package client; import client.inventory.Equip; import client.inventory.Item; import client.inventory.MapleInventoryType; import client.inventory.MapleWeaponType; import constants.GameConstants; import constants.ItemConstants; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import server.MapleInventoryManipulator; import server.MapleItemInformationProvider; import server.MapleStatEffect; import server.ServerProperties; import server.StructItemOption; import server.StructSetItem; import server.StructSetItemStat; import; import server.skill.冒险家.侠客; import server.skill.冒险家.勇士; import tools.MaplePacketCreator; import tools.Pair; import tools.Triple; import; import tools.packet.InventoryPacket; /** * 角色状态信息 可以在在 这里添加被动技能的效果 * */ public class PlayerStats implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -679541993413738569L; private final Map<Integer, Integer> setHandling = new HashMap(); private final Map<Integer, Integer> skillsIncrement = new HashMap(); private final Map<Integer, Integer> damageIncrease = new HashMap(); private final EnumMap<Element, Integer> elemBoosts = new EnumMap(Element.class); private final List<Equip> equipLevelHandling = new ArrayList(); private transient float shouldHealHP; // 每次自动回血数值 private transient float shouldHealMP; // 每次自动回蓝数值 public short str; public short dex; public short luk; public short int_; public int baseHp; // 客户端显示的HP public int baseMaxHp; public int baseMp; public int baseMaxMp; private transient byte passive_mastery; private transient int localstr; private transient int localdex; private transient int localluk; private transient int localint_; private transient int localmaxhp; private transient int localmaxmp; private transient int addmaxhp; private transient int addmaxmp; private transient int IndieStrFX; private transient int IndieDexFX; private transient int IndieLukFX; private transient int IndieIntFX; private transient int magic; private transient int watk; private transient int hands; private transient int accuracy; public transient boolean equippedWelcomeBackRing; public transient boolean hasClone; public transient boolean hasPartyBonus; public transient boolean Berserk; public transient boolean canFish; public transient boolean canFishVIP; public transient double expBuff; public transient double dropBuff; public transient double mesoBuff; public transient double cashBuff; public transient double mesoGuard; public transient double mesoGuardMeso; public transient double expMod; public transient double pickupRange; public transient double incRewardProp; public transient int recoverHP; public transient int recoverMP; public transient int mpconReduce; public transient int mpconPercent; public transient int incMesoProp; public transient int reduceCooltime; public transient int coolTimeR; public transient int suddenDeathR; public transient int expLossReduceR; public transient int DAMreflect; public transient int DAMreflect_rate; public transient int ignoreDAMr; public transient int ignoreDAMr_rate; public transient int ignoreDAM; public transient int ignoreDAM_rate; public transient int mpRestore; public transient int hpRecover; public transient int hpRecoverProp; public transient int hpRecoverPercent; public transient int mpRecover; public transient int mpRecoverProp; public transient int RecoveryUP; public transient int BuffUP; public transient int RecoveryUP_Skill; public transient int BuffUP_Skill; public transient int BuffTimeR; public transient int incAllskill; public transient int combatOrders; public transient int defRange; public transient int BuffUP_Summon; public transient int dodgeChance; public transient int speed; public transient int speedMax; public transient int jump; public transient int harvestingTool; public transient int equipmentBonusExp; public transient int dropMod; public transient int cashMod; public transient int levelBonus; public transient int ASR; public transient int TER; public transient int pickRate; public transient int decreaseDebuff; public transient int equippedFairy; public transient int pvpDamage; public transient int hpRecoverTime = 0; public transient int mpRecoverTime = 0; public transient int dot; public transient int dotTime; public transient int questBonus; public transient int wdef; public transient int mdef; public transient int trueMastery; public transient int damX; public transient int incMaxDamage; public transient int incMaxDF; private transient short passive_sharpeye_rate; private transient short passive_sharpeye_max_percent; private transient short passive_sharpeye_min_percent; public transient int stanceProp; public transient int percent_wdef; public transient int percent_mdef; public transient int percent_hp; public transient int percent_mp; public transient int percent_str; public transient int percent_dex; public transient int percent_int; public transient int percent_luk; public transient int percent_acc; public transient int percent_atk; public transient int percent_matk; public transient int percent_ignore_mob_def_rate; public transient double percent_damage; public transient int percent_damage_rate; public transient int percent_boss_damage_rate; public transient int ignore_mob_damage_rate; public transient int reduceDamageRate; private transient float localmaxbasedamage; private transient float localmaxbasepvpdamage; private transient float localmaxbasepvpdamageL; public transient int def; public transient int element_ice; public transient int element_fire; public transient int element_light; public transient int element_psn; public transient int raidenCount; public transient int raidenPorp; private final Map<Integer, Integer> add_skill_duration = new HashMap(); private final Map<Integer, Integer> add_skill_attackCount = new HashMap(); private final Map<Integer, Integer> add_skill_targetPlus = new HashMap(); private final Map<Integer, Integer> add_skill_bossDamageRate = new HashMap(); private final Map<Integer, Integer> add_skill_dotTime = new HashMap(); private final Map<Integer, Integer> add_skill_prop = new HashMap(); private final Map<Integer, Integer> add_skill_coolTimeR = new HashMap(); private final Map<Integer, Integer> add_skill_ignoreMobpdpR = new HashMap(); private static final int[] allJobs = {0, 10000000, 20000000, 20010000, 20020000, 20030000, 20040000, 30000000, 30010000, 30020000, 50000000, 60000000, 60010000, 100000000}; public void recalcLocalStats(MapleCharacter chra) { recalcLocalStats(false, chra); } private void resetLocalStats(int job) { this.accuracy = 0; //命中率 this.wdef = 0; //物理防御 this.mdef = 0; //魔法防御 this.damX = 0; //攻击 this.addmaxhp = 0; //增加MAXHP this.addmaxmp = 0; //增加MAXMP this.localdex = getDex(); //敏捷 this.localint_ = getInt(); //智力 this.localstr = getStr(); //力量 this.localluk = getLuk(); //运气 this.IndieDexFX = 0; this.IndieIntFX = 0; this.IndieStrFX = 0; this.IndieLukFX = 0; this.speed = 100; //速度 this.jump = 100; //跳跃力 this.pickupRange = 0.0D; //减捡取范围 this.decreaseDebuff = 0; // this.ASR = 0; // this.TER = 0; // = 0; //持续伤害 this.questBonus = 1; // this.dotTime = 0; //持续伤害时间 this.trueMastery = 0; //熟练度 this.stanceProp = 0; // this.percent_wdef = 0; //增加百分比物理防御 this.percent_mdef = 0; //增加百分比魔法防御 this.percent_hp = 0; //增加百分比HP this.percent_mp = 0; //增加百分比HP this.percent_str = 0; //增加百分比力量 this.percent_dex = 0; //增加百分比敏捷 this.percent_int = 0; //增加百分比智力 this.percent_luk = 0; //增加百分比运气 this.percent_acc = 0; //增加百分比命中 this.percent_atk = 0; //增加百分比攻击 this.percent_matk = 0; //增加百分比魔法攻击 this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate = 0; //增加百分比无视怪物防御 this.passive_sharpeye_rate = 5;//暴击概率 this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = 20;//最小暴击伤害 this.passive_sharpeye_max_percent = 50; //最大暴击伤害 this.percent_damage_rate = 100; //增加百分比伤害 this.percent_boss_damage_rate = 100; //增加BOSS百分比伤害 this.magic = 0; //魔法力 this.watk = 0; //物理攻击力 this.dodgeChance = 0; //闪避 this.pvpDamage = 0; this.mesoGuard = 50.0D; //金钱盾吸收伤害比例 this.mesoGuardMeso = 0.0D; // 金钱盾剩余金币 this.percent_damage = 0.0D; //百分比伤害 this.expBuff = 100.0D; //经验BUFF this.cashBuff = 100.0D; this.dropBuff = 100.0D; this.mesoBuff = 100.0D; this.recoverHP = 0; //恢复HP量 this.recoverMP = 0; //恢复MP量 this.mpconReduce = 0; //恢复MP量 this.mpconPercent = 100; //恢复MP百分比量 this.incMesoProp = 0; this.reduceCooltime = 0; //技能冷却 this.coolTimeR = 0; //技能冷却 this.suddenDeathR = 0; this.expLossReduceR = 0; this.incRewardProp = 0.0D; this.DAMreflect = 0; this.DAMreflect_rate = 0; this.ignoreDAMr = 0; //无视伤害 this.ignoreDAMr_rate = 0;//无视伤害百分比 this.ignoreDAM = 0; //无视伤害 this.ignoreDAM_rate = 0; //无视伤害百分比 this.hpRecover = 0; //HP恢复 this.hpRecoverProp = 0; //HP恢复概率 this.hpRecoverPercent = 0; //HP恢复百分比 this.mpRecover = 0; //MP恢复 this.mpRecoverProp = 0; //MP恢复概率 this.mpRestore = 0; this.pickRate = 0; this.incMaxDamage = 0; //最大伤害 this.equippedWelcomeBackRing = false; this.equippedFairy = 0; this.hasPartyBonus = false; this.hasClone = false; this.Berserk = false; this.canFish = false; this.canFishVIP = false; this.equipmentBonusExp = 0; this.RecoveryUP = 100; this.BuffUP = 100; this.RecoveryUP_Skill = 100; this.BuffTimeR = 100; this.BuffUP_Skill = 100; this.BuffUP_Summon = 100; this.dropMod = 1; this.expMod = 1.0D; this.cashMod = 1; this.levelBonus = 0; this.incMaxDF = 0; this.incAllskill = 0; this.combatOrders = 0; this.defRange = (isRangedJob(job) ? 200 : 0); this.equipLevelHandling.clear(); this.skillsIncrement.clear(); this.damageIncrease.clear(); this.setHandling.clear(); this.add_skill_duration.clear(); this.add_skill_attackCount.clear(); this.add_skill_targetPlus.clear(); this.add_skill_dotTime.clear(); this.add_skill_prop.clear(); this.add_skill_coolTimeR.clear(); this.add_skill_ignoreMobpdpR.clear(); this.harvestingTool = 0; this.element_fire = 100; this.element_ice = 100; this.element_light = 100; this.element_psn = 100; this.def = 100; this.raidenCount = 0; this.raidenPorp = 0; this.ignore_mob_damage_rate = 0; this.reduceDamageRate = 0; } /** * 计算各类属性状态 * * @param first_login 布尔值是否第一次登录 * @param chra 角色实例 */ public void recalcLocalStats(boolean first_login, MapleCharacter chra) { MapleItemInformationProvider ii = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance(); int localmaxhp_ = getMaxHp(); int localmaxmp_ = getMaxMp(); resetLocalStats(chra.getJob()); Map sData = new HashMap(); Iterator itera = chra.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).newList().iterator(); while (itera.hasNext()) { Equip equip = (Equip); if ((equip.getPosition() == -11) && (ItemConstants.isMagicWeapon(equip.getItemId()))) { Map eqstat = ii.getEquipStats(equip.getItemId()); if (eqstat != null) { if (eqstat.containsKey("incRMAF")) { this.element_fire = ((Integer) eqstat.get("incRMAF")); } if (eqstat.containsKey("incRMAI")) { this.element_ice = ((Integer) eqstat.get("incRMAI")); } if (eqstat.containsKey("incRMAL")) { this.element_light = ((Integer) eqstat.get("incRMAL")); } if (eqstat.containsKey("incRMAS")) { this.element_psn = ((Integer) eqstat.get("incRMAS")); } if (eqstat.containsKey("elemDefault")) { this.def = ((Integer) eqstat.get("elemDefault")); } } } if ((equip.getItemId() / 10000 == 167) && chra.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((short) -34) == null) { continue; } this.accuracy += equip.getAcc(); localmaxhp_ += equip.getHp(); localmaxmp_ += equip.getMp(); this.localdex += equip.getDex(); this.localint_ += equip.getInt(); this.localstr += equip.getStr(); this.localluk += equip.getLuk(); this.magic += equip.getMatk(); this.watk += equip.getWatk(); this.wdef += equip.getWdef(); this.mdef += equip.getMdef(); this.speed += equip.getSpeed(); this.jump += equip.getJump(); if (equip.getItemId() / 1000 == 1099) { this.incMaxDF += equip.getMp(); } this.percent_hp += ii.getItemIncMHPr(equip.getItemId()); this.percent_mp += ii.getItemIncMMPr(equip.getItemId()); this.percent_boss_damage_rate += equip.getBossDamage(); this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate += equip.getIgnorePDR(); this.percent_damage_rate += equip.getTotalDamage(); Integer set = ii.getSetItemID(equip.getItemId()); if ((set != null) && (set > 0)) { int value = 1; if (this.setHandling.containsKey(set)) { value += (this.setHandling.get(set)); } this.setHandling.put(set, value); } Iterator i$; Pair ix = handleEquipAdditions(ii, chra, first_login, sData, equip.getItemId()); if (ix != null) { localmaxhp_ += ((Integer) ix.getLeft()); localmaxmp_ += ((Integer) ix.getRight()); } if ((GameConstants.getMaxLevel(equip.getItemId()) > 0) && (GameConstants.getStatFromWeapon(equip.getItemId()) == null ? equip.getEquipLevel() <= GameConstants.getMaxLevel(equip.getItemId()) : equip.getEquipLevel() < GameConstants.getMaxLevel(equip.getItemId()))) { this.equipLevelHandling.add(equip); } } Iterator iter = this.setHandling.entrySet().iterator(); Map.Entry entry; while (iter.hasNext()) { entry = (Map.Entry); StructSetItem setItem = ii.getSetItem(((Integer) entry.getKey()).intValue()); if (setItem != null) { Map<Integer, StructSetItemStat> setItemStats = setItem.getSetItemStats(); for (Entry<Integer, StructSetItemStat> ent : setItemStats.entrySet()) { StructSetItemStat setItemStat = (StructSetItemStat) ent.getValue(); if ((ent.getKey()) <= ((Integer) entry.getValue())) { this.localstr += setItemStat.incSTR + setItemStat.incAllStat; this.localdex += setItemStat.incDEX + setItemStat.incAllStat; this.localint_ += setItemStat.incINT + setItemStat.incAllStat; this.localluk += setItemStat.incLUK + setItemStat.incAllStat; this.watk += setItemStat.incPAD; this.magic += setItemStat.incMAD; this.speed += setItemStat.incSpeed; this.accuracy += setItemStat.incACC; localmaxhp_ += setItemStat.incMHP; localmaxmp_ += setItemStat.incMMP; this.percent_hp += setItemStat.incMHPr; this.percent_mp += setItemStat.incMMPr; this.wdef += setItemStat.incPDD; this.mdef += setItemStat.incMDD; } } } } int hour = Calendar.getInstance().get(11); for (Item item : chra.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.CASH).newList()) { if (item.getItemId() / 100000 == 52) { if ((this.expMod < 3.0D) && (item.getItemId() == 5211060)) { this.expMod = 3.0D; } else if ((this.expMod < 2.0D) && ((item.getItemId() == 5210000) || (item.getItemId() == 5210001) || (item.getItemId() == 5210002) || (item.getItemId() == 5210003) || (item.getItemId() == 5210004) || (item.getItemId() == 5210005) || (item.getItemId() == 5210006) || (item.getItemId() == 5211047))) { this.expMod = 2.0D; } else if ((this.expMod < 1.5D) && ((item.getItemId() == 5211063) || (item.getItemId() == 5211064) || (item.getItemId() == 5211065) || (item.getItemId() == 5211066) || (item.getItemId() == 5211069) || (item.getItemId() == 5211070))) { this.expMod = 1.5D; } else if ((this.expMod < 1.2D) && ((item.getItemId() == 5211071) || (item.getItemId() == 5211072) || (item.getItemId() == 5211073) || (item.getItemId() == 5211074) || (item.getItemId() == 5211075) || (item.getItemId() == 5211076) || (item.getItemId() == 5211067))) { this.expMod = 1.2D; } } else if ((this.dropMod == 1) && (item.getItemId() / 10000 == 536)) { if ((item.getItemId() == 5360000) || (item.getItemId() == 5360014) || (item.getItemId() == 5360015) || (item.getItemId() == 5360016)) { this.dropMod = 2; } } else if (item.getItemId() == 5650000) { this.hasPartyBonus = true; } else if (item.getItemId() == 5590001) { this.levelBonus = 10; } else if ((this.levelBonus == 0) && (item.getItemId() == 5590000)) { this.levelBonus = 5; } else if (item.getItemId() == 5710000) { this.questBonus = 2; } else if (item.getItemId() == 5340000) { this.canFish = true; } else if (item.getItemId() == 5340001) { this.canFish = true; this.canFishVIP = true; } } // handlePassiveSkills(chra); handleBuffStats(chra); Integer buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.最大体力); if (buff != null) { localmaxhp_ += buff; } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.最大魔力); if (buff != null) { localmaxmp_ += buff; } long now; this.localstr = (int) (this.localstr + (Math.floor(this.localstr * this.percent_str / 100.0F) + this.IndieStrFX)); this.localdex = (int) (this.localdex + (Math.floor(this.localdex * this.percent_dex / 100.0F) + this.IndieDexFX)); this.localint_ = (int) (this.localint_ + (Math.floor(this.localint_ * this.percent_int / 100.0F) + this.IndieIntFX)); this.localluk = (int) (this.localluk + (Math.floor(this.localluk * this.percent_luk / 100.0F) + this.IndieLukFX)); if (this.localint_ > this.localdex) { this.accuracy = (int) (this.accuracy + Math.floor(this.localint_ * 1.6D + this.localluk * 0.8D + this.localdex * 0.4D)); } else { this.accuracy = (int) (this.accuracy + Math.floor(this.localdex * 1.6D + this.localluk * 0.8D + this.localstr * 0.4D)); } this.watk = (int) (this.watk + Math.floor(this.watk * this.percent_atk / 100.0F)); this.magic = (int) (this.magic + Math.floor(this.magic * this.percent_matk / 100.0F)); this.localint_ = (int) (this.localint_ + Math.floor(this.localint_ * this.percent_matk / 100.0F)); this.wdef = (int) (this.wdef + Math.floor(this.localstr * 1.5D + (this.localdex + this.localluk) * 0.4D)); this.mdef = (int) (this.mdef + Math.floor(this.localint_ * 1.5D + (this.localdex + this.localluk) * 0.4D)); this.wdef = (int) (this.wdef + Math.min(9999.0D, Math.floor(this.wdef * this.percent_wdef / 100.0F))); this.mdef = (int) (this.mdef + Math.min(9999.0D, Math.floor(this.mdef * this.percent_mdef / 100.0F))); this.hands = (this.localdex + this.localint_ + this.localluk); this.accuracy = (int) (this.accuracy + Math.min(9999.0D, Math.floor(this.accuracy * this.percent_acc / 100.0F))); localmaxhp_ += this.addmaxhp; localmaxhp_ = (int) (localmaxhp_ + Math.floor(this.percent_hp * localmaxhp_ / 100.0F)); this.localmaxhp = Math.min(chra.getMaxHpForSever(), Math.abs(Math.max(-chra.getMaxHpForSever(), localmaxhp_))); localmaxmp_ = (int) (localmaxmp_ + Math.floor(this.percent_mp * localmaxmp_ / 100.0F)); localmaxmp_ += this.addmaxmp; this.localmaxmp = Math.min(chra.getMaxMpForSever(), Math.abs(Math.max(-chra.getMaxMpForSever(), localmaxmp_))); chra.changeSkillLevel_Skip(sData, false); // CalcPassive_SharpEye(chra); CalcPassive_Mastery(chra); if (first_login) { chra.silentEnforceMaxHpMp(); relocHeal(chra); } else { chra.enforceMaxHpMp(); } calculateMaxBaseDamage(Math.max(this.magic, this.watk), this.damX, this.pvpDamage, chra); this.trueMastery = Math.min(100, this.trueMastery); this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) Math.min(this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent, this.passive_sharpeye_max_percent); if ((getMaxHp() != this.localmaxhp)) { chra.updatePartyMemberHP(); } } public double getDropBuff() { if (this.incRewardProp > 100.0D) { this.incRewardProp = 100.0D; } return this.dropBuff + this.incRewardProp; } /** * 处理被动技能 可以在在 这里添加被动技能的效果 * * @author 7 */ private void handlePassiveSkills(MapleCharacter chra) { // MapleStatEffect eff = null; Item shield = chra.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((short) -10); switch (chra.getJob()) { case 100: case 110: case 111: case 112: case 120: case 121: case 122: case 130: case 131: case 132: Skill bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1001003); int bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); MapleStatEffect eff; if (bof > 0) { addBuffDuration(1001003, bx.getEffect(bof).getDuration()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1000009); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { eff = bx.getEffect(bof); this.addmaxhp += eff.getLevelToMaxHp() * chra.getLevel(); this.jump += eff.getPassiveJump(); this.speed += eff.getSpeedMax(); } break; case 200: case 210: case 211: case 212: case 220: case 221: case 222: case 230: case 231: case 232: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2000006); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { eff = bx.getEffect(bof); this.percent_mp += eff.getPercentMP(); this.addmaxmp += eff.getLevelToMaxMp() * chra.getLevel(); } break; case 300: case 310: case 311: case 312: case 320: case 321: case 322: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3000002); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { eff = bx.getEffect(bof); this.defRange += eff.getRange(); this.accuracy += eff.getAcc(); } break; case 400: case 410: case 411: case 412: case 420: case 421: case 422: case 431: case 432: case 433: case 434: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4000010); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { eff = bx.getEffect(bof); this.percent_hp += eff.getPercentHP(); this.ASR += eff.getASRRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4001005); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); eff = bx.getEffect(bof); if (bof > 0) { this.speed += eff.getSpeedMax(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4000012); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.dodgeChance += bx.getEffect(bof).getER(); } break; case 500: case 510: case 511: case 512: case 520: case 521: case 522: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5000000); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); eff = bx.getEffect(bof); if (bof > 0) { this.accuracy += eff.getAccX(); this.jump += eff.getPassiveJump(); this.speed += eff.getSpeedMax(); } } Skill bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(80000000); int bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); MapleStatEffect eff = bx.getEffect(bof); if (bof > 0) { this.localstr += eff.getStrX(); this.localdex += eff.getDexX(); this.localint_ += eff.getIntX(); this.localluk += eff.getLukX(); this.percent_hp += eff.getPercentHP(); this.percent_mp += eff.getPercentMP(); } if (GameConstants.is冒险家(chra.getJob())) { bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(74); bof = chra.getSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.levelBonus += bx.getEffect(bof).getX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(80); bof = chra.getSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.levelBonus += bx.getEffect(bof).getX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(10074); bof = chra.getSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.levelBonus += bx.getEffect(bof).getX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(10080); bof = chra.getSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.levelBonus += bx.getEffect(bof).getX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(110); bof = chra.getSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localstr += bx.getEffect(bof).getStrX(); this.localdex += bx.getEffect(bof).getDexX(); this.localint_ += bx.getEffect(bof).getIntX(); this.localluk += bx.getEffect(bof).getLukX(); this.percent_hp = (int) (this.percent_hp + bx.getEffect(bof).getHpR()); this.percent_mp = (int) (this.percent_mp + bx.getEffect(bof).getMpR()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(10110); bof = chra.getSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localstr += bx.getEffect(bof).getStrX(); this.localdex += bx.getEffect(bof).getDexX(); this.localint_ += bx.getEffect(bof).getIntX(); this.localluk += bx.getEffect(bof).getLukX(); this.percent_hp = (int) (this.percent_hp + bx.getEffect(bof).getHpR()); this.percent_mp = (int) (this.percent_mp + bx.getEffect(bof).getMpR()); } } switch (chra.getJob()) { case 110: case 111: case 112: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1100009); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localstr += bx.getEffect(bof).getStrX(); this.localdex += bx.getEffect(bof).getDexX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1110011); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.ASR += bx.getEffect(bof).getASRRate(); this.TER += bx.getEffect(bof).getTERRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1110009); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getDamage(); this.percent_boss_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getDamage(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1120012); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getIgnoreMob(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1120013); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.watk += bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1120043); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { MapleStatEffect 斗气效果 = chra.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.斗气集中); Integer 斗气状态 = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.斗气集中); if ((斗气效果 != null) && (斗气状态 != null)) { this.percent_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate() * (斗气状态 - 1); this.percent_boss_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate() * (斗气状态 - 1); } } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1120044); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addSkillProp(勇士.斗气集中, bx.getEffect(bof).getProb()); addSkillProp(1120003, bx.getEffect(bof).getProb()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1120045); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { MapleStatEffect 斗气效果 = chra.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.斗气集中); Integer 斗气状态 = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.斗气集中); if ((斗气效果 != null) && (斗气状态 != null)) { this.percent_boss_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getW() * (斗气状态 - 1); } } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1120046); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_acc += bx.getEffect(bof).getArRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1120047); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.watk += bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1120049); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(1121008, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); addDamageIncrease(1120017, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1120050); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addTargetPlus(1121008, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); addTargetPlus(1120017, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1120051); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(1121008, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); addAttackCount(1120017, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } break; case 120: case 121: case 122: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1200009); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localstr += bx.getEffect(bof).getStrX(); this.localdex += bx.getEffect(bof).getDexX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1210001); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if ((bof > 0) && (shield != null)) { this.percent_wdef += bx.getEffect(bof).getX(); this.percent_mdef += bx.getEffect(bof).getX(); this.dodgeChance += bx.getEffect(bof).getER(); this.ASR += bx.getEffect(bof).getASRRate(); this.TER += bx.getEffect(bof).getASRRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1210015); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.reduceDamageRate += bx.getEffect(bof).getT(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1221016); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.ASR += bx.getEffect(bof).getASRRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1220010); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(1201011, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); addAttackCount(1201012, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); addAttackCount(1211008, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); addAttackCount(1221004, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); addAttackCount(1221009, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); addTargetPlus(1201011, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); addTargetPlus(1201012, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); addTargetPlus(1211008, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); addTargetPlus(1221004, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); addTargetPlus(1221009, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1220043); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addBuffDuration(1211013, bx.getEffect(bof).getDuration()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1220044); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addSkillProp(1211013, bx.getEffect(bof).getProb()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1220046); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(1221009, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1220048); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(1221009, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1220049); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(1221011, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1220050); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(1221011, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1220051); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addCoolTimeReduce(1221011, bx.getEffect(bof).getCooltimeReduceR()); } break; case 130: case 131: case 132: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1300009); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localstr += bx.getEffect(bof).getStrX(); this.localdex += bx.getEffect(bof).getDexX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1310010); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.ASR += bx.getEffect(bof).getASRRate(); this.TER += bx.getEffect(bof).getTERRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1310009); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + bx.getEffect(bof).getCritical()); this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent + bx.getEffect(bof).getCriticalMin()); this.hpRecoverProp += bx.getEffect(bof).getProb(); this.hpRecoverPercent += bx.getEffect(bof).getX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1321015); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getIgnoreMob(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1320043); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addBuffDuration(1301007, bx.getEffect(bof).getDuration()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1320046); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getDamage(); this.percent_boss_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getDamage(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1320047); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent + bx.getEffect(bof).getCriticalMin()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1320048); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + bx.getEffect(bof).getCritical()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1320049); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(1321012, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1320050); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addIgnoreMobpdpRate(1321012, bx.getEffect(bof).getIgnoreMob()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1320051); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(1321012, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } break; case 210: case 211: case 212: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2100007); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localint_ += bx.getEffect(bof).getIntX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2110000); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.dotTime += bx.getEffect(bof).getX(); += bx.getEffect(bof).getZ(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2110001); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.mpconPercent += bx.getEffect(bof).getCostMpRate(); this.percent_damage += bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2121003); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(2111003, bx.getEffect(bof).getX()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2120012); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.magic += bx.getEffect(bof).getMagicX(); this.BuffUP_Skill += bx.getEffect(bof).getBuffTimeRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2120010); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getX() * bx.getEffect(bof).getY(); this.percent_boss_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getX() * bx.getEffect(bof).getY(); this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getIgnoreMob(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2120046); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(2121006, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2120049); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(2121003, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2120050); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addIgnoreMobpdpRate(2121003, bx.getEffect(bof).getIgnoreMob()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2120051); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addCoolTimeReduce(2121003, bx.getEffect(bof).getCooltimeReduceR()); } break; case 220: case 221: case 222: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2200007); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localint_ += bx.getEffect(bof).getIntX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2210000); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { += bx.getEffect(bof).getZ(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2210001); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.mpconPercent += bx.getEffect(bof).getCostMpRate(); this.percent_damage += bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2220013); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.magic += bx.getEffect(bof).getMagicX(); this.BuffUP_Skill += bx.getEffect(bof).getBuffTimeRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2220010); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getX() * bx.getEffect(bof).getY(); this.percent_boss_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getX() * bx.getEffect(bof).getY(); this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getIgnoreMob(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2220043); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(2211007, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2220044); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addTargetPlus(2211007, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2220046); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(2221006, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2220047); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addTargetPlus(2221006, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2220048); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(2221006, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2220049); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addTargetPlus(2211010, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2220050); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(2211010, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2220051); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addCoolTimeReduce(2211010, bx.getEffect(bof).getCooltimeReduceR()); } break; case 230: case 231: case 232: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2300007); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localint_ += bx.getEffect(bof).getIntX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2320012); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.magic += bx.getEffect(bof).getMagicX(); this.BuffUP_Skill += bx.getEffect(bof).getBuffTimeRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2320011); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getX() * bx.getEffect(bof).getY(); this.percent_boss_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getX() * bx.getEffect(bof).getY(); this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getIgnoreMob(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2320044); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addBuffDuration(2311009, bx.getEffect(bof).getDuration()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2320045); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addCoolTimeReduce(2311009, bx.getEffect(bof).getCooltimeReduceR()); } break; case 310: case 311: case 312: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3100006); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localstr += bx.getEffect(bof).getStrX(); this.localdex += bx.getEffect(bof).getDexX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3110012); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.ASR += bx.getEffect(bof).getASRRate(); this.TER += bx.getEffect(bof).getTERRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3110014); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getIgnoreMob(); this.percent_acc += bx.getEffect(bof).getArRate(); this.percent_damage += bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3111005); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_wdef += bx.getEffect(bof).getWDEFRate(); this.percent_mdef += bx.getEffect(bof).getMDEFRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3111010); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_hp += bx.getEffect(bof).getPercentHP(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3110007); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.dodgeChance += bx.getEffect(bof).getER(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3120008); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.watk += bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackX(); addDamageIncrease(3100001, bx.getEffect(bof).getDamage()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3120043); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addBuffDuration(3121002, bx.getEffect(bof).getDuration()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3120044); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3120045); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3120046); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(3121015, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3120047); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addTargetPlus(3121015, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3120048); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(3121015, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3120049); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(3121013, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3120050); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_boss_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getBossDamage(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3120051); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addTargetPlus(3121013, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); } break; case 320: case 321: case 322: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3200006); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localstr += bx.getEffect(bof).getStrX(); this.localdex += bx.getEffect(bof).getDexX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3210007); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.dodgeChance += bx.getEffect(bof).getER(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3210015); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getIgnoreMob(); this.percent_acc += bx.getEffect(bof).getArRate(); this.percent_damage += bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3211005); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_wdef += bx.getEffect(bof).getWDEFRate(); this.percent_mdef += bx.getEffect(bof).getMDEFRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3211010); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_hp += bx.getEffect(bof).getPercentHP(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3211011); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.ASR += bx.getEffect(bof).getASRRate(); this.TER += bx.getEffect(bof).getTERRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3220043); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addBuffDuration(3221002, bx.getEffect(bof).getDuration()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3220044); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3220045); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3220046); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(3221017, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3220047); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addTargetPlus(3221017, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3220048); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(3221017, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3220049); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(3221007, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3220050); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3220051); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addCoolTimeReduce(3221007, bx.getEffect(bof).getCooltimeReduceR()); } break; case 410: case 411: case 412: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4100007); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localluk += bx.getEffect(bof).getLukX(); this.localdex += bx.getEffect(bof).getDexX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4110008); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_hp += bx.getEffect(bof).getPercentHP(); this.ASR += bx.getEffect(bof).getASRRate(); this.TER += bx.getEffect(bof).getTERRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4110012); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_damage += bx.getEffect(bof).getPercentDamageRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4110014); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.RecoveryUP += bx.getEffect(bof).getX() - 100; this.BuffUP += bx.getEffect(bof).getY() - 100; } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4121014); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getIgnoreMob(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4120043); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(4111015, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4120044); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addTargetPlus(4111015, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4120045); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(4111015, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4120048); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addCoolTimeReduce(4121015, bx.getEffect(bof).getCooltimeReduceR()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4120049); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(4121013, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4120050); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_boss_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getBossDamage(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4120051); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(4121013, bx.getEffect(bof).getBulletCount()); } break; case 420: case 421: case 422: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4200007); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localluk += bx.getEffect(bof).getLukX(); this.localdex += bx.getEffect(bof).getDexX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4210013); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_hp += bx.getEffect(bof).getPercentHP(); this.ASR += bx.getEffect(bof).getASRRate(); this.TER += bx.getEffect(bof).getTERRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4200010); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); // Item shield = chra.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem(-10); if ((bof > 0) && (shield != null)) { this.percent_wdef += bx.getEffect(bof).getX(); this.percent_mdef += bx.getEffect(bof).getX(); this.dodgeChance += bx.getEffect(bof).getER(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4221013); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getIgnoreMob(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4221007); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(4201012, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); addDamageIncrease(侠客.神通术, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); addDamageIncrease(4211002, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); addDamageIncrease(4211011, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4220043); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(4211006, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4220044); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addTargetPlus(4211006, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4220046); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(4221007, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4220047); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addTargetPlus(4221007, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4220048); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(4221007, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4220049); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(4221014, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4220050); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(4221014, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } break; case 431: case 432: case 433: case 434: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4310006); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localluk += bx.getEffect(bof).getLukX(); this.localdex += bx.getEffect(bof).getDexX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4330007); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.hpRecoverProp += bx.getEffect(bof).getProb(); this.hpRecoverPercent += bx.getEffect(bof).getX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4330008); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_hp += bx.getEffect(bof).getPercentHP(); this.ASR += bx.getEffect(bof).getASRRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4330009); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.dodgeChance += bx.getEffect(bof).getER(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4341006); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_wdef += bx.getEffect(bof).getWDEFRate(); this.percent_mdef += bx.getEffect(bof).getMDEFRate(); this.dodgeChance += bx.getEffect(bof).getER(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4341002); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(4311002, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); addDamageIncrease(4311003, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); addDamageIncrease(4301004, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); addDamageIncrease(4331000, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); addDamageIncrease(4321004, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); addDamageIncrease(4321006, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4340043); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(4331000, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4340044); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addTargetPlus(4331000, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4340045); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(4331000, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4340046); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(4341009, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4340047); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addIgnoreMobpdpRate(4341009, bx.getEffect(bof).getIgnoreMob()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4340048); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(4341009, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4340049); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(4341011, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4340051); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addCoolTimeReduce(4341011, bx.getEffect(bof).getCooltimeReduceR()); } break; case 510: case 511: case 512: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5100009); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_hp += bx.getEffect(bof).getPercentHP(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5100010); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localstr += bx.getEffect(bof).getStrX(); this.localdex += bx.getEffect(bof).getDexX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5121015); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.ASR += bx.getEffect(bof).getASRRate(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5120014); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getX(); } double energyrate = 1.0D; if (chra.getTotalSkillLevel(5120018) > 0) { bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5120018); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); this.watk = (int) (this.watk + bx.getEffect(bof).getWatk() * energyrate); this.wdef = (int) (this.wdef + bx.getEffect(bof).getEnhancedWdef() * energyrate); this.mdef = (int) (this.mdef + bx.getEffect(bof).getEnhancedMdef() * energyrate); this.speed = (int) (this.speed + bx.getEffect(bof).getSpeed() * energyrate); this.accuracy = (int) (this.accuracy + bx.getEffect(bof).getAcc() * energyrate); } else if (chra.getTotalSkillLevel(5110014) > 0) { bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5110014); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); this.watk = (int) (this.watk + bx.getEffect(bof).getWatk() * energyrate); this.wdef = (int) (this.wdef + bx.getEffect(bof).getEnhancedWdef() * energyrate); this.mdef = (int) (this.mdef + bx.getEffect(bof).getEnhancedMdef() * energyrate); this.speed = (int) (this.speed + bx.getEffect(bof).getSpeed() * energyrate); this.accuracy = (int) (this.accuracy + bx.getEffect(bof).getAcc() * energyrate); } else if (chra.getTotalSkillLevel(5100015) > 0) { bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5100015); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); this.wdef = (int) (this.wdef + bx.getEffect(bof).getEnhancedWdef() * energyrate); this.mdef = (int) (this.mdef + bx.getEffect(bof).getEnhancedMdef() * energyrate); this.speed = (int) (this.speed + bx.getEffect(bof).getSpeed() * energyrate); this.accuracy = (int) (this.accuracy + bx.getEffect(bof).getAcc() * energyrate); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5121054); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_boss_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getBossDamage(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5120046); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(5121007, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); addDamageIncrease(5121020, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5120047); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addBossDamageRate(5121007, bx.getEffect(bof).getBossDamage()); addBossDamageRate(5121020, bx.getEffect(bof).getBossDamage()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5120048); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(5121007, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); addAttackCount(5121020, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5120049); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(5121016, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); addDamageIncrease(5121017, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5120050); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addTargetPlus(5121016, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); addTargetPlus(5121017, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5120051); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(5121016, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); addAttackCount(5121017, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } break; case 520: case 521: case 522: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5200009); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localstr += bx.getEffect(bof).getStrX(); this.localdex += bx.getEffect(bof).getDexX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5220043); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(5211008, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5220044); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addTargetPlus(5211008, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5220045); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(5211008, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5220046); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(5221017, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5220047); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addTargetPlus(5221017, bx.getEffect(bof).getTargetPlus()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5220048); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addAttackCount(5221017, bx.getEffect(bof).getAttackCount()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5220049); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { addDamageIncrease(5221004, bx.getEffect(bof).getDAMRate()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5220051); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_boss_damage_rate += bx.getEffect(bof).getBossDamage(); } break; } switch (chra.getJob()) { case 112: case 122: case 132: case 212: case 222: case 232: case 312: case 322: case 412: case 422: case 434: bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(getHyperSkillByJob(30, chra.getJob())); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localstr += bx.getEffect(bof).getStrX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(getHyperSkillByJob(31, chra.getJob())); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localdex += bx.getEffect(bof).getDexX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(getHyperSkillByJob(32, chra.getJob())); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localint_ += bx.getEffect(bof).getIntX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(getHyperSkillByJob(33, chra.getJob())); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.localluk += bx.getEffect(bof).getLukX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(getHyperSkillByJob(34, chra.getJob())); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + bx.getEffect(bof).getCritical()); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(getHyperSkillByJob(35, chra.getJob())); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(getHyperSkillByJob(36, chra.getJob())); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_hp += bx.getEffect(bof).getPercentHP(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(getHyperSkillByJob(37, chra.getJob())); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_mp += bx.getEffect(bof).getPercentMP(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(getHyperSkillByJob(38, chra.getJob())); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.incMaxDF = bx.getEffect(bof).getIndieMaxDF(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(getHyperSkillByJob(39, chra.getJob())); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_wdef += bx.getEffect(bof).getWdefX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(getHyperSkillByJob(40, chra.getJob())); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.percent_mdef += bx.getEffect(bof).getMdefX(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(getHyperSkillByJob(41, chra.getJob())); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.speed += bx.getEffect(bof).getPassiveSpeed(); } bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(getHyperSkillByJob(42, chra.getJob())); bof = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { this.jump += bx.getEffect(bof).getPassiveJump(); } } } private void handleBuffStats(MapleCharacter chra) {//TODO 添加处理BUFF效果 Integer buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.物理攻击力); if (buff != null) { this.watk += buff; } MapleStatEffect effect = chra.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.伤害增加); if ((effect != null) && (effect.getSourceId() == 31121054)) { this.mpconReduce += 20; } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.增加物理防御); if (buff != null) { this.wdef += buff; } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.魔法防御力); if (buff != null) { this.mdef += buff; } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.魔法攻击力); if (buff != null) { this.magic += buff; } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.命中率); if (buff != null) { this.accuracy += buff; } buff = chra.getBuffedSkill_Y(MapleBuffStat.隐身术); if (buff != null) { this.percent_damage_rate += buff; this.percent_boss_damage_rate += buff; } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.移动速度); if (buff != null) { this.speed += buff; } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.跳跃力); if (buff != null) { this.jump += buff; } effect = chra.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.神圣之火_最大体力百分比); if (effect != null) { this.percent_hp += effect.getX(); } effect = chra.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.神圣之火_最大魔力百分比); if (effect != null) { this.percent_mp += effect.getY(); } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.斗气集中); if (buff != null) { Skill combos = SkillFactory.getSkill(1110013); int comboslevel = chra.getTotalSkillLevel(combos); if (comboslevel > 0) { effect = combos.getEffect(comboslevel); this.percent_damage_rate += buff * effect.getX(); this.percent_boss_damage_rate += buff * effect.getX(); } } effect = chra.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.召唤兽); if ((effect != null)) { this.percent_damage_rate += effect.getX(); this.percent_boss_damage_rate += effect.getX(); } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.聚财术); if (buff != null) { this.mesoBuff *= buff.doubleValue() / 100.0D; } effect = chra.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.敛财术); if (effect != null) { this.pickRate = effect.getProb(); } effect = chra.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.金钱护盾); if (effect != null) { this.mesoGuard = (this.mesoGuard * effect.getX())/100.0D; this.mesoGuardMeso = effect.getMoneyCon(); } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.神圣祈祷); if (buff != null) { this.expBuff *= 1.0D + (buff.doubleValue() / 100.0D); } effect = chra.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.祝福护甲); if (effect != null) { this.watk += effect.getEnhancedWatk(); } effect = chra.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.反制攻击); if (effect != null) { switch (effect.getSourceId()) { case 5120011: case 5220012: case 5720012: this.percent_damage_rate += effect.getIndieDamR(); this.percent_boss_damage_rate += effect.getIndieDamR(); break; case 5121015: this.percent_damage_rate += effect.getX(); this.percent_boss_damage_rate += effect.getX(); break; default: this.percent_damage_rate += effect.getDAMRate(); this.percent_boss_damage_rate += effect.getDAMRate(); } } effect = chra.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.牧师祝福); if (effect != null) { this.watk += effect.getX(); this.magic += effect.getY(); this.accuracy += effect.getV(); } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.攻击力增加); if (buff != null) { this.watk += buff; } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.魔法攻击力增加); if (buff != null) { this.magic += buff; } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.命中值增加); if (buff != null) { this.accuracy += buff; } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.增加物理防御); if (buff != null) { this.wdef += buff; } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.魔法防御增加); if (buff != null) { this.mdef += buff; } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.最大体力百分比); if (buff != null) { this.percent_hp += buff; } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.最大魔力百分比); if (buff != null) { this.percent_mp += buff; } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.百分比无视防御); if (buff != null) { this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate += buff; } buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.伤害增加); if (buff != null) { this.percent_damage_rate += buff; this.percent_boss_damage_rate += buff; } // buff = chra.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.骑兽技能); // if (buff != null) { // this.jump = 120; // switch (buff) { // case 1: // this.speed = 150; // break; // case 2: // this.speed = 170; // break; // case 3: // this.speed = 180; // break; // default: // this.speed = 200; // } // } } public boolean checkEquipLevels(MapleCharacter chr, int gain) { boolean changed = false; MapleItemInformationProvider ii = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance(); List<Equip> all = new ArrayList(this.equipLevelHandling); for (Equip eq : all) { int lvlz = eq.getEquipLevel(); if (eq.getEquipLevel() > lvlz) { Iterator i$; for (int i = eq.getEquipLevel() - lvlz; i > 0; i--) { Map inc = ii.getEquipIncrements(eq.getItemId()); if ((inc != null) && (inc.containsKey(lvlz + i))) { eq = ii.levelUpEquip(eq, (Map) inc.get(lvlz + i)); } } changed = true; } chr.forceUpdateItem(eq.copy()); } if (changed) { chr.equipChanged(); chr.getClient().getSession().write(MaplePacketCreator.showItemLevelupEffect()); chr.getMap().broadcastMessage(chr, MaplePacketCreator.showForeignItemLevelupEffect(chr.getId()), false); } return changed; } private void CalcPassive_Mastery(MapleCharacter player) { if (player.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((short) -11) == null) { this.passive_mastery = 0; return; } MapleWeaponType weaponType = ItemConstants.getWeaponType(player.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((short) -11).getItemId()); boolean acc = true; int skil; switch (weaponType) { case 弓: skil = 3100000; break; case 手杖: skil = player.getTotalSkillLevel(24120006) > 0 ? 24120006 : 24100004; break; case 短刀: skil = (player.getJob() >= 430) && (player.getJob() <= 434) ? 4300000 : 4200000; break; case 弩: skil = 3200000; break; case 单手剑: case 单手钝器: skil = (player.getJob() >= 110) && (player.getJob() <= 112) ? 1100000 : 1200000; break; case 双手剑: case 单手斧: case 双手斧: case 双手钝器: skil = (player.getJob() >= 110) && (player.getJob() <= 112) ? 1100000 : 1200000; break; case 枪: skil = 1300000; break; case 矛: skil = 1300000; break; case 指节: skil = 5100001; break; case 长杖: case 短杖: acc = false; skil = player.getJob() <= 2000 ? 12100007 : player.getJob() <= 232 ? 2300006 : player.getJob() <= 222 ? 2200006 : player.getJob() <= 212 ? 2100006 : 22120002; break; case 大剑: skil = 101000103; break; case 太刀: skil = 101000203; break; default: this.passive_mastery = 0; return; } if (player.getSkillLevel(skil) <= 0) { this.passive_mastery = 0; return; } MapleStatEffect eff = SkillFactory.getSkill(skil).getEffect(player.getTotalSkillLevel(skil)); if (acc) { this.accuracy += eff.getX(); } else { this.magic += eff.getX(); } this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + eff.getCritical()); this.passive_mastery = (byte) eff.getMastery(); this.trueMastery += eff.getMastery() + weaponType.getBaseMastery(); if (player.getJob() == 132) { Skill bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(1320018); int bof = player.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { MapleStatEffect eff2 = bx.getEffect(bof); this.passive_mastery = (byte) eff2.getMastery(); this.watk += eff2.getAttackX(); this.trueMastery -= eff.getMastery(); this.trueMastery += eff2.getMastery(); this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent + eff.getCriticalMin()); } } else if ((player.getJob() == 231) || (player.getJob() == 232)) { Skill bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(2310008); int bof = player.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { MapleStatEffect eff2 = bx.getEffect(bof); this.passive_mastery = (byte) eff2.getMastery(); this.trueMastery -= eff.getMastery(); this.trueMastery += eff2.getMastery(); this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + eff2.getCritical()); this.percent_acc += eff2.getArRate(); } } else if (player.getJob() == 312) { Skill bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3120005); int bof = player.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { MapleStatEffect eff2 = bx.getEffect(bof); this.passive_mastery = (byte) eff2.getMastery(); this.watk += eff2.getX(); this.trueMastery -= eff.getMastery(); this.trueMastery += eff2.getMastery(); this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent + eff.getCriticalMin()); } } else if (player.getJob() == 322) { Skill bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(3220004); int bof = player.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { MapleStatEffect eff2 = bx.getEffect(bof); this.passive_mastery = (byte) eff2.getMastery(); this.watk += eff2.getX(); this.trueMastery -= eff.getMastery(); this.trueMastery += eff2.getMastery(); this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent + eff.getCriticalMin()); } } else if (player.getJob() == 412) { Skill bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4120012); int bof = player.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { MapleStatEffect eff2 = bx.getEffect(bof); this.passive_mastery = (byte) eff2.getMastery(); this.accuracy += eff2.getPercentAcc(); this.dodgeChance += eff2.getPercentAvoid(); this.watk += eff2.getX(); this.trueMastery -= eff.getMastery(); this.trueMastery += eff2.getMastery(); } } else if (player.getJob() == 422) { Skill bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4220012); int bof = player.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { MapleStatEffect eff2 = bx.getEffect(bof); this.passive_mastery = (byte) eff2.getMastery(); this.accuracy += eff2.getPercentAcc(); this.dodgeChance += eff2.getPercentAvoid(); this.watk += eff2.getX(); this.trueMastery -= eff.getMastery(); this.trueMastery += eff2.getMastery(); } } else if (player.getJob() == 434) { Skill bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(4340013); int bof = player.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { MapleStatEffect eff2 = bx.getEffect(bof); this.passive_mastery = (byte) eff2.getMastery(); this.accuracy += eff2.getPercentAcc(); this.dodgeChance += eff2.getPercentAvoid(); this.watk += eff2.getX(); this.trueMastery -= eff.getMastery(); this.trueMastery += eff2.getMastery(); } } else if (player.getJob() == 512) { Skill bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5121015); int bof = player.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { MapleStatEffect eff2 = bx.getEffect(bof); this.passive_mastery = (byte) eff2.getMastery(); this.trueMastery -= eff.getMastery(); this.trueMastery += eff2.getMastery(); } } else if (player.getJob() == 522) { Skill bx = SkillFactory.getSkill(5220020); int bof = player.getTotalSkillLevel(bx); if (bof > 0) { MapleStatEffect eff2 = bx.getEffect(bof); this.passive_mastery = (byte) eff2.getMastery(); this.trueMastery -= eff.getMastery(); this.trueMastery += eff2.getMastery(); } } } private void CalcPassive_SharpEye(MapleCharacter player) { Skill critSkill; int critlevel; switch (player.getJob()) { case 410: case 411: case 412: critSkill = SkillFactory.getSkill(4100001); critlevel = player.getTotalSkillLevel(critSkill); if (critlevel <= 0) { break; } this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + (short) critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getProb()); this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent + critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCriticalMin()); break; case 434: critSkill = SkillFactory.getSkill(4340010); critlevel = player.getTotalSkillLevel(critSkill); if (critlevel <= 0) { break; } this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + (short) critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getProb()); this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent + critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCriticalMin()); break; case 211: case 212: critSkill = SkillFactory.getSkill(2110009); critlevel = player.getTotalSkillLevel(critSkill); if (critlevel <= 0) { break; } this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + (short) critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCritical()); this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent + critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCriticalMin()); break; case 221: case 222: critSkill = SkillFactory.getSkill(2210009); critlevel = player.getTotalSkillLevel(critSkill); if (critlevel <= 0) { break; } this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + (short) critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCritical()); this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent + critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCriticalMin()); break; case 231: case 232: critSkill = SkillFactory.getSkill(2310010); critlevel = player.getTotalSkillLevel(critSkill); if (critlevel <= 0) { break; } this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + (short) critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCritical()); this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent + critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCriticalMin()); break; case 530: case 531: case 532: critSkill = SkillFactory.getSkill(5300004); critlevel = player.getTotalSkillLevel(critSkill); if (critlevel <= 0) { break; } this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + (short) critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCritical()); this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent + critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCriticalMin()); break; case 300: case 310: case 311: case 312: case 320: case 321: case 322: critSkill = SkillFactory.getSkill(3000001); critlevel = player.getTotalSkillLevel(critSkill); if (critlevel <= 0) { break; } this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + (short) critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getProb()); this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent + critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCriticalMin()); break; case 500: case 510: case 511: case 512: case 520: case 521: case 522: critSkill = SkillFactory.getSkill(5000007); critlevel = player.getTotalSkillLevel(critSkill); if (critlevel > 0) { this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + (short) critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCritical()); this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent + critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCriticalMin()); } if ((player.getJob() == 511) || (player.getJob() == 512)) { critSkill = SkillFactory.getSkill(5110011); critlevel = player.getTotalSkillLevel(critSkill); if (critlevel > 0) { this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + (short) critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCritical()); this.passive_sharpeye_max_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_max_percent + critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCriticalMax()); this.percent_boss_damage_rate += critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getProb(); } critSkill = SkillFactory.getSkill(5110000); critlevel = player.getTotalSkillLevel(critSkill); if (critlevel > 0) { this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + (short) critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getProb()); this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent + critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCriticalMin()); } } if ((player.getJob() != 521) && (player.getJob() != 522)) { break; } critSkill = SkillFactory.getSkill(5210013); critlevel = player.getTotalSkillLevel(critSkill); if (critlevel <= 0) { break; } this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + (short) critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getCritical()); this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate += critSkill.getEffect(critlevel).getIgnoreMob(); } } public short passive_sharpeye_rate() { return this.passive_sharpeye_rate; } public short passive_sharpeye_min_percent() { return this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent; } public short passive_sharpeye_percent() { return this.passive_sharpeye_max_percent; } public byte passive_mastery() { return this.passive_mastery; } public double calculateMaxProjDamage(int projectileWatk, MapleCharacter chra) { if (projectileWatk < 0) { return 0.0D; } Item weapon_item = chra.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((short) -11); MapleWeaponType weapon = weapon_item == null ? MapleWeaponType.没有武器 : ItemConstants.getWeaponType(weapon_item.getItemId()); int mainstat; int secondarystat; switch (weapon) { case 单手钝器: case 枪: mainstat = this.localdex; secondarystat = this.localstr; break; default: mainstat = 0; secondarystat = 0; } float maxProjDamage = weapon.getMaxDamageMultiplier() * (4 * mainstat + secondarystat) * (projectileWatk / 100.0F); maxProjDamage = (float) (maxProjDamage + maxProjDamage * (this.percent_damage / 100.0D)); return maxProjDamage; } public void calculateMaxBaseDamage(int watk, int lv2damX, int pvpDamage, MapleCharacter chra) { if (watk <= 0) { this.localmaxbasedamage = 1.0F; this.localmaxbasepvpdamage = 1.0F; } else { Item weapon_item = chra.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((short) -11); Item weapon_item2 = chra.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((short) -10); int job = chra.getJob(); MapleWeaponType weapon = weapon_item == null ? MapleWeaponType.没有武器 : ItemConstants.getWeaponType(weapon_item.getItemId()); MapleWeaponType weapon2 = weapon_item2 == null ? MapleWeaponType.没有武器 : ItemConstants.getWeaponType(weapon_item2.getItemId()); int thirdstat = 0; int thirdstatpvp = 0; boolean mage = ((job >= 200) && (job <= 232)) || ((job >= 1200) && (job <= 1212)) || ((job >= 2200) && (job <= 2218)) || ((job >= 2700) && (job <= 2712)) || ((job >= 3200) && (job <= 3212) || ((job >= 11000) && (job <= 11212))); int mainstat; int secondarystat; int mainstatpvp; int secondarystatpvp; switch (weapon) { case 弓: case 弩: case 指节: mainstat = this.localdex; secondarystat = this.localstr; mainstatpvp = this.dex; secondarystatpvp = this.str; break; case 短刀: case 手杖: case 拳套: mainstat = this.localluk; secondarystat = this.localdex + this.localstr; mainstatpvp = this.luk; secondarystatpvp = this.dex + this.str; break; default: if (mage) { mainstat = this.localint_; secondarystat = this.localluk; mainstatpvp = this.int_; secondarystatpvp = this.luk; } else { mainstat = this.localstr; secondarystat = this.localdex; mainstatpvp = this.str; secondarystatpvp = this.dex; } } if (GameConstants.is新手职业(job)) { mainstat = this.localstr; secondarystat = this.localdex; mainstatpvp = this.str; secondarystatpvp = this.dex; } float weaponDamageMultiplier = weapon.getMaxDamageMultiplier(); this.localmaxbasepvpdamage = (weaponDamageMultiplier * (4 * mainstatpvp + secondarystatpvp) * (100.0F + pvpDamage / 100.0F) + lv2damX); this.localmaxbasepvpdamageL = (weaponDamageMultiplier * (4 * mainstat + secondarystat) * (100.0F + pvpDamage / 100.0F) + lv2damX); if ((weapon2 != MapleWeaponType.没有武器) && (weapon_item != null) && (weapon_item2 != null) ) { Equip we1 = (Equip) weapon_item; Equip we2 = (Equip) weapon_item2; int watk2 = mage ? we2.getMatk() : we2.getWatk(); this.localmaxbasedamage = (weaponDamageMultiplier * (4 * mainstat + secondarystat) * ((watk - watk2) / 100.0F) + lv2damX); } else { if ((job == 110) || (job == 111) || (job == 112)) { weaponDamageMultiplier = (float) (weaponDamageMultiplier + 0.1D); } this.localmaxbasedamage = (weaponDamageMultiplier * (4 * mainstat + secondarystat) * (watk / 100.0F) + lv2damX); } if (ServerProperties.ShowPacket()) { System.err.println("当前攻击: " + this.localmaxbasedamage + " 攻击加成: " + this.localmaxbasedamage * (this.percent_damage / 100.0D)); } this.localmaxbasedamage = (float) (this.localmaxbasedamage + this.localmaxbasedamage * ((this.percent_damage + this.percent_damage_rate + percent_boss_damage_rate) / 100.0D)); if (ServerProperties.ShowPacket()) { System.err.println("武器类型: " + weapon + " 攻击力: " + watk + " indieDamR: " + this.percent_damage / 100.0D); System.err.println("武器加成: " + weaponDamageMultiplier + " 主要属性: " + mainstat + " 次要属性: " + secondarystat + " 第三属性: " + thirdstat + " 攻击力加成: " + watk / 100.0F); System.err.println("最终攻击: " + this.localmaxbasedamage); } } } public float getHealHP() { return this.shouldHealHP; } public float getHealMP() { return this.shouldHealMP; } public void relocHeal(MapleCharacter chra) { int playerjob = chra.getJob(); this.shouldHealHP = (10 + this.recoverHP); this.shouldHealMP = (3 + this.mpRestore + this.recoverMP + this.localint_ / 10); this.mpRecoverTime = 0; this.hpRecoverTime = 0; MapleItemInformationProvider ii = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance(); if ((playerjob == 111) || (playerjob == 112)) { Skill effect = SkillFactory.getSkill(1110000); int lvl = chra.getSkillLevel(effect); if (lvl > 0) { MapleStatEffect eff = effect.getEffect(lvl); this.shouldHealHP += eff.getHp(); this.hpRecoverTime = 4000; this.shouldHealMP += eff.getMp(); this.mpRecoverTime = 4000; } } if (chra.getChair() != 0) { // Is sitting on a chair. shouldHealHP += 99; // Until the values of Chair heal has been fixed, shouldHealMP += 99; // MP is different here, if chair data MP = 0, heal + 1.5 } else if (chra.getMap() != null) { // Because Heal isn't multipled when there's a chair :) final float recvRate = chra.getMap().getRecoveryRate(); if (recvRate > 0) { shouldHealHP *= recvRate; shouldHealMP *= recvRate; } } // if (chra.getChair() != 0) { // Pair ret = ii.getChairRecovery(chra.getChair()); // this.shouldHealHP += ((Integer) ret.getLeft()); // if (this.hpRecoverTime == 0) { // this.hpRecoverTime = 4000; // } // this.shouldHealMP += ((Integer) ret.getRight()); // if ((this.mpRecoverTime == 0)) { // this.hpRecoverTime = 4000; // } // } else if (chra.getMap() != null) { // float recvRate = chra.getMap().getRecoveryRate(); // if (recvRate > 0.0F) { // this.shouldHealHP *= recvRate; // this.shouldHealMP *= recvRate; // } // } } public static int getSkillByJob(int skillId, int job) { return skillId; } public static int getHyperSkillByJob(int skillId, int job) { switch (job) { case 112: case 122: case 132: case 212: case 222: case 232: case 312: case 322: case 412: case 422: case 434: case 512: case 522: case 532: return job * 10000 + skillId; } return skillId; } public int getSkillIncrement(int skillID) { if (this.skillsIncrement.containsKey(skillID)) { return (this.skillsIncrement.get(skillID)); } return 0; } public int getElementBoost(Element key) { if (this.elemBoosts.containsKey(key)) { return (this.elemBoosts.get(key)); } return 0; } public int getDamageIncrease(int key) { if (this.damageIncrease.containsKey(key)) { return (this.damageIncrease.get(key)); } return 0; } public int getAccuracy() { return this.accuracy; } public void heal_noUpdate(MapleCharacter chra) { setHp(getCurrentMaxHp()); setMp(getCurrentMaxMp()); } public void heal(MapleCharacter chra) { heal_noUpdate(chra); chra.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.HP, getCurrentMaxHp()); chra.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.MP, getCurrentMaxMp()); } public Pair<Integer, Integer> handleEquipAdditions(MapleItemInformationProvider ii, MapleCharacter chra, boolean first_login, Map<Skill, SkillEntry> sData, int itemId) { List<Triple<String, String, String>> additions = ii.getEquipAdditions(itemId); if (additions == null) { return null; } int localmaxhp_x = 0; int localmaxmp_x = 0; int skillid = 0; int skilllevel = 0; for (Triple add : additions) { if (((String) add.getMid()).contains("con")) { continue; } int right = ((String) add.getMid()).equals("elemVol") ? 0 : Integer.parseInt((String) add.getRight()); switch ((String) add.getLeft()) { case "elemboost": { String craft = ii.getEquipAddReqs(itemId, (String) add.getLeft(), "craft"); if ((((String) add.getMid()).equals("elemVol")) && ((craft == null) )) { int value = Integer.parseInt(((String) add.getRight()).substring(1, ((String) add.getRight()).length())); Element key = Element.getFromChar(((String) add.getRight()).charAt(0)); if (this.elemBoosts.get(key) != null) { value += (this.elemBoosts.get(key)); } this.elemBoosts.put(key, value); } break; } case "mobcategory": if (((String) add.getMid()).equals("damage")) { this.percent_damage_rate += right; this.percent_boss_damage_rate += right; } break; case "critical": { boolean canJob = false; boolean canLevel = false; String job = ii.getEquipAddReqs(itemId, (String) add.getLeft(), "job"); if (job != null) { if (job.contains(",")) { String[] jobs = job.split(","); for (String x : jobs) { if (chra.getJob() == Integer.parseInt(x)) { canJob = true; } } } else if (chra.getJob() == Integer.parseInt(job)) { canJob = true; } } String level = ii.getEquipAddReqs(itemId, (String) add.getLeft(), "level"); if ((level != null) && (chra.getLevel() >= Integer.parseInt(level))) { canLevel = true; } if (((job != null) && (canJob)) || ((job == null) && (((level != null) && (canLevel)) || (level == null)))) { switch ((String) add.getMid()) { case "prob": this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + right); break; case "damage": this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent + right); this.passive_sharpeye_max_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_max_percent + right); break; } } break; } case "boss": { String craft = ii.getEquipAddReqs(itemId, (String) add.getLeft(), "craft"); if ((((String) add.getMid()).equals("damage")) && ((craft == null))) { this.percent_boss_damage_rate += right; } break; } case "mobdie": { String craft = ii.getEquipAddReqs(itemId, (String) add.getLeft(), "craft"); if ((craft == null)) { switch ((String) add.getMid()) { case "hpIncOnMobDie": this.hpRecover += right; this.hpRecoverProp += 5; break; case "mpIncOnMobDie": this.mpRecover += right; this.mpRecoverProp += 5; break; } } break; } case "skill": if (first_login) { String craft = ii.getEquipAddReqs(itemId, (String) add.getLeft(), "craft"); if ((craft == null)) { switch ((String) add.getMid()) { case "id": skillid = right; break; case "level": skilllevel = right; break; } } } break; case "hpmpchange": switch ((String) add.getMid()) { case "hpChangerPerTime": this.recoverHP += right; break; case "mpChangerPerTime": this.recoverMP += right; break; } break; case "statinc": { boolean canJobx = false; boolean canLevelx = false; String job = ii.getEquipAddReqs(itemId, (String) add.getLeft(), "job"); if (job != null) { if (job.contains(",")) { String[] jobs = job.split(","); for (String x : jobs) { if (chra.getJob() == Integer.parseInt(x)) { canJobx = true; } } } else if (chra.getJob() == Integer.parseInt(job)) { canJobx = true; } } String level = ii.getEquipAddReqs(itemId, (String) add.getLeft(), "level"); if ((level != null) && (chra.getLevel() >= Integer.parseInt(level))) { canLevelx = true; } if (((!canJobx) && (job != null)) || ((!canLevelx) && (level != null))) { continue; } if (itemId == 1142367) { int day = Calendar.getInstance().get(7); if ((day != 1) && (day != 7)) { continue; } } if (((String) add.getMid()).equals("incPAD")) { this.watk += right; } else if (((String) add.getMid()).equals("incMAD")) { this.magic += right; } else if (((String) add.getMid()).equals("incSTR")) { this.localstr += right; } else if (((String) add.getMid()).equals("incDEX")) { this.localdex += right; } else if (((String) add.getMid()).equals("incINT")) { this.localint_ += right; } else if (((String) add.getMid()).equals("incLUK")) { this.localluk += right; } else if (((String) add.getMid()).equals("incJump")) { this.jump += right; } else if (((String) add.getMid()).equals("incMHP")) { localmaxhp_x += right; } else if (((String) add.getMid()).equals("incMMP")) { localmaxmp_x += right; } else if (((String) add.getMid()).equals("incPDD")) { this.wdef += right; } else if (((String) add.getMid()).equals("incMDD")) { this.mdef += right; } else if (((String) add.getMid()).equals("incACC")) { this.accuracy += right; } else if (!((String) add.getMid()).equals("incEVA")) { switch ((String) add.getMid()) { case "incSpeed": this.speed += right; break; case "incMMPr": this.percent_mp += right; break; } } break; } } } if ((skillid != 0) && (skilllevel != 0)) { sData.put(SkillFactory.getSkill(skillid), new SkillEntry((byte) skilllevel, (byte) 0, -1L)); } return new Pair(localmaxhp_x, localmaxmp_x); } public void handleItemOption(StructItemOption soc, MapleCharacter chra, boolean first_login, Map<Skill, SkillEntry> sData) { this.localstr += soc.get("incSTR"); this.localdex += soc.get("incDEX"); this.localint_ += soc.get("incINT"); this.localluk += soc.get("incLUK"); if (soc.get("incSTRlv") > 0) { this.localstr += chra.getLevel() / 10 * soc.get("incSTRlv"); } if (soc.get("incDEXlv") > 0) { this.localdex += chra.getLevel() / 10 * soc.get("incDEXlv"); } if (soc.get("incINTlv") > 0) { this.localint_ += chra.getLevel() / 10 * soc.get("incINTlv"); } if (soc.get("incLUKlv") > 0) { this.localluk += chra.getLevel() / 10 * soc.get("incLUKlv"); } this.accuracy += soc.get("incACC"); this.speed += soc.get("incSpeed"); this.jump += soc.get("incJump"); this.watk += soc.get("incPAD"); if (soc.get("incPADlv") > 0) { this.watk += chra.getLevel() / 10 * soc.get("incPADlv"); } this.magic += soc.get("incMAD"); if (soc.get("incMADlv") > 0) { this.magic += chra.getLevel() / 10 * soc.get("incMADlv"); } this.wdef += soc.get("incPDD"); this.mdef += soc.get("incMDD"); this.percent_str += soc.get("incSTRr"); this.percent_dex += soc.get("incDEXr"); this.percent_int += soc.get("incINTr"); this.percent_luk += soc.get("incLUKr"); this.percent_hp += soc.get("incMHPr"); this.percent_mp += soc.get("incMMPr"); this.percent_acc += soc.get("incACCr"); this.dodgeChance += soc.get("incEVAr"); this.percent_atk += soc.get("incPADr"); this.percent_matk += soc.get("incMADr"); this.percent_wdef += soc.get("incPDDr"); this.percent_mdef += soc.get("incMDDr"); this.passive_sharpeye_rate = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_rate + soc.get("incCr")); this.percent_boss_damage_rate += soc.get("incDAMr"); if (soc.get("boss") <= 0) { this.percent_damage_rate += soc.get("incDAMr"); } this.recoverHP += soc.get("RecoveryHP"); this.recoverMP += soc.get("RecoveryMP"); if (soc.get("HP") > 0) { this.hpRecover += soc.get("HP"); this.hpRecoverProp += soc.get("prop"); } if ((soc.get("MP") > 0) ) { this.mpRecover += soc.get("MP"); this.mpRecoverProp += soc.get("prop"); } this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate += soc.get("ignoreTargetDEF"); if (soc.get("ignoreDAM") > 0) { this.ignoreDAM += soc.get("ignoreDAM"); this.ignoreDAM_rate += soc.get("prop"); } this.incAllskill += soc.get("incAllskill"); if (soc.get("ignoreDAMr") > 0) { this.ignoreDAMr += soc.get("ignoreDAMr"); this.ignoreDAMr_rate += soc.get("prop"); } if (soc.get("incMaxDamage") > 0) { this.incMaxDamage += soc.get("incMaxDamage"); } this.RecoveryUP += soc.get("RecoveryUP"); this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_min_percent + soc.get("incCriticaldamageMin")); this.passive_sharpeye_max_percent = (short) (this.passive_sharpeye_max_percent + soc.get("incCriticaldamageMax")); this.TER += soc.get("incTerR"); this.ASR += soc.get("incAsrR"); if (soc.get("DAMreflect") > 0) { this.DAMreflect += soc.get("DAMreflect"); this.DAMreflect_rate += soc.get("prop"); } this.mpconReduce += soc.get("mpconReduce"); this.reduceCooltime += soc.get("reduceCooltime"); this.incMesoProp += soc.get("incMesoProp"); this.incRewardProp += soc.get("incRewardProp"); if ((first_login) && (soc.get("skillID") > 0)) { sData.put(SkillFactory.getSkill(getSkillByJob(soc.get("skillID"), chra.getJob())), new SkillEntry(1, (byte) 0, -1L)); } } public int getHPPercent() { return (int) Math.ceil(this.baseHp * 100.0D / this.localmaxhp); } public int getMPPercent() { return (int) Math.ceil(this.baseMp * 100.0D / this.localmaxmp); } public void init(MapleCharacter chra) { recalcLocalStats(chra); } public short getStr() { return this.str; } public short getDex() { return this.dex; } public short getLuk() { return this.luk; } public short getInt() { return this.int_; } public void setStr(short str, MapleCharacter chra) { this.str = str; recalcLocalStats(chra); } public void setDex(short dex, MapleCharacter chra) { this.dex = dex; recalcLocalStats(chra); } public void setLuk(short luk, MapleCharacter chra) { this.luk = luk; recalcLocalStats(chra); } public void setInt(short int_, MapleCharacter chra) { this.int_ = int_; recalcLocalStats(chra); } public int getHealHp() { return Math.max(this.localmaxhp - this.baseHp, 0); } public int getHealMp(int job) { return Math.max(this.localmaxmp - this.baseMp, 0); } public boolean setHp(int newhp) { if (newhp < 0 ) { newhp = 0; } if (newhp > getCurrentMaxHp()) { newhp = getCurrentMaxHp(); } this.baseHp=newhp; return true; } public boolean setMp(int newmp) { if (newmp < 0 ) { newmp = 0; } if (newmp > getCurrentMaxMp()) { newmp = getCurrentMaxMp(); } this.baseMp = newmp; return true; } public void setInfo(int maxhp, int maxmp, int hp, int mp) { this.baseMaxHp = maxhp; this.baseMaxMp= maxmp; this.baseHp = hp; this.baseMp = mp; } public void setMaxHp(int hp, MapleCharacter chra) { this.baseMaxHp = hp; // recalcLocalStats(chra); } public void setMaxMp(int mp, MapleCharacter chra) { this.baseMaxMp = mp; // recalcLocalStats(chra); } public int getHp() { return this.baseHp; } public int getMaxHp() { return this.baseMaxHp; } public int getMp() { return this.baseMp; } public int getMaxMp() { return this.baseMaxMp; } public int getTotalDex() { return this.localdex; } public int getTotalInt() { return this.localint_; } public int getTotalStr() { return this.localstr; } public int getTotalLuk() { return this.localluk; } public int getTotalMagic() { return this.magic; } public int getSpeed() { return this.speed; } public int getJump() { return this.jump; } public int getTotalWatk() { return this.watk; } public int getCurrentMaxHp() { return this.localmaxhp; } public int getCurrentMaxMp() { return this.localmaxmp; } public void setCurrentMaxHp(int localMaxHp){ this.localmaxhp = localMaxHp;} public void setCurrentMaxMp(int localMaxMp){ this.localmaxmp = localMaxMp;} public int getAsrR() { return this.ASR; } public int getHands() { return this.hands; } public float getCurrentMaxBaseDamage() { return this.localmaxbasedamage; } public float getCurrentMaxBasePVPDamage() { return this.localmaxbasepvpdamage; } public float getCurrentMaxBasePVPDamageL() { return this.localmaxbasepvpdamageL; } public boolean isRangedJob(int job) { return (job == 400) || (job / 10 == 52) || (job / 10 == 59) || (job / 100 == 3) || (job / 100 == 13) || (job / 100 == 14) || (job / 100 == 33) || (job / 100 == 35) || (job / 10 == 41); } public int getCoolTimeR() { if (this.coolTimeR > 5) { return 5; } return this.coolTimeR; } public int getReduceCooltime() { if (this.reduceCooltime > 5) { return 5; } return this.reduceCooltime; } public int getAttackCount(int skillId) { if (this.add_skill_attackCount.containsKey(skillId)) { return (this.add_skill_attackCount.get(skillId)); } return 0; } public int getMobCount(int skillId) { if (this.add_skill_targetPlus.containsKey(skillId)) { return (this.add_skill_targetPlus.get(skillId)); } return 0; } public int getReduceCooltimeRate(int skillId) { if (this.add_skill_coolTimeR.containsKey(skillId)) { return (this.add_skill_coolTimeR.get(skillId)); } return 0; } public int getIgnoreMobpdpR(int skillId) { if (this.add_skill_ignoreMobpdpR.containsKey(skillId)) { return (this.add_skill_ignoreMobpdpR.get(skillId)) + this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate; } return this.percent_ignore_mob_def_rate; } public int getDamageRate() { return this.percent_damage_rate; } public int getBossDamageRate() { return this.percent_boss_damage_rate; } public int getBossDamageRate(int skillId) { if (this.add_skill_bossDamageRate.containsKey(skillId)) { return (this.add_skill_bossDamageRate.get(skillId)) + this.percent_boss_damage_rate; } return this.percent_boss_damage_rate; } public int getDuration(int skillId) { if (this.add_skill_duration.containsKey(skillId)) { return (this.add_skill_duration.get(skillId)); } return 0; } public void addDamageIncrease(int skillId, int val) { //增加伤害 if ((skillId < 0) || (val <= 0)) { return; } if (this.damageIncrease.containsKey(skillId)) { int oldval = (this.damageIncrease.get(Integer.valueOf(skillId))); this.damageIncrease.put(skillId, oldval + val); } else { this.damageIncrease.put(skillId, val); } } public void addTargetPlus(int skillId, int val) { //增加攻击目标数 if ((skillId < 0) || (val <= 0)) { return; } if (this.add_skill_targetPlus.containsKey(skillId)) { int oldval = (this.add_skill_targetPlus.get(Integer.valueOf(skillId))); this.add_skill_targetPlus.put(skillId, oldval + val); } else { this.add_skill_targetPlus.put(skillId, val); } } public void addAttackCount(int skillId, int val) { //增加攻击次数 if ((skillId < 0) || (val <= 0)) { return; } if (this.add_skill_attackCount.containsKey(skillId)) { int oldval = (this.add_skill_attackCount.get(Integer.valueOf(skillId))); this.add_skill_attackCount.put(skillId, oldval + val); } else { this.add_skill_attackCount.put(skillId, val); } } public void addBossDamageRate(int skillId, int val) { //增加BOSS伤害 if ((skillId < 0) || (val <= 0)) { return; } if (this.add_skill_bossDamageRate.containsKey(skillId)) { int oldval = (this.add_skill_bossDamageRate.get(Integer.valueOf(skillId))); this.add_skill_bossDamageRate.put(skillId, oldval + val); } else { this.add_skill_bossDamageRate.put(skillId, val); } } public void addIgnoreMobpdpRate(int skillId, int val) {//增加无视怪物防御 if ((skillId < 0) || (val <= 0)) { return; } if (this.add_skill_ignoreMobpdpR.containsKey(skillId)) { int oldval = (this.add_skill_ignoreMobpdpR.get(Integer.valueOf(skillId))); this.add_skill_ignoreMobpdpR.put(skillId, oldval + val); } else { this.add_skill_ignoreMobpdpR.put(skillId, val); } } public void addBuffDuration(int skillId, int val) { //增加BUFF时间 if ((skillId < 0) || (val <= 0)) { return; } if (this.add_skill_duration.containsKey(skillId)) { int oldval = (this.add_skill_duration.get(Integer.valueOf(skillId))); this.add_skill_duration.put(skillId, oldval + val); } else { this.add_skill_duration.put(skillId, val); } } public void addDotTime(int skillId, int val) { //增加持续掉血时间 if ((skillId < 0) || (val <= 0)) { return; } if (this.add_skill_dotTime.containsKey(skillId)) { int oldval = (this.add_skill_dotTime.get(Integer.valueOf(skillId))); this.add_skill_dotTime.put(skillId, oldval + val); } else { this.add_skill_dotTime.put(skillId, val); } } public void addCoolTimeReduce(int skillId, int val) { //增加减少冷却时间 if ((skillId < 0) || (val <= 0)) { return; } if (this.add_skill_coolTimeR.containsKey(skillId)) { int oldval = (this.add_skill_coolTimeR.get(Integer.valueOf(skillId))); this.add_skill_coolTimeR.put(skillId, oldval + val); } else { this.add_skill_coolTimeR.put(skillId, val); } } public void addSkillProp(int skillId, int val) { //增加技能概率 if ((skillId < 0) || (val <= 0)) { return; } if (this.add_skill_prop.containsKey(skillId)) { int oldval = (this.add_skill_prop.get(Integer.valueOf(skillId))); this.add_skill_prop.put(skillId, oldval + val); } else { this.add_skill_prop.put(skillId, val); } } public int getMesoGuardMeso(){ return (int)this.mesoGuardMeso; } public void setMesoGuardMeso(int meso){ this.mesoGuardMeso = (double) meso; } }