/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.collect.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore; import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.SSTableSet; import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LifecycleTransaction; import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.SSTableReader; import org.apache.cassandra.schema.CompactionParams; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair; import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.filter; public class TimeWindowCompactionStrategy extends AbstractCompactionStrategy { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TimeWindowCompactionStrategy.class); private final TimeWindowCompactionStrategyOptions options; protected volatile int estimatedRemainingTasks; private final Set<SSTableReader> sstables = new HashSet<>(); private long lastExpiredCheck; private long highestWindowSeen; public TimeWindowCompactionStrategy(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Map<String, String> options) { super(cfs, options); this.estimatedRemainingTasks = 0; this.options = new TimeWindowCompactionStrategyOptions(options); if (!options.containsKey(AbstractCompactionStrategy.TOMBSTONE_COMPACTION_INTERVAL_OPTION) && !options.containsKey(AbstractCompactionStrategy.TOMBSTONE_THRESHOLD_OPTION)) { disableTombstoneCompactions = true; logger.debug("Disabling tombstone compactions for TWCS"); } else logger.debug("Enabling tombstone compactions for TWCS"); } @Override public AbstractCompactionTask getNextBackgroundTask(int gcBefore) { while (true) { List<SSTableReader> latestBucket = getNextBackgroundSSTables(gcBefore); if (latestBucket.isEmpty()) return null; LifecycleTransaction modifier = cfs.getTracker().tryModify(latestBucket, OperationType.COMPACTION); if (modifier != null) return new CompactionTask(cfs, modifier, gcBefore); } } /** * * @param gcBefore * @return */ private synchronized List<SSTableReader> getNextBackgroundSSTables(final int gcBefore) { if (Iterables.isEmpty(cfs.getSSTables(SSTableSet.LIVE))) return Collections.emptyList(); Set<SSTableReader> uncompacting = ImmutableSet.copyOf(filter(cfs.getUncompactingSSTables(), sstables::contains)); // Find fully expired SSTables. Those will be included no matter what. Set<SSTableReader> expired = Collections.emptySet(); if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastExpiredCheck > options.expiredSSTableCheckFrequency) { logger.debug("TWCS expired check sufficiently far in the past, checking for fully expired SSTables"); expired = CompactionController.getFullyExpiredSSTables(cfs, uncompacting, cfs.getOverlappingLiveSSTables(uncompacting), gcBefore); lastExpiredCheck = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else { logger.debug("TWCS skipping check for fully expired SSTables"); } Set<SSTableReader> candidates = Sets.newHashSet(filterSuspectSSTables(uncompacting)); List<SSTableReader> compactionCandidates = new ArrayList<>(getNextNonExpiredSSTables(Sets.difference(candidates, expired), gcBefore)); if (!expired.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("Including expired sstables: {}", expired); compactionCandidates.addAll(expired); } return compactionCandidates; } private List<SSTableReader> getNextNonExpiredSSTables(Iterable<SSTableReader> nonExpiringSSTables, final int gcBefore) { List<SSTableReader> mostInteresting = getCompactionCandidates(nonExpiringSSTables); if (mostInteresting != null) { return mostInteresting; } // if there is no sstable to compact in standard way, try compacting single sstable whose droppable tombstone // ratio is greater than threshold. List<SSTableReader> sstablesWithTombstones = new ArrayList<>(); for (SSTableReader sstable : nonExpiringSSTables) { if (worthDroppingTombstones(sstable, gcBefore)) sstablesWithTombstones.add(sstable); } if (sstablesWithTombstones.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList(); return Collections.singletonList(Collections.min(sstablesWithTombstones, new SSTableReader.SizeComparator())); } private List<SSTableReader> getCompactionCandidates(Iterable<SSTableReader> candidateSSTables) { Pair<HashMultimap<Long, SSTableReader>, Long> buckets = getBuckets(candidateSSTables, options.sstableWindowUnit, options.sstableWindowSize, options.timestampResolution); // Update the highest window seen, if necessary if(buckets.right > this.highestWindowSeen) this.highestWindowSeen = buckets.right; updateEstimatedCompactionsByTasks(buckets.left); List<SSTableReader> mostInteresting = newestBucket(buckets.left, cfs.getMinimumCompactionThreshold(), cfs.getMaximumCompactionThreshold(), options.sstableWindowUnit, options.sstableWindowSize, options.stcsOptions, this.highestWindowSeen); if (!mostInteresting.isEmpty()) return mostInteresting; return null; } @Override public void addSSTable(SSTableReader sstable) { sstables.add(sstable); } @Override public void removeSSTable(SSTableReader sstable) { sstables.remove(sstable); } /** * Find the lowest and highest timestamps in a given timestamp/unit pair * Returns milliseconds, caller should adjust accordingly */ public static Pair<Long,Long> getWindowBoundsInMillis(TimeUnit windowTimeUnit, int windowTimeSize, long timestampInMillis) { long lowerTimestamp; long upperTimestamp; long timestampInSeconds = TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(timestampInMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); switch(windowTimeUnit) { case MINUTES: lowerTimestamp = timestampInSeconds - ((timestampInSeconds) % (60 * windowTimeSize)); upperTimestamp = (lowerTimestamp + (60L * (windowTimeSize - 1L))) + 59L; break; case HOURS: lowerTimestamp = timestampInSeconds - ((timestampInSeconds) % (3600 * windowTimeSize)); upperTimestamp = (lowerTimestamp + (3600L * (windowTimeSize - 1L))) + 3599L; break; case DAYS: default: lowerTimestamp = timestampInSeconds - ((timestampInSeconds) % (86400 * windowTimeSize)); upperTimestamp = (lowerTimestamp + (86400L * (windowTimeSize - 1L))) + 86399L; break; } return Pair.create(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(lowerTimestamp, TimeUnit.SECONDS), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(upperTimestamp, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); } /** * Group files with similar max timestamp into buckets. * * @param files pairs consisting of a file and its min timestamp * @param sstableWindowUnit * @param sstableWindowSize * @param timestampResolution * @return A pair, where the left element is the bucket representation (map of timestamp to sstablereader), and the right is the highest timestamp seen */ @VisibleForTesting static Pair<HashMultimap<Long, SSTableReader>, Long> getBuckets(Iterable<SSTableReader> files, TimeUnit sstableWindowUnit, int sstableWindowSize, TimeUnit timestampResolution) { HashMultimap<Long, SSTableReader> buckets = HashMultimap.create(); long maxTimestamp = 0; // Create hash map to represent buckets // For each sstable, add sstable to the time bucket // Where the bucket is the file's max timestamp rounded to the nearest window bucket for (SSTableReader f : files) { assert TimeWindowCompactionStrategyOptions.validTimestampTimeUnits.contains(timestampResolution); long tStamp = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(f.getMaxTimestamp(), timestampResolution); Pair<Long,Long> bounds = getWindowBoundsInMillis(sstableWindowUnit, sstableWindowSize, tStamp); buckets.put(bounds.left, f); if (bounds.left > maxTimestamp) maxTimestamp = bounds.left; } logger.trace("buckets {}, max timestamp", buckets, maxTimestamp); return Pair.create(buckets, maxTimestamp); } private void updateEstimatedCompactionsByTasks(HashMultimap<Long, SSTableReader> tasks) { int n = 0; long now = this.highestWindowSeen; for(Long key : tasks.keySet()) { // For current window, make sure it's compactable if (key.compareTo(now) >= 0 && tasks.get(key).size() >= cfs.getMinimumCompactionThreshold()) n++; else if (key.compareTo(now) < 0 && tasks.get(key).size() >= 2) n++; } this.estimatedRemainingTasks = n; } /** * @param buckets list of buckets, sorted from newest to oldest, from which to return the newest bucket within thresholds. * @param minThreshold minimum number of sstables in a bucket to qualify. * @param maxThreshold maximum number of sstables to compact at once (the returned bucket will be trimmed down to this). * @return a bucket (list) of sstables to compact. */ @VisibleForTesting static List<SSTableReader> newestBucket(HashMultimap<Long, SSTableReader> buckets, int minThreshold, int maxThreshold, TimeUnit sstableWindowUnit, int sstableWindowSize, SizeTieredCompactionStrategyOptions stcsOptions, long now) { // If the current bucket has at least minThreshold SSTables, choose that one. // For any other bucket, at least 2 SSTables is enough. // In any case, limit to maxThreshold SSTables. TreeSet<Long> allKeys = new TreeSet<>(buckets.keySet()); Iterator<Long> it = allKeys.descendingIterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Long key = it.next(); Set<SSTableReader> bucket = buckets.get(key); logger.trace("Key {}, now {}", key, now); if (bucket.size() >= minThreshold && key >= now) { // If we're in the newest bucket, we'll use STCS to prioritize sstables List<Pair<SSTableReader,Long>> pairs = SizeTieredCompactionStrategy.createSSTableAndLengthPairs(bucket); List<List<SSTableReader>> stcsBuckets = SizeTieredCompactionStrategy.getBuckets(pairs, stcsOptions.bucketHigh, stcsOptions.bucketLow, stcsOptions.minSSTableSize); logger.debug("Using STCS compaction for first window of bucket: data files {} , options {}", pairs, stcsOptions); List<SSTableReader> stcsInterestingBucket = SizeTieredCompactionStrategy.mostInterestingBucket(stcsBuckets, minThreshold, maxThreshold); // If the tables in the current bucket aren't eligible in the STCS strategy, we'll skip it and look for other buckets if (!stcsInterestingBucket.isEmpty()) return stcsInterestingBucket; } else if (bucket.size() >= 2 && key < now) { logger.debug("bucket size {} >= 2 and not in current bucket, compacting what's here: {}", bucket.size(), bucket); return trimToThreshold(bucket, maxThreshold); } else { logger.debug("No compaction necessary for bucket size {} , key {}, now {}", bucket.size(), key, now); } } return Collections.<SSTableReader>emptyList(); } /** * @param bucket set of sstables * @param maxThreshold maximum number of sstables in a single compaction task. * @return A bucket trimmed to the maxThreshold newest sstables. */ @VisibleForTesting static List<SSTableReader> trimToThreshold(Set<SSTableReader> bucket, int maxThreshold) { List<SSTableReader> ssTableReaders = new ArrayList<>(bucket); // Trim the largest sstables off the end to meet the maxThreshold Collections.sort(ssTableReaders, new SSTableReader.SizeComparator()); return ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.limit(ssTableReaders, maxThreshold)); } @Override public synchronized Collection<AbstractCompactionTask> getMaximalTask(int gcBefore, boolean splitOutput) { Iterable<SSTableReader> filteredSSTables = filterSuspectSSTables(sstables); if (Iterables.isEmpty(filteredSSTables)) return null; LifecycleTransaction txn = cfs.getTracker().tryModify(filteredSSTables, OperationType.COMPACTION); if (txn == null) return null; return Collections.singleton(new CompactionTask(cfs, txn, gcBefore)); } @Override public synchronized AbstractCompactionTask getUserDefinedTask(Collection<SSTableReader> sstables, int gcBefore) { assert !sstables.isEmpty(); // checked for by CM.submitUserDefined LifecycleTransaction modifier = cfs.getTracker().tryModify(sstables, OperationType.COMPACTION); if (modifier == null) { logger.debug("Unable to mark {} for compaction; probably a background compaction got to it first. You can disable background compactions temporarily if this is a problem", sstables); return null; } return new CompactionTask(cfs, modifier, gcBefore).setUserDefined(true); } public int getEstimatedRemainingTasks() { return this.estimatedRemainingTasks; } public long getMaxSSTableBytes() { return Long.MAX_VALUE; } public static Map<String, String> validateOptions(Map<String, String> options) throws ConfigurationException { Map<String, String> uncheckedOptions = AbstractCompactionStrategy.validateOptions(options); uncheckedOptions = TimeWindowCompactionStrategyOptions.validateOptions(options, uncheckedOptions); uncheckedOptions.remove(CompactionParams.Option.MIN_THRESHOLD.toString()); uncheckedOptions.remove(CompactionParams.Option.MAX_THRESHOLD.toString()); return uncheckedOptions; } public String toString() { return String.format("TimeWindowCompactionStrategy[%s/%s]", cfs.getMinimumCompactionThreshold(), cfs.getMaximumCompactionThreshold()); } }