package org.apache.cassandra; /* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData; import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition; import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor; import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnIdentifier; import org.apache.cassandra.db.*; import org.apache.cassandra.db.Directories.DataDirectory; import org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.AbstractCompactionTask; import org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.CompactionManager; import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType; import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.*; import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*; import org.apache.cassandra.dht.IPartitioner; import org.apache.cassandra.dht.RandomPartitioner.BigIntegerToken; import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Range; import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token; import org.apache.cassandra.gms.ApplicationState; import org.apache.cassandra.gms.Gossiper; import org.apache.cassandra.gms.VersionedValue; import; import; import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.CounterId; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; public class Util { private static List<UUID> hostIdPool = new ArrayList<UUID>(); public static IPartitioner testPartitioner() { return DatabaseDescriptor.getPartitioner(); } public static DecoratedKey dk(String key) { return testPartitioner().decorateKey(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(key)); } public static DecoratedKey dk(String key, AbstractType<?> type) { return testPartitioner().decorateKey(type.fromString(key)); } public static DecoratedKey dk(ByteBuffer key) { return testPartitioner().decorateKey(key); } public static PartitionPosition rp(String key) { return rp(key, testPartitioner()); } public static PartitionPosition rp(String key, IPartitioner partitioner) { return PartitionPosition.ForKey.get(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(key), partitioner); } public static Cell getRegularCell(CFMetaData metadata, Row row, String name) { ColumnDefinition column = metadata.getColumnDefinition(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(name)); assert column != null; return row.getCell(column); } public static Clustering clustering(ClusteringComparator comparator, Object... o) { return comparator.make(o); } public static Token token(String key) { return testPartitioner().getToken(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(key)); } public static Range<PartitionPosition> range(String left, String right) { return new Range<>(rp(left), rp(right)); } public static Range<PartitionPosition> range(IPartitioner p, String left, String right) { return new Range<>(rp(left, p), rp(right, p)); } //Test helper to make an iterator iterable once public static <T> Iterable<T> once(final Iterator<T> source) { return new Iterable<T>() { private AtomicBoolean exhausted = new AtomicBoolean(); public Iterator<T> iterator() { Preconditions.checkState(!exhausted.getAndSet(true)); return source; } }; } public static ByteBuffer getBytes(long v) { byte[] bytes = new byte[8]; ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); bb.putLong(v); bb.rewind(); return bb; } public static ByteBuffer getBytes(int v) { byte[] bytes = new byte[4]; ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); bb.putInt(v); bb.rewind(); return bb; } /** * Writes out a bunch of mutations for a single column family. * * @param mutations A group of Mutations for the same keyspace and column family. * @return The ColumnFamilyStore that was used. */ public static ColumnFamilyStore writeColumnFamily(List<Mutation> mutations) { IMutation first = mutations.get(0); String keyspaceName = first.getKeyspaceName(); UUID cfid = first.getColumnFamilyIds().iterator().next(); for (Mutation rm : mutations) rm.applyUnsafe(); ColumnFamilyStore store =; store.forceBlockingFlush(); return store; } public static boolean equalsCounterId(CounterId n, ByteBuffer context, int offset) { return CounterId.wrap(context, context.position() + offset).equals(n); } /** * Creates initial set of nodes and tokens. Nodes are added to StorageService as 'normal' */ public static void createInitialRing(StorageService ss, IPartitioner partitioner, List<Token> endpointTokens, List<Token> keyTokens, List<InetAddress> hosts, List<UUID> hostIds, int howMany) throws UnknownHostException { // Expand pool of host IDs as necessary for (int i = hostIdPool.size(); i < howMany; i++) hostIdPool.add(UUID.randomUUID()); boolean endpointTokenPrefilled = endpointTokens != null && !endpointTokens.isEmpty(); for (int i=0; i<howMany; i++) { if(!endpointTokenPrefilled) endpointTokens.add(new BigIntegerToken(String.valueOf(10 * i))); keyTokens.add(new BigIntegerToken(String.valueOf(10 * i + 5))); hostIds.add(hostIdPool.get(i)); } for (int i=0; i<endpointTokens.size(); i++) { InetAddress ep = InetAddress.getByName("127.0.0." + String.valueOf(i + 1)); Gossiper.instance.initializeNodeUnsafe(ep, hostIds.get(i), 1); Gossiper.instance.injectApplicationState(ep, ApplicationState.TOKENS, new VersionedValue.VersionedValueFactory(partitioner).tokens(Collections.singleton(endpointTokens.get(i)))); ss.onChange(ep, ApplicationState.STATUS, new VersionedValue.VersionedValueFactory(partitioner).normal(Collections.singleton(endpointTokens.get(i)))); hosts.add(ep); } // check that all nodes are in token metadata for (int i=0; i<endpointTokens.size(); ++i) assertTrue(ss.getTokenMetadata().isMember(hosts.get(i))); } public static Future<?> compactAll(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, int gcBefore) { List<Descriptor> descriptors = new ArrayList<>(); for (SSTableReader sstable : cfs.getLiveSSTables()) descriptors.add(sstable.descriptor); return CompactionManager.instance.submitUserDefined(cfs, descriptors, gcBefore); } public static void compact(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Collection<SSTableReader> sstables) { int gcBefore = cfs.gcBefore(FBUtilities.nowInSeconds()); AbstractCompactionTask task = cfs.getCompactionStrategyManager().getUserDefinedTask(sstables, gcBefore); task.execute(null); } public static void expectEOF(Callable<?> callable) { expectException(callable, EOFException.class); } public static void expectException(Callable<?> callable, Class<?> exception) { boolean thrown = false; try {; } catch (Throwable e) { assert e.getClass().equals(exception) : e.getClass().getName() + " is not " + exception.getName(); thrown = true; } assert thrown : exception.getName() + " not received"; } public static AbstractReadCommandBuilder.SinglePartitionBuilder cmd(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Object... partitionKey) { return new AbstractReadCommandBuilder.SinglePartitionBuilder(cfs, makeKey(cfs.metadata, partitionKey)); } public static AbstractReadCommandBuilder.PartitionRangeBuilder cmd(ColumnFamilyStore cfs) { return new AbstractReadCommandBuilder.PartitionRangeBuilder(cfs); } static DecoratedKey makeKey(CFMetaData metadata, Object... partitionKey) { if (partitionKey.length == 1 && partitionKey[0] instanceof DecoratedKey) return (DecoratedKey)partitionKey[0]; ByteBuffer key = CFMetaData.serializePartitionKey(metadata.getKeyValidatorAsClusteringComparator().make(partitionKey)); return metadata.decorateKey(key); } public static void assertEmptyUnfiltered(ReadCommand command) { try (ReadOrderGroup orderGroup = command.startOrderGroup(); UnfilteredPartitionIterator iterator = command.executeLocally(orderGroup)) { if (iterator.hasNext()) { try (UnfilteredRowIterator partition = { throw new AssertionError("Expected no results for query " + command.toCQLString() + " but got key " + command.metadata().getKeyValidator().getString(partition.partitionKey().getKey())); } } } } public static void assertEmpty(ReadCommand command) { try (ReadOrderGroup orderGroup = command.startOrderGroup(); PartitionIterator iterator = command.executeInternal(orderGroup)) { if (iterator.hasNext()) { try (RowIterator partition = { throw new AssertionError("Expected no results for query " + command.toCQLString() + " but got key " + command.metadata().getKeyValidator().getString(partition.partitionKey().getKey())); } } } } public static List<ImmutableBTreePartition> getAllUnfiltered(ReadCommand command) { List<ImmutableBTreePartition> results = new ArrayList<>(); try (ReadOrderGroup orderGroup = command.startOrderGroup(); UnfilteredPartitionIterator iterator = command.executeLocally(orderGroup)) { while (iterator.hasNext()) { try (UnfilteredRowIterator partition = { results.add(ImmutableBTreePartition.create(partition)); } } } return results; } public static List<FilteredPartition> getAll(ReadCommand command) { List<FilteredPartition> results = new ArrayList<>(); try (ReadOrderGroup orderGroup = command.startOrderGroup(); PartitionIterator iterator = command.executeInternal(orderGroup)) { while (iterator.hasNext()) { try (RowIterator partition = { results.add(FilteredPartition.create(partition)); } } } return results; } public static Row getOnlyRowUnfiltered(ReadCommand cmd) { try (ReadOrderGroup orderGroup = cmd.startOrderGroup(); UnfilteredPartitionIterator iterator = cmd.executeLocally(orderGroup)) { assert iterator.hasNext() : "Expecting one row in one partition but got nothing"; try (UnfilteredRowIterator partition = { assert !iterator.hasNext() : "Expecting a single partition but got more"; assert partition.hasNext() : "Expecting one row in one partition but got an empty partition"; Row row = ((Row); assert !partition.hasNext() : "Expecting a single row but got more"; return row; } } } public static Row getOnlyRow(ReadCommand cmd) { try (ReadOrderGroup orderGroup = cmd.startOrderGroup(); PartitionIterator iterator = cmd.executeInternal(orderGroup)) { assert iterator.hasNext() : "Expecting one row in one partition but got nothing"; try (RowIterator partition = { assert !iterator.hasNext() : "Expecting a single partition but got more"; assert partition.hasNext() : "Expecting one row in one partition but got an empty partition"; Row row =; assert !partition.hasNext() : "Expecting a single row but got more"; return row; } } } public static ImmutableBTreePartition getOnlyPartitionUnfiltered(ReadCommand cmd) { try (ReadOrderGroup orderGroup = cmd.startOrderGroup(); UnfilteredPartitionIterator iterator = cmd.executeLocally(orderGroup)) { assert iterator.hasNext() : "Expecting a single partition but got nothing"; try (UnfilteredRowIterator partition = { assert !iterator.hasNext() : "Expecting a single partition but got more"; return ImmutableBTreePartition.create(partition); } } } public static FilteredPartition getOnlyPartition(ReadCommand cmd) { try (ReadOrderGroup orderGroup = cmd.startOrderGroup(); PartitionIterator iterator = cmd.executeInternal(orderGroup)) { assert iterator.hasNext() : "Expecting a single partition but got nothing"; try (RowIterator partition = { assert !iterator.hasNext() : "Expecting a single partition but got more"; return FilteredPartition.create(partition); } } } public static UnfilteredRowIterator apply(Mutation mutation) { mutation.apply(); assert mutation.getPartitionUpdates().size() == 1; return mutation.getPartitionUpdates().iterator().next().unfilteredIterator(); } public static Cell cell(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Row row, String columnName) { ColumnDefinition def = cfs.metadata.getColumnDefinition(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(columnName)); assert def != null; return row.getCell(def); } public static Row row(Partition partition, Object... clustering) { return partition.getRow(partition.metadata().comparator.make(clustering)); } public static void assertCellValue(Object value, ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Row row, String columnName) { Cell cell = cell(cfs, row, columnName); assert cell != null : "Row " + row.toString(cfs.metadata) + " has no cell for " + columnName; assertEquals(value, cell.column().type.compose(cell.value())); } public static void consume(UnfilteredRowIterator iter) { try (UnfilteredRowIterator iterator = iter) { while (iter.hasNext()); } } public static int size(PartitionIterator iter) { int size = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { ++size;; } return size; } public static CBuilder getCBuilderForCFM(CFMetaData cfm) { List<ColumnDefinition> clusteringColumns = cfm.clusteringColumns(); List<AbstractType<?>> types = new ArrayList<>(clusteringColumns.size()); for (ColumnDefinition def : clusteringColumns) types.add(def.type); return CBuilder.create(new ClusteringComparator(types)); } public static boolean equal(UnfilteredRowIterator a, UnfilteredRowIterator b) { return Objects.equals(a.columns(), b.columns()) && Objects.equals(a.metadata(), b.metadata()) && Objects.equals(a.isReverseOrder(), b.isReverseOrder()) && Objects.equals(a.partitionKey(), b.partitionKey()) && Objects.equals(a.partitionLevelDeletion(), b.partitionLevelDeletion()) && Objects.equals(a.staticRow(), b.staticRow()) && Objects.equals(a.stats(), b.stats()) && Iterators.elementsEqual(a, b); } // moved & refactored from KeyspaceTest in < 3.0 public static void assertColumns(Row row, String... expectedColumnNames) { Iterator<Cell> cells = row == null ? Iterators.<Cell>emptyIterator() : row.cells().iterator(); String[] actual = Iterators.toArray(Iterators.transform(cells, new Function<Cell, String>() { public String apply(Cell cell) { return cell.column().name.toString(); } }), String.class); assert Arrays.equals(actual, expectedColumnNames) : String.format("Columns [%s])] is not expected [%s]", ((row == null) ? "" : row.columns().toString()), StringUtils.join(expectedColumnNames, ",")); } public static void assertColumn(CFMetaData cfm, Row row, String name, String value, long timestamp) { Cell cell = row.getCell(cfm.getColumnDefinition(new ColumnIdentifier(name, true))); assertColumn(cell, value, timestamp); } public static void assertColumn(Cell cell, String value, long timestamp) { assertNotNull(cell); assertEquals(0, ByteBufferUtil.compareUnsigned(cell.value(), ByteBufferUtil.bytes(value))); assertEquals(timestamp, cell.timestamp()); } public static void assertClustering(CFMetaData cfm, Row row, Object... clusteringValue) { assertEquals(row.clustering().size(), clusteringValue.length); assertEquals(0,, cfm.comparator.make(clusteringValue))); } public static PartitionerSwitcher switchPartitioner(IPartitioner p) { return new PartitionerSwitcher(p); } public static class PartitionerSwitcher implements AutoCloseable { final IPartitioner oldP; final IPartitioner newP; public PartitionerSwitcher(IPartitioner partitioner) { newP = partitioner; oldP = StorageService.instance.setPartitionerUnsafe(partitioner); } public void close() { IPartitioner p = StorageService.instance.setPartitionerUnsafe(oldP); assert p == newP; } } public static void spinAssertEquals(Object expected, Supplier<Object> s, int timeoutInSeconds) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() - now < now + (1000 * timeoutInSeconds)) { if (s.get().equals(expected)) break; Thread.yield(); } assertEquals(expected, s.get()); } public static void joinThread(Thread thread) throws InterruptedException { thread.join(10000); } public static AssertionError runCatchingAssertionError(Runnable test) { try {; return null; } catch (AssertionError e) { return e; } } /** * Wrapper function used to run a test that can sometimes flake for uncontrollable reasons. * * If the given test fails on the first run, it is executed the given number of times again, expecting all secondary * runs to succeed. If they do, the failure is understood as a flake and the test is treated as passing. * * Do not use this if the test is deterministic and its success is not influenced by external factors (such as time, * selection of random seed, network failures, etc.). If the test can be made independent of such factors, it is * probably preferable to do so rather than use this method. * * @param test The test to run. * @param rerunsOnFailure How many times to re-run it if it fails. All reruns must pass. * @param message Message to send to System.err on initial failure. */ public static void flakyTest(Runnable test, int rerunsOnFailure, String message) { AssertionError e = runCatchingAssertionError(test); if (e == null) return; // success System.err.format("Test failed. %s%n" + "Re-running %d times to verify it isn't failing more often than it should.%n" + "Failure was: %s%n", message, rerunsOnFailure, e); e.printStackTrace(); int rerunsFailed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rerunsOnFailure; ++i) { AssertionError t = runCatchingAssertionError(test); if (t != null) { ++rerunsFailed; e.addSuppressed(t); } } if (rerunsFailed > 0) { System.err.format("Test failed in %d of the %d reruns.%n", rerunsFailed, rerunsOnFailure); throw e; } System.err.println("All reruns succeeded. Failure treated as flake."); } // for use with Optional in tests, can be used as an argument to orElseThrow public static Supplier<AssertionError> throwAssert(final String message) { return () -> new AssertionError(message); } public static class UnfilteredSource extends AbstractUnfilteredRowIterator implements UnfilteredRowIterator { Iterator<Unfiltered> content; public UnfilteredSource(CFMetaData cfm, DecoratedKey partitionKey, Row staticRow, Iterator<Unfiltered> content) { super(cfm, partitionKey, DeletionTime.LIVE, cfm.partitionColumns(), staticRow != null ? staticRow : Rows.EMPTY_STATIC_ROW, false, EncodingStats.NO_STATS); this.content = content; } @Override protected Unfiltered computeNext() { return content.hasNext() ? : endOfData(); } } public static UnfilteredPartitionIterator executeLocally(PartitionRangeReadCommand command, ColumnFamilyStore cfs, ReadOrderGroup orderGroup) { return new InternalPartitionRangeReadCommand(command).queryStorageInternal(cfs, orderGroup); } private static final class InternalPartitionRangeReadCommand extends PartitionRangeReadCommand { private InternalPartitionRangeReadCommand(PartitionRangeReadCommand original) { super(original.isDigestQuery(), original.digestVersion(), original.isForThrift(), original.metadata(), original.nowInSec(), original.columnFilter(), original.rowFilter(), original.limits(), original.dataRange(), Optional.empty()); } private UnfilteredPartitionIterator queryStorageInternal(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, ReadOrderGroup orderGroup) { return queryStorage(cfs, orderGroup); } } public static Closeable markDirectoriesUnwriteable(ColumnFamilyStore cfs) { try { for ( ; ; ) { DataDirectory dir = cfs.getDirectories().getWriteableLocation(1); BlacklistedDirectories.maybeMarkUnwritable(cfs.getDirectories().getLocationForDisk(dir)); } } catch (IOError e) { // Expected -- marked all directories as unwritable } return () -> BlacklistedDirectories.clearUnwritableUnsafe(); } }