package; import gengui.annotations.Group; import gengui.domain.DomainObjectReference; import gengui.guiadapter.ElementNotFoundException; import gengui.util.ReflectionUtil; import gengui.util.SevereGUIException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer; import org.nocket.NocketSession; import org.nocket.gen.domain.element.DomainElementI; import; import; import; import; public class GeneratedBinding { private transient DMDWebGenPageContext context; private transient MarkupContainer page; private transient boolean rebound; private List<BindingInterceptor> interceptors = new ArrayList<BindingInterceptor>(); private List<PageElementVisitorI> additionalPageVisitors = new ArrayList<PageElementVisitorI>(); /** * TODO JL: Using this cache is still experimental as there are some open * issues about it. It would be the fastest way of setting up a new page's * binding and it is based on the fact that all internal data structures * referred by a DMDWebGenPageContext (components, models, registries, etc) * can completely be reused. Any access to the underlying domain POJO is * based on the persistent relation between the DMDWebGenPageContext and the * page's default model object (which is the POJO). All other relations are * transient and refer to this one and only persistent relationship. See the * UML model for the internal structures as a prove. However, the ere are * the following issues to complete: * <ul> * <li>When reinitializing the {@link DMDWebGenPageContext} with the new * page (see method {@link DMDWebGenPageContext#rebind(MarkupContainer)}), * any existing transient relationships in all dependent objects must * somehow be reseted. * <li>In case of a repeating panel element, we need multiple bindings for * the same type at the same time. In this case the * {@link DMDWebGenPageContext} must somehow be cloned. Ini particular we * must find out if cloning is necessary. That's quite the same challenge as * in gengui's concept of reconnection and replication. * <ul> * As the context caching is still in an experimental state, the caching is * by default switched off, i.e. the context map in here is empty. */ protected static final Map<String, DMDWebGenPageContext> contextCache = new HashMap<String, DMDWebGenPageContext>(); public GeneratedBinding(MarkupContainer page, boolean allowCaching) { = page; if (!allowCaching) { this.context = new DMDWebGenPageContext(page); } else { synchronized (GeneratedBinding.class) { String pageClassName = page.getClass().getName(); this.context = contextCache.get(pageClassName); if (context == null) { this.context = new DMDWebGenPageContext(page); contextCache.put(pageClassName, context); } else { rebound = true; } } } } public GeneratedBinding(MarkupContainer page) { this(page, false); } public DMDWebGenPageContext getContext() { return context; } public GeneratedBinding withVisitors(PageElementVisitorI... visitors) { return withVisitors(Arrays.asList(visitors)); } public GeneratedBinding withVisitors(List<PageElementVisitorI> visitors) { this.additionalPageVisitors.addAll(visitors); return this; } /** * Interceptors will be called in the order in which they have been added. * The first one to provide a component instead of null will get used. * * As a fallback when no interceptor provided a component, the default * binding is used then. */ public GeneratedBinding withInterceptors(BindingInterceptor... interceptors) { return withInterceptors(Arrays.asList(interceptors)); } /** * Interceptors will be called in the order in which they have been added. * The first one to provide a component instead of null will get used. * * As a fallback when no interceptor provided a component, the default * binding is used then. */ public GeneratedBinding withInterceptors(List<BindingInterceptor> interceptors) { this.interceptors.addAll(interceptors); return this; } /** * Interceptors will be called in the order in which they have been added. * The first one to provide a component instead of null will get used. * * As a fallback when no interceptor provided a component, the default * binding is used then. */ public List<BindingInterceptor> getInterceptors() { return interceptors; } public void bind() { if (!rebound) { GeneratedBindingVisitor visitor = new GeneratedBindingVisitor(this, additionalPageVisitors.toArray(new PageElementVisitorI[0])); try { new PageProcessor(visitor).process(); } catch (ElementNotFoundException enfx1) { if (!getContext().acceptMissingElements() && !checkMethodAndLookForGlobalAnnotation(enfx1.getMessage())) { if (getContext().mergeHtmlFileOnTheFly()) { context.clearPage(); this.context = new DMDWebGenPageContext(page); visitor = new GeneratedBindingVisitor(this); try { new PageProcessor(visitor).process(); } catch (ElementNotFoundException enfx2) { throw new SevereGUIException(enfx2); } } else { throw new SevereGUIException(enfx1); } } } } else { this.getContext().rebind(page); } new PageComponentInjection(context).inject(); NocketSession.get().getDMDWebGenGuiServiceProvider().onGeneratedBinding(context); } /** * Check if behind this wicketid is a method with an group annotation. The * whole path will be analysed. * * @param wicketId * @return true if it is a annotated method behind this wicket:id */ private boolean checkMethodAndLookForGlobalAnnotation(String wicketId) { DomainElementI<DomainObjectReference> element = context.getDomainRegistry().getElement(wicketId); if (element == null) { return false; } if (element.getMethod().getAnnotation(Group.class) != null) { return true; } Class<?> clazz = context.getPage().getDefaultModelObject().getClass(); if (checkForGlobalAnnotationInPath(wicketId, clazz)) { return true; } String name = context.getPage().getClass().getSimpleName(); int index = name.indexOf("_"); if (index > -1 && name.endsWith("Panel")) { String panelGetterName = StringUtils.substring(name, index + 1, -5); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(panelGetterName) && checkForGlobalAnnotationInObject(panelGetterName, clazz)) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean checkForGlobalAnnotationInObject(String panelGetterName, Class<?> clazz) { Method[] methods = clazz.getMethods(); // Determing the name of the panel class during the generation process, the value of the group annotation will be used. // If the value contains '.' they have to be replaced by '_'. // For a comparison it is necessary to withdraw this change panelGetterName = panelGetterName.replace("_", "."); for (Method method : methods) { Group groupAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(Group.class); if (groupAnnotation != null && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(panelGetterName, groupAnnotation.value())) { return true; } } return false; } protected boolean checkForGlobalAnnotationInPath(String wicketId, Class<?> clazz) { String[] parts = StringUtils.split(wicketId, "."); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { String part = parts[i]; Method method = ReflectionUtil.findGetterMethod(clazz, part); if (method == null) { // if there is no getter, check a button method method = ReflectionUtil.findMethod(clazz, part); } if (method == null) { // if there is no method, there will be no group annotation return false; } else if (method.getAnnotation(Group.class) != null) { return true; } // check the return type for global annotation clazz = method.getReturnType(); } return false; } }