package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; public class Position implements GrammarTreeNode { public Vector<TNode> leftContextNodes = new Vector<TNode>(); public Vector<TNode> rightContextNodes = new Vector<TNode>(); public Vector<Integer> absPosition = new Vector<Integer>(); public Vector<Integer> counters = new Vector<Integer>(); public Vector<String> orgStrings = new Vector<String>(); public Vector<String> tarStrings = new Vector<String>(); public boolean isinloop = false; public int curState = 0; public static Interpretor itInterpretor = null; public static int fixedlength = 1; public Position(Vector<Integer> absPos, Vector<TNode> lcxt, Vector<TNode> rcxt, Vector<String> orgStrings, Vector<String> tarStrings, boolean loop) { this.absPosition = absPos; this.orgStrings.addAll(orgStrings); this.tarStrings.addAll(tarStrings); if (itInterpretor == null) itInterpretor = new Interpretor(); // occurance of a reg pattern this.counters.add(-1); this.counters.add(1); this.leftContextNodes = lcxt; this.rightContextNodes = rcxt; this.isinloop = loop; createTotalOrderVector(); } public Position(Position p, boolean loop) { this.absPosition = p.absPosition; // occurance of a reg pattern this.counters.add(-1); this.counters.add(1); this.leftContextNodes = p.leftContextNodes; this.rightContextNodes = p.rightContextNodes; this.isinloop = loop; createTotalOrderVector(); } public void getString(Vector<TNode> x, int cur, String path, Double value, HashMap<String, Double> smap, boolean isleft) { if(fixedlength == 0) { if (!smap.keySet().contains(path)) { String res = UtilTools.escape(path); if (!smap.containsKey(res) && res.length() != 0) smap.put(res, value); // store the string of all sizes } } if (x == null || x.size() == 0) { return; } if (cur >= x.size() || cur < 0) { if (fixedlength == 1) { if (!smap.keySet().contains(path)) { String res = UtilTools.escape(path); if (!smap.containsKey(res) && res.length() != 0) smap.put(res, value); // store the string of all sizes } } return; } TNode t = x.get(cur); if (t.text.compareTo("ANYTOK") != 0 && t.text.length() > 0) { if (!isleft) getString(x, cur + 1, path + t.text, value + 2, smap, false); else { getString(x, cur - 1, t.text + path, value + 2, smap, true); } } String s = ""; if (t.type == TNode.NUMTYP) { s += "NUM"; } else if (t.type == TNode.WORD) { s += "WORD"; } else if (t.type == TNode.SYBSTYP) { s += "SYB"; } else if (t.type == TNode.BNKTYP) { s += "BNK"; } else if (t.type == TNode.UWRDTYP) { s += "UWRD"; } else if (t.type == TNode.LWRDTYP) { s += "LWRD"; } else if (t.type == TNode.STARTTYP) { s += "START"; } else if (t.type == TNode.ENDTYP) { s += "END"; } else if (t.type == TNode.ANYTYP) { s += "ANYTYP"; } else { s += "" + t.getType(); } if (!isleft) getString(x, cur + 1, path + s, value + 1, smap, false); else { getString(x, cur - 1, s + path, value + 1, smap, true); } } // option: left or right context public Vector<TNode> mergeCNXT(Vector<TNode> a, Vector<TNode> b, String option) { Vector<TNode> xNodes = new Vector<TNode>(); if (a == null || b == null) return null; else { int leng = Math.min(a.size(), b.size()); if (option.compareTo(Segment.LEFTPOS) == 0) { for (int i = 1; i <= leng; i++) { TNode t = a.get(a.size() - i); TNode t1 = b.get(b.size() - i); if (t == null || t1 == null) { break; } if (t.mergableType(t1) == -1) { break; } else { int type = t.mergableType(t1); if (t.text.compareTo(t1.text) == 0) { TNode tx = new TNode(type, t.text); xNodes.add(0, tx); } else { TNode tx = new TNode(type, "ANYTOK"); xNodes.add(0, tx); } } } } else if (option.compareTo(Segment.RIGHTPOS) == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < leng; i++) { TNode t = a.get(i); TNode t1 = b.get(i); if (t == null || t1 == null) { break; } if (t.mergableType(t1) == -1) { break; } else { int type = t.mergableType(t1); if (t.text.compareTo(t1.text) == 0) { TNode tx = new TNode(type, t.text); xNodes.add(tx); } else { TNode tx = new TNode(type, "ANYTOK"); xNodes.add(tx); } } } } } if (xNodes.size() == 0) return null; return xNodes; } public Position mergewith(Position b) { if (this == null || b == null) return null; Vector<Integer> tmpIntegers = new Vector<Integer>(); tmpIntegers.addAll(this.absPosition); tmpIntegers.retainAll(b.absPosition); Vector<Integer> tmpIntegers2 = new Vector<Integer>(); tmpIntegers2.addAll(this.counters); tmpIntegers2.retainAll(b.counters); Vector<TNode> tl = b.leftContextNodes; Vector<TNode> tr = b.rightContextNodes; Vector<TNode> g_lcxtNodes = mergeCNXT(this.leftContextNodes, tl, Segment.LEFTPOS); Vector<TNode> g_rcxtNodes = mergeCNXT(this.rightContextNodes, tr, Segment.RIGHTPOS); // this.leftContextNodes = g_lcxtNodes; // this.rightContextNodes = g_rcxtNodes; if (tmpIntegers.size() == 0 && g_lcxtNodes == null && g_rcxtNodes == null) return null; boolean loop = this.isinloop || b.isinloop; Vector<String> aStrings = new Vector<String>(); Vector<String> bStrings = new Vector<String>(); if (this.orgStrings.size() == 1 && this.orgStrings.size() == b.tarStrings.size() && this.orgStrings.get(0).compareTo(b.orgStrings.get(0)) == 0) { aStrings.addAll(this.orgStrings); String[] s1 = this.tarStrings.get(0).split(","); String[] s2 = b.tarStrings.get(0).split(","); HashSet<Integer> hset = new HashSet<Integer>(); for(int x=0; x<s1.length; x++) { int v = Integer.valueOf(s1[x]); if(!hset.contains(v)) { hset.add(v); } } for(int x=0;x<s2.length;x++) { int v = Integer.valueOf(s2[x]); if(!hset.contains(v)) { hset.add(v); } } SortedSet<Integer> poses = new TreeSet<Integer>(hset); Iterator<Integer> iter = poses.iterator(); String rep = ""; while(iter.hasNext()) { rep +=","; } rep = rep.substring(0,rep.length()-1); bStrings.add(rep); } else { aStrings.addAll(this.orgStrings); aStrings.addAll(b.orgStrings); bStrings.addAll(this.tarStrings); bStrings.addAll(b.tarStrings); } return new Position(tmpIntegers, g_lcxtNodes, g_rcxtNodes, aStrings, bStrings, loop); } public void setinLoop(boolean res) { this.isinloop = res; } // return indexOf(value,left,right) or position private double score = 0.0; // score sum(gToken)/size public double getScore() { double sum = 0.0; int lsize = 0; if (this.leftContextNodes != null) { lsize = leftContextNodes.size(); } int rsize = 0; if (this.rightContextNodes != null) { rsize = rightContextNodes.size(); } if (lsize == 0 && rsize == 0) return 1; else { for (int i = 0; i < lsize; i++) { if (leftContextNodes.get(i).text.compareTo("ANYTOK") != 0 && leftContextNodes.get(i).type != TNode.ANYTYP) { sum++; } } for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i++) { if (rightContextNodes.get(i).text.compareTo("ANYTOK") != 0 && rightContextNodes.get(i).type != TNode.ANYTYP) { sum++; } } return sum * 1.0 / (lsize + rsize); } } public void emptyState() { this.curState = 0; } public Vector<String> rules = new Vector<String>(); public String toProgram() { if (curState >= rules.size()) return "null"; String rule = rules.get(curState); if (!isinloop) rule = rule.replace("counter", counters.get(1) + ""); curState++; return rule; } public String getRule(int index) { if (index >= rules.size()) return "null"; String rule = rules.get(index); if (!isinloop) rule = rule.replace("counter", counters.get(1) + ""); return rule; } public long size() { return this.rules.size(); } public String VerifySpace(int itercnt) { String rule = "null"; int ruleNo = 0; while (ruleNo<this.rules.size()) { rule = getRule(ruleNo); ruleNo++; //System.out.println("verifying..."+rule); if (isinloop) { // replace the counter with number and verify it if(rule.indexOf("counter")==-1) { return "null"; } boolean isvalid = true; for (int j = 0; j < this.orgStrings.size(); j++) { int cnt = 1; String r = ""; while (r.indexOf("None") == -1) { String tmpRule = rule.replace("counter", String.valueOf(cnt)); ProgramRule programRule = new ProgramRule(tmpRule); String val = programRule.transform(this.orgStrings .get(j)); if(val.indexOf("None")!= -1) break; r += val+","; cnt ++; } if(r.length()<=1) return "null"; if (this.tarStrings.get(j).compareTo(r.substring(0,r.length()-1)) != 0) { isvalid = false; break; } } if (isvalid) { if(itercnt == 0) return rule; else itercnt--; // valid number - 1 } } else { ProgramRule pr = new ProgramRule(rule); boolean isValid = true; for(int k=0; k<this.orgStrings.size(); k++) { String val = String.valueOf(pr.transform(this.orgStrings.get(k))); if(this.tarStrings.get(k).compareTo(val)!=0) { isValid = false; } } if (isValid) { if(itercnt == 0) return rule; else itercnt--; } } } return "null"; } public void createTotalOrderVector() { HashMap<String, Double> lMap = new HashMap<String, Double>(); HashMap<String, Double> rMap = new HashMap<String, Double>(); if (this.leftContextNodes != null) { String path = ""; getString(this.leftContextNodes, this.leftContextNodes.size() - 1, path, 1.0, lMap, true); } else { lMap.put("ANY", 1.0); } if (this.rightContextNodes != null) { String path = ""; getString(this.rightContextNodes, 0, path, 1.0, rMap, false); } else { rMap.put("ANY", 1.0); } String reString = ""; SortedMap<Double, Vector<String>> sortedMap = new TreeMap<Double, Vector<String>>(); String negString = ""; for (String a : lMap.keySet()) { for (String b : rMap.keySet()) { if (a.compareTo(b) == 0 && a.compareTo("ANY") == 0) continue; Double key = lMap.get(a) + rMap.get(b); reString = String.format( "indexOf(value,\'%s\',\'%s\',counter)", a, b); negString = String.format( "indexOf(value,\'%s\',\'%s\',-counter)", a, b); if (sortedMap.containsKey(key)) { sortedMap.get(key).add(reString); sortedMap.get(key).add(negString); } else { Vector<String> svec = new Vector<String>(); svec.add(reString); svec.add(negString); sortedMap.put(key, svec); } } } while (!sortedMap.isEmpty()) { Double key = sortedMap.firstKey(); rules.addAll(sortedMap.get(key)); sortedMap.remove(key); } // append the absolute position to the end for (int k = 0; k < this.absPosition.size(); k++) { String line = String.format("%d", this.absPosition.get(k)); rules.add(line); } } public String toString() { return "(" + UtilTools.print(this.leftContextNodes) + "," + UtilTools.print(this.rightContextNodes) + ")"; } public GrammarTreeNode mergewith(GrammarTreeNode a) { Position p = (Position) a; p = this.mergewith(p); return p; } public String getNodeType() { return "position"; } public String getrepString() { return this.toString(); } }