package; import client.MapleCharacter; import database.DatabaseConnection; import handling.cashshop.CashShopServer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import tools.FileoutputUtil; import tools.MaplePacketCreator; import tools.packet.PartyPacket; public class WrodlPartyService { private final Map<Integer, MapleParty> partyList; private final Map<Integer, MapleExpedition> expedsList; private final Map<PartySearchType, List<PartySearch>> searcheList; private final AtomicInteger runningPartyId; private final AtomicInteger runningExpedId; public static WrodlPartyService getInstance() { return SingletonHolder.instance; } private WrodlPartyService() { try { try (PreparedStatement ps = DatabaseConnection.getConnection().prepareStatement("UPDATE characters SET party = -1, fatigue = 0")) { ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { FileoutputUtil.log("更新角色组队为-1失败"); } this.runningPartyId = new AtomicInteger(1); this.runningExpedId = new AtomicInteger(1); this.partyList = new HashMap(); this.expedsList = new HashMap(); this.searcheList = new EnumMap(PartySearchType.class); for (PartySearchType pst : PartySearchType.values()) { this.searcheList.put(pst, new ArrayList()); } } public void partyChat(int partyId, String chatText, String nameFrom) { partyChat(partyId, chatText, nameFrom, 1); } public void expedChat(int expedId, String chatText, String nameFrom) { MapleExpedition expedition = getExped(expedId); if (expedition == null) { return; } for (Iterator i$ = expedition.getParties().iterator(); i$.hasNext();) { int i = ((Integer) i$.next()); partyChat(i, chatText, nameFrom, 4); } } public void sendExpedPacket(int expedId, byte[] packet, MaplePartyCharacter exception) { MapleExpedition expedition = getExped(expedId); if (expedition == null) { return; } for (Iterator i$ = expedition.getParties().iterator(); i$.hasNext();) { int i = ((Integer) i$.next()); sendPartyPacket(i, packet, exception); } } public void sendPartyPacket(int partyId, byte[] packet, MaplePartyCharacter exception) { MapleParty party = getParty(partyId); if (party == null) { return; } for (MaplePartyCharacter partychar : party.getMembers()) { int ch = WorldFindService.getInstance().findChannel(partychar.getName()); if ((ch > 0) && ((exception == null) || (partychar.getId() != exception.getId()))) { MapleCharacter player = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(partychar.getName()); if (player != null) { player.getClient().getSession().write(packet); } } } } public void partyChat(int partyId, String chatText, String nameFrom, int mode) { MapleParty party = getParty(partyId); if (party == null) { return; } for (MaplePartyCharacter partychar : party.getMembers()) { int ch = WorldFindService.getInstance().findChannel(partychar.getName()); if (ch > 0) { MapleCharacter player = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(partychar.getName()); if ((player != null) && (!player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(nameFrom))) { player.getClient().getSession().write(MaplePacketCreator.multiChat(nameFrom, chatText, mode)); if (player.getClient().isMonitored()) { WorldBroadcastService.getInstance().broadcastGMMessage(MaplePacketCreator.serverMessageMega("[GM 信息] " + nameFrom + " said to " + player.getName() + " (组队): " + chatText)); } } } } } public void partyMessage(int partyId, String chatText) { MapleParty party = getParty(partyId); if (party == null) { return; } for (MaplePartyCharacter partychar : party.getMembers()) { int ch = WorldFindService.getInstance().findChannel(partychar.getName()); if (ch > 0) { MapleCharacter player = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(partychar.getName()); if (player != null) { player.dropMessage(5, chatText); } } } } public void expedMessage(int expedId, String chatText) { MapleExpedition expedition = getExped(expedId); if (expedition == null) { return; } for (Iterator i$ = expedition.getParties().iterator(); i$.hasNext();) { int i = ((Integer) i$.next()); partyMessage(i, chatText); } } public void updateParty(int partyId, PartyOperation operation, MaplePartyCharacter target) { MapleParty party = getParty(partyId); if (party == null) { FileoutputUtil.log("no party with the specified partyid exists."); return; } int oldExped = party.getExpeditionId(); int oldIndex = -1; if (oldExped > 0) { MapleExpedition exped = getExped(oldExped); if (exped != null) { oldIndex = exped.getIndex(partyId); } } switch (operation) { case 加入队伍: party.addMember(target); if (party.getMembers().size() < 6) { break; } PartySearch toRemove = getSearchByParty(partyId); if (toRemove != null) { removeSearch(toRemove, "队伍人数已满,组队广告已被删除。"); } else if (party.getExpeditionId() > 0) { MapleExpedition exped = getExped(party.getExpeditionId()); if ((exped != null) && (exped.getAllMembers() >= exped.getType().maxMembers)) { toRemove = getSearchByExped(exped.getId()); if (toRemove != null) { removeSearch(toRemove, "队伍人数已满,组队广告已被删除。"); } } } break; case 驱逐成员: case 离开队伍: party.removeMember(target); break; case 解散队伍: disbandParty(partyId); break; case 更新队伍: case LOG_ONOFF: party.updateMember(target); break; case 改变队长: case CHANGE_LEADER_DC: party.setLeader(target); break; case 更新信息: break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unhandeled updateParty operation " +; } if ((operation == PartyOperation.离开队伍) || (operation == PartyOperation.驱逐成员)) { int chz = WorldFindService.getInstance().findChannel(target.getName()); if (chz > 0) { MapleCharacter player = getStorage(chz).getCharacterByName(target.getName()); if (player != null) { player.setParty(null); player.getClient().getSession().write(PartyPacket.updateParty(player.getClient().getChannel(), party, operation, target)); } } if ((target.getId() == party.getLeader().getId()) && (party.getMembers().size() > 0)) { MaplePartyCharacter lchr = null; for (MaplePartyCharacter pchr : party.getMembers()) { if ((pchr != null) && ((lchr == null) || (lchr.getLevel() < pchr.getLevel()))) { lchr = pchr; } } if (lchr != null) { updateParty(partyId, PartyOperation.CHANGE_LEADER_DC, lchr); } } } if (party.getMembers().size() <= 0) { disbandParty(partyId); } for (MaplePartyCharacter partychar : party.getMembers()) { if (partychar == null) { continue; } int ch = WorldFindService.getInstance().findChannel(partychar.getName()); if (ch > 0) { MapleCharacter chr = getStorage(ch).getCharacterByName(partychar.getName()); if (chr != null) { if (operation == PartyOperation.解散队伍) { chr.setParty(null); } else { chr.setParty(party); } chr.getClient().getSession().write(PartyPacket.updateParty(chr.getClient().getChannel(), party, operation, target)); } } } } public MapleParty createParty(MaplePartyCharacter chrfor, boolean 非公开组队, String 组队名称) { MapleParty party = new MapleParty(this.runningPartyId.getAndIncrement(), chrfor, 非公开组队, 组队名称); this.partyList.put(party.getId(), party); return party; } /*public MapleParty createParty(MaplePartyCharacter chrfor) { MapleParty party = new MapleParty(this.runningPartyId.getAndIncrement(), chrfor); this.partyList.put(party.getId(), party); return party; }*/ public MapleParty createParty(MaplePartyCharacter chrfor, int expedId) { ExpeditionType ex = ExpeditionType.getById(expedId); MapleParty party = new MapleParty(this.runningPartyId.getAndIncrement(), chrfor, ex != null ? this.runningExpedId.getAndIncrement() : -1); this.partyList.put(party.getId(), party); if (ex != null) { MapleExpedition expedition = new MapleExpedition(ex, chrfor.getId(), party.getExpeditionId()); expedition.getParties().add(party.getId()); this.expedsList.put(party.getExpeditionId(), expedition); } return party; } public MapleParty createPartyAndAdd(MaplePartyCharacter chrfor, int expedId) { MapleExpedition expedition = getExped(expedId); if (expedition == null) { return null; } MapleParty party = new MapleParty(this.runningPartyId.getAndIncrement(), chrfor, expedId); this.partyList.put(party.getId(), party); expedition.getParties().add(party.getId()); return party; } public MapleParty getParty(int partyId) { return (MapleParty) this.partyList.get(partyId); } public MapleExpedition getExped(int partyId) { return (MapleExpedition) this.expedsList.get(partyId); } public MapleExpedition disbandExped(int partyId) { PartySearch toRemove = getSearchByExped(partyId); if (toRemove != null) { removeSearch(toRemove, "远征队解散,组队广告已被删除。"); } MapleExpedition ret = (MapleExpedition) this.expedsList.remove(Integer.valueOf(partyId)); Iterator i$; if (ret != null) { for (i$ = ret.getParties().iterator(); i$.hasNext();) { int p = ((Integer) i$.next()); MapleParty pp = getParty(p); if (pp != null) { updateParty(p, PartyOperation.解散队伍, pp.getLeader()); } } } return ret; } public MapleParty disbandParty(int partyId) { PartySearch toRemove = getSearchByParty(partyId); if (toRemove != null) { removeSearch(toRemove, "组队解散,组队广告已被删除。"); } MapleParty ret = (MapleParty) this.partyList.remove(Integer.valueOf(partyId)); if (ret == null) { return null; } ret.disband(); return ret; } public List<PartySearch> searchParty(PartySearchType pst) { return (List) this.searcheList.get(pst); } public void removeSearch(PartySearch ps, String text) { List ss = (List) this.searcheList.get(ps.getType()); if (ss.contains(ps)) { ss.remove(ps); ps.cancelRemoval(); if (ps.getType().exped) { expedMessage(ps.getId(), text); sendExpedPacket(ps.getId(), PartyPacket.removePartySearch(ps), null); } else { partyMessage(ps.getId(), text); sendPartyPacket(ps.getId(), PartyPacket.removePartySearch(ps), null); } } } public void addSearch(PartySearch ps) { ((List) this.searcheList.get(ps.getType())).add(ps); } public PartySearch getSearch(MapleParty party) { for (List<PartySearch> ps : this.searcheList.values()) { for (PartySearch p : ps) { if (((p.getId() == party.getId()) && (!p.getType().exped)) || ((p.getId() == party.getExpeditionId()) && (p.getType().exped))) { return p; } } } return null; } public PartySearch getSearchByParty(int partyId) { for (List<PartySearch> ps : this.searcheList.values()) { for (PartySearch p : ps) { if ((p.getId() == partyId) && (!p.getType().exped)) { return p; } } } return null; } public PartySearch getSearchByExped(int partyId) { for (List<PartySearch> ps : this.searcheList.values()) { for (PartySearch p : ps) { if ((p.getId() == partyId) && (p.getType().exped)) { return p; } } } return null; } public boolean partyListed(MapleParty party) { return getSearchByParty(party.getId()) != null; } public PlayerStorage getStorage(int channel) { if (channel == -10) { return CashShopServer.getPlayerStorage(); } return ChannelServer.getInstance(channel).getPlayerStorage(); } private static class SingletonHolder { protected static final WrodlPartyService instance = new WrodlPartyService(); } }