package; import client.MapleCharacter; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import server.Timer.EventTimer; import tools.MaplePacketCreator; public class MapleFitness extends MapleEvent { private static final long serialVersionUID = 845748950824L; private final long time = 600000L; private long timeStarted = 0L; private ScheduledFuture<?> fitnessSchedule; private ScheduledFuture<?> msgSchedule; public MapleFitness(int channel, MapleEventType type) { super(channel, type); } @Override public void finished(MapleCharacter chr) { givePrize(chr); } @Override public void onMapLoad(MapleCharacter chr) { super.onMapLoad(chr); if (isTimerStarted()) { chr.getClient().getSession().write(MaplePacketCreator.getClock((int) (getTimeLeft() / 1000L))); } } @Override public void startEvent() { unreset(); super.reset(); broadcast(MaplePacketCreator.getClock((int) (this.time / 1000L))); this.timeStarted = System.currentTimeMillis(); checkAndMessage(); this.fitnessSchedule = EventTimer.getInstance().schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < MapleFitness.this.type.mapids.length; i++) { for (MapleCharacter chr : MapleFitness.this.getMap(i).getCharactersThreadsafe()) { MapleFitness.this.warpBack(chr); } } MapleFitness.this.unreset(); } }, this.time); broadcast(MaplePacketCreator.serverMessageRedText( "The portal has now opened. Press the up arrow key at the portal to enter.")); } public boolean isTimerStarted() { return this.timeStarted > 0L; } public long getTime() { return this.time; } public void resetSchedule() { this.timeStarted = 0L; if (this.fitnessSchedule != null) { this.fitnessSchedule.cancel(false); } this.fitnessSchedule = null; if (this.msgSchedule != null) { this.msgSchedule.cancel(false); } this.msgSchedule = null; } @Override public void reset() { super.reset(); resetSchedule(); getMap(0).getPortal("join00").setPortalState(false); } @Override public void unreset() { super.unreset(); resetSchedule(); getMap(0).getPortal("join00").setPortalState(true); } public long getTimeLeft() { return this.time - (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.timeStarted); } public void checkAndMessage() { this.msgSchedule = EventTimer.getInstance().register(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { long timeLeft = MapleFitness.this.getTimeLeft(); if ((timeLeft > 9000L) && (timeLeft < 11000L)) { MapleFitness.this.broadcast(MaplePacketCreator.serverMessageRedText( "You have 10 sec left. Those of you unable to beat the game, we hope you beat it next time! Great job everyone!! See you later~")); } else if ((timeLeft > 11000L) && (timeLeft < 101000L)) { MapleFitness.this.broadcast(MaplePacketCreator.serverMessageRedText( "Alright, you don't have much time remaining. Please hurry up a little!")); } else if ((timeLeft > 101000L) && (timeLeft < 201000L)) { MapleFitness.this.broadcast(MaplePacketCreator.serverMessageRedText( "The 4th stage is the last one for [The Maple Physical Fitness Test]. Please don't give up at the last minute and try your best. The reward is waiting for you at the very top!")); } else if ((timeLeft > 201000L) && (timeLeft < 301000L)) { MapleFitness.this.broadcast(MaplePacketCreator.serverMessageRedText( "The 3rd stage offers traps where you may see them, but you won't be able to step on them. Please be careful of them as you make your way up.")); } else if ((timeLeft > 301000L) && (timeLeft < 361000L)) { MapleFitness.this.broadcast(MaplePacketCreator.serverMessageRedText( "For those who have heavy lags, please make sure to move slowly to avoid falling all the way down because of lags.")); } else if ((timeLeft > 361000L) && (timeLeft < 501000L)) { MapleFitness.this.broadcast(MaplePacketCreator.serverMessageRedText( "Please remember that if you die during the event, you'll be eliminated from the game. If you're running out of HP, either take a potion or recover HP first before moving on.")); } else if ((timeLeft > 501000L) && (timeLeft < 601000L)) { MapleFitness.this.broadcast(MaplePacketCreator.serverMessageRedText( "The most important thing you'll need to know to avoid the bananas thrown by the monkeys is *Timing* Timing is everything in this!")); } else if ((timeLeft > 601000L) && (timeLeft < 661000L)) { MapleFitness.this.broadcast(MaplePacketCreator.serverMessageRedText( "The 2nd stage offers monkeys throwing bananas. Please make sure to avoid them by moving along at just the right timing.")); } else if ((timeLeft > 661000L) && (timeLeft < 701000L)) { MapleFitness.this.broadcast(MaplePacketCreator.serverMessageRedText( "Please remember that if you die during the event, you'll be eliminated from the game. You still have plenty of time left, so either take a potion or recover HP first before moving on.")); } else if ((timeLeft > 701000L) && (timeLeft < 781000L)) { MapleFitness.this.broadcast(MaplePacketCreator.serverMessageRedText( "Everyone that clears [The Maple Physical Fitness Test] on time will be given an item, regardless of the order of finish, so just relax, take your time, and clear the 4 stages.")); } else if ((timeLeft > 781000L) && (timeLeft < 841000L)) { MapleFitness.this.broadcast(MaplePacketCreator.serverMessageRedText( "There may be a heavy lag due to many users at stage 1 all at once. It won't be difficult, so please make sure not to fall down because of heavy lag.")); } else if (timeLeft > 841000L) { MapleFitness.this.broadcast(MaplePacketCreator.serverMessageRedText( "[MapleStory Physical Fitness Test] consists of 4 stages, and if you happen to die during the game, you'll be eliminated from the game, so please be careful of that.")); } } }, 60000L); } }