package client; import client.messages.PlayerGMRank; import constants.ServerConstants; import database.DatabaseConnection; import database.DatabaseException; import handling.cashshop.CashShopServer; import; import handling.login.LoginServer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import javax.script.ScriptEngine; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.mina.core.session.IoSession; import scripting.item.ItemActionManager; import scripting.item.ItemScriptManager; import scripting.npc.NPCConversationManager; import scripting.npc.NPCScriptManager; import; import; import server.Timer.PingTimer; import server.maps.MapleMap; import; import server.shops.IMaplePlayerShop; import tools.FileoutputUtil; import tools.MapleAESOFB; import tools.MaplePacketCreator; import tools.Pair; import tools.packet.LoginPacket; public class MapleClient implements Serializable { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MapleClient.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 9179541993413738569L; public static final byte LOGIN_NOTLOGGEDIN = 0; public static final byte LOGIN_SERVER_TRANSITION = 1; public static final byte LOGIN_LOGGEDIN = 2; public static final byte CHANGE_CHANNEL = 3; public static final byte ENTERING_PIN = 4; // 需要设置性别 public static final byte PIN_CORRECT = 5; public static final int DEFAULT_CHARSLOT = LoginServer.getMaxCharacters(); public static final String CLIENT_KEY = "CLIENT"; private final transient MapleAESOFB send, receive; private final transient IoSession session; private long sessionId; private MapleCharacter player; private int channel = 1; private int accId = -1; private int world; private int birthday; private int charslots = DEFAULT_CHARSLOT; private int cardslots = 3; private boolean loggedIn = false; private boolean serverTransition = false; private transient Calendar tempban = null; private String accountName; private transient long lastPong = 0L; private transient long lastPing = 0L; private boolean monitored = false; private boolean receiving = true; private int gmLevel; private byte greason = 1; private byte gender = -1; public transient short loginAttempt = 0; private final transient List<Integer> allowedChar = new LinkedList(); private transient String mac = "00-00-00-00-00-00"; private final transient List<String> maclist = new LinkedList(); private final transient Map<String, ScriptEngine> engines = new HashMap(); private transient ScheduledFuture<?> idleTask = null; private transient String secondPassword; private transient String salt2; private transient String tempIP = ""; private final transient Lock mutex = new ReentrantLock(true); private final transient Lock npc_mutex = new ReentrantLock(); private long lastNpcClick = 0L; private static final Lock login_mutex = new ReentrantLock(true); private final byte loginattempt = 0; private DebugWindow debugWindow; private final Map<Integer, Pair<Short, Short>> charInfo = new LinkedHashMap(); public MapleClient(MapleAESOFB send, MapleAESOFB receive, IoSession session) { this.send = send; this.receive = receive; this.session = session; } public final MapleAESOFB getReceiveCrypto() { return receive; } public final MapleAESOFB getSendCrypto() { return send; } public final IoSession getSession() { return session; } public long getSessionId() { return this.sessionId; } public void setSessionId(long sessionId) { this.sessionId = sessionId; } public void StartWindow() { if (this.debugWindow != null) { this.debugWindow.setVisible(false); this.debugWindow = null; } this.debugWindow = new DebugWindow(); this.debugWindow.setVisible(true); this.debugWindow.setC(this); } public Lock getLock() { return this.mutex; } public Lock getNPCLock() { return this.npc_mutex; } public MapleCharacter getPlayer() { return this.player; } public void setPlayer(MapleCharacter player) { this.player = player; } public void createdChar(int id) { this.allowedChar.add(id); } public boolean login_Auth(int id) { return this.allowedChar.contains(id); } public List<MapleCharacter> loadCharacters(int serverId) { List chars = new LinkedList(); MapleCharacter chr; for (CharNameAndId cni : loadCharactersInternal(serverId)) { chr = MapleCharacter.loadCharFromDB(, this, false); chars.add(chr); charInfo.put(chr.getId(), new Pair(chr.getLevel(), chr.getJob())); if (!login_Auth(chr.getId())) { allowedChar.add(chr.getId()); } } return chars; } public boolean canMakeCharacter(int serverId) { return loadCharactersSize(serverId) < getAccCharSlots(); } public List<String> loadCharacterNames(int serverId) { List chars = new LinkedList(); for (CharNameAndId cni : loadCharactersInternal(serverId)) { chars.add(; } return chars; } private List<CharNameAndId> loadCharactersInternal(int serverId) { List chars = new LinkedList(); try (PreparedStatement ps = DatabaseConnection.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT id, name, gm FROM characters WHERE accountid = ? AND world = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, this.accId); ps.setInt(2, serverId); try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { while ( { chars.add(new CharNameAndId(rs.getString("name"), rs.getInt("id"))); LoginServer.getLoginAuth(rs.getInt("id")); } } ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("error loading characters internal", e); } return chars; } private int loadCharactersSize(int serverId) { int chars = 0; try (PreparedStatement ps = DatabaseConnection.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT count(*) FROM characters WHERE accountid = ? AND world = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, this.accId); ps.setInt(2, serverId); try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { if ( { chars = rs.getInt(1); } } ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("error loading characters internal", e); } return chars; } public boolean isLoggedIn() { return loggedIn && accId > 0; } private Calendar getTempBanCalendar(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { Calendar lTempban = Calendar.getInstance(); if (rs.getLong("tempban") == 0L) { lTempban.setTimeInMillis(0L); return lTempban; } Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); lTempban.setTimeInMillis(rs.getTimestamp("tempban").getTime()); if (today.getTimeInMillis() < lTempban.getTimeInMillis()) { return lTempban; } lTempban.setTimeInMillis(0L); return lTempban; } public Calendar getTempBanCalendar() { return this.tempban; } public byte getBanReason() { return this.greason; } public boolean hasBannedMac() { if ((this.mac.equalsIgnoreCase("00-00-00-00-00-00")) || (this.mac.length() != 17)) { return false; } boolean ret = false; return ret; } public int finishLogin() { login_mutex.lock(); try { if (getLoginState() > 0) { this.loggedIn = false; return 7; } updateLoginState(MapleClient.LOGIN_LOGGEDIN, getSessionIPAddress()); } finally { login_mutex.unlock(); } return 0; } public void clearInformation() { accountName = null; accId = -1; secondPassword = null; gmLevel = 0; loggedIn = false; mac = "00-00-00-00-00-00"; maclist.clear(); } public int changePassword(String oldpwd, String newpwd) { int ret = -1; try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); ResultSet rs; try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE name = ?")) { ps.setString(1, getAccountName()); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { boolean updatePassword = false; String passhash = rs.getString("password"); String salt = rs.getString("salt"); if ((passhash == null) || (passhash.isEmpty())) { ret = -1; } else if ((LoginCryptoLegacy.isLegacyPassword(passhash)) && (LoginCryptoLegacy.checkPassword(oldpwd, passhash))) { ret = 0; updatePassword = true; } else if (oldpwd.equals(passhash)) { ret = 0; updatePassword = true; } else if ((salt == null) && (LoginCrypto.checkSha1Hash(passhash, oldpwd))) { ret = 0; updatePassword = true; } else if (LoginCrypto.checkSaltedSha512Hash(passhash, oldpwd, salt)) { ret = 0; updatePassword = true; } else { ret = -1; } if (updatePassword) { try (PreparedStatement pss = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE `accounts` SET `password` = ?, `salt` = ? WHERE id = ?")) { String newSalt = LoginCrypto.makeSalt(); pss.setString(1, LoginCrypto.makeSaltedSha512Hash(newpwd, newSalt)); pss.setString(2, newSalt); pss.setInt(3, this.accId); pss.executeUpdate(); } } } ps.close(); } rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("修改密码出错\r\n", e); } return ret; } /** * 验证帐号密码 * @param login * @param pwd * @param ipMacBanned * @return */ public int login(String login, String pwd) { int loginok = 5; pwd = LoginCrypto.hexSha1(pwd); // 用最简单的sha1 try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE name = ?")) { ps.setString(1, login); try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { if ( { final int banned = rs.getInt("banned"); final String passhash = rs.getString("password"); final String oldSession = rs.getString("SessionIP"); accountName = login; accId = rs.getInt("id"); gmLevel = rs.getInt("gm"); greason = rs.getByte("greason"); tempban = getTempBanCalendar(rs); gender = rs.getByte("gender"); if (banned > 0 && gmLevel < 6) { loginok = 3; } else { if (banned == -1) { unban(); } // Check if the passwords are correct here. :B if (passhash == null || passhash.isEmpty()) { //match by sessionIP if (oldSession != null && !oldSession.isEmpty()) { loggedIn = getSessionIPAddress().equals(oldSession); loginok = loggedIn ? 0 : 4; } else { loginok = 4; loggedIn = false; } } else if (pwd.equals(passhash)) { loginok = 0; } else { loggedIn = false; loginok = 4; } if (getLoginState() > MapleClient.LOGIN_NOTLOGGEDIN) { // already loggedin if (loginok != 0) { loggedIn = false; loginok = 7; } else {//解卡处理 解卡账号(); } } } } } ps.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("登录出错:" + e); } return loginok; } public void 解卡账号() { boolean 解卡在线 = false; for (ChannelServer cserv : ChannelServer.getAllInstances()) { for (final MapleCharacter mch : cserv.getPlayerStorage().getAllCharacters()) { if (mch.getAccountID() == accId) { try { mch.getClient().getSession().write(MaplePacketCreator.serverMessagePopUp("当前账号在别的地方登录了\r\n若不是你本人操作请及时更改密码。")); mch.getClient().disconnect(true, mch.getClient().getChannel() == -10); Thread closeSession = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } mch.getClient().getSession().close(true); } }; closeSession.start(); } catch (Exception ex) { } 解卡在线 = true; } } } if (!解卡在线) { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET loggedin = 0 WHERE name = ?")) { ps.setString(1, accountName); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } } catch (SQLException se) { } } } private void unban() { try (PreparedStatement ps = DatabaseConnection.getConnection().prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET banned = 0, banreason = '' WHERE id = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, this.accId); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error while unbanning", e); } } public static byte unban(String charname) { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT accountid from characters where name = ?"); ps.setString(1, charname); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { rs.close(); ps.close(); return -1; } int accid = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET banned = 0, banreason = '' WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, accid); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error while unbanning", e); return -2; } return 0; } public void setAccID(int id) { this.accId = id; } public int getAccID() { return this.accId; } public void updateLoginState(int newstate) { updateLoginState(newstate, getSessionIPAddress()); } public void updateLoginState(int newstate, String SessionID) { try (PreparedStatement ps = DatabaseConnection.getConnection().prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET loggedin = ?, SessionIP = ?, lastlogin = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() WHERE id = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, newstate); ps.setString(2, SessionID); ps.setInt(3, getAccID()); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error updating login state", e); } if (newstate == 0) { this.loggedIn = false; this.serverTransition = false; } else { this.serverTransition = ((newstate == 1) || (newstate == 3)); this.loggedIn = (!this.serverTransition); } } public void updateSecondPassword() { try { try (PreparedStatement ps = DatabaseConnection.getConnection().prepareStatement("UPDATE `accounts` SET `2ndpassword` = ?, `salt2` = ? WHERE id = ?")) { String newSalt = LoginCrypto.makeSalt(); ps.setString(1, LoginCrypto.rand_s(LoginCrypto.makeSaltedSha512Hash(this.secondPassword, newSalt))); ps.setString(2, newSalt); ps.setInt(3, this.accId); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error updating login state", e); } } public byte getLoginState() { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try { byte state; try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT loggedin, lastlogin, banned, gm, `birthday` + 0 AS `bday` FROM accounts WHERE id = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, getAccID()); try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { if (! || (rs.getInt("banned") > 0 && rs.getInt("gm") < 6)) { ps.close(); rs.close(); session.close(true); throw new DatabaseException("Account doesn't exist or is banned"); } birthday = rs.getInt("bday"); state = rs.getByte("loggedin"); if ((state == MapleClient.LOGIN_SERVER_TRANSITION || state == MapleClient.CHANGE_CHANNEL) && (rs.getTimestamp("lastlogin").getTime() + 20000L < System.currentTimeMillis())) { state = MapleClient.LOGIN_NOTLOGGEDIN; updateLoginState(state, getSessionIPAddress()); } } ps.close(); } loggedIn = state == MapleClient.LOGIN_LOGGEDIN; return state; } catch (SQLException e) { loggedIn = false; throw new DatabaseException("error getting login state", e); } } public boolean checkBirthDate(int date) { return this.birthday == date; } public void removalTask(boolean shutdown) { try { this.player.cancelAllBuffs_(); this.player.cancelAllDebuffs(); if (this.player.getMarriageId() > 0) { MapleQuestStatus stat1 = this.player.getQuestNoAdd(MapleQuest.getInstance(160001)); MapleQuestStatus stat2 = this.player.getQuestNoAdd(MapleQuest.getInstance(160002)); if ((stat1 != null) && (stat1.getCustomData() != null) && ((stat1.getCustomData().equals("2_")) || (stat1.getCustomData().equals("2")))) { if ((stat2 != null) && (stat2.getCustomData() != null)) { stat2.setCustomData("0"); } stat1.setCustomData("3"); } } if ((this.player.getMapId() == 180000001) && (!this.player.isIntern())) { MapleQuestStatus stat1 = this.player.getQuestNAdd(MapleQuest.getInstance(123455)); MapleQuestStatus stat2 = this.player.getQuestNAdd(MapleQuest.getInstance(123456)); if (stat1.getCustomData() == null) { stat1.setCustomData(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())); } else if (stat2.getCustomData() == null) { stat2.setCustomData("0"); } else { int seconds = Integer.parseInt(stat2.getCustomData()) - (int) ((System.currentTimeMillis() - Long.parseLong(stat1.getCustomData())) / 1000L); if (seconds < 0) { seconds = 0; } stat2.setCustomData(String.valueOf(seconds)); } } this.player.changeRemoval(true); if (this.player.getEventInstance() != null) { this.player.getEventInstance().playerDisconnected(this.player, this.player.getId()); } IMaplePlayerShop shop = this.player.getPlayerShop(); if (shop != null) { shop.removeVisitor(this.player); if (shop.isOwner(this.player)) { if ((shop.getShopType() == 1) && (shop.isAvailable()) && (!shutdown)) { shop.setOpen(true); } else { shop.closeShop(true, !shutdown); } } } this.player.setMessenger(null); if (this.player.getMap() != null) { if ((shutdown) || ((getChannelServer() != null) && (getChannelServer().isShutdown()))) { int questID = -1; switch (this.player.getMapId()) { case 240060200: questID = 160100; break; case 240060201: questID = 160103; break; case 280030000: case 280030100: questID = 160101; break; case 280030001: questID = 160102; break; case 270050100: questID = 160104; break; case 105100300: case 105100400: questID = 160106; break; case 211070000: case 211070100: case 211070101: case 211070110: questID = 160107; break; case 551030200: questID = 160108; break; case 271040100: questID = 160109; } if (questID > 0) { this.player.getQuestNAdd(MapleQuest.getInstance(questID)).setCustomData("0"); } } else if (this.player.isAlive()) { switch (this.player.getMapId()) { case 220080001: case 541010100: case 541020800: this.player.getMap().addDisconnected(this.player.getId()); } } this.player.getMap().removePlayer(this.player); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { FileoutputUtil.outputFileError(FileoutputUtil.Acc_Stuck, e); } } public void disconnect(boolean RemoveInChannelServer, boolean fromCS) { disconnect(RemoveInChannelServer, fromCS, false); } public void disconnect(boolean RemoveInChannelServer, boolean fromCS, boolean shutdown) { if (this.debugWindow != null) { this.debugWindow.setVisible(false); this.debugWindow = null; } if (this.player != null) { MapleMap map = player.getMap(); MapleParty party = player.getParty(); String namez = player.getName(); int idz = player.getId(); int messengerid = player.getMessenger() == null ? 0 : player.getMessenger().getId(); int gid = player.getGuildId(); BuddyList bl = player.getBuddylist(); MaplePartyCharacter chrp = new MaplePartyCharacter(player); MapleMessengerCharacter chrm = new MapleMessengerCharacter(player); MapleGuildCharacter chrg = player.getMGC(); removalTask(shutdown); LoginServer.getLoginAuth(player.getId()); player.saveToDB(true, fromCS); if (shutdown) { player = null; receiving = false; return; } if (!fromCS) { ChannelServer ch = ChannelServer.getInstance(map == null ? channel : map.getChannel()); int chz = WorldFindService.getInstance().findChannel(idz); if (chz < -1) { disconnect(RemoveInChannelServer, true); return; } try { if ((chz == -1) || (ch == null) || (ch.isShutdown())) { player = null; return; } if (messengerid > 0) { WorldMessengerService.getInstance().leaveMessenger(messengerid, chrm); } if (party != null) { party.cancelAllPartyBuffsByChr(player.getId()); chrp.setOnline(false); WrodlPartyService.getInstance().updateParty(party.getId(), PartyOperation.LOG_ONOFF, chrp); if ((map != null) && (party.getLeader().getId() == idz)) { MaplePartyCharacter lchr = null; for (MaplePartyCharacter pchr : party.getMembers()) { if ((pchr != null) && (map.getCharacterById(pchr.getId()) != null) && ((lchr == null) || (lchr.getLevel() < pchr.getLevel()))) { lchr = pchr; } } if (lchr != null) { WrodlPartyService.getInstance().updateParty(party.getId(), PartyOperation.CHANGE_LEADER_DC, lchr); } } } if (bl != null) { if (!serverTransition) { WorldBuddyService.getInstance().loggedOff(namez, idz, channel, bl.getBuddyIds()); } else { WorldBuddyService.getInstance().loggedOn(namez, idz, channel, bl.getBuddyIds()); } } if ((gid > 0) && (chrg != null)) { WorldGuildService.getInstance().setGuildMemberOnline(chrg, false, -1); } } catch (Exception e) { FileoutputUtil.outputFileError(FileoutputUtil.Acc_Stuck, e); log.error(new StringBuilder().append(getLogMessage(this, "ERROR")).append(e).toString()); } finally { if ((RemoveInChannelServer) && (ch != null)) { ch.removePlayer(player); } player = null; } } else { int ch = WorldFindService.getInstance().findChannel(idz); if (ch > 0) { disconnect(RemoveInChannelServer, false); return; } try { if (party != null) { chrp.setOnline(false); WrodlPartyService.getInstance().updateParty(party.getId(), PartyOperation.LOG_ONOFF, chrp); } if (!serverTransition) { WorldBuddyService.getInstance().loggedOff(namez, idz,, bl.getBuddyIds()); } else { WorldBuddyService.getInstance().loggedOn(namez, idz,, bl.getBuddyIds()); } if ((gid > 0) && (chrg != null)) { WorldGuildService.getInstance().setGuildMemberOnline(chrg, false, -1); } if (player != null) { player.setMessenger(null); } } catch (Exception e) { FileoutputUtil.outputFileError(FileoutputUtil.Acc_Stuck, e); log.error(new StringBuilder().append(getLogMessage(this, "ERROR")).append(e).toString()); } finally { if ((RemoveInChannelServer) && (ch > 0)) { CashShopServer.getPlayerStorage().deregisterPlayer(player); } player = null; } } } if ((!this.serverTransition) && (isLoggedIn())) { updateLoginState(MapleClient.LOGIN_NOTLOGGEDIN, getLastIPAddress()); } this.engines.clear(); } public String getSessionIPAddress() { return this.session.getRemoteAddress().toString().split(":")[0]; } public boolean CheckIPAddress() { if (this.accId < 0) { return false; } try { boolean canlogin; try (PreparedStatement ps = DatabaseConnection.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT SessionIP, banned FROM accounts WHERE id = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, this.accId); try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { canlogin = false; if ( { String sessionIP = rs.getString("SessionIP"); if (sessionIP != null) { canlogin = getSessionIPAddress().equals(sessionIP.split(":")[0]); } if (rs.getInt("banned") > 0) { canlogin = false; } } } ps.close(); } return canlogin; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Failed in checking IP address for client.", e); } return true; } public String getLastIPAddress() { String LastIP = "/0:0:0:0"; if (this.accId < 0) { return LastIP; } try (PreparedStatement ps = DatabaseConnection.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT SessionIP, banned FROM accounts WHERE id = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, this.accId); try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { if ( { LastIP = rs.getString("SessionIP"); } } ps.close(); return LastIP; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("获取登录IP出错.", e); } return LastIP; } public void DebugMessage(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append("IP: "); sb.append(getSession().getRemoteAddress()); sb.append(" || 连接状态: "); sb.append(getSession().isConnected()); sb.append(" || 正在关闭: "); sb.append(getSession().isClosing()); sb.append(" || CLIENT: "); sb.append(getSession().getAttribute("CLIENT") != null); sb.append(" || 是否已登陆: "); sb.append(isLoggedIn()); sb.append(" || 角色上线: "); sb.append(getPlayer() != null); } public int getChannel() { return; } public ChannelServer getChannelServer() { return ChannelServer.getInstance(; } public int deleteCharacter(int cid) { if (this.getPlayer() != null && this.getPlayer().getId() == cid) { return 2; } try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT guildid, guildrank, familyid, name FROM characters WHERE id = ? AND accountid = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, cid); ps.setInt(2, this.accId); try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { if (! { rs.close(); ps.close(); return 1; } if (rs.getInt("guildid") > 0) { if (rs.getInt("guildrank") == 1) { rs.close(); ps.close(); return 1; } WorldGuildService.getInstance().deleteGuildCharacter(rs.getInt("guildid"), cid); } MapleSidekick sidekick = WorldSidekickService.getInstance().getSidekickByChr(cid); if (sidekick != null) { sidekick.eraseToDB(); } } ps.close(); } MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM characters WHERE id = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "UPDATE pokemon SET active = 0 WHERE characterid = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM hiredmerch WHERE characterid = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM mountdata WHERE characterid = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM inventoryitems WHERE characterid = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM famelog WHERE characterid = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM famelog WHERE characterid_to = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM wishlist WHERE characterid = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM buddies WHERE characterid = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM buddies WHERE buddyid = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM keymap WHERE characterid = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM savedlocations WHERE characterid = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM skills WHERE characterid = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM skills WHERE teachId = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM familiars WHERE characterid = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM mountdata WHERE characterid = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM queststatus WHERE characterid = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM inventoryslot WHERE characterid = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM bank WHERE charid = ?", cid); MapleCharacter.deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM pqlog WHERE characterid = ?", cid); return 0; } catch (SQLException e) { FileoutputUtil.outputFileError(FileoutputUtil.SQL_Ex_Log, e); log.error("删除角色错误.", e); } return 1; } public byte getGender() { return this.gender; } public void setGender(byte gender) { this.gender = gender; } public void changeGender(byte gender) { this.gender = gender; Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET gender = ? WHERE id = ?")) { ps.setByte(1, gender); ps.setInt(2, this.accId); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("设置性别出错", e); } } public String getSecondPassword() { return this.secondPassword; } public void setSecondPassword(String secondPassword) { this.secondPassword = secondPassword; } public String getAccountName() { return this.accountName; } public void setAccountName(String accountName) { this.accountName = accountName; } public void setChannel(int channel) { = channel; } public int getWorld() { return; } public void setWorld(int world) { = world; } public int getLatency() { return (int) (this.lastPong - this.lastPing); } public long getLastPong() { return this.lastPong; } public long getLastPing() { return this.lastPing; } public void pongReceived() { this.lastPong = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void sendPing() { this.lastPing = System.currentTimeMillis(); getSession().write(LoginPacket.getPing()); PingTimer.getInstance().schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (getLatency() < 0) { disconnect(true, false); if (getSession().isConnected()) { FileoutputUtil.log(MapleClient.getLogMessage(MapleClient.this, "PING超时.")); getSession().close(true); } } } }, 15000L); } public static String getLogMessage(MapleClient cfor, String message) { return getLogMessage(cfor, message, new Object[0]); } public static String getLogMessage(MapleCharacter cfor, String message) { return getLogMessage(cfor == null ? null : cfor.getClient(), message); } public static String getLogMessage(MapleCharacter cfor, String message, Object[] parms) { return getLogMessage(cfor == null ? null : cfor.getClient(), message, parms); } public static String getLogMessage(MapleClient cfor, String message, Object[] parms) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (cfor != null) { if (cfor.getPlayer() != null) { builder.append("<"); builder.append(MapleCharacterUtil.makeMapleReadable(cfor.getPlayer().getName())); builder.append(" (角色ID: "); builder.append(cfor.getPlayer().getId()); builder.append(")> "); } if (cfor.getAccountName() != null) { builder.append("(账号: "); builder.append(cfor.getAccountName()); builder.append(") "); } } builder.append(message); for (Object parm : parms) { int start = builder.indexOf("{}"); builder.replace(start, start + 2, parm.toString()); } return builder.toString(); } public static int findAccIdForCharacterName(String charName) { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); int ret; try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT accountid FROM characters WHERE name = ?")) { ps.setString(1, charName); try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { ret = -1; if ( { ret = rs.getInt("accountid"); } } ps.close(); } return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("findAccIdForCharacterName SQL error", e); } return -1; } public boolean isSuperGM() { return this.gmLevel >= PlayerGMRank.SUPERGM.getLevel(); } public boolean isIntern() { return this.gmLevel >= PlayerGMRank.INTERN.getLevel(); } public boolean isGm() { return this.gmLevel >= PlayerGMRank.GM.getLevel(); } public boolean isAdmin() { return this.gmLevel >= PlayerGMRank.ADMIN.getLevel(); } public int getGmLevel() { return gmLevel; } public final void setGm(int gmLevel) { this.gmLevel = gmLevel; } public ScheduledFuture<?> getIdleTask() { return this.idleTask; } public void setIdleTask(ScheduledFuture<?> idleTask) { this.idleTask = idleTask; } public int getAccCharSlots() { if (isGm()) { return 30; } if (this.charslots != DEFAULT_CHARSLOT) { return this.charslots; } int theworld = world; if (player != null) { theworld = this.player.getWorld(); } try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM character_slots WHERE accid = ? AND worldid = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, this.accId); ps.setInt(2, theworld); try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { if ( { this.charslots = rs.getInt("charslots"); } else { try (PreparedStatement psu = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO character_slots (accid, worldid, charslots) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")) { psu.setInt(1, this.accId); psu.setInt(2,; psu.setInt(3, this.charslots); psu.executeUpdate(); psu.close(); } } } ps.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("getAccCharSlots出错", e); } return this.charslots; } public boolean gainAccCharSlot() { if (getAccCharSlots() >= 30) { return false; } this.charslots++; int theworld = world; if (player != null) { theworld = this.player.getWorld(); } Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE character_slots SET charslots = ? WHERE worldid = ? AND accid = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, this.charslots); ps.setInt(2, theworld); ps.setInt(3, this.accId); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("gainAccCharSlot出错", e); return false; } return true; } public int getAccCardSlots() { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); int theworld = world; if (player != null) { theworld = this.player.getWorld(); } try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM accounts_info WHERE accId = ? AND worldId = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, this.accId); ps.setInt(2, theworld); try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { if ( { this.cardslots = rs.getInt("cardSlots"); } else { try (PreparedStatement psu = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO accounts_info (accId, worldId, cardSlots) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")) { psu.setInt(1, this.accId); psu.setInt(2,; psu.setInt(3, this.cardslots); psu.executeUpdate(); psu.close(); } } } ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("getAccCardSlots出错", e); } return this.cardslots; } public boolean gainAccCardSlot() { if (getAccCardSlots() >= 9) { return false; } this.cardslots++; int theworld = world; if (player != null) { theworld = this.player.getWorld(); } Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts_info SET cardSlots = ? WHERE worldId = ? AND accId = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, this.cardslots); ps.setInt(2, theworld); ps.setInt(3, this.accId); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("gainAccCardSlot出错", e); return false; } return true; } public static byte unbanIPMacs(String charname) { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT accountid from characters where name = ?"); ps.setString(1, charname); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { rs.close(); ps.close(); return -1; } int accid = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, accid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { rs.close(); ps.close(); return -1; } String sessionIP = rs.getString("sessionIP"); String macs = rs.getString("macs"); rs.close(); ps.close(); byte ret = 0; return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error while unbanning", e); } return -2; } public static byte unHellban(String charname) { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT accountid from characters where name = ?"); ps.setString(1, charname); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { rs.close(); ps.close(); return -1; } int accid = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, accid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { rs.close(); ps.close(); return -1; } String sessionIP = rs.getString("sessionIP"); String email = rs.getString("email"); rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement(new StringBuilder().append("UPDATE accounts SET banned = 0, banreason = '' WHERE email = ?").append(sessionIP == null ? "" : " OR sessionIP = ?").toString()); ps.setString(1, email); if (sessionIP != null) { ps.setString(2, sessionIP); } ps.execute(); ps.close(); return 0; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error while unbanning", e); } return -2; } public boolean isMonitored() { return this.monitored; } public void setMonitored(boolean m) { this.monitored = m; } public boolean isReceiving() { return this.receiving; } public void setReceiving(boolean m) { this.receiving = m; } public Timestamp getCreated() { try { Timestamp ret; try (PreparedStatement ps = DatabaseConnection.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT createdat FROM accounts WHERE id = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, getAccID()); try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { if (! { rs.close(); ps.close(); return null; } ret = rs.getTimestamp("createdat"); } ps.close(); } return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException("error getting create", e); } } public String getTempIP() { return this.tempIP; } public void setTempIP(String s) { this.tempIP = s; } public boolean isLocalhost() { return (ServerConstants.USE_LOCALHOST) || (ServerConstants.isIPLocalhost(getSessionIPAddress())); } // public boolean hasCheck(int accid) { // boolean ret = false; // try { // PreparedStatement ps = DatabaseConnection.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = ?"); // ps.setInt(1, accid); // ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); // if ( { // ret = rs.getInt("check") > 0; // } // rs.close(); // ps.close(); // } catch (SQLException ex) { // log.error("Error checking ip Check", ex); // } // return ret; // } public static String getAccInfo(String accname, boolean admin) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(new StringBuilder().append("账号ID:").append(accname).append(" 信息-").toString()); try { try (PreparedStatement ps = DatabaseConnection.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE name = ?")) { ps.setString(1, accname); try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { if ( { int banned = rs.getInt("banned"); ret.append("封号状态:"); ret.append(banned > 0 ? "被封" : "没有被封"); ret.append("封号理由:"); ret.append(banned > 0 ? rs.getString("banreason") : "(没有封号)"); if (admin) { ret.append("点券:"); ret.append(rs.getInt("ACash")); ret.append("抵用券:"); ret.append(rs.getInt("mPoints")); } } } ps.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("获取玩家封号理由信息出错:", ex); } return ret.toString(); } public static String getAccInfoByName(String charname, boolean admin) { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT accountid from characters where name = ?"); ps.setString(1, charname); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { rs.close(); ps.close(); return null; } int accid = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, accid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { rs.close(); ps.close(); return null; } StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder("玩家 " + charname + " 的帐号信息 -"); int banned = rs.getInt("banned"); if (admin) { ret.append(" 账号: "); ret.append(rs.getString("name")); } ret.append(" 状态: "); ret.append(banned > 0 ? "已封" : "正常"); ret.append(" 封号理由: "); ret.append(banned > 0 ? rs.getString("banreason") : "(无描述)"); rs.close(); ps.close(); return ret.toString(); } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("获取玩家封号理由信息出错", ex); } return null; } public void setScriptEngine(String name, ScriptEngine e) { this.engines.put(name, e); } public ScriptEngine getScriptEngine(String name) { return (ScriptEngine) this.engines.get(name); } public void removeScriptEngine(String name) { this.engines.remove(name); } public boolean canClickNPC() { return this.lastNpcClick + 500L < System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void setClickedNPC() { this.lastNpcClick = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void removeClickedNPC() { this.lastNpcClick = 0L; } public NPCConversationManager getCM() { return NPCScriptManager.getInstance().getCM(this); } public QuestActionManager getQM() { return QuestScriptManager.getInstance().getQM(this); } public ItemActionManager getIM() { return ItemScriptManager.getInstance().getIM(this); } public boolean hasCheckMac(String macData) { if ((macData.equalsIgnoreCase("00-00-00-00-00-00")) || (macData.length() != 17) || (this.maclist.isEmpty())) { return false; } return this.maclist.contains(macData); } public boolean isAccountNameUsed(String accountName){ try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT id from accounts where name = ?"); ps.setString(1, accountName); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { rs.close(); ps.close(); return false; } } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("获取玩家封号理由信息出错", ex); return true; } return true; } protected static class CharNameAndId { public final String name; public final int id; public CharNameAndId(String name, int id) { = name; = id; } } }