package com.jonathan.survivor; import com.badlogic.gdx.Game; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import com.esotericsoftware.spine.Slot; import com.jonathan.survivor.managers.MusicManager; import com.jonathan.survivor.managers.PreferencesManager; import com.jonathan.survivor.managers.ProfileManager; import com.jonathan.survivor.managers.SoundManager; import com.jonathan.survivor.screens.CompanySplashScreen; public class Survivor extends Game { /** Stores the default size of a GUI camera. Every GUI camera should have this size by default. However, this size can change depending on the aspect * ratio of the screen. The width and height are modified to match the aspect ratio of the screen, to prevent stretching. This new size is stored * inside the guiWidth/Height variable of each Screen instance */ public static final float DEFAULT_GUI_WIDTH = 480; public static final float DEFAULT_GUI_HEIGHT = 320; /** Stores the default size of a camera displaying the world. Every world camera should have this size by default. However, this size can change depending * on the aspect ratio of the screen. The width and height are modified to match the aspect ratio of the screen, to prevent stretching. This new size is * stored inside the worldWidth/Height variable of each Screen instance. This is in meters. With these values, 1 meter = 32 pixels. */ public static final float DEFAULT_WORLD_WIDTH = 15; public static final float DEFAULT_WORLD_HEIGHT = 10; /** Stores the scale of the world relative to screen coordinates. The GUI size will always target a specific resolution, say 480x320. The world will usually * model its coordinate system in meters, with the same aspect ratio as the target device (e.g., 15x10, where 32 pixels=1 meter. Thus, in this case, the world * is scaled 480/15 = 0.03125 times smaller than pixel coordinates. Thus, all texture have to be down-scaled by this factor to compensate for the smaller world. * the scale is found by dividing the default width of the world by the default width of GUI (that is, the target resolution width of the game)*/ public static final float WORLD_SCALE = DEFAULT_WORLD_WIDTH / DEFAULT_GUI_WIDTH; /** Stores the maximum amount of profiles the user can have. This is the amount of worlds that appear on the world selection list. */ public static final int MAX_PROFILES = 3; /** Stores the universal Music Manager used by the game which plays music and controls the volume of music. */ private MusicManager musicManager; /** Stores the universal Sound Manager used by the game which plays sounds and controls the volume of sound effects. */ private SoundManager soundManager; /** Holds the PreferencesManager, used to modify and access the player's preferences, such as music/sound volume. */ private PreferencesManager preferencesManager; /** Stores the universal Profile Manager used by the game which retrieves/saves profiles from/to the hard drive. */ private ProfileManager profileManager; /** Stores the Settings instance used to save the user's profile. */ private Settings settings; /** Stores whether or not we are in debug mode */ public static final boolean DEBUG_MODE = false; /** Logs the framerate to the console */ private FPSLogger fpsCounter = new FPSLogger(); @Override public void create() { //Creates a new Assets instance to be used as a singleton. Cannot be instantiated upon declaration in the Assets class, because static variables retain their value //even after app destruction. Assets.instance = new Assets(); //Creates a new MusicManager and SoundManager to play and manage music and sound effects. musicManager = new MusicManager(); soundManager = new SoundManager(); //Instantiates the PreferencesManager used to access and modify the player's preferences, such as music and sound volume. preferencesManager = new PreferencesManager(); preferencesManager.setAmountProfiles(0); //Creates the profile manager instance, used to manage the profiles used by the user. Parameter specifies how many profiles the manager has to load. profileManager = new ProfileManager(preferencesManager.getAmountProfiles()); profileManager.deleteAllProfiles(); //Creates a settings instance that will be used to save the player's profile. The passed ProfileManager will be used to save the profile to the hard drive. settings = new Settings(profileManager); //If the game is in debug mode //if(DEBUG_MODE) //Mute the music. //musicManager.setVolume(0); //Allows the touchDown() methods of InputProcessors to be called when the BACK button is pressed on Android devices. Gdx.input.setCatchBackKey(true); //Set the starting screen of the application to the CompanySplashScreen. This is done through the Game.setScreen(Screen) method. setScreen(new CompanySplashScreen(this)); } @Override public void render() { //Calls the render method of the currently active screen. super.render(); //Display the framerate if in debug mode. if(DEBUG_MODE) fpsCounter.log(); } @Override public void resume() { //Calls the resume method of the currently active screen super.resume(); } @Override public void pause() { //Calls the pause method of the currently active screen. super.pause(); } @Override public void resize(int width, int height) { //Calls the resize method of the currently active screen. Changes the guiWidth/Height and worldWidth/Height member variable of each screen accordingly. super.resize(width, height); } /** Returns the universal MusicManager used by the game to play music and control its volume */ public MusicManager getMusicManager() { return musicManager; } /** Returns the universal SounddManager used by the game to play sounds and control their volume */ public SoundManager getSoundManager() { return soundManager; } /** Returns the universal ProfileManager used by the game to access the profiles owned by the user. */ public ProfileManager getProfileManager() { return profileManager; } /** Returns the universal PreferencesManager used by the game to store and retrieve the player's preferences. */ public PreferencesManager getPrefsManager() { return preferencesManager; } /** Returns the universal Settings instance used by the game to save player information to the hard drive. */ public Settings getSettings() { return settings; } /** Called when the application quits. */ @Override public void dispose() { //Calls the hide() method of the screen. super.dispose(); //Saves the preferences to the hard drive before quitting the application. preferencesManager.savePreferences(); //Free any resources allocated to any visual/audio assets used by the game. Assets.instance.dispose(); //DONOT call. Otherwise, the screen's dispose method will be called twice, since it is already called from the Screen.hide() method on application quit. //getScreen().dispose(); } }