package ring.commands.skill; import ring.commands.Command; import ring.commands.CommandParameters; import ring.commands.CommandResult; import ring.commands.CommandSender; import ring.mobiles.Mobile; import ring.skills.Skill; public class Spot implements Command { public void execute(CommandSender sender, CommandParameters params) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Spot to be implemented in python"); /* CommandResult res = new CommandResult(); res.setFailText("You spot something off in the distance."); Mobile mob = (Mobile) sender; // is our spotter blind? if so, he can't really spot anything can he? if (mob.isBlind) { res.setFailText("[R][WHITE]You might have better luck spotting things if you weren't blind..."); return res; } // ok, try to set up the skill SkillList skills = mob.getSkillList(); Skill spot = skills.getSkillByName("spot"); // do they even have spot? if (spot == null) return res; // ok, so they do... int check = spot.makeCheck(); mob.spotCheck = check; res.setText("[R][WHITE]You begin scanning the area for anything interesting... (check: " + check + ")"); res.setSuccessful(true); return res; */ } public String getCommandName() { return "spot"; } public void rollback() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }