package; import gengui.annotations.Assisted; import gengui.annotations.Choicetype; import gengui.annotations.Choicetype.Type; import gengui.annotations.Decorate; import gengui.annotations.Eager; import gengui.annotations.Forced; import gengui.annotations.Format; import gengui.annotations.Hidden; import gengui.annotations.Modal; import gengui.annotations.Prompt; import gengui.annotations.Validate; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.validation.constraints.Max; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils; import; import; /** * This class is used to demonstrate HTML generation and generic binding of * POJOs and to test various different types of supported bindings * */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class Generated implements IClusterable, GeneratedConstraints { private TimeUnit enumChoicer = TimeUnit.DAYS; private TimeUnit notNullableEnumChoicer = TimeUnit.HOURS; private String simpleChoicer = "simpleChoiceValue"; private List<String> listChoicer = new ArrayList<String>() {{ add("1"); add("2"); }}; private List<String> blazekChoicer = new ArrayList<String>() {{ add("1"); add("3"); }}; // Multiple // choice, // displayed as // Blazek // control by // HTML // manipulation private String[] emptyChoicer; // Special case: option set is null, value is // null, should not cause exceptions private Collection<GeneratedChoice> structuredChoicer; private GeneratedChoice[] structuredArrayChoicer; private GeneratedChoice structuredSingleChoicer; private String tableChoicer; private Date dateAssisted = new Date(); private String name = "someName"; private Postfach postfach = new Postfach(1234); private Merge merge = new Merge(); private boolean checkbox = true; private Boolean checkboxNullable; private boolean radioChoice = true; private Boolean radioChoiceNullable; private TimeUnit radioEnumChoicer = TimeUnit.DAYS; private double formattedDouble = 12.1D; private BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal("1111111111111111.11111111111"); private String longText = "This is a long text which is represented in a text area after having modified the generated HTML manually"; private int blueValue; private File file; private File download = new File("WEB-INF/web.xml"); private File thumbnail = new File("img/wicket.png"); private String fullImage = "/img/wicket_logo.png"; private String credential; private String separatedConstraint = "Must not be empty "; private List<GeneratedRepeatingViewPojo> generatedRepeatingViewPojos = new ArrayList<GeneratedRepeatingViewPojo>() { { add(new GeneratedRepeatingViewPojo("Test1")); add(new GeneratedRepeatingViewPojo("Test2")); add(new GeneratedRepeatingViewPojo()); } }; private static GeneratedChoice allStructuredChoices[] = new GeneratedChoice[] { new GeneratedChoice("Edwin", "Stang"), new GeneratedChoice("Albert", "Blazek"), new GeneratedChoice("Jan", "Lessner"), new GeneratedChoice("Joerg", "Meister") }; public Generated() { new WebGuiServiceAdapter().infoMessage("Welcome!", "<html>Hello World onPageLoad!<p><i>This is also an example for HTML-formatted message text!</i></html>"); } @Max(255) @Prompt("Field changes color according to value") public int getBlueValue() { return blueValue; } @Eager public void setBlueValue(int blueValue) { System.out.println("Blue value: " + blueValue); this.blueValue = blueValue; } public BigDecimal getBigDecimal() { return bigDecimal; } public void setBigDecimal(BigDecimal bigDecimal) { this.bigDecimal = bigDecimal; } @Format("###,##0.00") public int getFormattedDouble() { return (int) formattedDouble; } public void setFormattedDouble(int formattedDouble) { this.formattedDouble = formattedDouble; } @Format("yyyy.MM.dd 'custom' HH:mm:ss") @NotNull public Date getDateAssisted() { return dateAssisted; } @Assisted public void setDateAssisted(Date dateAssisted) { this.dateAssisted = dateAssisted; } public String disableDateAssisted() { if (BooleanUtils.isTrue(getCheckboxNullable())) { return "disabled by CheckboxNullable"; } else { return null; } } public Boolean getRadioChoiceNullable() { return radioChoiceNullable; } public void setRadioChoiceNullable(Boolean radioChoiceNullable) { this.radioChoiceNullable = radioChoiceNullable; } public boolean getRadioChoice() { return radioChoice; } @Eager public void setRadioChoice(boolean radioChoice) { this.radioChoice = radioChoice; } public String validateRadioChoice(boolean newValue) { if (newValue == false) { return "false not allowed!"; } else { return null; } } @Validate public TimeUnit getEnumChoicer() { return enumChoicer; } public String validateEnumChoicer(TimeUnit newValue) { if (newValue == TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) { return "NANOSECONDS not allowed!"; } else { return null; } } @Eager public void setEnumChoicer(TimeUnit timeUnit) { enumChoicer = timeUnit; } @Eager public void setNotNullableEnumChoicer(TimeUnit notNullableEnumChoicer) { this.notNullableEnumChoicer = notNullableEnumChoicer; } // Just to show, that null is not part of the list for the selection box, // because the getter is annoteted with notnull @NotNull public TimeUnit getNotNullableEnumChoicer() { return notNullableEnumChoicer; } public TimeUnit getRadioEnumChoicer() { return radioEnumChoicer; } public void setRadioEnumChoicer(TimeUnit radioEnumChoicer) { this.radioEnumChoicer = radioEnumChoicer; } // @Validate // uncomment to force exception public String getSimpleChoicer() { return simpleChoicer; } public void setSimpleChoicer(String simpleChoicer) { this.simpleChoicer = simpleChoicer; } public String[] choiceSimpleChoicer() { return new String[] { "1", "2", "3", "4" }; } public String getTableChoicer() { return tableChoicer; } public void setTableChoicer(String tableChoicer) { this.tableChoicer = tableChoicer; } @Choicetype(Type.TABLE) public String[] choiceTableChoicer() { return new String[] { "1", "2", "3", "4" }; } public List<String> getListChoicer() { return listChoicer; } public void setListChoicer(List<String> listChoicer) { System.out.println("listChoicer set to " + Arrays.asList(listChoicer)); this.listChoicer = listChoicer; } public String[] choiceListChoicer() { return new String[] { "1", "2", "3" }; } public List<String> getBlazekChoicer() { return blazekChoicer; } public void setBlazekChoicer(List<String> blazekChoicer) { this.blazekChoicer = blazekChoicer; } public String[] choiceBlazekChoicer() { return choiceListChoicer(); } @NotNull public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public Postfach getPostfach() { return postfach; } public void setPostfach(Postfach postfach) { this.postfach = postfach; } public Merge getMerge() { return merge; } public void setMerge(Merge merge) { this.merge = merge; } public void someButton() { } public String disableSomeButton() { return "weg"; } public void someButtonToo() { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Decorate(GeneratedConstants.Merge_Inner) @Hidden public MergeInner getInner() { return merge.getInner(); } public boolean isCheckbox() { return checkbox; } @Eager public void setCheckbox(boolean checkbox) { this.checkbox = checkbox; } public String validateCheckbox(boolean newValue) { if (newValue == false) { return "false not allowed!"; } else { return null; } } public Boolean getCheckboxNullable() { return checkboxNullable; } @Eager public void setCheckboxNullable(Boolean checkboxNullable) { this.checkboxNullable = checkboxNullable; } public String getLongText() { return longText; } public void setLongText(String longText) { this.longText = longText; } public String[] getEmptyChoicer() { return emptyChoicer; } public String[] choiceEmptyChoicer() { return null; } public void setEmptyChoicer(String[] emptyChoicer) { this.emptyChoicer = emptyChoicer; } public Collection<GeneratedChoice> getStructuredChoicer() { return structuredChoicer; } public void setStructuredChoicer(Collection<GeneratedChoice> structuredChoicer) { System.out.println(structuredChoicer); this.structuredChoicer = structuredChoicer; } public GeneratedChoice[] choiceStructuredChoicer() { return allStructuredChoices; } public GeneratedChoice[] getStructuredArrayChoicer() { return structuredArrayChoicer; } public void setStructuredArrayChoicer(GeneratedChoice[] structuredArrayChoicer) { for (GeneratedChoice chosen : structuredArrayChoicer) { System.out.println(chosen); } this.structuredArrayChoicer = structuredArrayChoicer; } public GeneratedChoice[] choiceStructuredArrayChoicer() { return allStructuredChoices; } public GeneratedChoice getStructuredSingleChoicer() { return structuredSingleChoicer; } public void setStructuredSingleChoicer(GeneratedChoice structuredSingleChoicer) { this.structuredSingleChoicer = structuredSingleChoicer; } public GeneratedChoice[] choiceStructuredSingleChoicer() { return allStructuredChoices; } public File getFile() { return file; } public void setFile(File file) { System.out.println("setFile " + file); this.file = file; } public File getDownload() { return download; } public File getThumbnail() { return thumbnail; } public String getFullImage() { return fullImage; } public String getCredential() { return credential; } public void setCredential(String credential) { System.out.println("Credential set to " + credential); this.credential = credential; } @Override public String getSeparatedConstraint() { return separatedConstraint; } public void setSeparatedConstraint(String separatedConstraint) { this.separatedConstraint = separatedConstraint; } public void testRedirect() { // new WebGuiServiceAdapter().confirmMessage("Redirect?", new // ModalResultCallback<ButtonFlag>() { // @Override // public void onResult(ButtonFlag flag) { // if (flag == ButtonFlag.OK || flag == ButtonFlag.YES) { // new WebGuiServiceAdapter().showPage(new // GeneratedRedirect(Generated.this, Generated.this.toString())); // } // } // }); new WebGuiServiceAdapter().showPage(new GeneratedRedirect(Generated.this, Generated.this.toString())); } @Forced public void forcedButton() { name = "may the force be with you!"; } public Pageless pageless() { return new Pageless(); } @Modal public Panelless panelless() { return new Panelless(); } public void testRuntimeException() { throw new RuntimeException("runtime exception shows in wicket error page!"); } public void testException() throws Exception { throw new Exception("normal.exception"); } public void testIgnoredExceptionWithoutDialog() throws Exception { throw new Exception(); } public boolean getTouched() { return new WebGuiServiceAdapter().touched(""); } public void touch() { new WebGuiServiceAdapter().touch(""); } public void untouch() { new WebGuiServiceAdapter().untouch(""); } public void printStatus() { new WebGuiServiceAdapter().status("This is an information with 'quotes', produced by the \"status\" method"); } public List<GeneratedRepeatingViewPojo> getGeneratedRepeatingViewPojo() { return generatedRepeatingViewPojos; } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { s.defaultReadObject(); System.err.println("Generated.readObject() " + this); } }