package; import java.util.List; import org.apache.wicket.markup.head.CssReferenceHeaderItem; import org.apache.wicket.markup.head.IHeaderResponse; import org.apache.wicket.markup.head.JavaScriptReferenceHeaderItem; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.parameter.PageParameters; import org.apache.wicket.request.resource.CssResourceReference; import org.apache.wicket.request.resource.JavaScriptResourceReference; import org.nocket.gen.domain.visitor.html.styling.StylingFactory; import; /** * Parent page for every page in DMDWeb application. * * @author blaz02 */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") abstract public class DMDWebPage extends WebPage { private DMDWebGenPageContext pageContext; public DMDWebPage() { this((IModel<?>) null); } public DMDWebPage(IModel<?> model) { super(model); if (model != null) { DMDPageFactory.storePageForView(this, model.getObject()); } } /* * This is done, because we do not have GenGUI for the web. In the feature * these methods will not be called directly. */ /** * This is default way to set target response page for the specified view. * The change to the page is statefull, what means that the URL is only * valid for current user session. * <p> * Page class for the view is found using convention. For details see * {@link DMDPageFactory}. * <p> * IMPORTANT: This method is required, because there is no GenGUI for the * web. In the feature these methods will not be called directly. * * @param view * Instance of the view. Cannot be null. * */ public void setResponsePageForView(Object view) { setResponsePage(DMDPageFactory.getViewPageInstance(view)); } /** * Method sets target response page for the specified view. The change to * the page is stateless, what means that the browser will be redirected to * the URL with the parameters taken form PageParameters argument. Target * page must define Constructor(PageParametrs params). * <p> * Page class for the view is found using convention. For details see * {@link DMDPageFactory}. * <p> * IMPORTANT: This method is required, because there is no GenGUI for the * web. In the feature these methods will not be called directly. * * @param view * Instance of the view. Cannot be null. * */ public void setRedirectPageForView(Object view, PageParameters params) { setResponsePage(DMDPageFactory.getViewPageClass(view), params); } @Override public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) { // FIXME: funktioniert das wirklich? Im Forscher wird kein Link erzeugt // TODO veit06: Ist das hier wirklich noch n�tig? Duch die Styling-Strategie wird jetzt CSS anders eingebunden // LessCSSHelper.initBootstrapLessCSS(this.getClass(), response, getRequestCycle(), new LessCSSHelper.PathTupel( // this.getClass(), "less/application.less", "css/application.css")); List<CssResourceReference> cssRefs = StylingFactory.getStylingStrategy().getCssStyleFiles(); List<JavaScriptResourceReference> jsRefs = StylingFactory.getStylingStrategy().getJavascriptFiles(); if(cssRefs != null) { // CSS Dateien f�r die aktuelle Styling Strategie einbinden for(CssResourceReference cssRef : cssRefs) { response.render(CssReferenceHeaderItem.forReference(cssRef)); } } if(jsRefs != null) { // JS Dateien f�r die aktuelle Styling Strategie einbinden for(JavaScriptResourceReference jsRef : jsRefs) { response.render(JavaScriptReferenceHeaderItem.forReference(jsRef)); } } } public DMDWebGenPageContext getPageContext() { return this.pageContext; } public void setPagecontext(DMDWebGenPageContext pageContext) { this.pageContext = pageContext; } }