package ring.daemons; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.aelfengard.i3.ChanInfo; import com.aelfengard.i3.ErrorCallback; import com.aelfengard.i3.I3ChannelListener; import com.aelfengard.i3.I3Client; import com.aelfengard.i3.I3EventListener; import com.aelfengard.i3.LPCMixed; import com.aelfengard.i3.MudInfo; import com.aelfengard.i3.packet.ChannelEPacket; import com.aelfengard.i3.packet.ChannelMPacket; import com.aelfengard.i3.packet.ChannelTPacket; import com.aelfengard.i3.packet.EmoteToPacket; import com.aelfengard.i3.packet.ErrorPacket; import com.aelfengard.i3.packet.TellPacket; public class I3Test { private static final String MY_USERNAME = "TestUser"; private static final String CHANNEL = "spam"; public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { System.out.println("Connecting..."); I3Client client = new I3Client(); client.setRouterName("*i4"); client.setHost(""); client.setPort(8080); client.setMudName("RingMUD Test"); client.setAdminEmail("projectmoon@ringmud"); client.addEventListener(new MyI3EventListener()); client.addChannelListener(CHANNEL, new MyI3ChannelListener()); client.connect(); // use autoreconnect() if you don't want to block BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String line = "help"; while (true) { int idx = line.indexOf(' '); String token = idx < 0 ? line : line.substring(0, idx); String rest = idx < 0 ? null : line.substring(idx + 1); if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("help")) { System.out.println("Commands:"); System.out.println("help"); System.out.println("muds"); System.out.println("channels"); System.out.println("say <message>"); System.out.println("who <mudname>"); System.out.println("quit"); } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("muds")) { for (Map.Entry<String,MudInfo> entry : client.getMudList().entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().getState().asInteger() == MudInfo.MUD_STATE_UP) { System.out.println(entry.getKey()); } } } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("channels")) { System.out.println("Lookin fer channelz"); for (Map.Entry<String,ChanInfo> entry : client.getChannelList().entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().getChannelType() == ChanInfo.CHANNEL_TYPE_SELECTIVELY_BANNED) { System.out.println(entry.getKey()); } } } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("say")) { if (rest == null) { System.out.println("You didn't specify anything to say."); } else { ChannelMPacket packet = new ChannelMPacket(); packet.setChannelName(new LPCMixed(CHANNEL)); packet.setMessage(new LPCMixed(rest)); packet.setOriginatorUsername(new LPCMixed(MY_USERNAME.toLowerCase())); packet.setVisName(new LPCMixed(MY_USERNAME)); client.send(packet); } } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("who")) { if (rest == null) { System.out.println("You didn't specify a mud name."); } else { client.sendWho(new LPCMixed(MY_USERNAME.toLowerCase()), new LPCMixed(rest)); } } else if ("quit".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) { System.exit(0); } else { System.out.println("Unknown command: " + token); } line = in.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } } } private static class MyI3EventListener implements I3EventListener { public void whoReply(LPCMixed targetUsername, LPCMixed originatorMudName, List<LPCMixed> whoInfo) { for (LPCMixed info : whoInfo) { List<LPCMixed> entry = info.asList(); System.out.println(entry.get(0) + " [" + entry.get(1) + "/" + entry.get(2) + "]"); } } public void whoFailed(LPCMixed targetUsername, LPCMixed targetMudName, LPCMixed errorMessage) { System.out.println("WHO failed: " + errorMessage.asString()); } public List<LPCMixed> whoRequest() { List<LPCMixed> myInfo = new ArrayList<LPCMixed>(); myInfo.add(new LPCMixed(MY_USERNAME)); myInfo.add(new LPCMixed(-1)); myInfo.add(new LPCMixed("I3J User")); return Arrays.asList(new LPCMixed[] { new LPCMixed(myInfo) }); } public void tell(TellPacket packet, ErrorCallback callback) { if (MY_USERNAME.equals(packet.getTargetUsername().asString())) { System.out.println(packet.getOriginatorUsername() + "@" + packet.getOriginatorMudName() + " tells you: " + packet.getMessage()); } else { callback.returnError("Unknown user"); } } public void tellFailed(LPCMixed username, LPCMixed targetMudName, LPCMixed targetUsername, LPCMixed errorMessage) { System.out.println("TELL FAILED: " + errorMessage.asString()); } public void i3Error(ErrorPacket packet) { System.out.println("I3 ERROR: [" + packet.getErrorCode() + "] " + packet.getErrorMessage()); } public void emoteTo(EmoteToPacket packet, ErrorCallback callback) { if (MY_USERNAME.equals(packet.getTargetUsername().asString())) { String theirName = packet.getOriginatorUsername() + "@" + packet.getOriginatorMudName(); System.out.println(packet.getMessage().asString().replace("$N", theirName)); } else { callback.returnError("Unknown user"); } } } private static class MyI3ChannelListener implements I3ChannelListener { public void i3Message(ChannelMPacket packet) { String theirName = packet.getVisName() + "@" + packet.getOriginatorMudName(); System.out.println(theirName + ": " + packet.getMessage()); } public void i3Message(ChannelEPacket packet) { String theirName = packet.getVisName() + "@" + packet.getOriginatorMudName(); String msg = packet.getMessage().asString().replace("$N", theirName); System.out.println(theirName + ": " + msg); } public void i3Message(ChannelTPacket packet) { String theirName = packet.getOriginatorVisName() + "@" + packet.getOriginatorMudName(); String targetName = packet.getTargetVisName() + "@" + packet.getTargettedMudName(); String msg = packet.getMessageOthers().asString().replace("$N", theirName).replace("$O", targetName); System.out.println(theirName + ": " + msg); } public void channelRemoved(String channel, LPCMixed reason) { System.out.println("You've been removed from " + channel + ": " + reason.asString()); } } }