/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.db.rows; import java.util.*; import com.google.common.collect.Iterators; import com.google.common.collect.PeekingIterator; import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition; import org.apache.cassandra.db.*; import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.PartitionStatisticsCollector; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.MergeIterator; /** * Static utilities to work on Row objects. */ public abstract class Rows { private Rows() {} public static final Row EMPTY_STATIC_ROW = BTreeRow.emptyRow(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING); public static Row.Builder copy(Row row, Row.Builder builder) { builder.newRow(row.clustering()); builder.addPrimaryKeyLivenessInfo(row.primaryKeyLivenessInfo()); builder.addRowDeletion(row.deletion()); for (ColumnData cd : row) { if (cd.column().isSimple()) { builder.addCell((Cell)cd); } else { ComplexColumnData complexData = (ComplexColumnData)cd; builder.addComplexDeletion(complexData.column(), complexData.complexDeletion()); for (Cell cell : complexData) builder.addCell(cell); } } return builder; } /** * Collect statistics on a given row. * * @param row the row for which to collect stats. * @param collector the stats collector. * @return the total number of cells in {@code row}. */ public static int collectStats(Row row, PartitionStatisticsCollector collector) { assert !row.isEmpty(); collector.update(row.primaryKeyLivenessInfo()); collector.update(row.deletion().time()); int columnCount = 0; int cellCount = 0; for (ColumnData cd : row) { if (cd.column().isSimple()) { ++columnCount; ++cellCount; Cells.collectStats((Cell) cd, collector); } else { ComplexColumnData complexData = (ComplexColumnData)cd; collector.update(complexData.complexDeletion()); if (complexData.hasCells()) { ++columnCount; for (Cell cell : complexData) { ++cellCount; Cells.collectStats(cell, collector); } } } } collector.updateColumnSetPerRow(columnCount); return cellCount; } /** * Given the result ({@code merged}) of merging multiple {@code inputs}, signals the difference between * each input and {@code merged} to {@code diffListener}. * <p> * Note that this method doesn't only emit cells etc where there's a difference. The listener is informed * of every corresponding entity between the merged and input rows, including those that are equal. * * @param diffListener the listener to which to signal the differences between the inputs and the merged result. * @param merged the result of merging {@code inputs}. * @param inputs the inputs whose merge yielded {@code merged}. */ public static void diff(RowDiffListener diffListener, Row merged, Row...inputs) { Clustering clustering = merged.clustering(); LivenessInfo mergedInfo = merged.primaryKeyLivenessInfo().isEmpty() ? null : merged.primaryKeyLivenessInfo(); Row.Deletion mergedDeletion = merged.deletion().isLive() ? null : merged.deletion(); for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { Row input = inputs[i]; LivenessInfo inputInfo = input == null || input.primaryKeyLivenessInfo().isEmpty() ? null : input.primaryKeyLivenessInfo(); Row.Deletion inputDeletion = input == null || input.deletion().isLive() ? null : input.deletion(); if (mergedInfo != null || inputInfo != null) diffListener.onPrimaryKeyLivenessInfo(i, clustering, mergedInfo, inputInfo); if (mergedDeletion != null || inputDeletion != null) diffListener.onDeletion(i, clustering, mergedDeletion, inputDeletion); } List<Iterator<ColumnData>> inputIterators = new ArrayList<>(1 + inputs.length); inputIterators.add(merged.iterator()); for (Row row : inputs) inputIterators.add(row == null ? Collections.emptyIterator() : row.iterator()); Iterator<?> iter = MergeIterator.get(inputIterators, ColumnData.comparator, new MergeIterator.Reducer<ColumnData, Object>() { ColumnData mergedData; ColumnData[] inputDatas = new ColumnData[inputs.length]; public void reduce(int idx, ColumnData current) { if (idx == 0) mergedData = current; else inputDatas[idx - 1] = current; } protected Object getReduced() { for (int i = 0 ; i != inputDatas.length ; i++) { ColumnData input = inputDatas[i]; if (mergedData != null || input != null) { ColumnDefinition column = (mergedData != null ? mergedData : input).column; if (column.isSimple()) { diffListener.onCell(i, clustering, (Cell) mergedData, (Cell) input); } else { ComplexColumnData mergedData = (ComplexColumnData) this.mergedData; ComplexColumnData inputData = (ComplexColumnData) input; if (mergedData == null) { // Everything in inputData has been shadowed if (!inputData.complexDeletion().isLive()) diffListener.onComplexDeletion(i, clustering, column, null, inputData.complexDeletion()); for (Cell inputCell : inputData) diffListener.onCell(i, clustering, null, inputCell); } else if (inputData == null) { // Everything in inputData is new if (!mergedData.complexDeletion().isLive()) diffListener.onComplexDeletion(i, clustering, column, mergedData.complexDeletion(), null); for (Cell mergedCell : mergedData) diffListener.onCell(i, clustering, mergedCell, null); } else { if (!mergedData.complexDeletion().isLive() || !inputData.complexDeletion().isLive()) diffListener.onComplexDeletion(i, clustering, column, mergedData.complexDeletion(), inputData.complexDeletion()); PeekingIterator<Cell> mergedCells = Iterators.peekingIterator(mergedData.iterator()); PeekingIterator<Cell> inputCells = Iterators.peekingIterator(inputData.iterator()); while (mergedCells.hasNext() && inputCells.hasNext()) { int cmp = column.cellPathComparator().compare(mergedCells.peek().path(), inputCells.peek().path()); if (cmp == 0) diffListener.onCell(i, clustering, mergedCells.next(), inputCells.next()); else if (cmp < 0) diffListener.onCell(i, clustering, mergedCells.next(), null); else // cmp > 0 diffListener.onCell(i, clustering, null, inputCells.next()); } while (mergedCells.hasNext()) diffListener.onCell(i, clustering, mergedCells.next(), null); while (inputCells.hasNext()) diffListener.onCell(i, clustering, null, inputCells.next()); } } } } return null; } protected void onKeyChange() { mergedData = null; Arrays.fill(inputDatas, null); } }); while (iter.hasNext()) iter.next(); } public static Row merge(Row row1, Row row2, int nowInSec) { Row.Builder builder = BTreeRow.sortedBuilder(); merge(row1, row2, builder, nowInSec); return builder.build(); } /** * Merges two rows into the given builder, mainly for merging memtable rows. In addition to reconciling the cells * in each row, the liveness info, and deletion times for the row and complex columns are also merged. * <p> * Note that this method assumes that the provided rows can meaningfully be reconciled together. That is, * that the rows share the same clustering value, and belong to the same partition. * * @param existing * @param update * @param builder the row build to which the result of the reconciliation is written. * @param nowInSec the current time in seconds (which plays a role during reconciliation * because deleted cells always have precedence on timestamp equality and deciding if a * cell is a live or not depends on the current time due to expiring cells). * * @return the smallest timestamp delta between corresponding rows from existing and update. A * timestamp delta being computed as the difference between the cells and DeletionTimes from {@code existing} * and those in {@code existing}. */ public static long merge(Row existing, Row update, Row.Builder builder, int nowInSec) { Clustering clustering = existing.clustering(); builder.newRow(clustering); LivenessInfo existingInfo = existing.primaryKeyLivenessInfo(); LivenessInfo updateInfo = update.primaryKeyLivenessInfo(); LivenessInfo mergedInfo = existingInfo.supersedes(updateInfo) ? existingInfo : updateInfo; long timeDelta = Math.abs(existingInfo.timestamp() - mergedInfo.timestamp()); Row.Deletion rowDeletion = existing.deletion().supersedes(update.deletion()) ? existing.deletion() : update.deletion(); if (rowDeletion.deletes(mergedInfo)) mergedInfo = LivenessInfo.EMPTY; else if (rowDeletion.isShadowedBy(mergedInfo)) rowDeletion = Row.Deletion.LIVE; builder.addPrimaryKeyLivenessInfo(mergedInfo); builder.addRowDeletion(rowDeletion); DeletionTime deletion = rowDeletion.time(); Iterator<ColumnData> a = existing.iterator(); Iterator<ColumnData> b = update.iterator(); ColumnData nexta = a.hasNext() ? a.next() : null, nextb = b.hasNext() ? b.next() : null; while (nexta != null | nextb != null) { int comparison = nexta == null ? 1 : nextb == null ? -1 : nexta.column.compareTo(nextb.column); ColumnData cura = comparison <= 0 ? nexta : null; ColumnData curb = comparison >= 0 ? nextb : null; ColumnDefinition column = (cura != null ? cura : curb).column; if (column.isSimple()) { timeDelta = Math.min(timeDelta, Cells.reconcile((Cell) cura, (Cell) curb, deletion, builder, nowInSec)); } else { ComplexColumnData existingData = (ComplexColumnData) cura; ComplexColumnData updateData = (ComplexColumnData) curb; DeletionTime existingDt = existingData == null ? DeletionTime.LIVE : existingData.complexDeletion(); DeletionTime updateDt = updateData == null ? DeletionTime.LIVE : updateData.complexDeletion(); DeletionTime maxDt = existingDt.supersedes(updateDt) ? existingDt : updateDt; if (maxDt.supersedes(deletion)) builder.addComplexDeletion(column, maxDt); else maxDt = deletion; Iterator<Cell> existingCells = existingData == null ? null : existingData.iterator(); Iterator<Cell> updateCells = updateData == null ? null : updateData.iterator(); timeDelta = Math.min(timeDelta, Cells.reconcileComplex(column, existingCells, updateCells, maxDt, builder, nowInSec)); } if (cura != null) nexta = a.hasNext() ? a.next() : null; if (curb != null) nextb = b.hasNext() ? b.next() : null; } return timeDelta; } }