/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.locator; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.collect.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor; import org.apache.cassandra.db.DecoratedKey; import org.apache.cassandra.dht.IPartitioner; import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Range; import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token; import org.apache.cassandra.gms.FailureDetector; import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.BiMultiValMap; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.SortedBiMultiValMap; public class TokenMetadata { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TokenMetadata.class); /** * Maintains token to endpoint map of every node in the cluster. * Each Token is associated with exactly one Address, but each Address may have * multiple tokens. Hence, the BiMultiValMap collection. */ private final BiMultiValMap<Token, InetAddress> tokenToEndpointMap; /** Maintains endpoint to host ID map of every node in the cluster */ private final BiMap<InetAddress, UUID> endpointToHostIdMap; // Prior to CASSANDRA-603, we just had <tt>Map<Range, InetAddress> pendingRanges<tt>, // which was added to when a node began bootstrap and removed from when it finished. // // This is inadequate when multiple changes are allowed simultaneously. For example, // suppose that there is a ring of nodes A, C and E, with replication factor 3. // Node D bootstraps between C and E, so its pending ranges will be E-A, A-C and C-D. // Now suppose node B bootstraps between A and C at the same time. Its pending ranges // would be C-E, E-A and A-B. Now both nodes need to be assigned pending range E-A, // which we would be unable to represent with the old Map. The same thing happens // even more obviously for any nodes that boot simultaneously between same two nodes. // // So, we made two changes: // // First, we changed pendingRanges to a <tt>Multimap<Range, InetAddress></tt> (now // <tt>Map<String, Multimap<Range, InetAddress>></tt>, because replication strategy // and options are per-KeySpace). // // Second, we added the bootstrapTokens and leavingEndpoints collections, so we can // rebuild pendingRanges from the complete information of what is going on, when // additional changes are made mid-operation. // // Finally, note that recording the tokens of joining nodes in bootstrapTokens also // means we can detect and reject the addition of multiple nodes at the same token // before one becomes part of the ring. private final BiMultiValMap<Token, InetAddress> bootstrapTokens = new BiMultiValMap<>(); // (don't need to record Token here since it's still part of tokenToEndpointMap until it's done leaving) private final Set<InetAddress> leavingEndpoints = new HashSet<>(); // this is a cache of the calculation from {tokenToEndpointMap, bootstrapTokens, leavingEndpoints} private final ConcurrentMap<String, PendingRangeMaps> pendingRanges = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, PendingRangeMaps>(); // nodes which are migrating to the new tokens in the ring private final Set<Pair<Token, InetAddress>> movingEndpoints = new HashSet<>(); /* Use this lock for manipulating the token map */ private final ReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true); private volatile ArrayList<Token> sortedTokens; private final Topology topology; public final IPartitioner partitioner; private static final Comparator<InetAddress> inetaddressCmp = new Comparator<InetAddress>() { public int compare(InetAddress o1, InetAddress o2) { return ByteBuffer.wrap(o1.getAddress()).compareTo(ByteBuffer.wrap(o2.getAddress())); } }; // signals replication strategies that nodes have joined or left the ring and they need to recompute ownership private volatile long ringVersion = 0; public TokenMetadata() { this(SortedBiMultiValMap.<Token, InetAddress>create(null, inetaddressCmp), HashBiMap.<InetAddress, UUID>create(), new Topology(), DatabaseDescriptor.getPartitioner()); } private TokenMetadata(BiMultiValMap<Token, InetAddress> tokenToEndpointMap, BiMap<InetAddress, UUID> endpointsMap, Topology topology, IPartitioner partitioner) { this.tokenToEndpointMap = tokenToEndpointMap; this.topology = topology; this.partitioner = partitioner; endpointToHostIdMap = endpointsMap; sortedTokens = sortTokens(); } /** * To be used by tests only (via {@link StorageService.setPartitionerUnsafe}). */ @VisibleForTesting public TokenMetadata cloneWithNewPartitioner(IPartitioner newPartitioner) { return new TokenMetadata(tokenToEndpointMap, endpointToHostIdMap, topology, newPartitioner); } private ArrayList<Token> sortTokens() { return new ArrayList<>(tokenToEndpointMap.keySet()); } /** @return the number of nodes bootstrapping into source's primary range */ public int pendingRangeChanges(InetAddress source) { int n = 0; Collection<Range<Token>> sourceRanges = getPrimaryRangesFor(getTokens(source)); lock.readLock().lock(); try { for (Token token : bootstrapTokens.keySet()) for (Range<Token> range : sourceRanges) if (range.contains(token)) n++; } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } return n; } /** * Update token map with a single token/endpoint pair in normal state. */ public void updateNormalToken(Token token, InetAddress endpoint) { updateNormalTokens(Collections.singleton(token), endpoint); } public void updateNormalTokens(Collection<Token> tokens, InetAddress endpoint) { Multimap<InetAddress, Token> endpointTokens = HashMultimap.create(); for (Token token : tokens) endpointTokens.put(endpoint, token); updateNormalTokens(endpointTokens); } /** * Update token map with a set of token/endpoint pairs in normal state. * * Prefer this whenever there are multiple pairs to update, as each update (whether a single or multiple) * is expensive (CASSANDRA-3831). */ public void updateNormalTokens(Multimap<InetAddress, Token> endpointTokens) { if (endpointTokens.isEmpty()) return; lock.writeLock().lock(); try { boolean shouldSortTokens = false; for (InetAddress endpoint : endpointTokens.keySet()) { Collection<Token> tokens = endpointTokens.get(endpoint); assert tokens != null && !tokens.isEmpty(); bootstrapTokens.removeValue(endpoint); tokenToEndpointMap.removeValue(endpoint); topology.addEndpoint(endpoint); leavingEndpoints.remove(endpoint); removeFromMoving(endpoint); // also removing this endpoint from moving for (Token token : tokens) { InetAddress prev = tokenToEndpointMap.put(token, endpoint); if (!endpoint.equals(prev)) { if (prev != null) logger.warn("Token {} changing ownership from {} to {}", token, prev, endpoint); shouldSortTokens = true; } } } if (shouldSortTokens) sortedTokens = sortTokens(); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * Store an end-point to host ID mapping. Each ID must be unique, and * cannot be changed after the fact. */ public void updateHostId(UUID hostId, InetAddress endpoint) { assert hostId != null; assert endpoint != null; lock.writeLock().lock(); try { InetAddress storedEp = endpointToHostIdMap.inverse().get(hostId); if (storedEp != null) { if (!storedEp.equals(endpoint) && (FailureDetector.instance.isAlive(storedEp))) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Host ID collision between active endpoint %s and %s (id=%s)", storedEp, endpoint, hostId)); } } UUID storedId = endpointToHostIdMap.get(endpoint); if ((storedId != null) && (!storedId.equals(hostId))) logger.warn("Changing {}'s host ID from {} to {}", endpoint, storedId, hostId); endpointToHostIdMap.forcePut(endpoint, hostId); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** Return the unique host ID for an end-point. */ public UUID getHostId(InetAddress endpoint) { lock.readLock().lock(); try { return endpointToHostIdMap.get(endpoint); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } /** Return the end-point for a unique host ID */ public InetAddress getEndpointForHostId(UUID hostId) { lock.readLock().lock(); try { return endpointToHostIdMap.inverse().get(hostId); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } /** @return a copy of the endpoint-to-id map for read-only operations */ public Map<InetAddress, UUID> getEndpointToHostIdMapForReading() { lock.readLock().lock(); try { Map<InetAddress, UUID> readMap = new HashMap<>(); readMap.putAll(endpointToHostIdMap); return readMap; } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } @Deprecated public void addBootstrapToken(Token token, InetAddress endpoint) { addBootstrapTokens(Collections.singleton(token), endpoint); } public void addBootstrapTokens(Collection<Token> tokens, InetAddress endpoint) { assert tokens != null && !tokens.isEmpty(); assert endpoint != null; lock.writeLock().lock(); try { InetAddress oldEndpoint; for (Token token : tokens) { oldEndpoint = bootstrapTokens.get(token); if (oldEndpoint != null && !oldEndpoint.equals(endpoint)) throw new RuntimeException("Bootstrap Token collision between " + oldEndpoint + " and " + endpoint + " (token " + token); oldEndpoint = tokenToEndpointMap.get(token); if (oldEndpoint != null && !oldEndpoint.equals(endpoint)) throw new RuntimeException("Bootstrap Token collision between " + oldEndpoint + " and " + endpoint + " (token " + token); } bootstrapTokens.removeValue(endpoint); for (Token token : tokens) bootstrapTokens.put(token, endpoint); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } public void removeBootstrapTokens(Collection<Token> tokens) { assert tokens != null && !tokens.isEmpty(); lock.writeLock().lock(); try { for (Token token : tokens) bootstrapTokens.remove(token); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } public void addLeavingEndpoint(InetAddress endpoint) { assert endpoint != null; lock.writeLock().lock(); try { leavingEndpoints.add(endpoint); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * Add a new moving endpoint * @param token token which is node moving to * @param endpoint address of the moving node */ public void addMovingEndpoint(Token token, InetAddress endpoint) { assert endpoint != null; lock.writeLock().lock(); try { movingEndpoints.add(Pair.create(token, endpoint)); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } public void removeEndpoint(InetAddress endpoint) { assert endpoint != null; lock.writeLock().lock(); try { bootstrapTokens.removeValue(endpoint); tokenToEndpointMap.removeValue(endpoint); topology.removeEndpoint(endpoint); leavingEndpoints.remove(endpoint); endpointToHostIdMap.remove(endpoint); sortedTokens = sortTokens(); invalidateCachedRings(); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * This is called when the snitch properties for this endpoint are updated, see CASSANDRA-10238. */ public void updateTopology(InetAddress endpoint) { assert endpoint != null; lock.writeLock().lock(); try { logger.info("Updating topology for {}", endpoint); topology.updateEndpoint(endpoint); invalidateCachedRings(); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * This is called when the snitch properties for many endpoints are updated, it will update * the topology mappings of any endpoints whose snitch has changed, see CASSANDRA-10238. */ public void updateTopology() { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { logger.info("Updating topology for all endpoints that have changed"); topology.updateEndpoints(); invalidateCachedRings(); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * Remove pair of token/address from moving endpoints * @param endpoint address of the moving node */ public void removeFromMoving(InetAddress endpoint) { assert endpoint != null; lock.writeLock().lock(); try { for (Pair<Token, InetAddress> pair : movingEndpoints) { if (pair.right.equals(endpoint)) { movingEndpoints.remove(pair); break; } } invalidateCachedRings(); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } public Collection<Token> getTokens(InetAddress endpoint) { assert endpoint != null; assert isMember(endpoint); // don't want to return nulls lock.readLock().lock(); try { return new ArrayList<>(tokenToEndpointMap.inverse().get(endpoint)); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } @Deprecated public Token getToken(InetAddress endpoint) { return getTokens(endpoint).iterator().next(); } public boolean isMember(InetAddress endpoint) { assert endpoint != null; lock.readLock().lock(); try { return tokenToEndpointMap.inverse().containsKey(endpoint); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } public boolean isLeaving(InetAddress endpoint) { assert endpoint != null; lock.readLock().lock(); try { return leavingEndpoints.contains(endpoint); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } public boolean isMoving(InetAddress endpoint) { assert endpoint != null; lock.readLock().lock(); try { for (Pair<Token, InetAddress> pair : movingEndpoints) { if (pair.right.equals(endpoint)) return true; } return false; } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } private final AtomicReference<TokenMetadata> cachedTokenMap = new AtomicReference<>(); /** * Create a copy of TokenMetadata with only tokenToEndpointMap. That is, pending ranges, * bootstrap tokens and leaving endpoints are not included in the copy. */ public TokenMetadata cloneOnlyTokenMap() { lock.readLock().lock(); try { return new TokenMetadata(SortedBiMultiValMap.create(tokenToEndpointMap, null, inetaddressCmp), HashBiMap.create(endpointToHostIdMap), new Topology(topology), partitioner); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * Return a cached TokenMetadata with only tokenToEndpointMap, i.e., the same as cloneOnlyTokenMap but * uses a cached copy that is invalided when the ring changes, so in the common case * no extra locking is required. * * Callers must *NOT* mutate the returned metadata object. */ public TokenMetadata cachedOnlyTokenMap() { TokenMetadata tm = cachedTokenMap.get(); if (tm != null) return tm; // synchronize to prevent thundering herd (CASSANDRA-6345) synchronized (this) { if ((tm = cachedTokenMap.get()) != null) return tm; tm = cloneOnlyTokenMap(); cachedTokenMap.set(tm); return tm; } } /** * Create a copy of TokenMetadata with tokenToEndpointMap reflecting situation after all * current leave operations have finished. * * @return new token metadata */ public TokenMetadata cloneAfterAllLeft() { lock.readLock().lock(); try { TokenMetadata allLeftMetadata = cloneOnlyTokenMap(); for (InetAddress endpoint : leavingEndpoints) allLeftMetadata.removeEndpoint(endpoint); return allLeftMetadata; } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * Create a copy of TokenMetadata with tokenToEndpointMap reflecting situation after all * current leave, and move operations have finished. * * @return new token metadata */ public TokenMetadata cloneAfterAllSettled() { lock.readLock().lock(); try { TokenMetadata metadata = cloneOnlyTokenMap(); for (InetAddress endpoint : leavingEndpoints) metadata.removeEndpoint(endpoint); for (Pair<Token, InetAddress> pair : movingEndpoints) metadata.updateNormalToken(pair.left, pair.right); return metadata; } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } public InetAddress getEndpoint(Token token) { lock.readLock().lock(); try { return tokenToEndpointMap.get(token); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } public Collection<Range<Token>> getPrimaryRangesFor(Collection<Token> tokens) { Collection<Range<Token>> ranges = new ArrayList<>(tokens.size()); for (Token right : tokens) ranges.add(new Range<>(getPredecessor(right), right)); return ranges; } @Deprecated public Range<Token> getPrimaryRangeFor(Token right) { return getPrimaryRangesFor(Arrays.asList(right)).iterator().next(); } public ArrayList<Token> sortedTokens() { return sortedTokens; } public Multimap<Range<Token>, InetAddress> getPendingRangesMM(String keyspaceName) { Multimap<Range<Token>, InetAddress> map = HashMultimap.create(); PendingRangeMaps pendingRangeMaps = this.pendingRanges.get(keyspaceName); if (pendingRangeMaps != null) { for (Map.Entry<Range<Token>, List<InetAddress>> entry : pendingRangeMaps) { Range<Token> range = entry.getKey(); for (InetAddress address : entry.getValue()) { map.put(range, address); } } } return map; } /** a mutable map may be returned but caller should not modify it */ public PendingRangeMaps getPendingRanges(String keyspaceName) { return this.pendingRanges.get(keyspaceName); } public List<Range<Token>> getPendingRanges(String keyspaceName, InetAddress endpoint) { List<Range<Token>> ranges = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<Range<Token>, InetAddress> entry : getPendingRangesMM(keyspaceName).entries()) { if (entry.getValue().equals(endpoint)) { ranges.add(entry.getKey()); } } return ranges; } /** * Calculate pending ranges according to bootsrapping and leaving nodes. Reasoning is: * * (1) When in doubt, it is better to write too much to a node than too little. That is, if * there are multiple nodes moving, calculate the biggest ranges a node could have. Cleaning * up unneeded data afterwards is better than missing writes during movement. * (2) When a node leaves, ranges for other nodes can only grow (a node might get additional * ranges, but it will not lose any of its current ranges as a result of a leave). Therefore * we will first remove _all_ leaving tokens for the sake of calculation and then check what * ranges would go where if all nodes are to leave. This way we get the biggest possible * ranges with regard current leave operations, covering all subsets of possible final range * values. * (3) When a node bootstraps, ranges of other nodes can only get smaller. Without doing * complex calculations to see if multiple bootstraps overlap, we simply base calculations * on the same token ring used before (reflecting situation after all leave operations have * completed). Bootstrapping nodes will be added and removed one by one to that metadata and * checked what their ranges would be. This will give us the biggest possible ranges the * node could have. It might be that other bootstraps make our actual final ranges smaller, * but it does not matter as we can clean up the data afterwards. * * NOTE: This is heavy and ineffective operation. This will be done only once when a node * changes state in the cluster, so it should be manageable. */ public void calculatePendingRanges(AbstractReplicationStrategy strategy, String keyspaceName) { lock.readLock().lock(); try { PendingRangeMaps newPendingRanges = new PendingRangeMaps(); if (bootstrapTokens.isEmpty() && leavingEndpoints.isEmpty() && movingEndpoints.isEmpty()) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("No bootstrapping, leaving or moving nodes -> empty pending ranges for {}", keyspaceName); pendingRanges.put(keyspaceName, newPendingRanges); return; } Multimap<InetAddress, Range<Token>> addressRanges = strategy.getAddressRanges(); // Copy of metadata reflecting the situation after all leave operations are finished. TokenMetadata allLeftMetadata = cloneAfterAllLeft(); // get all ranges that will be affected by leaving nodes Set<Range<Token>> affectedRanges = new HashSet<Range<Token>>(); for (InetAddress endpoint : leavingEndpoints) affectedRanges.addAll(addressRanges.get(endpoint)); // for each of those ranges, find what new nodes will be responsible for the range when // all leaving nodes are gone. TokenMetadata metadata = cloneOnlyTokenMap(); // don't do this in the loop! #7758 for (Range<Token> range : affectedRanges) { Set<InetAddress> currentEndpoints = ImmutableSet.copyOf(strategy.calculateNaturalEndpoints(range.right, metadata)); Set<InetAddress> newEndpoints = ImmutableSet.copyOf(strategy.calculateNaturalEndpoints(range.right, allLeftMetadata)); for (InetAddress address : Sets.difference(newEndpoints, currentEndpoints)) { newPendingRanges.addPendingRange(range, address); } } // At this stage newPendingRanges has been updated according to leave operations. We can // now continue the calculation by checking bootstrapping nodes. // For each of the bootstrapping nodes, simply add and remove them one by one to // allLeftMetadata and check in between what their ranges would be. Multimap<InetAddress, Token> bootstrapAddresses = bootstrapTokens.inverse(); for (InetAddress endpoint : bootstrapAddresses.keySet()) { Collection<Token> tokens = bootstrapAddresses.get(endpoint); allLeftMetadata.updateNormalTokens(tokens, endpoint); for (Range<Token> range : strategy.getAddressRanges(allLeftMetadata).get(endpoint)) { newPendingRanges.addPendingRange(range, endpoint); } allLeftMetadata.removeEndpoint(endpoint); } // At this stage newPendingRanges has been updated according to leaving and bootstrapping nodes. // We can now finish the calculation by checking moving nodes. // For each of the moving nodes, we do the same thing we did for bootstrapping: // simply add and remove them one by one to allLeftMetadata and check in between what their ranges would be. for (Pair<Token, InetAddress> moving : movingEndpoints) { //Calculate all the ranges which will could be affected. This will include the ranges before and after the move. Set<Range<Token>> moveAffectedRanges = new HashSet<>(); InetAddress endpoint = moving.right; // address of the moving node //Add ranges before the move for (Range<Token> range : strategy.getAddressRanges(allLeftMetadata).get(endpoint)) { moveAffectedRanges.add(range); } allLeftMetadata.updateNormalToken(moving.left, endpoint); //Add ranges after the move for (Range<Token> range : strategy.getAddressRanges(allLeftMetadata).get(endpoint)) { moveAffectedRanges.add(range); } for(Range<Token> range : moveAffectedRanges) { Set<InetAddress> currentEndpoints = ImmutableSet.copyOf(strategy.calculateNaturalEndpoints(range.right, metadata)); Set<InetAddress> newEndpoints = ImmutableSet.copyOf(strategy.calculateNaturalEndpoints(range.right, allLeftMetadata)); Set<InetAddress> difference = Sets.difference(newEndpoints, currentEndpoints); for(final InetAddress address : difference) { Collection<Range<Token>> newRanges = strategy.getAddressRanges(allLeftMetadata).get(address); Collection<Range<Token>> oldRanges = strategy.getAddressRanges(metadata).get(address); //We want to get rid of any ranges which the node is currently getting. newRanges.removeAll(oldRanges); for(Range<Token> newRange : newRanges) { for(Range<Token> pendingRange : newRange.subtractAll(oldRanges)) { newPendingRanges.addPendingRange(pendingRange, address); } } } } allLeftMetadata.removeEndpoint(endpoint); } pendingRanges.put(keyspaceName, newPendingRanges); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Pending ranges:\n{}", (pendingRanges.isEmpty() ? "<empty>" : printPendingRanges())); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } public Token getPredecessor(Token token) { List tokens = sortedTokens(); int index = Collections.binarySearch(tokens, token); assert index >= 0 : token + " not found in " + StringUtils.join(tokenToEndpointMap.keySet(), ", "); return (Token) (index == 0 ? tokens.get(tokens.size() - 1) : tokens.get(index - 1)); } public Token getSuccessor(Token token) { List tokens = sortedTokens(); int index = Collections.binarySearch(tokens, token); assert index >= 0 : token + " not found in " + StringUtils.join(tokenToEndpointMap.keySet(), ", "); return (Token) ((index == (tokens.size() - 1)) ? tokens.get(0) : tokens.get(index + 1)); } /** @return a copy of the bootstrapping tokens map */ public BiMultiValMap<Token, InetAddress> getBootstrapTokens() { lock.readLock().lock(); try { return new BiMultiValMap<Token, InetAddress>(bootstrapTokens); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } public Set<InetAddress> getAllEndpoints() { lock.readLock().lock(); try { return ImmutableSet.copyOf(endpointToHostIdMap.keySet()); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } /** caller should not modify leavingEndpoints */ public Set<InetAddress> getLeavingEndpoints() { lock.readLock().lock(); try { return ImmutableSet.copyOf(leavingEndpoints); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * Endpoints which are migrating to the new tokens * @return set of addresses of moving endpoints */ public Set<Pair<Token, InetAddress>> getMovingEndpoints() { lock.readLock().lock(); try { return ImmutableSet.copyOf(movingEndpoints); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } public static int firstTokenIndex(final ArrayList ring, Token start, boolean insertMin) { assert ring.size() > 0; // insert the minimum token (at index == -1) if we were asked to include it and it isn't a member of the ring int i = Collections.binarySearch(ring, start); if (i < 0) { i = (i + 1) * (-1); if (i >= ring.size()) i = insertMin ? -1 : 0; } return i; } public static Token firstToken(final ArrayList<Token> ring, Token start) { return ring.get(firstTokenIndex(ring, start, false)); } /** * iterator over the Tokens in the given ring, starting with the token for the node owning start * (which does not have to be a Token in the ring) * @param includeMin True if the minimum token should be returned in the ring even if it has no owner. */ public static Iterator<Token> ringIterator(final ArrayList<Token> ring, Token start, boolean includeMin) { if (ring.isEmpty()) return includeMin ? Iterators.singletonIterator(start.getPartitioner().getMinimumToken()) : Iterators.<Token>emptyIterator(); final boolean insertMin = includeMin && !ring.get(0).isMinimum(); final int startIndex = firstTokenIndex(ring, start, insertMin); return new AbstractIterator<Token>() { int j = startIndex; protected Token computeNext() { if (j < -1) return endOfData(); try { // return minimum for index == -1 if (j == -1) return start.getPartitioner().getMinimumToken(); // return ring token for other indexes return ring.get(j); } finally { j++; if (j == ring.size()) j = insertMin ? -1 : 0; if (j == startIndex) // end iteration j = -2; } } }; } /** used by tests */ public void clearUnsafe() { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { tokenToEndpointMap.clear(); endpointToHostIdMap.clear(); bootstrapTokens.clear(); leavingEndpoints.clear(); pendingRanges.clear(); movingEndpoints.clear(); sortedTokens.clear(); topology.clear(); invalidateCachedRings(); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); lock.readLock().lock(); try { Set<InetAddress> eps = tokenToEndpointMap.inverse().keySet(); if (!eps.isEmpty()) { sb.append("Normal Tokens:"); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); for (InetAddress ep : eps) { sb.append(ep); sb.append(':'); sb.append(tokenToEndpointMap.inverse().get(ep)); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); } } if (!bootstrapTokens.isEmpty()) { sb.append("Bootstrapping Tokens:" ); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); for (Map.Entry<Token, InetAddress> entry : bootstrapTokens.entrySet()) { sb.append(entry.getValue()).append(':').append(entry.getKey()); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); } } if (!leavingEndpoints.isEmpty()) { sb.append("Leaving Endpoints:"); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); for (InetAddress ep : leavingEndpoints) { sb.append(ep); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); } } if (!pendingRanges.isEmpty()) { sb.append("Pending Ranges:"); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); sb.append(printPendingRanges()); } } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } return sb.toString(); } private String printPendingRanges() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (PendingRangeMaps pendingRangeMaps : pendingRanges.values()) { sb.append(pendingRangeMaps.printPendingRanges()); } return sb.toString(); } public Collection<InetAddress> pendingEndpointsFor(Token token, String keyspaceName) { PendingRangeMaps pendingRangeMaps = this.pendingRanges.get(keyspaceName); if (pendingRangeMaps == null) return Collections.emptyList(); return pendingRangeMaps.pendingEndpointsFor(token); } /** * @deprecated retained for benefit of old tests */ public Collection<InetAddress> getWriteEndpoints(Token token, String keyspaceName, Collection<InetAddress> naturalEndpoints) { return ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.concat(naturalEndpoints, pendingEndpointsFor(token, keyspaceName))); } /** @return an endpoint to token multimap representation of tokenToEndpointMap (a copy) */ public Multimap<InetAddress, Token> getEndpointToTokenMapForReading() { lock.readLock().lock(); try { Multimap<InetAddress, Token> cloned = HashMultimap.create(); for (Map.Entry<Token, InetAddress> entry : tokenToEndpointMap.entrySet()) cloned.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); return cloned; } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * @return a (stable copy, won't be modified) Token to Endpoint map for all the normal and bootstrapping nodes * in the cluster. */ public Map<Token, InetAddress> getNormalAndBootstrappingTokenToEndpointMap() { lock.readLock().lock(); try { Map<Token, InetAddress> map = new HashMap<>(tokenToEndpointMap.size() + bootstrapTokens.size()); map.putAll(tokenToEndpointMap); map.putAll(bootstrapTokens); return map; } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * @return the Topology map of nodes to DCs + Racks * * This is only allowed when a copy has been made of TokenMetadata, to avoid concurrent modifications * when Topology methods are subsequently used by the caller. */ public Topology getTopology() { assert this != StorageService.instance.getTokenMetadata(); return topology; } public long getRingVersion() { return ringVersion; } public void invalidateCachedRings() { ringVersion++; cachedTokenMap.set(null); } public DecoratedKey decorateKey(ByteBuffer key) { return partitioner.decorateKey(key); } /** * Tracks the assignment of racks and endpoints in each datacenter for all the "normal" endpoints * in this TokenMetadata. This allows faster calculation of endpoints in NetworkTopologyStrategy. */ public static class Topology { /** multi-map of DC to endpoints in that DC */ private final Multimap<String, InetAddress> dcEndpoints; /** map of DC to multi-map of rack to endpoints in that rack */ private final Map<String, Multimap<String, InetAddress>> dcRacks; /** reverse-lookup map for endpoint to current known dc/rack assignment */ private final Map<InetAddress, Pair<String, String>> currentLocations; Topology() { dcEndpoints = HashMultimap.create(); dcRacks = new HashMap<>(); currentLocations = new HashMap<>(); } void clear() { dcEndpoints.clear(); dcRacks.clear(); currentLocations.clear(); } /** * construct deep-copy of other */ Topology(Topology other) { dcEndpoints = HashMultimap.create(other.dcEndpoints); dcRacks = new HashMap<>(); for (String dc : other.dcRacks.keySet()) dcRacks.put(dc, HashMultimap.create(other.dcRacks.get(dc))); currentLocations = new HashMap<>(other.currentLocations); } /** * Stores current DC/rack assignment for ep */ void addEndpoint(InetAddress ep) { IEndpointSnitch snitch = DatabaseDescriptor.getEndpointSnitch(); String dc = snitch.getDatacenter(ep); String rack = snitch.getRack(ep); Pair<String, String> current = currentLocations.get(ep); if (current != null) { if (current.left.equals(dc) && current.right.equals(rack)) return; doRemoveEndpoint(ep, current); } doAddEndpoint(ep, dc, rack); } private void doAddEndpoint(InetAddress ep, String dc, String rack) { dcEndpoints.put(dc, ep); if (!dcRacks.containsKey(dc)) dcRacks.put(dc, HashMultimap.<String, InetAddress>create()); dcRacks.get(dc).put(rack, ep); currentLocations.put(ep, Pair.create(dc, rack)); } /** * Removes current DC/rack assignment for ep */ void removeEndpoint(InetAddress ep) { if (!currentLocations.containsKey(ep)) return; doRemoveEndpoint(ep, currentLocations.remove(ep)); } private void doRemoveEndpoint(InetAddress ep, Pair<String, String> current) { dcRacks.get(current.left).remove(current.right, ep); dcEndpoints.remove(current.left, ep); } void updateEndpoint(InetAddress ep) { IEndpointSnitch snitch = DatabaseDescriptor.getEndpointSnitch(); if (snitch == null || !currentLocations.containsKey(ep)) return; updateEndpoint(ep, snitch); } void updateEndpoints() { IEndpointSnitch snitch = DatabaseDescriptor.getEndpointSnitch(); if (snitch == null) return; for (InetAddress ep : currentLocations.keySet()) updateEndpoint(ep, snitch); } private void updateEndpoint(InetAddress ep, IEndpointSnitch snitch) { Pair<String, String> current = currentLocations.get(ep); String dc = snitch.getDatacenter(ep); String rack = snitch.getRack(ep); if (dc.equals(current.left) && rack.equals(current.right)) return; doRemoveEndpoint(ep, current); doAddEndpoint(ep, dc, rack); } /** * @return multi-map of DC to endpoints in that DC */ public Multimap<String, InetAddress> getDatacenterEndpoints() { return dcEndpoints; } /** * @return map of DC to multi-map of rack to endpoints in that rack */ public Map<String, Multimap<String, InetAddress>> getDatacenterRacks() { return dcRacks; } } }