package ring.effects; /** * <p>Title: RingMUD Codebase</p> * <p>Description: RingMUD is a java codebase for a MUD with a working similar to DikuMUD</p> * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004</p> * <p>Company: RaiSoft/Thermetics</p> * @author Jeff Hair * @version 1.0 */ //An interface that allows objects that implement it to interact with the MUD world. //Anything considered "Affectable" can be hit with effects. Of course, individual effects //and commands might have their own targeting restrictions. // //An Affectable object is considered to be in the world and thus has HP and AC. public interface Affectable { public static final int LIVING = 0; public static final int NON_LIVING = 1; public String getLongDescription(); public Object source(); public boolean isPlayer(); public boolean isNPC(); public String getName(); public int getEntityType(); public int getCurrentHP(); public int getMaxHP(); public int getAC(); public void addEffect(Effect e); }