package ring.persistence; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.xmldb.api.DatabaseManager; import org.xmldb.api.base.Collection; import org.xmldb.api.base.Database; import org.xmldb.api.base.Resource; import org.xmldb.api.base.ResourceIterator; import org.xmldb.api.base.ResourceSet; import org.xmldb.api.base.XMLDBException; import org.xmldb.api.modules.CollectionManagementService; import org.xmldb.api.modules.XMLResource; import org.xmldb.api.modules.XPathQueryService; import org.xmldb.api.modules.XQueryService; import ring.deployer.DeployedMUD; import ring.system.MUDConfig; /** * Class used to access the eXist XND. Provides a cleaner method of querying the database. * @author projectmoon * */ public class ExistDB { //Constants mapping to various strings necessary for XML:DB API. //Database login mappings: //Normally these are copied to the instance variables below. //But they can be overridden by constructors that allow specifying of //username and password. private static final String DB_URI = MUDConfig.getDatabaseURI(); private static final String DB_USER = MUDConfig.getDatabaseUser(); private static final String DB_PASSWORD = MUDConfig.getDatabasePassword(); //Collection mappings private static String ROOT_COLLECTION = "db/"; //Service mappings private static final int SVCNAME = 0; private static final int SVCVER = 1; private static final String[] XQUERY_SERVICE = { "XQueryService", "1.0" }; private static final String[] COLLECTION_MGMT_SERVICE = { "CollectionManagementService", "1.0" }; //Service caches: Not necessary right now //private static Map<Collection, XQueryService> xqServiceCache = new WeakHashMap<Collection, XQueryService>(); //Other stuff //private static boolean shutdownHookExists; //private static boolean shutdown = false; //Object instance-specific stuff: private String dbURI = DB_URI; private String dbUser = DB_USER; private String dbPassword = DB_PASSWORD; static { //System.setProperty("exist.initdb", "true"); //System.setProperty("exist.home", "/etc/ringmud/"); try { Class<?> cl = Class.forName("org.exist.xmldb.DatabaseImpl"); Database xmlDB = (Database)cl.newInstance(); xmlDB.setProperty("create-database", "true"); DatabaseManager.registerDatabase(xmlDB); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (XMLDBException e) { System.err.println("XMLDB Error:" + e.getMessage()); System.err.println("Is the XML database running?"); System.exit(1); } catch (InstantiationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("lol broke" + e); System.exit(1); } //Hook doesn't exist until the constructor is first called. //shutdownHookExists = false; } public ExistDB() { /* //Add a shutdown hook for the root collection only, if it's not already there if (!shutdownHookExists) { try { setupShutdownHook(getRootCollection()); } catch (XMLDBException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } */ } public ExistDB(String uri, String username, String password) { dbURI = uri; dbUser = username; dbPassword = password; } /* public void shutdown() { System.out.print("Shutting down eXist... "); try { DatabaseInstanceManager manager = (DatabaseInstanceManager)getRootCollection().getService("DatabaseInstanceManager", "1.0"); manager.shutdown(); } catch (XMLDBException e) { System.err.println("There was an error shutting down eXist:"); e.printStackTrace(); } shutdown = true; System.out.println("Done."); } */ /* //This will come back later when support for embedded DBs is reintroduced. private void setupShutdownHook(final Collection col) { Runnable hook = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { //This only runs in the event of an abnormal shutdown. if (!shutdown) { shutdown(); } } }; Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(hook)); shutdownHookExists = true; } */ public static String getRootURI() { return ROOT_COLLECTION; } /** * Possibly the most important method in this class. The root collection URI determines * which collection to pull data from. Collections are divided by MUD names, so this is * set at server start when a deployed MUD is discovered. * @param uri */ public static void setRootURI(String uri) { if (!uri.endsWith("/")) { uri = "db/" + uri + "/"; } else { uri = "db/" + uri; } ROOT_COLLECTION = uri; } public XQueryService getXQueryService(Collection col) throws XMLDBException { return (XQueryService)col.getService(XQUERY_SERVICE[SVCNAME], XQUERY_SERVICE[SVCVER]); } public XPathQueryService getXPathQueryService(Collection col) throws XMLDBException { return (XPathQueryService)col.getService("XPathQueryService", "1.0"); } public Collection getRootCollection() throws XMLDBException { Collection root = (Collection)DatabaseManager.getCollection(craftCollectionURI(null), dbUser, dbPassword); return root; } public Collection getDatabaseRootCollection() throws XMLDBException { Collection root = (Collection)DatabaseManager.getCollection(craftRootURI("db"), dbUser, dbPassword); return root; } public Collection getCollection(String name) throws XMLDBException { //String colName = ROOT_COLLECTION + name; Collection col = DatabaseManager.getCollection(craftCollectionURI(name), dbUser, dbPassword); if (col == null) { throw new XMLDBException(-1, "Collection " + name + " is null. Is the database running?"); } return col; } private String craftRootURI(String name) { String ret = dbURI; if (!dbURI.endsWith("/")) { ret += "/"; } return ret + name; } private String craftCollectionURI(String name) { if (name != null) { name = ROOT_COLLECTION + name; } else { name = ROOT_COLLECTION; } String ret = dbURI; if (!dbURI.endsWith("/")) { ret += "/"; } return ret + name; } public void removeAllResources() { try { Collection root = getRootCollection(); CollectionManagementService service = (CollectionManagementService)root.getService( COLLECTION_MGMT_SERVICE[SVCNAME], COLLECTION_MGMT_SERVICE[SVCVER]); for (String collectionName : root.listChildCollections()) { Collection col = root.getChildCollection(collectionName); removeCollection(service, col); } for (String resName : root.listResources()) { Resource resource = root.getResource(resName); root.removeResource(resource); } root.close(); } catch (XMLDBException e) { System.err.println("DB Warning: was unable to remove all collections"); e.printStackTrace(); } } private void removeCollection(CollectionManagementService svc, Collection col) throws XMLDBException { for (String collectionName : col.listChildCollections()) { Collection childCol = col.getChildCollection(collectionName); removeCollection(svc, childCol); } svc.removeCollection(col.getName()); } public XMLResource querySingleResource(String xquery) throws XMLDBException { Collection col = getRootCollection(); System.out.println("Query: " + xquery); XQueryService service = getXQueryService(col); if (service != null) { ResourceSet res = service.query(xquery); System.out.println("Resource size: " + res.getSize()); ResourceIterator i = res.getIterator(); while (i.hasMoreResources()) { Resource r = i.nextResource(); if (r instanceof XMLResource) { return (XMLResource)r; } } } //Nothing found, return null. return null; } public ResourceSet query(Collection col, String xquery) throws XMLDBException { return query(col, xquery, null); } public ResourceSet query(Collection col, String xquery, Map<String, Object> declaredVariables) throws XMLDBException { XQueryService service = getXQueryService(col); if (declaredVariables != null) { for (Entry<String, Object> entry : declaredVariables.entrySet()) { service.declareVariable(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } if (service != null) { ResourceSet res = service.query(xquery); return res; } else { //Couldn't get an XQueryService, apparently... return null; } } public void addRootNode(String rootNode) throws XMLDBException { Collection col = getRootCollection(); XMLResource res = (XMLResource)col.createResource(null, "XMLResource"); String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; xml += "<" + rootNode + "></" + rootNode + ">"; res.setContent(xml); col.storeResource(res); } public void addRootNode(Collection col, String rootNode) throws XMLDBException { XMLResource res = (XMLResource)col.createResource("root", "XMLResource"); String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; xml += "<" + rootNode + "></" + rootNode + ">"; res.setContent(xml); col.storeResource(res); } private void createDatabaseIndexDocument(Collection col) throws XMLDBException { XMLResource res = (XMLResource)col.createResource("did.xml", "XMLResource"); String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; xml += "<index></index>"; res.setContent(xml); col.storeResource(res); } /** * Creates a new database by setting up collections. Doesn't check * if one already exists... yet. */ public void createRingDatabase() throws XMLDBException { Collection root = getDatabaseRootCollection(); CollectionManagementService service = (CollectionManagementService)root.getService( COLLECTION_MGMT_SERVICE[SVCNAME], COLLECTION_MGMT_SERVICE[SVCVER]); Collection mudRoot = service.createCollection(craftCollectionURI("")); addRootNode(mudRoot, "ring"); CollectionManagementService mudsvc = (CollectionManagementService)mudRoot.getService( COLLECTION_MGMT_SERVICE[SVCNAME], COLLECTION_MGMT_SERVICE[SVCVER]); //Static content: loaded during server boot Collection staticCol = mudsvc.createCollection(craftCollectionURI(ExistDBStore.STATIC_COLLECTION)); addRootNode(staticCol, "ring"); //Game collection: Stores world state and DiD Collection gameCol = mudsvc.createCollection(craftCollectionURI(ExistDBStore.GAME_COLLECTION)); addRootNode(gameCol, "ring"); createDatabaseIndexDocument(gameCol); //Players collection: Stores player information. Collection playersCol = mudsvc.createCollection(craftCollectionURI(ExistDBStore.PLAYERS_COLLECTION)); addRootNode(playersCol, "ring"); } public void listResources(PrintStream out) { try { Collection col = getCollection(ExistDBStore.STATIC_COLLECTION); out.println("Static Collection:"); String[] res = col.listResources(); for (String r : res) { out.println(r); } col = getCollection(ExistDBStore.GAME_COLLECTION); out.println("Game Collection:"); res = col.listResources(); for (String r : res) { out.println(r); } } catch (XMLDBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }