector.addAll(loopline.get(elem).values()); } if (traceline.get(elem) != null) { totalOrderVector.add(traceline.get(elem)); } } } public Traces(HashMap<Integer, Template> t, HashMap<Integer,HashMap<String, Template>> l) { this.traceline = t; this.loopline = l; createTotalOrderVector(); } // initialize the tree to represent the grammar tree public void createTraces() { Vector<Vector<Segment>> lines = new Vector<Vector<Segment>>(); HashMap<Integer, Vector<Segment>> pos2Segs = new HashMap<Integer, Vector<Segment>>(); Vector<Segment> children = findSegs(0); Vector<Vector<Segment>> tlines = new Vector<Vector<Segment>>(); for (Segment c : children) { Vector<Segment> vs = new Vector<Segment>(); vs.add(c); tlines.add(vs); } long stime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // find all possible segments starting from a position while (tlines.size() > 0) { if((System.currentTimeMillis()-stime)/1000>time_limit) { //System.out.println("Exceed the time limit"); lines.clear(); break; // otherwise takes too much time } Vector<Vector<Segment>> nlines = new Vector<Vector<Segment>>(); Vector<Segment> segs = tlines.remove(0); int curPos = segs.get(segs.size() - 1).end; if(curPos == 0) // target string is empty { lines.add(segs); break; } if (pos2Segs.containsKey(curPos)) children = pos2Segs.get(curPos); else { children = findSegs(curPos); } if (children == null || children.size() == 0) { lines.add(segs); } for (Segment s : children) { Vector<Segment> tmp = new Vector<Segment>(); tmp.addAll(segs); tmp.add(s); nlines.add(tmp); } tlines.addAll(nlines); } Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>> vSeg = new Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>>(); Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>> lSeg = new Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>>(); for (Vector<Segment> vs : lines) { Vector<GrammarTreeNode> vsGrammarTreeNodes = UtilTools .convertSegVector(vs); vSeg.add(vsGrammarTreeNodes); } // detect loops // verify loops long vgt_time_limit = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Vector<Segment> vgt : lines) { if((System.currentTimeMillis()-vgt_time_limit)/1000>time_limit) { break; // otherwise takes too much time } Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>> lLine = this.genLoop(vgt); if (lLine != null) lSeg.addAll(lLine); } // consolidate this.traceline = consolidateDiffSize(vSeg); this.loopline = consolidateDiffLoop(lSeg); } // find all segments starting from pos Vector<Segment> findSegs(int pos) { Vector<Segment> segs = new Vector<Segment>(); if(tarNodes.size() == 0) { int[] mapping = {0,0}; Vector<int[]> corrm = new Vector<int[]>(); corrm.add(mapping); Segment s = new Segment(0, 0, corrm, orgNodes, tarNodes); segs.add(s); return segs; } if (pos >= tarNodes.size()) return segs; Vector<TNode> tmp = new Vector<TNode>(); tmp.add(tarNodes.get(pos)); // identify the const string int q = Ruler.Search(orgNodes, tmp, 0); if (q == -1) { int cnt = pos; Vector<TNode> tvec = new Vector<TNode>(); while (q == -1) { tvec.add(tarNodes.get(cnt)); cnt++; tmp.clear(); if(cnt >= tarNodes.size()) break; tmp.add(tarNodes.get(cnt)); q = Ruler.Search(orgNodes, tmp, 0); } String key = UtilTools.print(this.tarNodes)+pos+cnt; Segment seg; if(AllSegs.containsKey(key)) { seg = AllSegs.get(key); } else { seg = new Segment(pos,cnt,tvec); AllSegs.put(key, seg); } segs.add(seg); return segs; } for (int i = pos; i < tarNodes.size(); i++) { Vector<TNode> tvec = new Vector<TNode>(); for (int j = pos; j <= i; j++) { tvec.add(tarNodes.get(j)); } Vector<Integer> mappings = new Vector<Integer>(); int r = Ruler.Search(orgNodes, tvec, 0); while (r != -1) { mappings.add(r); r = Ruler.Search(orgNodes, tvec, r + 1); } if (mappings.size() > 1) { Vector<int[]> corrm = new Vector<int[]>(); for (int t : mappings) { int[] m = { t, t + tvec.size() }; corrm.add(m); } // create a segment now String key = UtilTools.print(this.tarNodes)+pos+(i+1); Segment s; if(AllSegs.containsKey(key)) { s = AllSegs.get(key); } else { s = new Segment(pos, i + 1, corrm, orgNodes, tarNodes); AllSegs.put(key, s); } if(s.section.size() >0) segs.add(s); continue; } else if (mappings.size() == 1) { Vector<int[]> corrm = new Vector<int[]>(); // creating based on whether can find segment with one more // token if (i >= (tarNodes.size() - 1)) { int[] m = { mappings.get(0), mappings.get(0) + tvec.size() }; corrm.add(m); String key = UtilTools.print(this.tarNodes)+pos+(i+1); Segment s; if(AllSegs.containsKey(key)) { s = AllSegs.get(key); } else { s = new Segment(pos, i + 1, corrm, orgNodes, tarNodes); AllSegs.put(key, s); } if(s.section.size() >0) segs.add(s); } else { tvec.add(tarNodes.get(i + 1)); int p = Ruler.Search(orgNodes, tvec, 0); Vector<TNode> repToken = new Vector<TNode>(); repToken.add(tarNodes.get(i+1)); int rind = 0; int tokenCnt = 0; while ((rind=Ruler.Search(orgNodes, repToken, rind))!=-1) { rind++; tokenCnt++; } if (p == -1 ||(tokenCnt>1 && tarNodes.get(i + 1).text.compareTo(" ")!=0)) { int[] m = { mappings.get(0), mappings.get(0) + tvec.size() - 1 }; corrm.add(m); String key = UtilTools.print(this.tarNodes)+pos+(i+1); Segment s; if(AllSegs.containsKey(key)) { s = AllSegs.get(key); } else { s = new Segment(pos, i + 1, corrm, orgNodes, tarNodes); AllSegs.put(key, s); } if(s.section.size() > 0) segs.add(s); } else { continue; } } } else { break; } } return segs; } public Traces mergewith(Traces t) { // merge segment lines Set<Integer> keyset = new HashSet<Integer>(this.traceline.keySet()); keyset.retainAll(t.traceline.keySet()); HashMap<Integer, Template> nLines = new HashMap<Integer, Template>(); HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String,Template>> lLines = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String,Template>>(); for (Integer index : keyset) { Template line1 = this.traceline.get(index); Template line2 = t.traceline.get(index); //System.out.println(""+line1+"\n"); //System.out.println(""+line2+"\n"); Template nLine = (Template)line1.mergewith(line2); if(nLine == null) continue; boolean isfind = true; nLines.put(index, nLine); } // merge loop and segment lines HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String,Vector<Template>>> allLoops = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String,Vector<Template>>>(); Set<Integer> keyset1 = new HashSet<Integer>(this.traceline.keySet()); keyset1.retainAll(t.loopline.keySet()); for (Integer index : keyset1) { Template line1 = this.traceline.get(index); Collection<String> line2s = t.loopline.get(index).keySet(); for(String line2:line2s) { //System.out.println(""+line1+"\n"); //System.out.println(""+t.loopline.get(index).get(line2)+"\n"); Template nLine = (Template)line1.mergewith(t.loopline.get(index).get(line2)); if(nLine == null) continue; if (allLoops.containsKey(index)) { if(allLoops.get(index).containsKey(line2)) { allLoops.get(index).get(line2).add(nLine); } else { Vector<Template> vTemplates = new Vector<Template>(); vTemplates.add(nLine); allLoops.get(index).put(line2, vTemplates); } } else { Vector<Template> tgt = new Vector<Template>(); tgt.add(nLine); HashMap<String, Vector<Template>> tHashMap = new HashMap<String, Vector<Template>>(); tHashMap.put(line2, tgt); allLoops.put(index,tHashMap); } } } // merge loop and segment keyset1 = new HashSet<Integer>(this.loopline.keySet()); keyset1.retainAll(t.traceline.keySet()); for (Integer index : keyset1) { Collection<String> line2s = this.loopline.get(index).keySet(); Template line1 = t.traceline.get(index); for(String line2:line2s) { //System.out.println(""+line1+"\n"); //System.out.println(""+this.loopline.get(index).get(line2)+"\n"); Template nLine = (Template)line1.mergewith(this.loopline.get(index).get(line2)); if(nLine == null) continue; if (allLoops.containsKey(index)) { if(allLoops.get(index).containsKey(line2)) { allLoops.get(index).get(line2).add(nLine); } else { Vector<Template> vTemplates = new Vector<Template>(); vTemplates.add(nLine); allLoops.get(index).put(line2, vTemplates); } } else { Vector<Template> tgt = new Vector<Template>(); tgt.add(nLine); HashMap<String, Vector<Template>> tHashMap = new HashMap<String, Vector<Template>>(); tHashMap.put(line2, tgt); allLoops.put(index,tHashMap); } } } // merge loop and loop keyset1 = new HashSet<Integer>(this.loopline.keySet()); keyset1.retainAll(t.loopline.keySet()); for (Integer index : keyset1) { Collection<String> line1s = this.loopline.get(index).keySet(); Collection<String> line2s = t.loopline.get(index).keySet(); for(String line1:line1s) { for(String line2:line2s) { if(line1.compareTo(line2)!=0) { continue; } //System.out.println(""+this.loopline.get(index).get(line1)+"\n"); //System.out.println(""+t.loopline.get(index).get(line2)+"\n"); Template nLine = (Template) this.loopline.get(index).get(line1).mergewith(t.loopline.get(index).get(line2)); if(nLine == null) continue; if (allLoops.containsKey(index)) { if(allLoops.get(index).containsKey(line2)) { allLoops.get(index).get(line2).add(nLine); } else { Vector<Template> vTemplates = new Vector<Template>(); vTemplates.add(nLine); allLoops.get(index).put(line2, vTemplates); } } else { Vector<Template> tgt = new Vector<Template>(); tgt.add(nLine); HashMap<String, Vector<Template>> tHashMap = new HashMap<String, Vector<Template>>(); tHashMap.put(line2, tgt); allLoops.put(index,tHashMap); } } } } for (Integer key : allLoops.keySet()) { for(String subkey:allLoops.get(key).keySet()) { Template xline = this.consolidate(allLoops.get(key).get(subkey)); if(lLines.containsKey(key)) { lLines.get(key).put(subkey, xline); } else { HashMap<String, Template> xHashMap = new HashMap<String, Template>(); xHashMap.put(subkey, xline); lLines.put(key, xHashMap); } } } if (lLines.keySet().size() == 0 && nLines.keySet().size() == 0) return null; Traces rTraces = new Traces(nLines, lLines); return rTraces; } public GrammarTreeNode union(GrammarTreeNode x, GrammarTreeNode y) { if (x.getNodeType().compareTo("segment") == 0 && y.getNodeType().compareTo("segment") == 0) { Segment s = (Segment) x; Segment t = (Segment) y; Vector<Section> sec = new Vector<Section>(); HashSet<String> hset = new HashSet<String>(); for(Section nSection:s.section) { String key = nSection.toString(); if(hset.contains(key)) { continue; } else { hset.add(key); sec.add(nSection); } } for(Section nSection: t.section) { String key = nSection.toString(); if(hset.contains(key)) { continue; } else { hset.add(key); sec.add(nSection); } } boolean loop = s.isinloop || t.isinloop; Segment r; if(s.isConstSegment() && t.isConstSegment()) r = new Segment(sec,loop); else r = s; return r; } if (x.getNodeType().compareTo("loop") == 0 && y.getNodeType().compareTo("loop") == 0) { Loop s = (Loop) x; Loop t = (Loop) y; Vector<Section> sec = new Vector<Section>(); HashSet<String> hset = new HashSet<String>(); for(Section nSection:s.loopbody.section) { String key = nSection.toString(); if(hset.contains(key)) { continue; } else { hset.add(key); sec.add(nSection); } } for(Section nSection: t.loopbody.section) { String key = nSection.toString(); if(hset.contains(key)) { continue; } else { hset.add(key); sec.add(nSection); } } Loop r; if (s.looptype == t.looptype) { Segment loopbody; if(s.loopbody.isConstSegment() && t.loopbody.isConstSegment()) loopbody= s.loopbody; else { loopbody = new Segment(sec,true); } r = new Loop(loopbody, t.looptype); } else { return null; } return r; } return null; } public HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String,Template>> consolidateDiffLoop( Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>> paths) { HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String,Template>> resHashMap = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String,Template>>(); HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, Vector<Template>>> tmpStore = new HashMap<Integer,HashMap<String, Vector<Template>>>(); for (Vector<GrammarTreeNode> vg : paths) { int key = vg.size(); String subkey = ""; for(GrammarTreeNode nodetype: vg) { subkey += nodetype.getNodeType(); } if (tmpStore.containsKey(key)) { if(tmpStore.get(key).containsKey(subkey)) { tmpStore.get(key).get(subkey).add(new Template(vg)); } else { Vector<Template> vte = new Vector<Template>(); vte.add(new Template(vg)); tmpStore.get(key).put(subkey, vte); } } else { Vector<Template> xVector = new Vector<Template>(); if(!isLegalVS(vg)) continue; xVector.add(new Template(vg)); HashMap<String, Vector<Template>> xHashMap = new HashMap<String, Vector<Template>>(); xHashMap.put(subkey, xVector); tmpStore.put(key, xHashMap); } } for (Integer key : tmpStore.keySet()) { for(String kInteger:tmpStore.get(key).keySet()) { Template x = this.consolidate(tmpStore.get(key).get(kInteger)); if(resHashMap.containsKey(key)) { resHashMap.get(key).put(kInteger, x); } else { HashMap<String, Template> hashMap = new HashMap<String, Template>(); hashMap.put(kInteger, x); resHashMap.put(key, hashMap); } } } return resHashMap; } public HashMap<Integer, Template> consolidateDiffSize( Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>> paths) { HashMap<Integer, Template> resHashMap = new HashMap<Integer, Template>(); HashMap<Integer, Vector<Template>> tmpStore = new HashMap<Integer, Vector<Template>>(); long stime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Vector<GrammarTreeNode> vg : paths) { if((System.currentTimeMillis()-stime)/1000>time_limit) { //System.out.println("Exceed the time limit"); break; // otherwise takes too much time } int key = vg.size(); if (tmpStore.containsKey(key)) { tmpStore.get(key).add(new Template(vg)); } else { Vector<Template> xVector = new Vector<Template>(); if(!isLegalVS(vg)) continue; xVector.add(new Template(vg)); tmpStore.put(key, xVector); } } for (Integer key : tmpStore.keySet()) { //System.out.println(""+tmpStore.get(key).toString()); Template x = this.consolidate(tmpStore.get(key)); resHashMap.put(key, x); } //System.out.println("end consolidating"); return resHashMap; } public boolean isLegalVS(Vector<GrammarTreeNode> x) { for(GrammarTreeNode t:x) { if(t.size()<=0) return false; } return true; } public Template consolidate( Vector<Template> paths) { Vector<GrammarTreeNode> res = paths.get(0).body; Vector<GrammarTreeNode> result = new Vector<GrammarTreeNode>(); for (int i = 1; i < paths.size(); i++) { result = new Vector<GrammarTreeNode>(); for (int j = 0; j < res.size(); j++) { GrammarTreeNode t = this.union(res.get(j), paths.get(i).body.get(j)); result.add(t); } res = result; } return new Template(res); } public Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>> loopPathes = new Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>>(); public Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>> genLoop(Vector<Segment> curPath) { // cluster chunk with the same head and tail token Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>> res = new Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>>(); HashMap<String, Vector<Integer>> map = new HashMap<String, Vector<Integer>>(); for (int i = 0; i < curPath.size(); i++) { String rep = curPath.get(i).repString; if (map.containsKey(rep)) { map.get(rep).add(i); } else { Vector<Integer> vIntegers = new Vector<Integer>(); vIntegers.add(i); map.put(rep, vIntegers); } } for (String key : map.keySet()) { Vector<Integer> v = map.get(key); if (v.size() <= 1 || !this.verfiyLoop(v, curPath)) continue; Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>> vtn = this.detectLoop(v, curPath); if (vtn != null && vtn.size() > 0) { res.addAll(vtn); } } if(res.size() ==0) return null; else return res; } //if there is a cross of the mapping. the loop doesn't exist public boolean verfiyLoop(Vector<Integer> vx,Vector<Segment> segs) { boolean res = true; int pre = -1; for(int i:vx) { Segment s = segs.get(i); if(s.isConstSegment()) { return true; } int pivot = pre; if(s.mappings.size()>=0) { boolean isFind = false; for(int[] n:s.mappings) { if(n[0]>pivot && !isFind) { pre = n[0]; isFind = true; } else if(n[0]<pre && n[0]>pivot &&isFind) { pre = n[0]; } } if(!isFind) { return false; } } } return res; } public Vector<GrammarTreeNode> subVector(Vector<Segment> nodes, int start, int end) { if(start>=end || start <0 || end>nodes.size()) return null; Vector<GrammarTreeNode> vgt = new Vector<GrammarTreeNode>(); for(int i = start; i< end; i++) { vgt.add(nodes.get(i)); } return vgt; } // merge the longest mergable chunk. // if None chunk could be merged together return null public Vector<GrammarTreeNode> createLoop(Vector<GrammarTreeNode> nodes,int span) { Vector<GrammarTreeNode> res = new Vector<GrammarTreeNode>(); Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>> gt = new Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>>(); int pos = 0; while(pos < nodes.size()) { Vector<GrammarTreeNode> x = new Vector<GrammarTreeNode>(); for(int k = pos; k<pos+span && k< nodes.size(); k++) { x.add(nodes.get(k)); } gt.add(x); pos += span; } //no loop if only one chunk if(gt.size() == 1) { return null; } int itercnt = 1; // count of the span int curStartPos = 0;// the lowest position the first element int presize = gt.size(); while(gt.size() > 1) { Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>> tmp_gt = new Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>>(); boolean isLegal = true; for(int j = 0; j<gt.size()-1; j++) { isLegal = true; Vector<GrammarTreeNode> elem = new Vector<GrammarTreeNode>(); Vector<GrammarTreeNode> mx = gt.get(j); Vector<GrammarTreeNode> nx = gt.get(j+1); if(mx.size() != nx.size()) return null; for(int r = 0; r< mx.size(); r++) { GrammarTreeNode treeNode = mx.get(r).mergewith(nx.get(r)); if(treeNode == null) { isLegal =false; break; } elem.add(treeNode); } if(isLegal) { tmp_gt.add(elem); } if(!isLegal && tmp_gt.size() ==0) { curStartPos += span; } } if(!isLegal) return null; // nothing merged in this iteration; gt = tmp_gt; itercnt ++; if(gt.size() == presize) { break; } else { presize = gt.size(); } } //only detect one loop if(gt.size() >1) return null; // for(int i = 0; i<nodes.size(); i++) { if(i<curStartPos) { res.add(nodes.get(i)); } else if(i ==curStartPos+itercnt*span-1) { Vector<GrammarTreeNode> body = gt.get(0); if(span == 1) { Loop loop = new Loop((Segment)body.get(0), Loop.LOOP_BOTH); res.add(loop); continue; } for(int j = 0; j<body.size(); j++) { if(j == 0) { Loop loop = new Loop((Segment)body.get(j), Loop.LOOP_START); res.add(loop); } else if(j == body.size()-1) { Loop loop = new Loop((Segment)body.get(j), Loop.LOOP_END); res.add(loop); } else { Loop loop = new Loop((Segment)body.get(j), Loop.LOOP_MID); res.add(loop); } } } else if(i >= curStartPos+itercnt*span) { res.add(nodes.get(i)); } } return res; } public Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>> detectLoop(Vector<Integer> rep, Vector<Segment> curPath) { int span = rep.get(1) - rep.get(0); Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>> resVector = new Vector<Vector<GrammarTreeNode>>(); Vector<GrammarTreeNode> nodelist = new Vector<GrammarTreeNode>(); if (span == 1) { int startpos = rep.get(0); int endpos = rep.get(rep.size() - 1); Segment seg = curPath.get(startpos); for (int i = 0; i < curPath.size(); i++) { Segment segb = curPath.get(i); if (i < startpos) { nodelist.add(curPath.get(i)); } else if ( i == endpos) { Vector<GrammarTreeNode> sublist = this.createLoop(subVector(curPath, startpos, endpos+1), 1); if(sublist == null) return null; nodelist.addAll(sublist); } else if (i > endpos) { nodelist.add(curPath.get(i)); } } } else { int startpos = rep.get(0); int endpos = rep.get(rep.size() - 1); // left overflow if ((startpos - span + 1) < 0 && endpos + span <= curPath.size()) { for (int i = 0; i < curPath.size(); i++) { Segment segb = curPath.get(i); if (i < startpos) { nodelist.add(curPath.get(i)); } if (i == endpos + span - 1) { Vector<GrammarTreeNode> sublist = this.createLoop(subVector(curPath, startpos, endpos+span), span); if(sublist == null) return null; nodelist.addAll(sublist); } else if (i >= endpos + span) { nodelist.add(curPath.get(i)); } } } // right overflow else if ((startpos - span + 1) >= 0 && endpos + span > curPath.size()) { for (int i = 0; i < curPath.size(); i++) { Segment segb = curPath.get(i); if (i < startpos - span + 1) { nodelist.add(curPath.get(i)); } if (i == endpos) { Vector<GrammarTreeNode> sublist = this.createLoop(subVector(curPath, startpos-span+1, endpos+1), span); if(sublist == null) return null; nodelist.addAll(sublist); } else if (i > endpos) { nodelist.add(curPath.get(i)); } } } // two direction overflow else if ((startpos - span + 1) < 0 && endpos + span >= curPath.size()) { // skip the startpos for (int i = 0; i < curPath.size(); i++) { Segment segb = curPath.get(i); if (i <= startpos) { nodelist.add(curPath.get(i)); } if (i == endpos) { Vector<GrammarTreeNode> sublist = this.createLoop(subVector(curPath, startpos+1, endpos+1), span); if(sublist == null) { nodelist.clear(); break; } nodelist.addAll(sublist); } else if (i > endpos) { nodelist.add(curPath.get(i)); } } Vector<GrammarTreeNode> nodelist1 = new Vector<GrammarTreeNode>(); // skip the endpos for (int i = 0; i < curPath.size(); i++) { if (i < startpos) { nodelist1.add(curPath.get(i)); } if (i == endpos - 1) { Vector<GrammarTreeNode> sublist = this.createLoop( subVector(curPath, startpos, endpos), span); if (sublist == null) { nodelist1.clear(); break; } nodelist1.addAll(sublist); } else if (i >= endpos) { nodelist1.add(curPath.get(i)); } } if(nodelist1.size()>0) { resVector.add(nodelist1); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < curPath.size(); i++) { //shift left if (i < startpos - span + 1) { nodelist.add(curPath.get(i)); } if (i == endpos) { Vector<GrammarTreeNode> sublist = this.createLoop(subVector(curPath, startpos-span+1, endpos+1), span); if(sublist == null) { nodelist.clear(); break; } nodelist.addAll(sublist); } else if (i > endpos ) { nodelist.add(curPath.get(i)); } } Vector<GrammarTreeNode> nodelist1 = new Vector<GrammarTreeNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < curPath.size(); i++) { //shift right if (i < startpos) { nodelist1.add(curPath.get(i)); } if (i == endpos + span - 1) { Vector<GrammarTreeNode> sublist = this.createLoop(subVector(curPath, startpos, endpos+span), span); if(sublist == null) { nodelist1.clear(); break; } nodelist1.addAll(sublist); } else if (i >= endpos + span ) { nodelist1.add(curPath.get(i)); } } if(nodelist1.size()>0) resVector.add(nodelist1); } } if(nodelist.size()!=0) { resVector.add(nodelist); } return resVector; } public void tracePrint() { System.out.println("===============printing trace here==============="); for (Integer key : this.traceline.keySet()) { System.out.println("" + traceline.get(key)); } for (Integer key : this.loopline.keySet()) { System.out.println("" + loopline.get(key)); } } public static boolean test() { String[] xStrings = { "<_START>A_BB_C_DD_E<_END>", "ABBCDDE" }; String[] yStrings = { "<_START>F_GG_H_II_J<_END>", "FGGHIIJ" }; Vector<String[]> examples = new Vector<String[]>(); examples.add(xStrings); examples.add(yStrings); Vector<Vector<TNode>> org = new Vector<Vector<TNode>>(); Vector<Vector<TNode>> tar = new Vector<Vector<TNode>>(); for (int i = 0; i < examples.size(); i++) { Ruler r = new Ruler(); r.setNewInput(examples.get(i)[0]); org.add(r.vec); Ruler r1 = new Ruler(); r1.setNewInput(examples.get(i)[1]); tar.add(r1.vec); } Traces traces1 = new Traces(org.get(0), tar.get(0)); traces1.tracePrint(); Traces traces2 = new Traces(org.get(1), tar.get(1)); Traces t = traces1.mergewith(traces2); t.tracePrint(); return true; } public void emptyState() { for(GrammarTreeNode t:this.totalOrderVector) { t.emptyState(); } } public String toProgram() { String resString = ""; while (curState < totalOrderVector.size() ) { resString = this.totalOrderVector.get(curState).toProgram(); if(!resString.contains("null")) { return resString; } else { this.totalOrderVector.get(curState).emptyState(); curState ++; } } return "null"; } public long size() { long size = 0; for(Template t:this.totalOrderVector) { size += t.size(); } return size; } public static void main(String[] args) { Traces.test(); } @Override public GrammarTreeNode mergewith(GrammarTreeNode a) { Traces t = (Traces) a; return this.mergewith(t); } @Override public String getNodeType() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public double getScore() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } @Override public String getrepString() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }