package ring.commands.parser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import org.python.core.PyException; import org.python.core.PyObject; import org.python.core.PyTuple; import org.python.core.PyType; import ring.commands.annotations.Form; import ring.commands.annotations.Template; /** * The command parser receives a command template and parses commands given to it. * It will match command input to a form of the command template. If no form matches, * the parser will return null form its parse method. If more than one form matches, * it will return the first form found. * @author projectmoon * */ public class CommandParser { /** * Lame helper class to return from the findForm method. * */ private class CPTuple { public CommandForm form; public List<ParsedCommandToken> tokenList; } private String commandName; private Command command; private List<CommandForm> forms; public CommandParser(Command command) throws CommandParsingException { commandName = command.getCommandName(); this.command = command; Template cmdTemplate = command.getClass().getAnnotation(Template.class); if (cmdTemplate != null) { initialize(cmdTemplate); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Command object does not have a defined command Template!"); } } public CommandParser(PyObject pyCommand) throws CommandParsingException { if (isInstanceOfCommand(pyCommand)) { try { Template cmdTemplate = (Template)pyCommand.__getattr__("__template__").__tojava__(Template.class); if (cmdTemplate != null) { initialize(cmdTemplate); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Command object does not have a defined command Template!"); } } catch (PyException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Command object does not have a defined command Template!"); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The passed Python must be a class object derived from ring.commands.parser.Command"); } } /** * Delegate to this method for actual object initialization. * @param template * @throws CommandParsingException */ private void initialize(Template template) throws CommandParsingException { //Initial error checking. HashSet<String> idCheck = new HashSet<String>(); for (Form form : template.value()) { if (!idCheck.add( { throw new CommandParsingException("Supplied command template has one or more duplicate command form IDs."); } } forms = CommandForm.processForms(template.value()); } private boolean isInstanceOfCommand(PyObject pyObj) { if (pyObj instanceof PyType) { PyTuple mro = (PyTuple)pyObj.__getattr__("__mro__"); for (Object pyType : mro) { if (pyType == Command.class) { return true; } } } return false; } public Command getCommand() { return command; } public List<CommandForm> getForms() { return forms; } public String getCommandName() { return commandName; } /** * Parse the supplied command using the supplied CommandSender * as the "origin point" for the command. This method will return * a ParsedCommand object if the command parsing is successful. * Otherwise, it will return null. Null is only returned if the * command to be sent does not conform to the any of the forms * of the Command object stored in this parser. * @param sender * @param command * @return A ParsedCommand if parsing was successful, or null if it was unsuccessful. */ public ParsedCommand parse(CommandSender sender, String command) throws CommandParsingException { String[] split = command.split(" "); String clause = ""; //Do we even have a clause? if (split.length > 1) { clause = command.substring(command.indexOf(" ") + 1); } else { clause = ""; } //Figure out if the root command is actually correct. if (!split[0].equalsIgnoreCase(commandName)) { return null; } //Next find the correct command form. CPTuple tuple = parseClause(clause); if (tuple != null && tuple.form != null) { ParsedCommand cmd = new ParsedCommand(); cmd.setFormID(tuple.form.getId()); cmd.setCommand(commandName); cmd.setScope(tuple.form.getScope()); cmd.setCascadeType(tuple.form.getCascadeType()); //Delegate to ParsedCommand#initialize for object translation. cmd.initialize(sender, tuple.tokenList); return cmd; } else { return null; } } /** * Parses the supplied command clause by searching for a suitable * CommandForm and parsing it according to the grammar defined in said * suitable CommandForm. The method returns a "tuple" object consisting * of both the CommandForm and the list of parsed command tokens. If no * suitable command form could be found, the method returns null. * @param clause * @return A tuple containing the CommandForm and parsed tokens, or null. */ private CPTuple parseClause(String clause) { for (CommandForm form : forms) { List<ParsedCommandToken> tokens = parseAndTestForm(form, clause); if (tokens != null) { CPTuple tuple = new CPTuple(); tuple.form = form; tuple.tokenList = tokens; return tuple; } } return null; } /** * This method parses and tests a CommandForm object to see if it lexically * agrees with the supplied clause. The method actually delegates to three * separate methods: one for handling no-token CommandForms, one for handling * a single token CommandForm, and another for handling a multiple token CommandForm. * @param form * @param clause * @return A list of parsed command tokens if the command matches, null otherwise. */ private List<ParsedCommandToken> parseAndTestForm(CommandForm form, String clause) { //Special case for 1 token forms. if (form.getTokenLength() == 1) { return parseSingleTokenForm(form, clause); } else if (form.getTokenLength() > 1) { return parseMultiTokenForm(form, clause); } else { return parseNoTokenForm(form, clause); } } /** * Parse a no-token command form. This is the simplest CommandForm to deal with. * @param form * @param clause * @return A list of parsed command tokens if the command matches, null otherwise. */ private List<ParsedCommandToken> parseNoTokenForm(CommandForm form, String clause) { String[] split = clause.split(" "); if (split.length == 1 && split[0].equals("")) { return new ArrayList<ParsedCommandToken>(0); } else { return null; } } /** * Method that tests to see if the supplied clause agrees with the supplied single-token * CommandForm. * @param form * @param clause * @return A list of parsed command tokens if the command matches, null otherwise. */ private List<ParsedCommandToken> parseSingleTokenForm(CommandForm form, String clause) { String[] split = clause.split(" "); CommandToken token = form.getToken(0); if (token.isDelimiter() && split[0].equals(token.getToken()) && split.length == 1) { return new ArrayList<ParsedCommandToken>(0); } else if (token.isVariable()) { List<ParsedCommandToken> parsed = new ArrayList<ParsedCommandToken>(1); ParsedCommandToken parsedToken = new ParsedCommandToken(); parsedToken.setStartIndex(0); parsedToken.setEndIndex(split.length); parsedToken.setToken(clause); parsedToken.setMatched(token); parsed.add(parsedToken); return parsed; } else { return null; } } /** * Method that parses the supplied multiple token CommandForm to see if the * supplied clause agrees with it. This method is rather complex, and also * delegates to a finishing method in a vain attempt to be readable. * @param form * @param clause * @return A list of parsed command tokens if the clause matches, null otherwise. */ private List<ParsedCommandToken> parseMultiTokenForm(CommandForm form, String clause) { String[] split = clause.split(" "); List<ParsedCommandToken> parsed = new ArrayList<ParsedCommandToken>(); String prevDelim = null; ParsedCommandToken currToken; ParsedCommandToken prevToken = null; List<CommandToken> delims = form.getDelimiters(); int c = 0; boolean errors = false; if (delims.size() == 0) errors = true; for (CommandToken delim : delims) { String currDelim = delim.getToken(); currToken = new ParsedCommandToken(); currToken.setParentClause(split); currToken.setStartIndex(c); parsed.add(currToken); boolean found = false; for (; c < split.length; c++) { //Error check if we start with a delimiter. if (delim.isAtStart() && delim.isDelimiter() && c == 0) { if (!delim.getToken().equals(split[c])) { errors = true; break; } } //Find the start and end indices of the matched token. if (!split[c].equals(currDelim)) { //Make sure we don't slip up on delims and arguments that get mixed. //We must rewind and fix the previous token if we find this case. if (prevDelim != null && split[c].equals(prevDelim)) { prevToken.setEndIndex(c); currToken.setStartIndex(c + 1); } } else { currToken.setEndIndex(c); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { errors = true; } if (errors) { break; } prevDelim = currDelim; prevToken = currToken; } if (!errors) { //convert remainder of tokens to ParsedCommandToken //Forms that end in a variable need c advanced one more space or they will //get the last delimiter too. if (form.getToken(form.getTokenLength() - 1).isVariable()) { c++; } ParsedCommandToken lastToken = new ParsedCommandToken(c, split.length); parsed.add(lastToken); parsed = finishMultiTokenParsing(form, parsed, split); return parsed; } else { return null; } } /** * Final parsing step to craft the variable names, remove blank tokens, and * match the parsed token to the variable names they map to during multitoken * command form parsing. * @param form * @param parsed * @param split * @return The polished list of parsed command tokens, should the list have anything in it. Null otherwise. */ private List<ParsedCommandToken> finishMultiTokenParsing(CommandForm form, List<ParsedCommandToken> parsed, String[] split) { //Craft the tokens. for (ParsedCommandToken token : parsed) { craftParsedToken(token, split); } //Remove all blanks. List<ParsedCommandToken> blanks = new ArrayList<ParsedCommandToken>(); for (ParsedCommandToken token : parsed) { if (token.getToken().trim().equals("")) { blanks.add(token); } } parsed.removeAll(blanks); if (parsed.size() <= 0) { return null; } else { //Set the matched tokens. //Length and order of variable list should that of parsed list. List<CommandToken> variables = form.getVariables(); try { for (int c = 0; c < variables.size(); c++) { parsed.get(c).setMatched(variables.get(c)); } return parsed; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return null; } } } /** * Helper method that sticks the extracted text of the parsed command token into * its token property. * @param token * @param clause */ private void craftParsedToken(ParsedCommandToken token, String[] clause) { String text = ""; for (int c = token.getStartIndex(); c < token.getEndIndex(); c++) { text += clause[c] + " "; } token.setToken(text.trim()); } }