/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.cql3; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet; import com.datastax.driver.core.Row; import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException; import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.SEPExecutor; import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.Stage; import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.StageManager; import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData; import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition; import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore; import org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace; import org.apache.cassandra.db.SystemKeyspace; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; public class ViewTest extends CQLTester { int protocolVersion = 4; private final List<String> views = new ArrayList<>(); @BeforeClass public static void startup() { requireNetwork(); } @Before public void begin() { views.clear(); } @After public void end() throws Throwable { for (String viewName : views) executeNet(protocolVersion, "DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW " + viewName); } private void createView(String name, String query) throws Throwable { executeNet(protocolVersion, String.format(query, name)); // If exception is thrown, the view will not be added to the list; since it shouldn't have been created, this is // the desired behavior views.add(name); } private void updateView(String query, Object... params) throws Throwable { executeNet(protocolVersion, query, params); while (!(((SEPExecutor) StageManager.getStage(Stage.VIEW_MUTATION)).getPendingTasks() == 0 && ((SEPExecutor) StageManager.getStage(Stage.VIEW_MUTATION)).getActiveCount() == 0)) { Thread.sleep(1); } } @Test public void testNonExistingOnes() throws Throwable { assertInvalidMessage("Cannot drop non existing materialized view", "DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW " + KEYSPACE + ".view_does_not_exist"); assertInvalidMessage("Cannot drop non existing materialized view", "DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW keyspace_does_not_exist.view_does_not_exist"); execute("DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS " + KEYSPACE + ".view_does_not_exist"); execute("DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS keyspace_does_not_exist.view_does_not_exist"); } @Test public void testPartitionTombstone() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k1 int, c1 int , val int, PRIMARY KEY (k1, c1))"); execute("USE " + keyspace()); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("view1", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW view1 AS SELECT k1 FROM %%s WHERE k1 IS NOT NULL AND c1 IS NOT NULL AND val IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (val, k1, c1)"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (k1, c1, val) VALUES (1, 2, 200)"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (k1, c1, val) VALUES (1, 3, 300)"); Assert.assertEquals(2, execute("select * from %s").size()); Assert.assertEquals(2, execute("select * from view1").size()); updateView("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k1 = 1"); Assert.assertEquals(0, execute("select * from %s").size()); Assert.assertEquals(0, execute("select * from view1").size()); } @Test public void testClusteringKeyTombstone() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k1 int, c1 int , val int, PRIMARY KEY (k1, c1))"); execute("USE " + keyspace()); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("view1", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW view1 AS SELECT k1 FROM %%s WHERE k1 IS NOT NULL AND c1 IS NOT NULL AND val IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (val, k1, c1)"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (k1, c1, val) VALUES (1, 2, 200)"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (k1, c1, val) VALUES (1, 3, 300)"); Assert.assertEquals(2, execute("select * from %s").size()); Assert.assertEquals(2, execute("select * from view1").size()); updateView("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k1 = 1 and c1 = 3"); Assert.assertEquals(1, execute("select * from %s").size()); Assert.assertEquals(1, execute("select * from view1").size()); } @Test public void testPrimaryKeyIsNotNull() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "k int, " + "asciival ascii, " + "bigintval bigint, " + "PRIMARY KEY((k, asciival)))"); execute("USE " + keyspace()); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); // Must include "IS NOT NULL" for primary keys try { createView("mv_test", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s"); Assert.fail("Should fail if no primary key is filtered as NOT NULL"); } catch (Exception e) { } // Must include both when the partition key is composite try { createView("mv_test", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE bigintval IS NOT NULL AND asciival IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (bigintval, k, asciival)"); Assert.fail("Should fail if compound primary is not completely filtered as NOT NULL"); } catch (Exception e) { } dropTable("DROP TABLE %s"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "k int, " + "asciival ascii, " + "bigintval bigint, " + "PRIMARY KEY(k, asciival))"); try { createView("mv_test", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s"); Assert.fail("Should fail if no primary key is filtered as NOT NULL"); } catch (Exception e) { } // Can omit "k IS NOT NULL" because we have a sinlge partition key createView("mv_test", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE bigintval IS NOT NULL AND asciival IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (bigintval, k, asciival)"); } @Test public void testStaticTable() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "k int, " + "c int, " + "sval text static, " + "val text, " + "PRIMARY KEY(k,c))"); execute("USE " + keyspace()); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); try { createView("mv_static", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %%s AS SELECT * FROM %s WHERE sval IS NOT NULL AND k IS NOT NULL AND c IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (sval,k,c)"); Assert.fail("Use of static column in a MV primary key should fail"); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { } try { createView("mv_static", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %%s AS SELECT val, sval FROM %s WHERE val IS NOT NULL AND k IS NOT NULL AND c IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (val, k, c)"); Assert.fail("Explicit select of static column in MV should fail"); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { } try { createView("mv_static", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE val IS NOT NULL AND k IS NOT NULL AND c IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (val,k,c)"); Assert.fail("Implicit select of static column in MV should fail"); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { } createView("mv_static", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT val,k,c FROM %%s WHERE val IS NOT NULL AND k IS NOT NULL AND c IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (val,k,c)"); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) updateView("INSERT into %s (k,c,sval,val)VALUES(?,?,?,?)", 0, i % 2, "bar" + i, "baz"); Assert.assertEquals(2, execute("select * from %s").size()); assertRows(execute("SELECT sval from %s"), row("bar99"), row("bar99")); Assert.assertEquals(2, execute("select * from mv_static").size()); assertInvalid("SELECT sval from mv_static"); } @Test public void testOldTimestamps() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "k int, " + "c int, " + "val text, " + "PRIMARY KEY(k,c))"); execute("USE " + keyspace()); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv_tstest", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE val IS NOT NULL AND k IS NOT NULL AND c IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (val,k,c)"); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) updateView("INSERT into %s (k,c,val)VALUES(?,?,?)", 0, i % 2, "baz"); Keyspace.open(keyspace()).getColumnFamilyStore(currentTable()).forceBlockingFlush(); Assert.assertEquals(2, execute("select * from %s").size()); Assert.assertEquals(2, execute("select * from mv_tstest").size()); assertRows(execute("SELECT val from %s where k = 0 and c = 0"), row("baz")); assertRows(execute("SELECT c from mv_tstest where k = 0 and val = ?", "baz"), row(0), row(1)); //Make sure an old TS does nothing updateView("UPDATE %s USING TIMESTAMP 100 SET val = ? where k = ? AND c = ?", "bar", 0, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT val from %s where k = 0 and c = 0"), row("baz")); assertRows(execute("SELECT c from mv_tstest where k = 0 and val = ?", "baz"), row(0), row(1)); assertRows(execute("SELECT c from mv_tstest where k = 0 and val = ?", "bar")); //Latest TS updateView("UPDATE %s SET val = ? where k = ? AND c = ?", "bar", 0, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT val from %s where k = 0 and c = 0"), row("bar")); assertRows(execute("SELECT c from mv_tstest where k = 0 and val = ?", "bar"), row(0)); assertRows(execute("SELECT c from mv_tstest where k = 0 and val = ?", "baz"), row(1)); } @Test public void testRegularColumnTimestampUpdates() throws Throwable { // Regression test for CASSANDRA-10910 createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "k int PRIMARY KEY, " + "c int, " + "val int)"); execute("USE " + keyspace()); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv_rctstest", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE k IS NOT NULL AND c IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (k,c)"); updateView("UPDATE %s SET c = ?, val = ? WHERE k = ?", 0, 0, 0); updateView("UPDATE %s SET val = ? WHERE k = ?", 1, 0); updateView("UPDATE %s SET c = ? WHERE k = ?", 1, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT c, k, val FROM mv_rctstest"), row(1, 0, 1)); updateView("TRUNCATE %s"); updateView("UPDATE %s USING TIMESTAMP 1 SET c = ?, val = ? WHERE k = ?", 0, 0, 0); updateView("UPDATE %s USING TIMESTAMP 3 SET c = ? WHERE k = ?", 1, 0); updateView("UPDATE %s USING TIMESTAMP 2 SET val = ? WHERE k = ?", 1, 0); updateView("UPDATE %s USING TIMESTAMP 4 SET c = ? WHERE k = ?", 2, 0); updateView("UPDATE %s USING TIMESTAMP 3 SET val = ? WHERE k = ?", 2, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT c, k, val FROM mv_rctstest"), row(2, 0, 2)); } @Test public void testCountersTable() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "k int PRIMARY KEY, " + "count counter)"); execute("USE " + keyspace()); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); try { createView("mv_counter", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE count IS NOT NULL AND k IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (count,k)"); Assert.fail("MV on counter should fail"); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { } } @Test public void complexTimestampUpdateTestWithFlush() throws Throwable { complexTimestampUpdateTest(true); } @Test public void complexTimestampUpdateTestWithoutFlush() throws Throwable { complexTimestampUpdateTest(false); } public void complexTimestampUpdateTest(boolean flush) throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, c int, d int, e int, PRIMARY KEY (a, b))"); execute("USE " + keyspace()); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); Keyspace ks = Keyspace.open(keyspace()); createView("mv", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE a IS NOT NULL AND b IS NOT NULL AND c IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (c, a, b)"); ks.getColumnFamilyStore("mv").disableAutoCompaction(); //Set initial values TS=0, leaving e null and verify view executeNet(protocolVersion, "INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (0, 0, 1, 0) USING TIMESTAMP 0"); assertRows(execute("SELECT d from mv WHERE c = ? and a = ? and b = ?", 1, 0, 0), row(0)); if (flush) FBUtilities.waitOnFutures(ks.flush()); //update c's timestamp TS=2 executeNet(protocolVersion, "UPDATE %s USING TIMESTAMP 2 SET c = ? WHERE a = ? and b = ? ", 1, 0, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT d from mv WHERE c = ? and a = ? and b = ?", 1, 0, 0), row(0)); if (flush) FBUtilities.waitOnFutures(ks.flush()); //change c's value and TS=3, tombstones c=1 and adds c=0 record executeNet(protocolVersion, "UPDATE %s USING TIMESTAMP 3 SET c = ? WHERE a = ? and b = ? ", 0, 0, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT d from mv WHERE c = ? and a = ? and b = ?", 1, 0, 0)); if(flush) { ks.getColumnFamilyStore("mv").forceMajorCompaction(); FBUtilities.waitOnFutures(ks.flush()); } //change c's value back to 1 with TS=4, check we can see d executeNet(protocolVersion, "UPDATE %s USING TIMESTAMP 4 SET c = ? WHERE a = ? and b = ? ", 1, 0, 0); if (flush) { ks.getColumnFamilyStore("mv").forceMajorCompaction(); FBUtilities.waitOnFutures(ks.flush()); } assertRows(execute("SELECT d,e from mv WHERE c = ? and a = ? and b = ?", 1, 0, 0), row(0, null)); //Add e value @ TS=1 executeNet(protocolVersion, "UPDATE %s USING TIMESTAMP 1 SET e = ? WHERE a = ? and b = ? ", 1, 0, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT d,e from mv WHERE c = ? and a = ? and b = ?", 1, 0, 0), row(0, 1)); if (flush) FBUtilities.waitOnFutures(ks.flush()); //Change d value @ TS=2 executeNet(protocolVersion, "UPDATE %s USING TIMESTAMP 2 SET d = ? WHERE a = ? and b = ? ", 2, 0, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT d from mv WHERE c = ? and a = ? and b = ?", 1, 0, 0), row(2)); if (flush) FBUtilities.waitOnFutures(ks.flush()); //Change d value @ TS=3 executeNet(protocolVersion, "UPDATE %s USING TIMESTAMP 3 SET d = ? WHERE a = ? and b = ? ", 1, 0, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT d from mv WHERE c = ? and a = ? and b = ?", 1, 0, 0), row(1)); //Tombstone c executeNet(protocolVersion, "DELETE FROM %s WHERE a = ? and b = ?", 0, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT d from mv")); //Add back without D executeNet(protocolVersion, "INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c) VALUES (0, 0, 1)"); //Make sure D doesn't pop back in. assertRows(execute("SELECT d from mv WHERE c = ? and a = ? and b = ?", 1, 0, 0), row((Object) null)); //New partition // insert a row with timestamp 0 executeNet(protocolVersion, "INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d, e) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) USING TIMESTAMP 0", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); // overwrite pk and e with timestamp 1, but don't overwrite d executeNet(protocolVersion, "INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, e) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) USING TIMESTAMP 1", 1, 0, 0, 0); // delete with timestamp 0 (which should only delete d) executeNet(protocolVersion, "DELETE FROM %s USING TIMESTAMP 0 WHERE a = ? AND b = ?", 1, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT a, b, c, d, e from mv WHERE c = ? and a = ? and b = ?", 0, 1, 0), row(1, 0, 0, null, 0) ); executeNet(protocolVersion, "UPDATE %s USING TIMESTAMP 2 SET c = ? WHERE a = ? AND b = ?", 1, 1, 0); executeNet(protocolVersion, "UPDATE %s USING TIMESTAMP 3 SET c = ? WHERE a = ? AND b = ?", 0, 1, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT a, b, c, d, e from mv WHERE c = ? and a = ? and b = ?", 0, 1, 0), row(1, 0, 0, null, 0) ); executeNet(protocolVersion, "UPDATE %s USING TIMESTAMP 3 SET d = ? WHERE a = ? AND b = ?", 0, 1, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT a, b, c, d, e from mv WHERE c = ? and a = ? and b = ?", 0, 1, 0), row(1, 0, 0, 0, 0) ); } @Test public void testBuilderWidePartition() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "k int, " + "c int, " + "intval int, " + "PRIMARY KEY (k, c))"); execute("USE " + keyspace()); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); for(int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, intval) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 0, i, 0); createView("mv", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE k IS NOT NULL AND c IS NOT NULL AND intval IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (intval, c, k)"); while (!SystemKeyspace.isViewBuilt(keyspace(), "mv")) Thread.sleep(1000); assertRows(execute("SELECT count(*) from %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(1024L)); assertRows(execute("SELECT count(*) from mv WHERE intval = ?", 0), row(1024L)); } @Test public void testRangeTombstone() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "k int, " + "asciival ascii, " + "bigintval bigint, " + "textval1 text, " + "textval2 text, " + "PRIMARY KEY((k, asciival), bigintval, textval1)" + ")"); execute("USE " + keyspace()); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv_test1", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE textval2 IS NOT NULL AND k IS NOT NULL AND asciival IS NOT NULL AND bigintval IS NOT NULL AND textval1 IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ((textval2, k), asciival, bigintval, textval1)"); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) updateView("INSERT into %s (k,asciival,bigintval,textval1,textval2)VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", 0, "foo", (long) i % 2, "bar" + i, "baz"); Assert.assertEquals(50, execute("select * from %s where k = 0 and asciival = 'foo' and bigintval = 0").size()); Assert.assertEquals(50, execute("select * from %s where k = 0 and asciival = 'foo' and bigintval = 1").size()); Assert.assertEquals(100, execute("select * from mv_test1").size()); //Check the builder works createView("mv_test2", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE textval2 IS NOT NULL AND k IS NOT NULL AND asciival IS NOT NULL AND bigintval IS NOT NULL AND textval1 IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ((textval2, k), asciival, bigintval, textval1)"); while (!SystemKeyspace.isViewBuilt(keyspace(), "mv_test2")) Thread.sleep(10); Assert.assertEquals(100, execute("select * from mv_test2").size()); createView("mv_test3", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE textval2 IS NOT NULL AND k IS NOT NULL AND asciival IS NOT NULL AND bigintval IS NOT NULL AND textval1 IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ((textval2, k), bigintval, textval1, asciival)"); while (!SystemKeyspace.isViewBuilt(keyspace(), "mv_test3")) Thread.sleep(10); Assert.assertEquals(100, execute("select * from mv_test3").size()); Assert.assertEquals(100, execute("select asciival from mv_test3 where textval2 = ? and k = ?", "baz", 0).size()); //Write a RT and verify the data is removed from index updateView("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = ? AND asciival = ? and bigintval = ?", 0, "foo", 0L); Assert.assertEquals(50, execute("select asciival from mv_test3 where textval2 = ? and k = ?", "baz", 0).size()); } @Test public void testRangeTombstone2() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "k int, " + "asciival ascii, " + "bigintval bigint, " + "textval1 text, " + "PRIMARY KEY((k, asciival), bigintval)" + ")"); execute("USE " + keyspace()); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE textval1 IS NOT NULL AND k IS NOT NULL AND asciival IS NOT NULL AND bigintval IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ((textval1, k), asciival, bigintval)"); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) updateView("INSERT into %s (k,asciival,bigintval,textval1)VALUES(?,?,?,?)", 0, "foo", (long) i % 2, "bar" + i); Assert.assertEquals(1, execute("select * from %s where k = 0 and asciival = 'foo' and bigintval = 0").size()); Assert.assertEquals(1, execute("select * from %s where k = 0 and asciival = 'foo' and bigintval = 1").size()); Assert.assertEquals(2, execute("select * from %s").size()); Assert.assertEquals(2, execute("select * from mv").size()); //Write a RT and verify the data is removed from index updateView("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = ? AND asciival = ? and bigintval = ?", 0, "foo", 0L); Assert.assertEquals(1, execute("select * from %s").size()); Assert.assertEquals(1, execute("select * from mv").size()); } @Test public void testRangeTombstone3() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "k int, " + "asciival ascii, " + "bigintval bigint, " + "textval1 text, " + "PRIMARY KEY((k, asciival), bigintval)" + ")"); execute("USE " + keyspace()); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE textval1 IS NOT NULL AND k IS NOT NULL AND asciival IS NOT NULL AND bigintval IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ((textval1, k), asciival, bigintval)"); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) updateView("INSERT into %s (k,asciival,bigintval,textval1)VALUES(?,?,?,?)", 0, "foo", (long) i % 2, "bar" + i); Assert.assertEquals(1, execute("select * from %s where k = 0 and asciival = 'foo' and bigintval = 0").size()); Assert.assertEquals(1, execute("select * from %s where k = 0 and asciival = 'foo' and bigintval = 1").size()); Assert.assertEquals(2, execute("select * from %s").size()); Assert.assertEquals(2, execute("select * from mv").size()); //Write a RT and verify the data is removed from index updateView("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = ? AND asciival = ? and bigintval >= ?", 0, "foo", 0L); Assert.assertEquals(0, execute("select * from %s").size()); Assert.assertEquals(0, execute("select * from mv").size()); } @Test public void testCompoundPartitionKey() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "k int, " + "asciival ascii, " + "bigintval bigint, " + "PRIMARY KEY((k, asciival)))"); CFMetaData metadata = currentTableMetadata(); execute("USE " + keyspace()); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); for (ColumnDefinition def : new HashSet<>(metadata.allColumns())) { try { String query = "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE " + def.name + " IS NOT NULL AND k IS NOT NULL " + (def.name.toString().equals("asciival") ? "" : "AND asciival IS NOT NULL ") + "PRIMARY KEY (" + def.name + ", k" + (def.name.toString().equals("asciival") ? "" : ", asciival") + ")"; createView("mv1_" + def.name, query); if (def.type.isMultiCell()) Assert.fail("MV on a multicell should fail " + def); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { if (!def.type.isMultiCell() && !def.isPartitionKey()) Assert.fail("MV creation failed on " + def); } try { String query = "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE " + def.name + " IS NOT NULL AND k IS NOT NULL " + (def.name.toString().equals("asciival") ? "" : "AND asciival IS NOT NULL ") + " PRIMARY KEY (" + def.name + ", asciival" + (def.name.toString().equals("k") ? "" : ", k") + ")"; createView("mv2_" + def.name, query); if (def.type.isMultiCell()) Assert.fail("MV on a multicell should fail " + def); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { if (!def.type.isMultiCell() && !def.isPartitionKey()) Assert.fail("MV creation failed on " + def); } try { String query = "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE " + def.name + " IS NOT NULL AND k IS NOT NULL " + (def.name.toString().equals("asciival") ? "" : "AND asciival IS NOT NULL ") + "PRIMARY KEY ((" + def.name + ", k), asciival)"; createView("mv3_" + def.name, query); if (def.type.isMultiCell()) Assert.fail("MV on a multicell should fail " + def); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { if (!def.type.isMultiCell() && !def.isPartitionKey()) Assert.fail("MV creation failed on " + def); } try { String query = "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE " + def.name + " IS NOT NULL AND k IS NOT NULL " + (def.name.toString().equals("asciival") ? "" : "AND asciival IS NOT NULL ") + "PRIMARY KEY ((" + def.name + ", k), asciival)"; createView("mv3_" + def.name, query); Assert.fail("Should fail on duplicate name"); } catch (Exception e) { } try { String query = "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE " + def.name + " IS NOT NULL AND k IS NOT NULL " + (def.name.toString().equals("asciival") ? "" : "AND asciival IS NOT NULL ") + "PRIMARY KEY ((" + def.name + ", k), nonexistentcolumn)"; createView("mv3_" + def.name, query); Assert.fail("Should fail with unknown base column"); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { } } updateView("INSERT INTO %s (k, asciival, bigintval) VALUES (?, ?, fromJson(?))", 0, "ascii text", "123123123123"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (k, asciival) VALUES (?, fromJson(?))", 0, "\"ascii text\""); assertRows(execute("SELECT bigintval FROM %s WHERE k = ? and asciival = ?", 0, "ascii text"), row(123123123123L)); //Check the MV assertRows(execute("SELECT k, bigintval from mv1_asciival WHERE asciival = ?", "ascii text"), row(0, 123123123123L)); assertRows(execute("SELECT k, bigintval from mv2_k WHERE asciival = ? and k = ?", "ascii text", 0), row(0, 123123123123L)); assertRows(execute("SELECT k from mv1_bigintval WHERE bigintval = ?", 123123123123L), row(0)); assertRows(execute("SELECT asciival from mv3_bigintval where bigintval = ? AND k = ?", 123123123123L, 0), row("ascii text")); //UPDATE BASE updateView("INSERT INTO %s (k, asciival, bigintval) VALUES (?, ?, fromJson(?))", 0, "ascii text", "1"); assertRows(execute("SELECT bigintval FROM %s WHERE k = ? and asciival = ?", 0, "ascii text"), row(1L)); //Check the MV assertRows(execute("SELECT k, bigintval from mv1_asciival WHERE asciival = ?", "ascii text"), row(0, 1L)); assertRows(execute("SELECT k, bigintval from mv2_k WHERE asciival = ? and k = ?", "ascii text", 0), row(0, 1L)); assertRows(execute("SELECT k from mv1_bigintval WHERE bigintval = ?", 123123123123L)); assertRows(execute("SELECT asciival from mv3_bigintval where bigintval = ? AND k = ?", 123123123123L, 0)); assertRows(execute("SELECT asciival from mv3_bigintval where bigintval = ? AND k = ?", 1L, 0), row("ascii text")); //test truncate also truncates all MV updateView("TRUNCATE %s"); assertRows(execute("SELECT bigintval FROM %s WHERE k = ? and asciival = ?", 0, "ascii text")); assertRows(execute("SELECT k, bigintval from mv1_asciival WHERE asciival = ?", "ascii text")); assertRows(execute("SELECT k, bigintval from mv2_k WHERE asciival = ? and k = ?", "ascii text", 0)); assertRows(execute("SELECT asciival from mv3_bigintval where bigintval = ? AND k = ?", 1L, 0)); } @Test public void testCollections() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "k int, " + "intval int, " + "listval list<int>, " + "PRIMARY KEY (k))"); execute("USE " + keyspace()); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE k IS NOT NULL AND intval IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (intval, k)"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (k, intval, listval) VALUES (?, ?, fromJson(?))", 0, 0, "[1, 2, 3]"); assertRows(execute("SELECT k, listval FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, list(1, 2, 3))); assertRows(execute("SELECT k, listval from mv WHERE intval = ?", 0), row(0, list(1, 2, 3))); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (k, intval) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (k, listval) VALUES (?, fromJson(?))", 1, "[1, 2, 3]"); assertRows(execute("SELECT k, listval FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 1), row(1, list(1, 2, 3))); assertRows(execute("SELECT k, listval from mv WHERE intval = ?", 1), row(1, list(1, 2, 3))); } @Test public void testUpdate() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "k int, " + "intval int, " + "PRIMARY KEY (k))"); execute("USE " + keyspace()); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE k IS NOT NULL AND intval IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (intval, k)"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (k, intval) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT k, intval FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, 0)); assertRows(execute("SELECT k, intval from mv WHERE intval = ?", 0), row(0, 0)); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (k, intval) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, 1); assertRows(execute("SELECT k, intval FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, 1)); assertRows(execute("SELECT k, intval from mv WHERE intval = ?", 1), row(0, 1)); } @Test public void testIgnoreUpdate() throws Throwable { // regression test for CASSANDRA-10614 createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "a int, " + "b int, " + "c int, " + "d int, " + "PRIMARY KEY (a, b))"); execute("USE " + keyspace()); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT a, b, c FROM %%s WHERE a IS NOT NULL AND b IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (b, a)"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 0, 0, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT a, b, c from mv WHERE b = ?", 0), row(0, 0, 0)); updateView("UPDATE %s SET d = ? WHERE a = ? AND b = ?", 0, 0, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT a, b, c from mv WHERE b = ?", 0), row(0, 0, 0)); // Note: errors here may result in the test hanging when the memtables are flushed as part of the table drop, // because empty rows in the memtable will cause the flush to fail. This will result in a test timeout that // should not be ignored. String table = KEYSPACE + "." + currentTable(); updateView("BEGIN BATCH " + "INSERT INTO " + table + " (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?); " + // should be accepted "UPDATE " + table + " SET d = ? WHERE a = ? AND b = ?; " + // should be ignored "APPLY BATCH", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1); assertRows(execute("SELECT a, b, c from mv WHERE b = ?", 0), row(0, 0, 0)); assertEmpty(execute("SELECT a, b, c from mv WHERE b = ?", 1)); ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Keyspace.open(keyspace()).getColumnFamilyStore("mv"); cfs.forceBlockingFlush(); Assert.assertEquals(1, cfs.getLiveSSTables().size()); } @Test public void ttlTest() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "a int," + "b int," + "c int," + "d int," + "PRIMARY KEY (a, b))"); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE c IS NOT NULL AND a IS NOT NULL AND b IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (c, a, b)"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) USING TTL 3", 1, 1, 1, 1); Thread.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1)); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, 1, 2); Thread.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(5)); List<Row> results = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT d FROM mv WHERE c = 2 AND a = 1 AND b = 1").all(); Assert.assertEquals(1, results.size()); Assert.assertTrue("There should be a null result given back due to ttl expiry", results.get(0).isNull(0)); } @Test public void ttlExpirationTest() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "a int," + "b int," + "c int," + "d int," + "PRIMARY KEY (a, b))"); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE c IS NOT NULL AND a IS NOT NULL AND b IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (c, a, b)"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) USING TTL 3", 1, 1, 1, 1); Thread.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(4)); Assert.assertEquals(0, executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT * FROM mv WHERE c = 1 AND a = 1 AND b = 1").all().size()); } @Test public void rowDeletionTest() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "a int," + "b int," + "c int," + "d int," + "PRIMARY KEY (a, b))"); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE c IS NOT NULL AND a IS NOT NULL AND b IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (c, a, b)"); String table = keyspace() + "." + currentTable(); updateView("DELETE FROM " + table + " USING TIMESTAMP 6 WHERE a = 1 AND b = 1;"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) USING TIMESTAMP 3", 1, 1, 1, 1); Assert.assertEquals(0, executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT * FROM mv WHERE c = 1 AND a = 1 AND b = 1").all().size()); } @Test public void conflictingTimestampTest() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "a int," + "b int," + "c int," + "PRIMARY KEY (a, b))"); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE c IS NOT NULL AND a IS NOT NULL AND b IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (c, a, b)"); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?) USING TIMESTAMP 1", 1, 1, i); } ResultSet mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT c FROM mv"); List<Row> rows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT c FROM %s").all(); Assert.assertEquals("There should be exactly one row in base", 1, rows.size()); int expected = rows.get(0).getInt("c"); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, mvRows, row(expected)); } @Test public void testClusteringOrder() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "a int," + "b int," + "c int," + "d int," + "PRIMARY KEY (a, b, c))" + "WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (b ASC, c DESC)"); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv1", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE b IS NOT NULL AND c IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (a, b, c) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (b DESC)"); createView("mv2", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE b IS NOT NULL AND c IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (a, c, b) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (c ASC)"); createView("mv3", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE b IS NOT NULL AND c IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (a, b, c)"); createView("mv4", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE b IS NOT NULL AND c IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (a, c, b) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (c DESC)"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", 1, 1, 1, 1); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", 1, 2, 2, 2); ResultSet mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT b FROM mv1"); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, mvRows, row(2), row(1)); mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT c FROM mv2"); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, mvRows, row(1), row(2)); mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT b FROM mv3"); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, mvRows, row(1), row(2)); mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT c FROM mv4"); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, mvRows, row(2), row(1)); } @Test public void testMultipleDeletes() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "a int," + "b int," + "PRIMARY KEY (a, b))"); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv1", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE b IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (b, a)"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 2); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 3); ResultSet mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT a, b FROM mv1"); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, mvRows, row(1, 1), row(1, 2), row(1, 3)); updateView(String.format("BEGIN UNLOGGED BATCH " + "DELETE FROM %s WHERE a = 1 AND b > 1 AND b < 3;" + "DELETE FROM %s WHERE a = 1;" + "APPLY BATCH", currentTable(), currentTable())); mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT a, b FROM mv1"); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, mvRows); } @Test public void testPrimaryKeyOnlyTable() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "a int," + "b int," + "PRIMARY KEY (a, b))"); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); // Cannot use SELECT *, as those are always handled by the includeAll shortcut in View.updateAffectsView createView("mv1", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT a, b FROM %%s WHERE b IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (b, a)"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1); ResultSet mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT a, b FROM mv1"); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, mvRows, row(1, 1)); } @Test public void testPartitionKeyOnlyTable() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "a int," + "b int," + "PRIMARY KEY ((a, b)))"); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); // Cannot use SELECT *, as those are always handled by the includeAll shortcut in View.updateAffectsView createView("mv1", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT a, b FROM %%s WHERE a IS NOT NULL AND b IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (b, a)"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1); ResultSet mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT a, b FROM mv1"); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, mvRows, row(1, 1)); } @Test public void testDeleteSingleColumnInViewClustering() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "a int," + "b int," + "c int," + "d int," + "PRIMARY KEY (a, b))"); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv1", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE a IS NOT NULL AND b IS NOT NULL AND d IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (a, d, b)"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", 0, 0, 0, 0); ResultSet mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT a, d, b, c FROM mv1"); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, mvRows, row(0, 0, 0, 0)); updateView("DELETE c FROM %s WHERE a = ? AND b = ?", 0, 0); mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT a, d, b, c FROM mv1"); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, mvRows, row(0, 0, 0, null)); updateView("DELETE d FROM %s WHERE a = ? AND b = ?", 0, 0); mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT a, d, b FROM mv1"); assertTrue(mvRows.isExhausted()); } @Test public void testDeleteSingleColumnInViewPartitionKey() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "a int," + "b int," + "c int," + "d int," + "PRIMARY KEY (a, b))"); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv1", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE a IS NOT NULL AND b IS NOT NULL AND d IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (d, a, b)"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", 0, 0, 0, 0); ResultSet mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT a, d, b, c FROM mv1"); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, mvRows, row(0, 0, 0, 0)); updateView("DELETE c FROM %s WHERE a = ? AND b = ?", 0, 0); mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT a, d, b, c FROM mv1"); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, mvRows, row(0, 0, 0, null)); updateView("DELETE d FROM %s WHERE a = ? AND b = ?", 0, 0); mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT a, d, b FROM mv1"); assertTrue(mvRows.isExhausted()); } @Test public void testCollectionInView() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "a int," + "b int," + "c map<int, text>," + "PRIMARY KEY (a))"); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mvmap", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT a, b FROM %%s WHERE b IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (b, a)"); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, 0); ResultSet mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT a, b FROM mvmap WHERE b = ?", 0); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, mvRows, row(0, 0)); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, 1, map(1, "1")); mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT a, b FROM mvmap WHERE b = ?", 1); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, mvRows, row(1, 1)); updateView("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 0, 0, map(0, "0")); mvRows = executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT a, b FROM mvmap WHERE b = ?", 0); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, mvRows, row(0, 0)); } @Test public void testMultipleNonPrimaryKeysInView() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" + "a int," + "b int," + "c int," + "d int," + "e int," + "PRIMARY KEY ((a, b), c))"); try { createView("mv_de", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE a IS NOT NULL AND b IS NOT NULL AND c IS NOT NULL AND d IS NOT NULL AND e IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ((d, a), b, e, c)"); Assert.fail("Should have rejected a query including multiple non-primary key base columns"); } catch (Exception e) { } try { createView("mv_de", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE a IS NOT NULL AND b IS NOT NULL AND c IS NOT NULL AND d IS NOT NULL AND e IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ((a, b), c, d, e)"); Assert.fail("Should have rejected a query including multiple non-primary key base columns"); } catch (Exception e) { } } @Test public void testNullInClusteringColumns() throws Throwable { createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id1 int, id2 int, v1 text, v2 text, PRIMARY KEY (id1, id2))"); executeNet(protocolVersion, "USE " + keyspace()); createView("mv", "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS" + " SELECT id1, v1, id2, v2" + " FROM %%s" + " WHERE id1 IS NOT NULL AND v1 IS NOT NULL AND id2 IS NOT NULL" + " PRIMARY KEY (id1, v1, id2)" + " WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (v1 DESC, id2 ASC)"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (id1, id2, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", 0, 1, "foo", "bar"); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, 1, "foo", "bar")); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT * FROM mv"), row(0, "foo", 1, "bar")); executeNet(protocolVersion, "UPDATE %s SET v1=? WHERE id1=? AND id2=?", null, 0, 1); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, 1, null, "bar")); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT * FROM mv")); executeNet(protocolVersion, "UPDATE %s SET v2=? WHERE id1=? AND id2=?", "rab", 0, 1); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, 1, null, "rab")); assertRowsNet(protocolVersion, executeNet(protocolVersion, "SELECT * FROM mv")); } }