package com.jonathan.survivor.hud; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage; import com.jonathan.survivor.Assets; import com.jonathan.survivor.World; public abstract class Hud { /** Stores the stage where 2d widgets will be placed and drawn. */ protected Stage stage; /** Stores the Assets singleton of the game used to fetch assets to draw the HUD. */ protected Assets assets = Assets.instance; /** Stores the world that any Hud elements can call methods from in case of a button press. */ protected World world; /** Stores the Listener where Hud events are delegated. */ protected HudListener hudListener; /** Accepts the stage where 2d widgets will be contained and drawn, and the world, where input events will be dispatched. */ public Hud(Stage stage, World world) { //Stores the arguments in their respective member variables. this.stage = stage; = world; } /** Registers the listener where Hud events will be delegated. */ public void addHudListener(HudListener hudListener) { this.hudListener = hudListener; } /** Draws the Hud to the screen using the stage. */ public void draw(float deltaTime) { //Update the stage and its actors stage.act(deltaTime); //Draw the stage, along with its 2d widgets. stage.draw(); } /** Resets the widgets on the stage. Called when screen is resized. Given parameters are the size that the Hud should occupy in pixels. */ public abstract void reset(float guiWidth, float guiHeight); }