package ring.server.shells; import ring.comms.Communicator; import ring.mobiles.Alignment; import ring.mobiles.MobileBaseModel; import ring.mobiles.Race; import ring.mobiles.RaceFactory; import ring.mobiles.Alignment.Ethical; import ring.mobiles.Alignment.Moral; import ring.mobiles.MobileBaseModel.Gender; import ring.mobiles.mobclass.MobileClass; import ring.persistence.DataStoreFactory; import ring.players.PlayerCharacter; /** * Class for creating a player character. * * @author projectmoon * */ public class PlayerCharacterCreation { private Communicator comms; public PlayerCharacterCreation(Communicator comms) { this.comms = comms; } /** * This method handles the actual creation of a new character given a name. * The method is further broken down into several smaller helper methods so * as to not clutter the code. * * @param playerName * @return A completed PlayerCharacter object. * @throws * If there is an error saving the player to a file. */ public PlayerCharacter doCreateNewCharacter() { String name; Gender gender; Race race; Alignment alignment; MobileClass playerClass; PlayerCharacter newPlayer = new PlayerCharacter(); name = chooseName(); comms.printlnNoSuffix("[CYAN][B]Name chosen: [WHITE]" + name); comms.println(); race = chooseRace(); comms.printlnNoSuffix("[CYAN][B]Race chosen: [WHITE]" + race.getName()); comms.println(); gender = chooseGender(race); comms.printlnNoSuffix("[CYAN][B]Gender chosen: [WHITE]" + gender); comms.println(); alignment = chooseAlignment(); comms.printlnNoSuffix("[CYAN][B]Alignment chosen: [WHITE]" + alignment.toString()); comms.println(); playerClass = chooseClass(); //comms.printlnNoSuffix("[CYAN][B]Class chosen: [WHITE]" + playerClass.getDisplayName() + "[R]\n"); comms.println(); System.out.println("Setting various player attributes..."); // Set basic info newPlayer.getBaseModel().setName(name); newPlayer.getBaseModel().setType(MobileBaseModel.Type.MORTAL); //newPlayer.setMobileClass goes here. // Set some physical and alignment characteristics newPlayer.getBaseModel().setRace(race); newPlayer.getBaseModel().setBody(race.getBody()); newPlayer.getDynamicModel().setSpeed(30); newPlayer.getBaseModel().setGender(gender); newPlayer.getBaseModel().setAlignment(alignment); newPlayer.getBaseModel().setDescription("You see nothing special about " + newPlayer.getBaseModel().getGender().getObject() + "."); // Set class, skills, etc. newPlayer.getBaseModel().setMobileClass(playerClass); // Save the player and print a message comms.printlnNoSuffix("[CYAN]The [B][WHITE]" + newPlayer.getBaseModel().getType().getName() + "[R][CYAN] " + newPlayer.getBaseModel().getRace().getName() + " [R][WHITE]" //+ newPlayer.getBaseModel().getMobileClass().getDisplayName() + " " + newPlayer.getBaseModel().getName() + " [CYAN]has been created.\n"); return newPlayer; } /** * This method returns a race based on a letter choice the user inputs. It * will print errors until the player chooses the right race. * * @return The race chosen by the user in the form of a Race object. */ public Race chooseRace() { Race race = null; do { comms.printlnNoSuffix("Please select a race:"); comms.println("[R][CYAN]a) Human [B][RED]g) Drow Elf[R][CYAN]\nb) Moon Elf [B][RED]h) Ogre[R][CYAN]\nc) Dwarf [B][RED]i) Duergar Dwarf[R][CYAN]\nd) Half-Elf [B][RED]j) Illithid[R][CYAN]\ne) Gnome [B][RED]k) Troll[R][CYAN]\nf) Aasimar [B][RED]l) Tiefling[R][WHITE]"); comms.print("Enter choice: "); String choice = comms.receiveData(); race = RaceFactory.determineRace(choice); if (race == null) { comms.printlnNoSuffix("That is not a valid choice."); } } while (race == null); return race; } /** * This helper method allows the user to choose their character's gender. * The genders allowed are based on the race object passed to the method. * * @param race * The player's chosen race determines what genders they can be. * @return An integer representing the player's gender * (Male/female/asexual); */ public Gender chooseGender(Race race) { String raceName = race.getShortName(); // Illithids are only asexual if (raceName.equals("Ill")) { return Gender.IT; // Otherwise we move on to choosing M/F } String choice = ""; Gender gender = null; do { comms.print("Please enter a gender (M/F): "); choice = comms.receiveData(); if (choice.toLowerCase().equals("m")) { gender = Gender.MALE; } else if (choice.toLowerCase().equals("f")) { gender = Gender.FEMALE; } } while (gender == null); return gender; } /** * This method asks the user to input an ethical and moral alignment in: * Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil, etc. * * @return The constructed alignment object. */ public Alignment chooseAlignment() { Ethical ethical = null; Moral moral = null; String choice = ""; do { comms.print("Please choose an ethical perspective (L, N, C): "); choice = comms.receiveData(); if (choice.toLowerCase().equals("l")) { ethical = Ethical.LAWFUL; } else if (choice.toLowerCase().equals("n")) { ethical = Ethical.NEUTRAL; } else if (choice.toLowerCase().equals("c")) { ethical = Ethical.CHAOTIC; } } while (ethical == null); do { comms.print("Please input a moral perspective (G, N, E): "); choice = comms.receiveData(); if (choice.toLowerCase().equals("g")) { moral = Moral.GOOD; } else if (choice.toLowerCase().equals("n")) { moral = Moral.NEUTRAL; } else if (choice.toLowerCase().equals("e")) { moral = Moral.EVIL; } } while (moral == null); Alignment a = new Alignment(ethical, moral); return a; } /** * This helper method allows the user to type in the name of the class they * wish to play. It accepts full names (barbarian, sorcerer, etc). * * @return The MobileClass object representing the chosen class. */ public MobileClass chooseClass() { /* String choice = ""; MobileClass mc = null; do { comms .printlnNoSuffix("Please choose from the following classes. Type in the full name to choose it."); comms .print("Barbarian, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard"); choice = comms.receiveData(); mc = MobileClassFactory.determineClass(choice); } while (mc == null); return mc; */ comms.println("Class choosing not implemented yet"); return null; } public String chooseName() { String playerName = null; String allowableCharacters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; //This loop runs forever until a user creates a name that meets the following: //2 - 15 characters long. //Letters only. //The validation conditions use continue to iterate the loop again. //A break is at the very end to kill the loop if the name is valid. while (true) { comms.print("Enter a character name: "); playerName = comms.receiveData(); if (playerName.length() > 15 || playerName.length() < 2) { comms.println("[RED]Sorry, character names must be between 2 and 15 characters long."); continue; } else { for (char ch : playerName.toCharArray()) { if (allowableCharacters.indexOf(ch) < 0) { comms.println("[RED]Character names must contain letters only."); continue; } } } PlayerCharacter pc = DataStoreFactory.getDefaultStore().retrievePlayerCharacter(playerName); if (pc != null) { comms.println("[RED]Sorry, that character name is already in use."); continue; } //The name is valid at this point. End the loop. break; } //Capitalize first letter of name. playerName = playerName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + playerName.substring(1); return playerName; } }