package org.nocket.component.modal; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.wicket.Page; import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget; import org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.modal.ModalWindow; import org.apache.wicket.model.ResourceModel; /** * This class simplifies usage of MessageBox functionality based on Wicket * ModalWindow. You can show MessageBox as a response to an AJAX event only. * * <pre> * <div wicket:id="box"></div> * ... * DMDMessageBox box = new DMDMessageBox("box"); * add(box); * ... * public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) { * messagebox.message(target, "Example of MessageBox.", new ModalCallback() { * public void doAction(AjaxRequestTarget target, ButtonFlag flag) { * System.out.println("Button " + flag + " has been clicked."); * } * }); * } * </pre> * * @author Albert Blazek * */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class DMDMessageBox extends ModalWindow { ButtonFlag clickedButton; private ModalSettings modalSettings; private ModalCallback callback; private Page modalPage; private WindowClosedCallbackInterceptor windowClosedCallbackInterceptor; /** * Constructor. * * @param id */ public DMDMessageBox(String id) { this(id, false); } public DMDMessageBox(String id, final boolean allowCloseButton) { super(id); setPageCreator(new ModalWindow.PageCreator() { public Page createPage() { if (modalPage != null) { Page modalPageCopy = modalPage; modalPage = null; return modalPageCopy; } else { return newModalContentPage(DMDMessageBox.this); } } }); setWindowClosedCallback(new ModalWindow.WindowClosedCallback() { public void onClose(AjaxRequestTarget target) { boolean hookUsed = false; if (windowClosedCallbackInterceptor != null) { hookUsed = windowClosedCallbackInterceptor.onClose(target); } if (callback != null && !hookUsed) { callback.doAction(target, clickedButton); } } }); setCloseButtonCallback(new ModalWindow.CloseButtonCallback() { public boolean onCloseButtonClicked(AjaxRequestTarget target) { return allowCloseButton; } }); } public void setWindowClosedCallbackInterceptor(WindowClosedCallbackInterceptor windowClosedCallbackInterceptor) { this.windowClosedCallbackInterceptor = windowClosedCallbackInterceptor; } protected ModalContentPage newModalContentPage(DMDMessageBox dmdMessageBox) { return new ModalContentPage(dmdMessageBox); } ModalCallback getCallback() { return callback; } void setCallback(ModalCallback callback) { if (callback == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ModalCallback cannot be null!"); this.callback = callback; } void setModalSettings(ModalSettings ms) { this.modalSettings = ms; setModalPageSettings(ms); } void setModalPageSettings(ModalPageSettings ms) { if (ms == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ModalSettings of DMDMessageBox cannot be null!"); } this.setTitle(ms.getTitle()); setResizable(ms.isResizable()); if (ms.getInitialWidth() != null) { setInitialWidth(ms.getInitialWidth()); } if (ms.getMinimalWidth() != null) { setMinimalWidth(ms.getMinimalWidth()); } if (ms.getInitialHeight() != null) { setInitialHeight(ms.getInitialHeight()); } if (ms.getMinimalHeight() != null) { setMinimalHeight(ms.getMinimalHeight()); } } public ModalSettings getModalSettings() { return modalSettings; } /** * @return the flag */ public ButtonFlag getClickedButton() { return clickedButton; } /** * Opens MessageBox with specified {@link ModalSettings}. * * @param target * target from calling ajax event * @param modalSettings * modal settings for the window * @param callback * */ public void showModal(final AjaxRequestTarget target, ModalSettings modalSettings, ModalCallback callback) { setModalSettings(modalSettings); setCallback(callback);; } public void showModalPage(AjaxRequestTarget target, Page modalPage, String title) { showModalPage(target, modalPage, newModalSettings(title, null, new ButtonFlag[] {})); } public void showModalPage(AjaxRequestTarget target, Page modalPage, ModalPageSettings modalSettings) { this.modalPage = modalPage; setModalPageSettings(modalSettings);; } /** * Opens message box with title "Info" and "OK" button. * * @param target * target from calling ajax event * @param text * text to be shown */ public void showInfo(final AjaxRequestTarget target, String text) { showInfo(target, text, newDefaultModalCallback()); } public void showInfo(final AjaxRequestTarget target, String title, String text) { showInfo(target, title, text, newDefaultModalCallback()); } /** * Opens message box with a "OK" button. * * @param target * target from calling ajax event * @param text * text to be shown * @param callback * instance of {@link ModalCallback} to perform action after * MessageBox close */ public void showInfo(final AjaxRequestTarget target, String text, ModalCallback callback) { showInfo(target, null, text, callback); } public void showInfo(final AjaxRequestTarget target, String title, String text, ModalCallback callback) { showModal(target, newModalSettings(createTitleStr("info.title", title), text, ButtonFlag.OK), callback); } /** * Opens message box with title "Warning" and "OK" button. * * @param target * target from calling ajax event * @param text * text to be shown */ public void showWarning(final AjaxRequestTarget target, String text) { showWarning(target, text, newDefaultModalCallback()); } public void showWarning(final AjaxRequestTarget target, String title, String text) { showWarning(target, title, text, newDefaultModalCallback()); } /** * Opens message box with title "Warning" and "OK" button. * * @param target * target from calling ajax event * @param text * text to be shown * @param callback * instance of {@link ModalCallback} to perform action after * MessageBox close */ public void showWarning(final AjaxRequestTarget target, String text, ModalCallback callback) { showWarning(target, null, text, callback); } public void showWarning(final AjaxRequestTarget target, String title, String text, ModalCallback callback) { showModal(target, newModalSettings(createTitleStr("warning.title", title), text, ButtonFlag.OK), callback); } /** * Opens message box with title "Error" and "OK" button. * * @param target * target from calling ajax event * @param text * text to be shown */ public void showError(final AjaxRequestTarget target, String text) { showError(target, text, newDefaultModalCallback()); } public void showError(final AjaxRequestTarget target, String title, String text) { showError(target, title, text, newDefaultModalCallback()); } /** * Opens message box with title "Error" and "OK" button. * * @param target * target from calling ajax event * @param text * text to be shown * @param callback * instance of {@link ModalCallback} to perform action after * MessageBox close */ public void showError(final AjaxRequestTarget target, String text, ModalCallback callback) { showError(target, null, text, callback); } public void showError(final AjaxRequestTarget target, String title, String text, ModalCallback callback) { showModal(target, newModalSettings(createTitleStr("error.title", title), text, ButtonFlag.OK), callback); } /** * Opens confirmation box with "Yes" and "No" buttons. * * @param target * target from calling ajax event * @param msg * text to be shown * @param callback * instance of {@link ModalCallback} */ public void showConfirm(final AjaxRequestTarget target, String msg, ModalCallback callback) { showConfirm(target, null, msg, callback); } public void showConfirm(AjaxRequestTarget target, String title, String msg, ModalCallback callback) { showModal(target, newModalSettings(createTitleStr("confirm.title", title), msg, ButtonFlag.YES, ButtonFlag.NO), callback); } private String createTitleStr(String defaultTitleKey, String title) { String titleStr = new ResourceModel(defaultTitleKey).wrapOnAssignment(this).getObject(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(title)) { titleStr += ": " + title; } return titleStr; } /** * Factory method to create {@link ModalSettings}. You can override it to * have i.e. other window dimensions. * * @param title * window title * @param msg * message to be shown * @param buttons * buttons to be shown * * @return Instance of {@link ModalSettings} */ protected ModalSettings newModalSettings(String title, String msg, ButtonFlag... buttons) { ModalSettings res = new ModalSettings(title, msg, buttons); return res; } /** * @return Default ModalCallback handler the does nothing */ private ModalCallback newDefaultModalCallback() { return new ModalCallback() { @Override public boolean doAction(AjaxRequestTarget target, ButtonFlag flag) { return true; } }; } }