/** * <copyright> * </copyright> * * */ package robot.resource.robot.ui; /** * This class is copied from org.eclipse.jface.internal.text.html.HTMLPrinter. */ public class RobotHTMLPrinter { /** * Reads the text contents from a reader of HTML contents and translates the tags * or cut them out. * <p>Moved into HTMLPrinter as inner class from * <code>org.eclipse.jface.internal.text.html</code>.</p> */ private static final class HTML2TextReader extends java.io.Reader { private static final String EMPTY_STRING= ""; private java.util.Map<String, String> fgEntityLookup; private java.util.Set<String> fgTags; private int fCounter= 0; private org.eclipse.jface.text.TextPresentation fTextPresentation; private int fBold= 0; private int fStartOffset= -1; private boolean fInParagraph= false; private boolean fIsPreformattedText= false; private boolean fIgnore= false; private boolean fHeaderDetected= false; protected final String LINE_DELIM= System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n"); private java.io.Reader fReader; protected boolean fWasWhiteSpace; private int fCharAfterWhiteSpace; /** * Tells whether white space characters are skipped. */ private boolean fSkipWhiteSpace= true; private boolean fReadFromBuffer; private StringBuffer fBuffer; private int fIndex; /** * Transforms the HTML text from the reader to formatted text. * * @param reader the reader * @param presentation If not <code>null</code>, formattings will be applied to * the presentation. */ public HTML2TextReader(java.io.Reader reader, org.eclipse.jface.text.TextPresentation presentation) { fReader= reader; fBuffer= new StringBuffer(); fIndex= 0; fReadFromBuffer= false; fCharAfterWhiteSpace= -1; fWasWhiteSpace= true; fgTags= new java.util.LinkedHashSet<String>(); fgTags.add("b"); fgTags.add("br"); fgTags.add("br/"); fgTags.add("br /"); fgTags.add("div"); fgTags.add("h1"); fgTags.add("h2"); fgTags.add("h3"); fgTags.add("h4"); fgTags.add("h5"); fgTags.add("p"); fgTags.add("dl"); fgTags.add("dt"); fgTags.add("dd"); fgTags.add("li"); fgTags.add("ul"); fgTags.add("pre"); fgTags.add("head"); fgEntityLookup= new java.util.LinkedHashMap<String, String>(7); fgEntityLookup.put("lt", "<"); fgEntityLookup.put("gt", ">"); fgEntityLookup.put("nbsp", " "); fgEntityLookup.put("amp", "&"); fgEntityLookup.put("circ", "^"); fgEntityLookup.put("tilde", "~"); fgEntityLookup.put("quot", "\""); fTextPresentation= presentation; } public int read() throws java.io.IOException { int c; do { c= nextChar(); while (!fReadFromBuffer) { String s= computeSubstitution(c); if (s == null) break; if (s.length() > 0) fBuffer.insert(0, s); c= nextChar(); } } while (fSkipWhiteSpace && fWasWhiteSpace && (c == ' ')); fWasWhiteSpace= (c == ' ' || c == '\r' || c == '\n'); if (c != -1) ++ fCounter; return c; } protected void startBold() { if (fBold == 0) fStartOffset= fCounter; ++ fBold; } protected void startPreformattedText() { fIsPreformattedText= true; setSkipWhitespace(false); } protected void stopPreformattedText() { fIsPreformattedText= false; setSkipWhitespace(true); } protected void stopBold() { -- fBold; if (fBold == 0) { if (fTextPresentation != null) { fTextPresentation.addStyleRange(new org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyleRange(fStartOffset, fCounter - fStartOffset, null, null, org.eclipse.swt.SWT.BOLD)); } fStartOffset= -1; } } /** * * @see * org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.SubstitutionTextReader#computeSubstitution(int) */ protected String computeSubstitution(int c) throws java.io.IOException { if (c == '<') { return processHTMLTag(); } else if (fIgnore) { return EMPTY_STRING; } else if (c == '&') { return processEntity(); } else if (fIsPreformattedText) { return processPreformattedText(c); } return null; } private String html2Text(String html) { if (html == null || html.length() == 0) { return EMPTY_STRING; } html= html.toLowerCase(); String tag= html; if ('/' == tag.charAt(0)) { tag= tag.substring(1); } if (!fgTags.contains(tag)) { return EMPTY_STRING; } if ("pre".equals(html)) { startPreformattedText(); return EMPTY_STRING; } if ("/pre".equals(html)) { stopPreformattedText(); return EMPTY_STRING; } if (fIsPreformattedText) { return EMPTY_STRING; } if ("b".equals(html)) { startBold(); return EMPTY_STRING; } if ((html.length() > 1 && html.charAt(0) == 'h' && Character.isDigit(html.charAt(1))) || "dt".equals(html)) { startBold(); return EMPTY_STRING; } if ("dl".equals(html)) { return LINE_DELIM; } if ("dd".equals(html)) { return " "; } if ("li".equals(html)) { return LINE_DELIM + "\t-\n "; } if ("/b".equals(html)) { stopBold(); return EMPTY_STRING; } if ("p".equals(html)) { fInParagraph= true; return LINE_DELIM; } if ("br".equals(html) || "br/".equals(html)|| "br /".equals(html) || "div".equals(html)) { return LINE_DELIM; } if ("/p".equals(html)) { boolean inParagraph= fInParagraph; fInParagraph= false; return inParagraph ? EMPTY_STRING : LINE_DELIM; } if ((html.startsWith("/h") && html.length() > 2 && Character.isDigit(html.charAt(2))) || "/dt".equals(html)) { stopBold(); return LINE_DELIM; } if ("/dd".equals(html)) { return LINE_DELIM; } if ("head".equals(html) && !fHeaderDetected) { fHeaderDetected= true; fIgnore= true; return EMPTY_STRING; } if ("/head".equals(html) && fHeaderDetected && fIgnore) { fIgnore= false; return EMPTY_STRING; } return EMPTY_STRING; } /** * A '<' has been read. Process a html tag */ private String processHTMLTag() throws java.io.IOException { StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer(); int ch; do { ch= nextChar(); while (ch != -1 && ch != '>') { buf.append(Character.toLowerCase((char) ch)); ch= nextChar(); if (ch == '"') { buf.append(Character.toLowerCase((char) ch)); ch= nextChar(); while (ch != -1 && ch != '"') { buf.append(Character.toLowerCase((char) ch)); ch= nextChar(); } } if (ch == '<' && !isInComment(buf)) { unread(ch); return '<' + buf.toString(); } } if (ch == -1) { return null; } if (!isInComment(buf) || isCommentEnd(buf)) { break; } // unfinished comment buf.append((char) ch); } while (true); return html2Text(buf.toString()); } private boolean isInComment(StringBuffer buf) { return buf.length() >= 3 && "!--".equals(buf.substring(0, 3)); } private boolean isCommentEnd(StringBuffer buf) { int tagLen= buf.length(); return tagLen >= 5 && "--".equals(buf.substring(tagLen - 2)); } private String processPreformattedText(int c) { if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { fCounter++; } return null; } private void unread(int ch) throws java.io.IOException { ((java.io.PushbackReader) getReader()).unread(ch); } protected String entity2Text(String symbol) { if (symbol.length() > 1 && symbol.charAt(0) == '#') { int ch; try { if (symbol.charAt(1) == 'x') { ch= Integer.parseInt(symbol.substring(2), 16); } else { ch= Integer.parseInt(symbol.substring(1), 10); } return EMPTY_STRING + (char)ch; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } else { String str= (String) fgEntityLookup.get(symbol); if (str != null) { return str; } } return "&" + symbol; // not found } /** * A '&' has been read. Process a entity */ private String processEntity() throws java.io.IOException { StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer(); int ch= nextChar(); while (Character.isLetterOrDigit((char)ch) || ch == '#') { buf.append((char) ch); ch= nextChar(); } if (ch == ';') { return entity2Text(buf.toString()); } buf.insert(0, '&'); if (ch != -1) { buf.append((char) ch); } return buf.toString(); } public void close() throws java.io.IOException { fReader.close(); } public int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws java.io.IOException { int end= off + len; for (int i= off; i < end; i++) { int ch= read(); if (ch == -1) { if (i == off) { return -1; } return i - off; } cbuf[i]= (char)ch; } return len; } /** * Returns the internal reader. * * @return the internal reader */ protected java.io.Reader getReader() { return fReader; } /** * Returns the next character. * * @return the next character * * @throws java.io.IOException in case reading the character fails */ protected int nextChar() throws java.io.IOException { fReadFromBuffer= (fBuffer.length() > 0); if (fReadFromBuffer) { char ch= fBuffer.charAt(fIndex++); if (fIndex >= fBuffer.length()) { fBuffer.setLength(0); fIndex= 0; } return ch; } int ch= fCharAfterWhiteSpace; if (ch == -1) { ch= fReader.read(); } if (fSkipWhiteSpace && Character.isWhitespace((char)ch)) { do { ch= fReader.read(); } while (Character.isWhitespace((char)ch)); if (ch != -1) { fCharAfterWhiteSpace= ch; return ' '; } } else { fCharAfterWhiteSpace= -1; } return ch; } /** * * @see java.io.Reader#ready() */ public boolean ready() throws java.io.IOException { return fReader.ready(); } /** * * @see java.io.Reader#reset() */ public void reset() throws java.io.IOException { fReader.reset(); fWasWhiteSpace= true; fCharAfterWhiteSpace= -1; fBuffer.setLength(0); fIndex= 0; } protected final void setSkipWhitespace(boolean state) { fSkipWhiteSpace= state; } /** * Returns the readable content as string. * * @return the readable content as string * * @throws java.io.IOException in case reading fails */ public String getString() throws java.io.IOException { StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer(); int ch; while ((ch= read()) != -1) { buf.append((char)ch); } return buf.toString(); } } private static final String UNIT; // See: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=155993 // if the platform is a mac the UNIT is set to "px" static { String platform = org.eclipse.swt.SWT.getPlatform(); UNIT = (platform.equals("carbon")||platform.equals("cocoa")) ? "px" : "pt"; } public static void addParagraph(StringBuffer buffer, String paragraph) { if (paragraph != null) { buffer.append("<p>"); buffer.append(paragraph); } } public static void insertPageProlog(StringBuffer buffer, int position, String styleSheet) { StringBuffer pageProlog= new StringBuffer(300); pageProlog.append("<html>"); if (styleSheet == null) return; buffer.append("<head><style CHARSET=\"ISO-8859-1\" TYPE=\"text/css\">"); buffer.append(styleSheet); buffer.append("</style></head><body>"); buffer.insert(position, pageProlog.toString()); } public static void addPageEpilog(StringBuffer buffer) { buffer.append("</body></html>"); } public static void addSmallHeader(StringBuffer buffer, String header) { if (header != null) { buffer.append("<h5>"); buffer.append(header); buffer.append("</h5>"); } } public static String convertTopLevelFont(String styles, org.eclipse.swt.graphics.FontData fontData) { boolean bold = (fontData.getStyle() & org.eclipse.swt.SWT.BOLD) != 0; boolean italic = (fontData.getStyle() & org.eclipse.swt.SWT.ITALIC) != 0; String size = Integer.toString(fontData.getHeight()) + UNIT; String family = "'" + fontData.getName() + "',sans-serif"; styles = styles.replaceFirst("(html\\s*\\{.*(?:\\s|;)font-size:\\s*)\\d+pt(\\;?.*\\})", "$1" + size + "$2"); styles = styles.replaceFirst("(html\\s*\\{.*(?:\\s|;)font-weight:\\s*)\\w+(\\;?.*\\})", "$1" + (bold ? "bold" : "normal") + "$2"); styles = styles.replaceFirst("(html\\s*\\{.*(?:\\s|;)font-style:\\s*)\\w+(\\;?.*\\})", "$1" + (italic ? "italic" : "normal") + "$2"); styles = styles.replaceFirst("(html\\s*\\{.*(?:\\s|;)font-family:\\s*).+?(;.*\\})", "$1" + family + "$2"); return styles; } public static void insertStyles(StringBuffer buffer, String[] styles) { if (styles == null || styles.length == 0) { return; } StringBuffer styleBuf= new StringBuffer(10 * styles.length); for (int i= 0; i < styles.length; i++) { styleBuf.append(" style=\""); styleBuf.append(styles[i]); styleBuf.append('"'); } // Find insertion index // a) within existing body tag with trailing space int index= buffer.indexOf("<body "); if (index != -1) { buffer.insert(index+5, styleBuf); return; } // b) within existing body tag without attributes index= buffer.indexOf("<body>"); if (index != -1) { buffer.insert(index+5, ' '); buffer.insert(index+6, styleBuf); return; } } public static String html2text(java.io.StringReader stringReader, org.eclipse.jface.text.TextPresentation presentation) throws java.io.IOException { HTML2TextReader html2TextReader = new HTML2TextReader(stringReader, presentation); String text = html2TextReader.getString(); html2TextReader.close(); return text; } }