/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.apache.cassandra.io.util; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.SyncUtil; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import static org.apache.cassandra.Util.expectEOF; import static org.apache.cassandra.Util.expectException; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import org.junit.Test; public class BufferedRandomAccessFileTest { @Test public void testReadAndWrite() throws Exception { SequentialWriter w = createTempFile("braf"); ChannelProxy channel = new ChannelProxy(w.getPath()); // writting string of data to the file byte[] data = "Hello".getBytes(); w.write(data); assertEquals(data.length, w.length()); assertEquals(data.length, w.position()); w.sync(); // reading small amount of data from file, this is handled by initial buffer RandomAccessReader r = RandomAccessReader.open(channel); byte[] buffer = new byte[data.length]; assertEquals(data.length, r.read(buffer)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(buffer, data)); // we read exactly what we wrote assertEquals(r.read(), -1); // nothing more to read EOF assert r.bytesRemaining() == 0 && r.isEOF(); r.close(); // writing buffer bigger than page size, which will trigger reBuffer() byte[] bigData = new byte[RandomAccessReader.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE + 10]; for (int i = 0; i < bigData.length; i++) bigData[i] = 'd'; long initialPosition = w.position(); w.write(bigData); // writing data assertEquals(w.position(), initialPosition + bigData.length); assertEquals(w.length(), initialPosition + bigData.length); // file size should equals to last position w.sync(); r = RandomAccessReader.open(channel); // re-opening file in read-only mode // reading written buffer r.seek(initialPosition); // back to initial (before write) position data = new byte[bigData.length]; long sizeRead = 0; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] = (byte) r.read(); sizeRead++; } assertEquals(sizeRead, data.length); // read exactly data.length bytes assertEquals(r.getFilePointer(), initialPosition + data.length); assertEquals(r.length(), initialPosition + bigData.length); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(bigData, data)); assertTrue(r.bytesRemaining() == 0 && r.isEOF()); // we are at the of the file // test readBytes(int) method r.seek(0); ByteBuffer fileContent = ByteBufferUtil.read(r, (int) w.length()); assertEquals(fileContent.limit(), w.length()); assert ByteBufferUtil.string(fileContent).equals("Hello" + new String(bigData)); // read the same buffer but using readFully(int) data = new byte[bigData.length]; r.seek(initialPosition); r.readFully(data); assert r.bytesRemaining() == 0 && r.isEOF(); // we should be at EOF assertTrue(Arrays.equals(bigData, data)); // try to read past mark (all methods should return -1) data = new byte[10]; assertEquals(r.read(), -1); assertEquals(r.read(data), -1); assertEquals(r.read(data, 0, data.length), -1); // test read(byte[], int, int) r.seek(0); data = new byte[20]; assertEquals(15, r.read(data, 0, 15)); assertTrue(new String(data).contains("Hellodddddddddd")); for (int i = 16; i < data.length; i++) { assert data[i] == 0; } w.finish(); r.close(); channel.close(); } @Test public void testReadAndWriteOnCapacity() throws IOException { File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("readtest", "bin"); SequentialWriter w = SequentialWriter.open(tmpFile); // Fully write the file and sync.. byte[] in = generateByteArray(RandomAccessReader.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); w.write(in); ChannelProxy channel = new ChannelProxy(w.getPath()); RandomAccessReader r = RandomAccessReader.open(channel); // Read it into a same size array. byte[] out = new byte[RandomAccessReader.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE]; r.read(out); // Cannot read any more. int negone = r.read(); assert negone == -1 : "We read past the end of the file, should have gotten EOF -1. Instead, " + negone; r.close(); w.finish(); channel.close(); } @Test public void testLength() throws IOException { File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("lengthtest", "bin"); SequentialWriter w = SequentialWriter.open(tmpFile); assertEquals(0, w.length()); // write a chunk smaller then our buffer, so will not be flushed // to disk byte[] lessThenBuffer = generateByteArray(RandomAccessReader.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE / 2); w.write(lessThenBuffer); assertEquals(lessThenBuffer.length, w.length()); // sync the data and check length w.sync(); assertEquals(lessThenBuffer.length, w.length()); // write more then the buffer can hold and check length byte[] biggerThenBuffer = generateByteArray(RandomAccessReader.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE * 2); w.write(biggerThenBuffer); assertEquals(biggerThenBuffer.length + lessThenBuffer.length, w.length()); w.finish(); // will use cachedlength try (ChannelProxy channel = new ChannelProxy(tmpFile); RandomAccessReader r = RandomAccessReader.open(channel)) { assertEquals(lessThenBuffer.length + biggerThenBuffer.length, r.length()); } } @Test public void testReadBytes() throws IOException { final SequentialWriter w = createTempFile("brafReadBytes"); byte[] data = new byte[RandomAccessReader.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE + 10]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] = 'c'; } w.write(data); w.sync(); final ChannelProxy channel = new ChannelProxy(w.getPath()); final RandomAccessReader r = RandomAccessReader.open(channel); ByteBuffer content = ByteBufferUtil.read(r, (int) r.length()); // after reading whole file we should be at EOF assertEquals(0, ByteBufferUtil.compare(content, data)); assert r.bytesRemaining() == 0 && r.isEOF(); r.seek(0); content = ByteBufferUtil.read(r, 10); // reading first 10 bytes assertEquals(ByteBufferUtil.compare(content, "cccccccccc".getBytes()), 0); assertEquals(r.bytesRemaining(), r.length() - content.limit()); // trying to read more than file has right now expectEOF(() -> ByteBufferUtil.read(r, (int) r.length() + 10)); w.finish(); r.close(); channel.close(); } @Test public void testSeek() throws Exception { SequentialWriter w = createTempFile("brafSeek"); byte[] data = generateByteArray(RandomAccessReader.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE + 20); w.write(data); w.finish(); final ChannelProxy channel = new ChannelProxy(w.getPath()); final RandomAccessReader file = RandomAccessReader.open(channel); file.seek(0); assertEquals(file.getFilePointer(), 0); assertEquals(file.bytesRemaining(), file.length()); file.seek(20); assertEquals(file.getFilePointer(), 20); assertEquals(file.bytesRemaining(), file.length() - 20); // trying to seek past the end of the file should produce EOFException expectException(() -> { file.seek(file.length() + 30); return null; }, IllegalArgumentException.class); expectException(() -> { file.seek(-1); return null; }, IllegalArgumentException.class); // throws IllegalArgumentException file.close(); channel.close(); } @Test public void testSkipBytes() throws IOException { SequentialWriter w = createTempFile("brafSkipBytes"); w.write(generateByteArray(RandomAccessReader.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE * 2)); w.finish(); ChannelProxy channel = new ChannelProxy(w.getPath()); RandomAccessReader file = RandomAccessReader.open(channel); file.seek(0); // back to the beginning of the file assertEquals(file.skipBytes(10), 10); assertEquals(file.bytesRemaining(), file.length() - 10); int initialPosition = (int) file.getFilePointer(); // can't skip more than file size assertEquals(file.skipBytes((int) file.length() + 10), file.length() - initialPosition); assertEquals(file.getFilePointer(), file.length()); assert file.bytesRemaining() == 0 && file.isEOF(); file.seek(0); // skipping negative amount should return 0 assertEquals(file.skipBytes(-1000), 0); assertEquals(file.getFilePointer(), 0); assertEquals(file.bytesRemaining(), file.length()); file.close(); channel.close(); } @Test public void testGetFilePointer() throws IOException { final SequentialWriter w = createTempFile("brafGetFilePointer"); assertEquals(w.position(), 0); // initial position should be 0 w.write(generateByteArray(20)); assertEquals(w.position(), 20); // position 20 after writing 20 bytes w.sync(); ChannelProxy channel = new ChannelProxy(w.getPath()); RandomAccessReader r = RandomAccessReader.open(channel); // position should change after skip bytes r.seek(0); r.skipBytes(15); assertEquals(r.getFilePointer(), 15); r.read(); assertEquals(r.getFilePointer(), 16); r.read(new byte[4]); assertEquals(r.getFilePointer(), 20); w.finish(); r.close(); channel.close(); } @Test public void testGetPath() throws IOException { SequentialWriter file = createTempFile("brafGetPath"); assert file.getPath().contains("brafGetPath"); file.finish(); } @Test public void testIsEOF() throws IOException { for (int bufferSize : Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 64)) // smaller, equal, bigger buffer sizes { final byte[] target = new byte[32]; // single too-large read for (final int offset : Arrays.asList(0, 8)) { File file1 = writeTemporaryFile(new byte[16]); try (final ChannelProxy channel = new ChannelProxy(file1); final RandomAccessReader file = new RandomAccessReader.Builder(channel) .bufferSize(bufferSize) .build()) { expectEOF(() -> { file.readFully(target, offset, 17); return null; }); } } // first read is ok but eventually EOFs for (final int n : Arrays.asList(1, 2, 4, 8)) { File file1 = writeTemporaryFile(new byte[16]); try (final ChannelProxy channel = new ChannelProxy(file1); final RandomAccessReader file = new RandomAccessReader.Builder(channel).bufferSize(bufferSize).build()) { expectEOF(() -> { while (true) file.readFully(target, 0, n); }); } } } } @Test public void testNotEOF() throws IOException { try (final RandomAccessReader reader = RandomAccessReader.open(writeTemporaryFile(new byte[1]))) { assertEquals(1, reader.read(new byte[2])); } } @Test public void testBytesRemaining() throws IOException { SequentialWriter w = createTempFile("brafBytesRemaining"); int toWrite = RandomAccessReader.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE + 10; w.write(generateByteArray(toWrite)); w.sync(); ChannelProxy channel = new ChannelProxy(w.getPath()); RandomAccessReader r = RandomAccessReader.open(channel); assertEquals(r.bytesRemaining(), toWrite); for (int i = 1; i <= r.length(); i++) { r.read(); assertEquals(r.bytesRemaining(), r.length() - i); } r.seek(0); r.skipBytes(10); assertEquals(r.bytesRemaining(), r.length() - 10); w.finish(); r.close(); channel.close(); } @Test public void testBytesPastMark() throws IOException { File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("overflowtest", "bin"); tmpFile.deleteOnExit(); // Create the BRAF by filename instead of by file. try (final RandomAccessReader r = RandomAccessReader.open(new File(tmpFile.getPath()))) { assert tmpFile.getPath().equals(r.getPath()); // Create a mark and move the rw there. final DataPosition mark = r.mark(); r.reset(mark); // Expect this call to succeed. r.bytesPastMark(mark); } } @Test public void testClose() throws IOException { final SequentialWriter w = createTempFile("brafClose"); byte[] data = generateByteArray(RandomAccessReader.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE + 20); w.write(data); w.finish(); final RandomAccessReader r = RandomAccessReader.open(new File(w.getPath())); r.close(); // closing to test read after close expectException(() -> r.read(), NullPointerException.class); //Used to throw ClosedChannelException, but now that it extends BDOSP it just NPEs on the buffer //Writing to a BufferedOutputStream that is closed generates no error //Going to allow the NPE to throw to catch as a bug any use after close. Notably it won't throw NPE for a //write of a 0 length, but that is kind of a corner case expectException(() -> { w.write(generateByteArray(1)); return null; }, NullPointerException.class); try (RandomAccessReader copy = RandomAccessReader.open(new File(r.getPath()))) { ByteBuffer contents = ByteBufferUtil.read(copy, (int) copy.length()); assertEquals(contents.limit(), data.length); assertEquals(ByteBufferUtil.compare(contents, data), 0); } } @Test public void testMarkAndReset() throws IOException { SequentialWriter w = createTempFile("brafTestMark"); w.write(new byte[30]); w.finish(); ChannelProxy channel = new ChannelProxy(w.getPath()); RandomAccessReader file = RandomAccessReader.open(channel); file.seek(10); DataPosition mark = file.mark(); file.seek(file.length()); assertTrue(file.isEOF()); file.reset(); assertEquals(file.bytesRemaining(), 20); file.seek(file.length()); assertTrue(file.isEOF()); file.reset(mark); assertEquals(file.bytesRemaining(), 20); file.seek(file.length()); assertEquals(file.bytesPastMark(), 20); assertEquals(file.bytesPastMark(mark), 20); file.reset(mark); assertEquals(file.bytesPastMark(), 0); file.close(); channel.close(); } @Test(expected = AssertionError.class) public void testAssertionErrorWhenBytesPastMarkIsNegative() throws IOException { try (SequentialWriter w = createTempFile("brafAssertionErrorWhenBytesPastMarkIsNegative")) { w.write(new byte[30]); w.flush(); try (ChannelProxy channel = new ChannelProxy(w.getPath()); RandomAccessReader r = RandomAccessReader.open(channel)) { r.seek(10); r.mark(); r.seek(0); r.bytesPastMark(); } } } @Test public void testReadOnly() throws IOException { SequentialWriter file = createTempFile("brafReadOnlyTest"); byte[] data = new byte[20]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) data[i] = 'c'; file.write(data); file.sync(); // flushing file to the disk // read-only copy of the file, with fixed file length final RandomAccessReader copy = RandomAccessReader.open(new File(file.getPath())); copy.seek(copy.length()); assertTrue(copy.bytesRemaining() == 0 && copy.isEOF()); // can't seek past the end of the file for read-only files expectException(() -> { copy.seek(copy.length() + 1); return null; }, IllegalArgumentException.class); copy.seek(0); copy.skipBytes(5); assertEquals(copy.bytesRemaining(), 15); assertEquals(copy.getFilePointer(), 5); assertTrue(!copy.isEOF()); copy.seek(0); ByteBuffer contents = ByteBufferUtil.read(copy, (int) copy.length()); assertEquals(contents.limit(), copy.length()); assertTrue(ByteBufferUtil.compare(contents, data) == 0); copy.seek(0); int count = 0; while (!copy.isEOF()) { assertEquals((byte) copy.read(), 'c'); count++; } assertEquals(count, copy.length()); copy.seek(0); byte[] content = new byte[10]; copy.read(content); assertEquals(new String(content), "cccccccccc"); file.finish(); copy.close(); } @Test (expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testSetNegativeLength() throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException { File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("set_negative_length", "bin"); try (SequentialWriter file = SequentialWriter.open(tmpFile)) { file.truncate(-8L); } } private SequentialWriter createTempFile(String name) throws IOException { File tempFile = File.createTempFile(name, null); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); return SequentialWriter.open(tempFile); } private File writeTemporaryFile(byte[] data) throws IOException { File f = File.createTempFile("BRAFTestFile", null); f.deleteOnExit(); FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(f); fout.write(data); SyncUtil.sync(fout); fout.close(); return f; } private byte[] generateByteArray(int length) { byte[] arr = new byte[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) arr[i] = 'a'; return arr; } }