package fr.inria.diverse.k3.ui.wizards.pages; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import fr.inria.diverse.commons.eclipse.pde.wizards.pages.pde.ui.BaseProjectWizardFields; public class NewK3ProjectWizardFields extends BaseProjectWizardFields { // main fields (Ie. that are present in the main wizard page) public enum KindsOfProject { STANDALONE, PLUGIN, MAVEN } public KindsOfProject kindsOfProject; public String namePackage; public boolean useEMF = true; public boolean useKMF = false; // Additional.optional fields (Ie. that may be used by template pages)(we may consider changing that to a better structure) // this is a way to programmatically initialize some fields in the templates //public boolean ecoreProject; public String genModelFile; public String basePackage; //public String typeProject; public IFile ecoreIFile; //public String ecoreProjectPath; public boolean useSLE = false; public NewK3ProjectWizardFields () { super(); this.projectLocation = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().toOSString(); this.projectName = "org.sample.k3project"; this.kindsOfProject = KindsOfProject.PLUGIN; this.ecoreIFile = null; this.genModelFile = null; this.namePackage = ""; this.basePackage = ""; //this.ecoreProject = false; //this.typeProject = "None"; //this.ecoreProjectPath = ""; } }