package org.nocket.component.table; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.nocket.component.table.columns.CustomRenderingPropertyTableColumn; import org.nocket.component.table.columns.renderer.ColumnRenderer; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /** * The Class GenericDataTableColumnConfigurator. * * @param <T> the generic type */ public class GenericDataTableColumnConfigurator<T extends Serializable> implements Serializable { /** The Constant serialVersionUID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** The Constant log. */ private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(GenericDataTableColumnConfigurator.class); /** The column order. */ protected LinkedList<ColumnType> columnOrder; /** The column renderers. */ protected Map<String, ColumnRenderer<T>> columnRenderers; /** The columns. */ protected List<String> columns; /** The sortable. */ protected List<String> sortable; /** The table. */ protected GenericDataTablePanel<T> table; /** * Instantiates a new generic data table column configurator. * * @param columns the columns * @param sortableColumns the sortable columns */ public GenericDataTableColumnConfigurator(List<String> columns, List<String> sortableColumns) { this(columns, sortableColumns, getDefaultColumnOrder()); } /** * Instantiates a new generic data table column configurator. * * @param columns the columns * @param sortableColumns the sortable columns * @param columnOrder the column order */ public GenericDataTableColumnConfigurator(List<String> columns, List<String> sortableColumns, LinkedList<ColumnType> columnOrder) { this.columns = columns; this.sortable = sortableColumns == null ? new ArrayList<String>() : sortableColumns; this.columnOrder = columnOrder; columnRenderers = new HashMap<String, ColumnRenderer<T>>(); } /** * Gets the table. * * @return the table */ protected GenericDataTablePanel<T> getTable() { return table; } /** * Adds the column renderer. * * @param columnId the column id * @param renderer the renderer */ public void addColumnRenderer(String columnId, ColumnRenderer<T> renderer) { columnRenderers.put(columnId, renderer); } /** * Construct column definitions. * * @param table the table * @return the list */ public List<IColumn<T, String>> constructColumnDefinitions(GenericDataTablePanel<T> table) { this.table = table; return newColumnDefinitions(); } /** * Gets the default column order. * * @return the default column order */ private static LinkedList<ColumnType> getDefaultColumnOrder() { LinkedList<ColumnType> columnOrder = new LinkedList<ColumnType>(); columnOrder.add(ColumnType.DATA); columnOrder.add(ColumnType.CHECKBOX); columnOrder.add(ColumnType.ACTION); return columnOrder; } /** * Sets the column order. * * @param columns the new column order */ public void setColumnOrder(ColumnType... columns) { LinkedList<ColumnType> order = new LinkedList<ColumnType>(); for (ColumnType col : columns) { order.add(col); } this.columnOrder = order; } /** * Return column definitions for the table. * * @return List of IColumn instances */ protected List<IColumn<T, String>> newColumnDefinitions() { List<IColumn<T, String>> columnDefs = new ArrayList<IColumn<T, String>>(); for (ColumnType type : columnOrder) { if (ColumnType.DATA.equals(type)) newDataColumns(columnDefs); if (ColumnType.CHECKBOX.equals(type)) newCheckBoxColumn(columnDefs); if (ColumnType.ACTION.equals(type)) newActionColumns(columnDefs); } return columnDefs; } /** * New data columns. * * @param colDefs Instance of the list with the columns. */ protected void newDataColumns(List<IColumn<T, String>> colDefs) { for (String column : this.columns) { String sort = null; if (sortable == null || sortable.contains(column)) { sort = column; } colDefs.add(createPropertyColumn(column, sort)); } } /** * Creates the property column. * * @param column the column * @param sort the sort * @return the i column */ protected IColumn<T, String> createPropertyColumn(final String column, String sort) { IModel<String> columnNameModel = getColumnNameModel(column); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("createPropertyModel: " + columnNameModel + "; sort: " + sort + "; column: " + column); } if (columnRenderers.containsKey(column)) { return new CustomRenderingPropertyTableColumn<T>(columnNameModel, sort, column, table, columnRenderers.get(column)); } return new GenericDataTablePanelPropertyColumn<T>(columnNameModel, sort, column, table); } /** * Column name is take form the properties file. Key is: * <i>table-id</i>.columns.<i>property-name</i>. When key is not found, * property name is capitalized. * * @param property * Name of the property * * @return Name of the column */ protected IModel<String> getColumnNameModel(String property) { // Following special model is a work-around: GenericDataTable is based on low-case started property names while // the generated resource files of the generic part of org.nocket are based on capital started property names // so we try both notations here return new UpperAndLowerCaseResourceModel(table.getId() + ".columns.", property); } /** * Method defines column with the check-box. Default implementation is * empty. If you need a column with the check-box add following to the list: * * <pre> * columns.add(new SetCheckBoxColum<T>((Model.of("Column title"), getSelected())); * </pre> * * @param columns * Instance of the list with the columns. */ protected void newCheckBoxColumn(List<IColumn<T, String>> columns) { // By the default no column with check-box } /** * Method defines column with the links. Default implementation is empty. If * required to the list instances of ActionColumn like this: * * <pre> * columns.add(new ActionColumn<T>(Model.of("Column title"), Model.of("Link name")) * protected void onClick(IModel<T> clicked) { * // Do here something with the Model of <T> * }); * </pre> * * @param colDefs the col defs */ protected void newActionColumns(List<IColumn<T, String>> colDefs) { // By the default no column with action } /** * Gets the sortable. * * @return the sortable */ public List<String> getSortable() { return sortable; } /** * Gets the columns. * * @return the columns */ public List<String> getColumns() { return columns; } }