package; import gengui.util.SevereGUIException; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.wicket.Page; import org.apache.wicket.PageReference; import org.apache.wicket.application.IClassResolver; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.apache.wicket.model.Model; import; import; import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebApplication; import org.apache.wicket.util.time.Duration; import org.nocket.NocketSession; import org.nocket.util.SevereWebException; /** Helper class */ public final class FactoryHelper { private final Object view; public FactoryHelper(Object view) { if (view == null) throw new SevereWebException("View specified for response page cannot be null."); this.view = view; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public DMDWebPage getPageInstance() { DMDWebPage instance = null; List<PageReference> pageReferences = NocketSession.get().getPageReferences(view.hashCode()); // Iteriert über alle PageReferences, die zu dem HashCode der View hinterlegt sind. // Dies ist im Normalfall genau eine PageReference, deshalb ist die Iteration hierüber nicht teuer for (PageReference pageReference : pageReferences) { try { //try to lock failing fast: PageAccessSynchronizer synchronizer = new PageAccessSynchronizer(Duration.ONE_SECOND); synchronizer.lockPage(pageReference.getPageId()); Page page = pageReference.getPage(); if (view.equals(page.getDefaultModel().getObject())) { instance = (DMDWebPage) page; //Das Modelobject muss ein sinnvolles Equals implementieren, dennoch kann sich innerhalb des //View-Objektes etwas geŠndert haben, deshalb muss hier Das ModelObject neu gesetzt werden instance.modelChanging(); ((IModel<Object>) instance.getDefaultModel()).setObject(view); instance.modelChanged(); break; } synchronizer.unlockPage(pageReference.getPageId()); } catch (CouldNotLockPageException e) { //if lock not possible, ignore this page and worst case create a new one } } if (instance == null) { instance = newPageInstance(); } storePageForView(instance); return instance; } private DMDWebPage newPageInstance() { DMDWebPage instance = null; Class<?> responsePage = null; try { responsePage = this.getPageClass(); Constructor<?> constructor = responsePage.getConstructor(IModel.class); instance = (DMDWebPage) createObject(constructor, createModel(responsePage)); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { String m = "Expected constructor " + responsePage.getSimpleName() + "(IModel<" + view.getClass().getSimpleName() + ">) could not be found."; throw newSevereWebException(m, e); } return instance; } public Panel getPanelInstance(String id) { return newPanelInstance(id); } private Panel newPanelInstance(String id) { Object instance = null; Class<?> responsePanel = null; try { responsePanel = this.getPanelClass(); Constructor<?> constructor = responsePanel.getConstructor(String.class, IModel.class); instance = createObject(constructor, id, new Model((Serializable) view)); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { String m = "Expected constructor " + responsePanel.getSimpleName() + "(IModel<" + view.getClass().getSimpleName() + ">) could not be found."; throw newSevereWebException(m, e); } return (Panel) instance; } /** * Erzeugt das Model für eine neue Page. Entweder gibt es in der Page-Klasse * eine statische Methode mit Namen 'createDefaultModel' oder es wir ein * Model.of(...) erezugt. Mit der createDefaultModel-Methode gibt es die * Möglichekeit ein eigenes Model (z.b. ein LoadableDetachableModel) zu * erzeugen. * */ private IModel<? extends Serializable> createModel(Class<?> responsePage) { IModel<? extends Serializable> result = null; try { Method method = responsePage.getMethod("createDefaultModel", new Class[0]); if (method != null) { Object invoke = method.invoke(null, new Object[0]); result = (IModel<? extends Serializable>) invoke; } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } catch (SecurityException e) { throw new SevereGUIException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new SevereGUIException(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new SevereGUIException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new SevereGUIException(e); } if (result == null) { result = Model.of((Serializable) view); } return result; } /** * Legt zum HashCode der View die PageReference der Page in der Session ab. * Falls es bereits eine PageReference zu der View in der Session gibt, wird * diese entfernt * * @param page * - the Page (PageReference) to store */ public void storePageForView(DMDWebPage page) { // Remove other PageReferences for the same Object List<PageReference> pageReferences = NocketSession.get().getPageReferences(view.hashCode()); //use copy to iterate to prevent ConcurrentModificationException List<PageReference> pageReferencesCopy = new ArrayList<PageReference>(pageReferences); for (PageReference pageReference : pageReferencesCopy) { try { //try to lock failing fast: PageAccessSynchronizer synchronizer = new PageAccessSynchronizer(Duration.ONE_SECOND); synchronizer.lockPage(pageReference.getPageId()); if (pageReference.getPage() != null && pageReference.getPage().getDefaultModel() != null && view.equals(page.getDefaultModel().getObject())) { pageReferences.remove(pageReference); // We have stored only one PageReference for this view, so we can stop here break; } //this should behave like a ReentrantLock synchronizer.unlockPage(pageReference.getPageId()); } catch (CouldNotLockPageException e) { //if lock not possible, ignore this page, maybe the next call will remove this reference } } pageReferences.add(page.getPageReference()); } public Class<DMDWebPage> getPageClass() { return getPageClass(view.getClass()); } public static Class<DMDWebPage> getPageClass(Class<?> domainClass) { Class<DMDWebPage> responsePage = null; String classNamePageSuffix = getPageClassNameforView(domainClass, "page."); try { responsePage = loadPage(domainClass, classNamePageSuffix); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { String classNameNoSuffix = getPageClassNameforView(domainClass, ""); try { responsePage = loadPage(domainClass, classNameNoSuffix); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { try { // One last chance: If we have an InMemoryClassResolver installed we // can create the page class on-the-fly in memory IClassResolver classResolver = WebApplication.get().getApplicationSettings().getClassResolver(); if (classResolver instanceof InMemoryClassResolver) { InMemoryClassResolver inMemoryResolver = (InMemoryClassResolver) classResolver; responsePage = (Class<DMDWebPage>) inMemoryResolver.buildPageClassInMemory(domainClass); } else { throw new ClassNotFoundException(); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e2) { String m = "Expected class " + classNamePageSuffix + " or " + classNameNoSuffix + " could not be found."; throw newSevereWebException(domainClass, m, e1); } } } return responsePage; } public Class<Panel> getPanelClass() { return getPanelClass(view.getClass()); } public Class<Panel> getPanelClass(Class<?> domainClass) { Class<Panel> responsePage = null; String classNamePageSuffix = getPanelClassNameforView(domainClass, "panel."); try { responsePage = loadPanel(classNamePageSuffix); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { String classNameNoSuffix = getPanelClassNameforView(domainClass, ""); try { responsePage = loadPanel(classNameNoSuffix); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { try { // One last chance: If we have an InMemoryClassResolver installed we // can create the panel class on-the-fly in memory IClassResolver classResolver = WebApplication.get().getApplicationSettings().getClassResolver(); if (classResolver instanceof InMemoryClassResolver) { InMemoryClassResolver inMemoryResolver = (InMemoryClassResolver) classResolver; responsePage = (Class<Panel>) inMemoryResolver.buildPanelClassInMemory(view.getClass()); } else { throw new ClassNotFoundException(); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e2) { String m = "Expected class " + classNamePageSuffix + " or " + classNameNoSuffix + " could not be found."; throw newSevereWebException(m, e1); } } } return responsePage; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Class<DMDWebPage> loadPage(Class<?> domainClass, String className) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class<DMDWebPage> responsePage; responsePage = (Class<DMDWebPage>) Class.forName(className); if (!DMDWebPage.class.isAssignableFrom(responsePage)) throw newSevereWebException(domainClass, "Expected class " + className + " must extend DMDWebPage.", null); return responsePage; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Class<Panel> loadPanel(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class<Panel> responsePanel; responsePanel = (Class<Panel>) Class.forName(className); if (!Panel.class.isAssignableFrom(responsePanel)) throw newSevereWebException("Expected class " + className + " must extend Panel.", null); return responsePanel; } private Object createObject(Constructor<?> constructor, Object... initargs) { Object res = null; try { res = constructor.newInstance(initargs); } catch (Exception e) { throw newSevereWebException(null, e); } return res; } private static String getPageClassNameforView(Class<?> domainClass, String suffixPackage) { String srcClassName = domainClass.getName(); String srcSimpleName = domainClass.getSimpleName(); return srcClassName.replaceAll(srcSimpleName + "$", suffixPackage + srcSimpleName + "Page"); } private static String getPanelClassNameforView(Class<?> domainClass, String suffixPackage) { String srcClassName = domainClass.getName(); String srcSimpleName = domainClass.getSimpleName(); return srcClassName.replaceAll(srcSimpleName + "$", suffixPackage + srcSimpleName + "Panel"); } private SevereWebException newSevereWebException(String msg, Throwable e) { throw newSevereWebException(view.getClass(), msg, e); } private static SevereWebException newSevereWebException(Class<?> domainClass, String msg, Throwable e) { final String m = "Cannot create response page for view class " + domainClass.getCanonicalName() + ". "; return new SevereWebException((msg == null ? m : m + msg), e); } }