/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.db.partition; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; import java.util.stream.StreamSupport; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.common.collect.Iterators; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.apache.cassandra.SchemaLoader; import org.apache.cassandra.Util; import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData; import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition; import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnIdentifier; import org.apache.cassandra.db.*; import org.apache.cassandra.db.Slice.Bound; import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ColumnFilter; import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AsciiType; import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.AbstractBTreePartition; import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.ImmutableBTreePartition; import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.Partition; import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*; import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.Row.Deletion; import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.cassandra.schema.KeyspaceParams; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.SearchIterator; public class PartitionImplementationTest { private static final String KEYSPACE = "PartitionImplementationTest"; private static final String CF = "Standard"; private static final int ENTRIES = 250; private static final int TESTS = 1000; private static final int KEY_RANGE = ENTRIES * 5; private static final int TIMESTAMP = KEY_RANGE + 1; private static CFMetaData cfm; private Random rand = new Random(2); @BeforeClass public static void defineSchema() throws ConfigurationException { SchemaLoader.prepareServer(); cfm = CFMetaData.Builder.create(KEYSPACE, CF) .addPartitionKey("pk", AsciiType.instance) .addClusteringColumn("ck", AsciiType.instance) .addRegularColumn("col", AsciiType.instance) .addStaticColumn("static_col", AsciiType.instance) .build(); SchemaLoader.createKeyspace(KEYSPACE, KeyspaceParams.simple(1), cfm); } private List<Row> generateRows() { List<Row> content = new ArrayList<>(); Set<Integer> keysUsed = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < ENTRIES; ++i) { int rk; do { rk = rand.nextInt(KEY_RANGE); } while (!keysUsed.add(rk)); content.add(makeRow(clustering(rk), "Col" + rk)); } return content; // not sorted } Row makeRow(Clustering clustering, String colValue) { ColumnDefinition defCol = cfm.getColumnDefinition(new ColumnIdentifier("col", true)); Row.Builder row = BTreeRow.unsortedBuilder(TIMESTAMP); row.newRow(clustering); row.addCell(BufferCell.live(cfm, defCol, TIMESTAMP, ByteBufferUtil.bytes(colValue))); return row.build(); } Row makeStaticRow() { ColumnDefinition defCol = cfm.getColumnDefinition(new ColumnIdentifier("static_col", true)); Row.Builder row = BTreeRow.unsortedBuilder(TIMESTAMP); row.newRow(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING); row.addCell(BufferCell.live(cfm, defCol, TIMESTAMP, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("static value"))); return row.build(); } private List<Unfiltered> generateMarkersOnly() { return addMarkers(new ArrayList<>()); } private List<Unfiltered> generateUnfiltereds() { List<Unfiltered> content = new ArrayList<>(generateRows()); return addMarkers(content); } List<Unfiltered> addMarkers(List<Unfiltered> content) { List<RangeTombstoneMarker> markers = new ArrayList<>(); Set<Integer> delTimes = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < ENTRIES / 10; ++i) { int delTime; do { delTime = rand.nextInt(KEY_RANGE); } while (!delTimes.add(delTime)); int start = rand.nextInt(KEY_RANGE); DeletionTime dt = new DeletionTime(delTime, delTime); RangeTombstoneMarker open = RangeTombstoneBoundMarker.inclusiveOpen(false, clustering(start).getRawValues(), dt); int end = start + rand.nextInt((KEY_RANGE - start) / 4 + 1); RangeTombstoneMarker close = RangeTombstoneBoundMarker.inclusiveClose(false, clustering(end).getRawValues(), dt); markers.add(open); markers.add(close); } markers.sort(cfm.comparator); RangeTombstoneMarker toAdd = null; Set<DeletionTime> open = new HashSet<>(); DeletionTime current = DeletionTime.LIVE; for (RangeTombstoneMarker marker : markers) { if (marker.isOpen(false)) { DeletionTime delTime = marker.openDeletionTime(false); open.add(delTime); if (delTime.supersedes(current)) { if (toAdd != null) { if (cfm.comparator.compare(toAdd, marker) != 0) content.add(toAdd); else { // gotta join current = toAdd.isClose(false) ? toAdd.closeDeletionTime(false) : DeletionTime.LIVE; } } if (current != DeletionTime.LIVE) marker = RangeTombstoneBoundaryMarker.makeBoundary(false, marker.openBound(false).invert(), marker.openBound(false), current, delTime); toAdd = marker; current = delTime; } } else { assert marker.isClose(false); DeletionTime delTime = marker.closeDeletionTime(false); boolean removed = open.remove(delTime); assert removed; if (current.equals(delTime)) { if (toAdd != null) { if (cfm.comparator.compare(toAdd, marker) != 0) content.add(toAdd); else { // gotta join current = toAdd.closeDeletionTime(false); marker = new RangeTombstoneBoundMarker(marker.closeBound(false), current); } } DeletionTime best = open.stream().max(DeletionTime::compareTo).orElse(DeletionTime.LIVE); if (best != DeletionTime.LIVE) marker = RangeTombstoneBoundaryMarker.makeBoundary(false, marker.closeBound(false), marker.closeBound(false).invert(), current, best); toAdd = marker; current = best; } } } content.add(toAdd); assert current == DeletionTime.LIVE; assert open.isEmpty(); return content; } private Clustering clustering(int i) { return cfm.comparator.make(String.format("Row%06d", i)); } private void test(Supplier<Collection<? extends Unfiltered>> content, Row staticRow) { for (int i = 0; i<TESTS; ++i) { try { rand = new Random(i); testIter(content, staticRow); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new AssertionError("Test failed with seed " + i, t); } } } private void testIter(Supplier<Collection<? extends Unfiltered>> contentSupplier, Row staticRow) { NavigableSet<Clusterable> sortedContent = new TreeSet<Clusterable>(cfm.comparator); sortedContent.addAll(contentSupplier.get()); AbstractBTreePartition partition; try (UnfilteredRowIterator iter = new Util.UnfilteredSource(cfm, Util.dk("pk"), staticRow, sortedContent.stream().map(x -> (Unfiltered) x).iterator())) { partition = ImmutableBTreePartition.create(iter); } ColumnDefinition defCol = cfm.getColumnDefinition(new ColumnIdentifier("col", true)); ColumnFilter cf = ColumnFilter.selectionBuilder().add(defCol).build(); Function<? super Clusterable, ? extends Clusterable> colFilter = x -> x instanceof Row ? ((Row) x).filter(cf, cfm) : x; Slices slices = Slices.with(cfm.comparator, Slice.make(clustering(KEY_RANGE / 4), clustering(KEY_RANGE * 3 / 4))); Slices multiSlices = makeSlices(); // lastRow assertRowsEqual((Row) get(sortedContent.descendingSet(), x -> x instanceof Row), partition.lastRow()); // get(static) assertRowsEqual(staticRow, partition.getRow(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING)); // get for (int i=0; i < KEY_RANGE; ++i) { Clustering cl = clustering(i); assertRowsEqual(getRow(sortedContent, cl), partition.getRow(cl)); } // isEmpty assertEquals(sortedContent.isEmpty() && staticRow == null, partition.isEmpty()); // hasRows assertEquals(sortedContent.stream().anyMatch(x -> x instanceof Row), partition.hasRows()); // iterator assertIteratorsEqual(sortedContent.stream().filter(x -> x instanceof Row).iterator(), partition.iterator()); // unfiltered iterator assertIteratorsEqual(sortedContent.iterator(), partition.unfilteredIterator()); // unfiltered iterator assertIteratorsEqual(sortedContent.iterator(), partition.unfilteredIterator(ColumnFilter.all(cfm), Slices.ALL, false)); // column-filtered assertIteratorsEqual(sortedContent.stream().map(colFilter).iterator(), partition.unfilteredIterator(cf, Slices.ALL, false)); // sliced assertIteratorsEqual(slice(sortedContent, slices.get(0)), partition.unfilteredIterator(ColumnFilter.all(cfm), slices, false)); assertIteratorsEqual(streamOf(slice(sortedContent, slices.get(0))).map(colFilter).iterator(), partition.unfilteredIterator(cf, slices, false)); // randomly multi-sliced assertIteratorsEqual(slice(sortedContent, multiSlices), partition.unfilteredIterator(ColumnFilter.all(cfm), multiSlices, false)); assertIteratorsEqual(streamOf(slice(sortedContent, multiSlices)).map(colFilter).iterator(), partition.unfilteredIterator(cf, multiSlices, false)); // reversed assertIteratorsEqual(sortedContent.descendingIterator(), partition.unfilteredIterator(ColumnFilter.all(cfm), Slices.ALL, true)); assertIteratorsEqual(sortedContent.descendingSet().stream().map(colFilter).iterator(), partition.unfilteredIterator(cf, Slices.ALL, true)); assertIteratorsEqual(invert(slice(sortedContent, slices.get(0))), partition.unfilteredIterator(ColumnFilter.all(cfm), slices, true)); assertIteratorsEqual(streamOf(invert(slice(sortedContent, slices.get(0)))).map(colFilter).iterator(), partition.unfilteredIterator(cf, slices, true)); assertIteratorsEqual(invert(slice(sortedContent, multiSlices)), partition.unfilteredIterator(ColumnFilter.all(cfm), multiSlices, true)); assertIteratorsEqual(streamOf(invert(slice(sortedContent, multiSlices))).map(colFilter).iterator(), partition.unfilteredIterator(cf, multiSlices, true)); // search iterator testSearchIterator(sortedContent, partition, ColumnFilter.all(cfm), false); testSearchIterator(sortedContent, partition, cf, false); testSearchIterator(sortedContent, partition, ColumnFilter.all(cfm), true); testSearchIterator(sortedContent, partition, cf, true); // sliceable iter testSliceableIterator(sortedContent, partition, ColumnFilter.all(cfm), false); testSliceableIterator(sortedContent, partition, cf, false); testSliceableIterator(sortedContent, partition, ColumnFilter.all(cfm), true); testSliceableIterator(sortedContent, partition, cf, true); } void testSearchIterator(NavigableSet<Clusterable> sortedContent, Partition partition, ColumnFilter cf, boolean reversed) { SearchIterator<Clustering, Row> searchIter = partition.searchIterator(cf, reversed); int pos = reversed ? KEY_RANGE : 0; int mul = reversed ? -1 : 1; boolean started = false; while (searchIter.hasNext()) { int skip = rand.nextInt(KEY_RANGE / 10); pos += skip * mul; Clustering cl = clustering(pos); Row row = searchIter.next(cl); // returns row with deletion, incl. empty row with deletion if (row == null && skip == 0 && started) // allowed to return null if already reported row continue; started = true; Row expected = getRow(sortedContent, cl); assertEquals(expected == null, row == null); if (row == null) continue; assertRowsEqual(expected.filter(cf, cfm), row); } } Slices makeSlices() { int pos = 0; Slices.Builder builder = new Slices.Builder(cfm.comparator); while (pos <= KEY_RANGE) { int skip = rand.nextInt(KEY_RANGE / 10) * (rand.nextInt(3) + 2 / 3); // increased chance of getting 0 pos += skip; int sz = rand.nextInt(KEY_RANGE / 10) + (skip == 0 ? 1 : 0); // if start is exclusive need at least sz 1 Clustering start = clustering(pos); pos += sz; Clustering end = clustering(pos); Slice slice = Slice.make(skip == 0 ? Bound.exclusiveStartOf(start) : Bound.inclusiveStartOf(start), Bound.inclusiveEndOf(end)); builder.add(slice); } return builder.build(); } void testSliceableIterator(NavigableSet<Clusterable> sortedContent, AbstractBTreePartition partition, ColumnFilter cf, boolean reversed) { Function<? super Clusterable, ? extends Clusterable> colFilter = x -> x instanceof Row ? ((Row) x).filter(cf, cfm) : x; Slices slices = makeSlices(); try (SliceableUnfilteredRowIterator sliceableIter = partition.sliceableUnfilteredIterator(cf, reversed)) { for (Slice slice : (Iterable<Slice>) () -> directed(slices, reversed)) assertIteratorsEqual(streamOf(directed(slice(sortedContent, slice), reversed)).map(colFilter).iterator(), sliceableIter.slice(slice)); } // Try using sliceable as unfiltered iterator try (SliceableUnfilteredRowIterator sliceableIter = partition.sliceableUnfilteredIterator(cf, reversed)) { assertIteratorsEqual((reversed ? sortedContent.descendingSet() : sortedContent). stream().map(colFilter).iterator(), sliceableIter); } } private<T> Iterator<T> invert(Iterator<T> slice) { Deque<T> dest = new LinkedList<>(); Iterators.addAll(dest, slice); return dest.descendingIterator(); } private Iterator<Clusterable> slice(NavigableSet<Clusterable> sortedContent, Slices slices) { return Iterators.concat(streamOf(slices).map(slice -> slice(sortedContent, slice)).iterator()); } private Iterator<Clusterable> slice(NavigableSet<Clusterable> sortedContent, Slice slice) { // Slice bounds are inclusive bounds, equal only to markers. Matched markers should be returned as one-sided boundaries. RangeTombstoneMarker prev = (RangeTombstoneMarker) sortedContent.headSet(slice.start(), true).descendingSet().stream().filter(x -> x instanceof RangeTombstoneMarker).findFirst().orElse(null); RangeTombstoneMarker next = (RangeTombstoneMarker) sortedContent.tailSet(slice.end(), true).stream().filter(x -> x instanceof RangeTombstoneMarker).findFirst().orElse(null); Iterator<Clusterable> result = sortedContent.subSet(slice.start(), false, slice.end(), false).iterator(); if (prev != null && prev.isOpen(false)) result = Iterators.concat(Iterators.singletonIterator(new RangeTombstoneBoundMarker(slice.start(), prev.openDeletionTime(false))), result); if (next != null && next.isClose(false)) result = Iterators.concat(result, Iterators.singletonIterator(new RangeTombstoneBoundMarker(slice.end(), next.closeDeletionTime(false)))); return result; } private Iterator<Slice> directed(Slices slices, boolean reversed) { return directed(slices.iterator(), reversed); } private <T> Iterator<T> directed(Iterator<T> iter, boolean reversed) { if (!reversed) return iter; return invert(iter); } private <T> Stream<T> streamOf(Iterator<T> iterator) { Iterable<T> iterable = () -> iterator; return streamOf(iterable); } <T> Stream<T> streamOf(Iterable<T> iterable) { return StreamSupport.stream(iterable.spliterator(), false); } private void assertIteratorsEqual(Iterator<? extends Clusterable> it1, Iterator<? extends Clusterable> it2) { Clusterable[] a1 = (Clusterable[]) Iterators.toArray(it1, Clusterable.class); Clusterable[] a2 = (Clusterable[]) Iterators.toArray(it2, Clusterable.class); if (Arrays.equals(a1, a2)) return; String a1s = Stream.of(a1).map(x -> "\n" + (x instanceof Unfiltered ? ((Unfiltered) x).toString(cfm) : x.toString())).collect(Collectors.toList()).toString(); String a2s = Stream.of(a2).map(x -> "\n" + (x instanceof Unfiltered ? ((Unfiltered) x).toString(cfm) : x.toString())).collect(Collectors.toList()).toString(); assertArrayEquals("Arrays differ. Expected " + a1s + " was " + a2s, a1, a2); } private Row getRow(NavigableSet<Clusterable> sortedContent, Clustering cl) { NavigableSet<Clusterable> nexts = sortedContent.tailSet(cl, true); if (nexts.isEmpty()) return null; Row row = nexts.first() instanceof Row && cfm.comparator.compare(cl, nexts.first()) == 0 ? (Row) nexts.first() : null; for (Clusterable next : nexts) if (next instanceof RangeTombstoneMarker) { RangeTombstoneMarker rt = (RangeTombstoneMarker) next; if (!rt.isClose(false)) return row; DeletionTime delTime = rt.closeDeletionTime(false); return row == null ? BTreeRow.emptyDeletedRow(cl, Deletion.regular(delTime)) : row.filter(ColumnFilter.all(cfm), delTime, true, cfm); } return row; } private void assertRowsEqual(Row expected, Row actual) { try { assertEquals(expected == null, actual == null); if (expected == null) return; assertEquals(expected.clustering(), actual.clustering()); assertEquals(expected.deletion(), actual.deletion()); assertArrayEquals(Iterables.toArray(expected.cells(), Cell.class), Iterables.toArray(expected.cells(), Cell.class)); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new AssertionError(String.format("Row comparison failed, expected %s got %s", expected, actual), t); } } private static<T> T get(NavigableSet<T> sortedContent, Predicate<T> test) { return sortedContent.stream().filter(test).findFirst().orElse(null); } @Test public void testEmpty() { test(() -> Collections.<Row>emptyList(), null); } @Test public void testStaticOnly() { test(() -> Collections.<Row>emptyList(), makeStaticRow()); } @Test public void testRows() { test(this::generateRows, null); } @Test public void testRowsWithStatic() { test(this::generateRows, makeStaticRow()); } @Test public void testMarkersOnly() { test(this::generateMarkersOnly, null); } @Test public void testMarkersWithStatic() { test(this::generateMarkersOnly, makeStaticRow()); } @Test public void testUnfiltereds() { test(this::generateUnfiltereds, makeStaticRow()); } }