package; import gengui.annotations.Modal; import gengui.annotations.Prompt; import gengui.domain.DomainObjectReference; import gengui.guiadapter.AbstractMethodActivator; import gengui.util.AnnotationHelper; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableBoolean; import org.apache.wicket.Component; import org.apache.wicket.Localizer; import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.nocket.NocketSession; import org.nocket.gen.domain.element.MultivalueButtonElement; import org.nocket.gen.i18n.I18NLabelModel; import; import; import; import; import org.nocket.util.Assert; /** * The Class TableButtonCallback. */ public class TableButtonCallback extends TableCallback implements Serializable { /** The Constant serialVersionUID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** The is remover. */ private final boolean isRemover; /** The is closer. */ private final boolean isCloser; /** The Constant ICON_ENABLED. */ private static final String ICON_ENABLED = "{0}.icon.enabled"; /** The Constant ICON_DISABLED. */ private static final String ICON_DISABLED = "{0}.icon.disabled"; /** * Instantiates a new table button callback. * * @param context the context * @param element the element */ public TableButtonCallback(DMDWebGenPageContext context, MultivalueButtonElement<DomainObjectReference> element) { super(context, element); this.isRemover = element.isRemover(); //Same performance improvement as in ButtonCallback's constructor. See details there! Boolean isCloserMethod = context.isPage() ? Boolean.FALSE : AbstractMethodActivator.isCloserMethod(helper.getRef(), helper.getButtonMethod()); // TODO: according to gengui a method which is not clearly detected as being a closer // derives its closing behavior from the start of the modal operation. // This is not yet supported by web gengui. However, as closers are currently only // supported for modal dialogs at all, the behavior simply defaults to true isCloser = !BooleanUtils.isFalse(isCloserMethod); } /** * Gets the wicket id. * * @return the wicket id */ public String getWicketId() { return propertiesWicketId; } /** * Gets the name. * * @return the name */ public String getName() { if (isRemover) { return helper.getRemoverButtonMethod().getName(); } else { return helper.getButtonMethod().getName(); } } /** * Gets the prompt. * * @return the prompt */ public String getPrompt() { return prompt; } /** * Checks if is enabled. * * @param targetObject the target object * @return true, if is enabled */ public boolean isEnabled(Object targetObject) { if (isRemover) { return helper.isEnabled(); } else { try { helper.setForcedMethodTargetObject(targetObject); return helper.isEnabled(); } finally { helper.setForcedMethodTargetObject(null); } } } /** * Checks if is forced. * * @param targetObject the target object * @return true, if is forced */ public boolean isForced(Object targetObject) { if (isRemover) { return helper.isForced(); } else { try { helper.setForcedMethodTargetObject(targetObject); return helper.isForced(); } finally { helper.setForcedMethodTargetObject(null); } } } /** * On submit. * * @param target the target * @param model the model */ public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, final IModel model) { DMDWebGenGuiServiceProvider webGuiServiceProvider = NocketSession.get().getDMDWebGenGuiServiceProvider(); try { webGuiServiceProvider.registerAjaxRequestTarget(helper.getContext(), target); if (isRemover) { helper.invokeRemoverButtonMethod(newMethodExceptionHanlder(), model.getObject()); } else { try { helper.setForcedMethodTargetObject(model.getObject()); Object result = helper.invokeButtonMethod(newMethodExceptionHanlder()); boolean hasModalAnnotation = helper.getAnnotationOnButtonMethode(Modal.class) != null; Assert.test(!hasModalAnnotation || !webGuiServiceProvider.isModalPanelActive(), "One generic modal dialog over another is still not implemented. Button name = " + this.helper.getButtonMethod().getName()); boolean modalPanelActive = webGuiServiceProvider.isModalPanelActive(); if (!modalPanelActive && !hasModalAnnotation) { webGuiServiceProvider.showPage(result); } else if (isCloser) { Assert.test(isCloser && webGuiServiceProvider.isModalPanelActive(), "Found a Closer, but there is no active modal panel. Button name = " + this.helper.getButtonMethod().getName()); webGuiServiceProvider.closeModalPanel(); webGuiServiceProvider.showPage(result); } else { // if it is not a closer but a result of null, do nothing if (result != null) { /* * While showing a modal dialog wicket will do no * serialization of the models. So, it is possible * to put a reference of data from the page to the * dialog and let the dialog change it. */ webGuiServiceProvider.showModalPanel(result); if (modalPanelActive) { webGuiServiceProvider.closeModalPanel(); } } } } finally { helper.setForcedMethodTargetObject(null); } } } finally { webGuiServiceProvider.unregisterAjaxRequestTarget(helper.getContext(), target); } } /** * New method exception hanlder. * * @return the method exception handler i */ private MethodExceptionHandlerI newMethodExceptionHanlder() { final MutableBoolean exceptionOccured = new MutableBoolean(false); return new MethodExceptionHandlerI() { @Override public void displayError(Object domainObject, Throwable exception, String title, String message) { exceptionOccured.setValue(true); helper.getContext().getMethodExceptionHandler() .displayError(domainObject, exception, title, message); } @Override public void exceptionSwallowed(Object domainObject, Throwable exception) { exceptionOccured.setValue(true); helper.getContext().getMethodExceptionHandler().exceptionSwallowed(domainObject, exception); } }; } /** * Gets the tooltip. * * @param targetObject the target object * @return the tooltip */ public String getTooltip(Object targetObject) { if (isRemover) { return helper.getButtonTooltip(); } else { try { helper.setForcedMethodTargetObject(targetObject); return helper.getButtonTooltip(); } finally { helper.setForcedMethodTargetObject(null); } } } /** * Update all forms. * * @param target the target */ public void updateAllForms(AjaxRequestTarget target) { helper.updateAllForms(target); } /** * Gets the form. * * @return the form */ public Form<?> getForm() { return (Form<?>) helper.getContext().getComponentRegistry().getComponent(FormElement.DEFAULT_WICKET_ID); } /** * Gets the method. * * @return the method */ public Method getMethod() { return helper.getButtonMethod(); } /** * Gets the icon resource name. * * @param targetObject the target object * @return the icon resource name */ public String getIconResourceName(Object targetObject) { if (helper.getContext().getConfiguration().isLocalizationWicket()) { String key = isEnabled(targetObject) ? getIconTableKey(ICON_ENABLED, this.getWicketId()) : getIconTableKey(ICON_DISABLED, this.getWicketId()); return localizeLikeWicket(key, getForm()); } String key = null; Class<?> domainClass = helper.getRef().getDomainClass(); Method buttonMethod = helper.getButtonMethod(); Prompt prompt = new AnnotationHelper(buttonMethod).getAnnotation(Prompt.class); if (prompt != null) { key = isEnabled(targetObject) ? getIconTableKey(ICON_ENABLED, prompt.value()) : getIconTableKey(ICON_DISABLED, prompt.value()); } else { key = isEnabled(targetObject) ? getIconTableKey(ICON_ENABLED, buttonMethod.getName()) : getIconTableKey(ICON_DISABLED, buttonMethod.getName()); } return new I18NLabelModel(domainClass, key).getObject(); } /** * Gets the icon table key. * * @param pattern the pattern * @param baseKey the base key * @return the icon table key */ private String getIconTableKey(String pattern, String baseKey) { return MessageFormat.format(pattern, baseKey); } /** * Localize like wicket. * * @param key the key * @param c the c * @return the string */ private String localizeLikeWicket(String key, Component c) { try { // Wicket should recursively search for the property in the component's properties-file and those of its parents down to the application return Localizer.get().getString(key, c); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { return null; } } /** * Checks if is download method. * * @return true if the method return file. In such case, the */ public boolean isDownloadMethod() { Class<?> returnType = getMethod().getReturnType(); return; } /** * On download method. * * @param model the model * @return Returns file to download from the method of the domain object. */ public File onDownloadMethod(IModel<?> model) { helper.setForcedMethodTargetObject(model.getObject()); return (File) helper.invokeButtonMethod(newMethodExceptionHanlder()); } }