package edu.isi.karma.linkedapi.server; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import edu.isi.karma.model.serialization.MimeType; import edu.isi.karma.model.serialization.SerializationLang; import edu.isi.karma.model.serialization.WebServiceLoader; import edu.isi.karma.modeling.Namespaces; import edu.isi.karma.modeling.Prefixes; import edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Atom; import edu.isi.karma.rep.model.ClassAtom; import edu.isi.karma.rep.model.IndividualPropertyAtom; import edu.isi.karma.rep.sources.Attribute; import edu.isi.karma.rep.sources.InvocationManager; import edu.isi.karma.rep.sources.Table; import edu.isi.karma.rep.sources.WebService; import edu.isi.karma.webserver.KarmaException; public class PostRequestManager extends LinkedApiRequestManager { static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PostRequestManager.class); private InputStream inputStream; private String inputLang; private Model inputJenaModel; private Model outputJenaModel; private WebService service; private List<Map<String, String>> listOfInputAttValues; public PostRequestManager(String serviceId, InputStream inputStream, String inputLang, String returnType, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { super(serviceId, null, returnType, response); this.inputStream = inputStream; this.inputLang = inputLang; this.inputJenaModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); } /** * checks whether the input has correct RDf syntax or not * @return */ private boolean validateInputSyntax() { try {, null, this.inputLang); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception in creating the jena model from the input data."); return false; } if (this.inputJenaModel == null) { logger.error("Could not create a jena model from the input data."); return false; } return true; } private boolean loadService() { service = WebServiceLoader.getInstance().getSourceByUri(getServiceUri()); if (service == null) { return false; } return true; } /** * checks if the input data satisfies the service input graph * (if the service input contained in the input data or not) * @return * @throws IOException */ private boolean validateInputSemantic() throws IOException { PrintWriter pw = getResponse().getWriter(); edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Model serviceInputModel = service.getInputModel(); if (serviceInputModel == null) { getResponse().setContentType(MimeType.TEXT_PLAIN); pw.write("The service input model is null."); return false; } listOfInputAttValues = serviceInputModel.findModelDataInJenaData(this.inputJenaModel, null); if (listOfInputAttValues == null) return false; for (Map<String, String> m : listOfInputAttValues) for (String s : m.keySet()) logger.debug(s + "-->" + m.get(s)); //for (String s : serviceIdsAndMappings.) return true; } private String getUrlString(WebService service, Map<String, String> inputAttValues) { List<Attribute> missingAttributes= null; missingAttributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); String url = service.getPopulatedAddress(inputAttValues, missingAttributes); //FIXME: Authentication Data url = url.replaceAll("\\{p3\\}", "karma"); logger.debug(url); for (Attribute att : missingAttributes) logger.debug("missing: " + att.getName() + ", grounded in:" + att.getGroundedIn()); return url; } private Table invokeWebAPI(String requestURLString) { InvocationManager invocatioManager; try { invocatioManager = new InvocationManager(null, requestURLString);"Requesting data with includeURL=" + true + ",includeInput=" + true + ",includeOutput=" + true); Table serviceTable = invocatioManager.getServiceData(false, false, true); logger.debug(serviceTable.getPrintInfo());"The service " + service.getUri() + " has been invoked successfully."); return serviceTable; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("Malformed service request URL."); return null; } catch (KarmaException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); return null; } } public void addStatementsToJenaModel(WebService service, Model model, Map<String, String> inputAttValues, Map<String, String> outputAttValues) { edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Model outputModel = service.getOutputModel(); if (outputModel == null) {"The service output model is null."); return; } Resource r; model.setNsPrefix(Prefixes.RDF, Namespaces.RDF); model.setNsPrefix(Prefixes.RDFS, Namespaces.RDFS); Property rdf_type = model.createProperty(Namespaces.RDF , "type"); Map<String, Resource> outputVariablesToResource = new HashMap<String, Resource>(); String predicateUri = ""; String argument1 = ""; String argument2 = ""; for (Atom atom : outputModel.getAtoms()) { if (atom instanceof ClassAtom) { ClassAtom classAtom = (ClassAtom)atom; // creating a blank node r = model.createResource(); if (classAtom.getClassPredicate().getPrefix() != null && classAtom.getClassPredicate().getNs() != null) model.setNsPrefix(classAtom.getClassPredicate().getPrefix(), classAtom.getClassPredicate().getNs()); predicateUri = classAtom.getClassPredicate().getUri(); // creating the class resource Resource classResource = model.getResource(predicateUri); if (classResource == null) classResource = model.createResource(predicateUri); argument1 = classAtom.getArgument1().getId(); outputVariablesToResource.put(argument1, r); r.addProperty(rdf_type, classResource); } } for (Atom atom : outputModel.getAtoms()) { if (atom instanceof IndividualPropertyAtom) { IndividualPropertyAtom propertyAtom = (IndividualPropertyAtom)atom; if (propertyAtom.getPropertyPredicate().getPrefix() != null && propertyAtom.getPropertyPredicate().getNs() != null) model.setNsPrefix(propertyAtom.getPropertyPredicate().getPrefix(), propertyAtom.getPropertyPredicate().getNs()); predicateUri = propertyAtom.getPropertyPredicate().getUri(); // creating the property resource Property propertyResource = model.getProperty(predicateUri); if (propertyResource == null) propertyResource = model.createProperty(predicateUri); argument1 = propertyAtom.getArgument1().getId(); argument2 = propertyAtom.getArgument2().getId(); Resource subjectResource = outputVariablesToResource.get(argument1); // maybe this variable is defined in input rdf if (subjectResource == null) { String subjectUri = inputAttValues.get(argument1); if (subjectUri != null) { subjectResource = model.getResource(subjectUri); } } if (subjectResource == null) { logger.error("Could not find the corresponding resource of " + argument1 + " variable."); continue; } String attValue = outputAttValues.get(argument2); // the object of this predicate is a literal if (attValue != null) { subjectResource.addProperty(propertyResource, attValue); } else { // object is a resource Resource objectResource = outputVariablesToResource.get(argument2); if (objectResource == null) { // this is not a variable created by output model, but it might exist in input model String objectUri = inputAttValues.get(argument2); if (objectUri != null) { objectResource = model.getResource(objectUri); } } if (objectResource == null) { logger.error("Could not find the corresponding resource of " + argument2 + " variable."); continue; } subjectResource.addProperty(propertyResource, objectResource); } } } } public void HandleRequest() throws IOException { // printing the input data (just fo debug) // InputStreamReader is = new InputStreamReader(inputStream); // BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(is); // String read = br.readLine(); // System.out.println("START"); // while(read != null) { // System.out.println(read); // read = br.readLine(); // } // System.out.println("END"); boolean blankInput = false; PrintWriter pw = getResponse().getWriter(); if (!loadService()) { getResponse().setContentType(MimeType.TEXT_PLAIN); pw.write("Could not find the service " + getServiceId() + " in service repository"); return; } if (this.service.getInputAttributes() == null || this.service.getInputAttributes().size() == 0) { blankInput = true; } else { if (!validateInputSyntax()) { getResponse().setContentType(MimeType.TEXT_PLAIN); pw.write("Could not validate the syntax of input RDF."); return; } if (!blankInput && !validateInputSemantic()) { getResponse().setContentType(MimeType.TEXT_PLAIN); pw.write("The input RDF does not have a matching pattern for service input model. "); return; } } // including the statements of the input model in the output model this.outputJenaModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); if (this.inputJenaModel != null) { this.outputJenaModel.add(this.inputJenaModel); this.outputJenaModel.setNsPrefixes(this.inputJenaModel.getNsPrefixMap()); } Map<String, String> outputAttNameToAttIds = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> outputAttValues = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (blankInput) { // service without input parameter String invocationURL = getUrlString(service, new HashMap<String, String>()); Table table = invokeWebAPI(invocationURL); if (table == null || table.getHeaders() == null) {"Error in invoking " + invocationURL); } else { // creating a mapping from attribute names (table headers) to attribute Ids outputAttNameToAttIds.clear(); for (Attribute header : table.getHeaders()) { String name = header.getName(); Attribute serviceAtt = service.getOutputAttributeByName(name); if (serviceAtt == null) {"Could not find the attribute " + name + " in service output attributes."); continue; } outputAttNameToAttIds.put(name, serviceAtt.getId()); } // iterating over the rows to create the output RDF outputAttValues.clear(); for (List<String> values : table.getValues()) { for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnsCount(); i++) { String attId = outputAttNameToAttIds.get(table.getHeaders().get(i).getName()); if (attId == null) continue; String value = values.get(i); outputAttValues.put(attId, value); } addStatementsToJenaModel(this.service, this.outputJenaModel, new HashMap<String, String>(), outputAttValues); } } } else if (listOfInputAttValues == null) { getResponse().setContentType(MimeType.TEXT_PLAIN); pw.write("Cannot extract the input values from the service input model. "); return; } else { for (Map<String,String> inputAttValues : listOfInputAttValues) { // invoking the Web API and load the response in a table String invocationURL = getUrlString(service, inputAttValues); Table table = invokeWebAPI(invocationURL); if (table == null || table.getHeaders() == null) {"Error in invoking " + invocationURL); continue; } // creating a mapping from attribute names (table headers) to attribute Ids outputAttNameToAttIds.clear(); for (Attribute header : table.getHeaders()) { String name = header.getName(); Attribute serviceAtt = service.getOutputAttributeByName(name); if (serviceAtt == null) {"Could not find the attribute " + name + " in service output attributes."); continue; } outputAttNameToAttIds.put(name, serviceAtt.getId()); } // iterating over the rows to create the output RDF outputAttValues.clear(); for (List<String> values : table.getValues()) { for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnsCount(); i++) { String attId = outputAttNameToAttIds.get(table.getHeaders().get(i).getName()); if (attId == null) continue; String value = values.get(i); outputAttValues.put(attId, value); } addStatementsToJenaModel(this.service, this.outputJenaModel, inputAttValues, outputAttValues); } } } if (getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase(SerializationLang.XML)) getResponse().setContentType(MimeType.APPLICATION_XML); else if (getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase(SerializationLang.XML_ABBREV)) getResponse().setContentType(MimeType.APPLICATION_XML); else getResponse().setContentType(MimeType.TEXT_PLAIN); // getResponse().setContentType(MimeType.TEXT_PLAIN); // pw.write("Success."); getResponse().setContentType(MimeType.TEXT_PLAIN); this.outputJenaModel.write(pw, getFormat()); } }