package com.jonathan.survivor.hud; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.InputEvent; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextButton; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.ClickListener; import com.jonathan.survivor.World; public class PauseMenuHud extends Hud { /** Holds the table used to arrange the buttons in a grid-like fashion. */ Table table; /** Holds the color which overlays the screen below the pause menu. */ public static final Color OVERLAY_COLOR = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f); /** Stores the spacing between the buttons displayed in a list. */ public static final float BUTTON_SPACING = 10f; /** Stores the amount the table is offset upwards so that the "Paused" label is shown higher up the screen. */ public static final float TABLE_OFFSET = 0f; /** Holds the header for the pause menu. */ private Label headerLabel; /** Stores the buttons displayed on the pause menu. */ private TextButton resumeButton; private TextButton saveButton; private TextButton mainMenuButton; /** Holds the ConfirmDialog which prompts the user and makes sure he wants to save his profile. */ private ConfirmDialog saveDialog; /** Holds the ConfirmDialog which informs the user that his progress will be lost if he quits the game. */ private ConfirmDialog quitDialog; /** Holds the ButtonListener which receives events when one of the pause menu's buttons are pressed. */ private ButtonListener buttonListener; /** Accepts the stage where widgets are placed. The passed world is unused for this HUD. */ public PauseMenuHud(Stage stage, World world) { super(stage, world); //Creates the table instance used to arrange the buttons in a grid-like fashion. table = new Table(); //Creates the header label from the LabelStyle defined in the Assets singleton. headerLabel = new Label("Paused", assets.mainMenuHeaderStyle); //Creates the text buttons displayed on the pause menu. resumeButton = new TextButton("Resume", assets.mainMenuButtonStyle); saveButton = new TextButton("Save", assets.mainMenuButtonStyle); mainMenuButton = new TextButton("Quit", assets.mainMenuButtonStyle); //Colors the buttons of the pause menu. resumeButton.setColor(new Color(0.4f, 0.8f, 0.2f, 1)); saveButton.setColor(new Color(0.9f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1)); mainMenuButton.setColor(new Color(0.2f, 0.5f, 0.8f, 1)); //Resizes the buttons according to the scale factor. This ensures that, if larger atlases were chosen, the buttons are scaled down accordingly. resumeButton.setSize(resumeButton.getWidth() / assets.scaleFactor, resumeButton.getHeight() / assets.scaleFactor); saveButton.setSize(saveButton.getWidth() / assets.scaleFactor, saveButton.getHeight() / assets.scaleFactor); mainMenuButton.setSize(mainMenuButton.getWidth() / assets.scaleFactor, mainMenuButton.getHeight() / assets.scaleFactor); //Creates the ButtonListener instance which receives all button press events. buttonListener = new ButtonListener(); //Adds the button listener instance to the buttons so that they delegate button events to the listener. resumeButton.addListener(buttonListener); saveButton.addListener(buttonListener); mainMenuButton.addListener(buttonListener); //Creates the confirmation dialog which opens when the save button is pressed. Constructor accepts title of dialog, along with ClickListener //which gets its clicked() method called when the 'Yes' button is pressed. saveDialog = new ConfirmDialog("Are you sure you want\nto save?", new ClickListener() { //Called when the "Yes" button is clicked. @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { //If the user presses the 'Yes' button, tell the GameScreen to save the player's profile. hudListener.saveGame(); } }); //Creates the confirmation dialog which opens when the quit button is pressed. Constructor accepts title of dialog, along with ClickListener //which gets its clicked() method called when the 'Yes' button is pressed. quitDialog = new ConfirmDialog(" Quit?\n(All unsaved progress\nwill be lost)", new ClickListener() { //Called when the "Yes" button is clicked. @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { //If the user presses the 'Yes' button, tell the GameScreen to switch to the main menu and therefore quit the game. hudListener.switchToMainMenu(); } }); //Adds the header to the top of the table table.add(headerLabel).colspan(2).row(); //Adds the buttons to the table table.add(resumeButton).width(resumeButton.getWidth()).height(resumeButton.getHeight()).pad(BUTTON_SPACING).row(); table.add(saveButton).width(saveButton.getWidth()).height(saveButton.getHeight()).row(); table.add(mainMenuButton).width(mainMenuButton.getWidth()).height(mainMenuButton.getHeight()).pad(BUTTON_SPACING); } @Override public void draw(float deltaTime) { //Clears the screen with the overlay color so that the game is hidden behind the pause menu., OVERLAY_COLOR.g, OVERLAY_COLOR.b, OVERLAY_COLOR.a);; //Draw the 2d widgets stored in the stage. super.draw(deltaTime); } /** Class receiving all button clicking events. */ class ButtonListener extends ClickListener { /** Delegates when a button is clicked. */ @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { //If the resume button was pressed if(event.getTarget() == resumeButton || event.getTarget() == resumeButton.getLabel()) { //Tells the GameScreen that the resume button has been pressed by delegating a call to the HudListener. hudListener.onBack(); } //Else, if the save button was pressed else if(event.getTarget() == saveButton || event.getTarget() == saveButton.getLabel()) { //Open the confirm dialog which asks the user if he's sure he wants to save. If he presses 'Yes', the GameScreen saves the player's profile.; } //Else, if the main menu button was pressed else if(event.getTarget() == mainMenuButton || event.getTarget() == mainMenuButton.getLabel()) { //Open the confirm dialog which asks the user if he's sure he wants to quit the game. If he presses 'Yes', the GameScreen switches to the main menu.; } } } /** Called either when this pause menu is supposed to be displayed, or when the screen is resized. Parameters indicate the size that the HUD should occupy. */ @Override public void reset(float guiWidth, float guiHeight) { //Clear the current contents of the stage to erase the previously-displayed Hud and make way for the pause menu's widgets. stage.clear(); //Resizes the table so that it occupies the entire size of the gui to thus occupy the entire stage. table.setBounds(0, TABLE_OFFSET, guiWidth, guiHeight); //Adds the table to the stage so as to display the buttons of the pause menu. stage.addActor(table); } }