/* This file is part of jpcsp. Jpcsp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Jpcsp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Jpcsp. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package jpcsp.media.codec.aac; import static java.lang.Math.pow; import static java.lang.Math.sqrt; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.POW_SF2_ZERO; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.cbrt_tab; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_aac_codebook_vector_idx; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_aac_codebook_vector_vals; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_aac_kbd_long_1024; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_aac_kbd_short_128; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_aac_num_swb_1024; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_aac_num_swb_128; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_aac_num_swb_512; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_aac_pow2sf_tab; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_aac_pred_sfb_max; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_aac_scalefactor_bits; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_aac_scalefactor_code; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_aac_spectral_bits; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_aac_spectral_codes; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_aac_spectral_sizes; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_mpeg4audio_channels; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_swb_offset_1024; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_swb_offset_128; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_swb_offset_512; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_tns_max_bands_1024; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_tns_max_bands_128; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.AacTab.ff_tns_max_bands_512; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.Lpc.computeLpcCoefs; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.OutputConfiguration.OC_GLOBAL_HDR; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.OutputConfiguration.OC_LOCKED; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.OutputConfiguration.OC_NONE; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.OutputConfiguration.OC_TRIAL_FRAME; import static jpcsp.media.codec.aac.OutputConfiguration.OC_TRIAL_PCE; import static jpcsp.media.codec.util.CodecUtils.avLog2; import static jpcsp.media.codec.util.SineWin.ff_sine_1024; import static jpcsp.media.codec.util.SineWin.ff_sine_128; import static jpcsp.media.codec.util.SineWin.ff_sine_512; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import jpcsp.media.codec.ICodec; import jpcsp.media.codec.util.BitReader; import jpcsp.media.codec.util.CodecUtils; import jpcsp.media.codec.util.FFT; import jpcsp.media.codec.util.FloatDSP; import jpcsp.media.codec.util.SineWin; import jpcsp.media.codec.util.VLC; import jpcsp.util.Utilities; public class AacDecoder implements ICodec { public static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("aac"); public static final int AAC_ERROR = -4; public static final int MAX_CHANNELS = 64; public static final int MAX_ELEM_ID = 16; public static final int TNS_MAX_ORDER = 20; public static final int MAX_LTP_LONG_SFB = 40; public static final int MAX_PREDICTORS = 672; // Raw Data Block Types: public static final int TYPE_SCE = 0; public static final int TYPE_CPE = 1; public static final int TYPE_CCE = 2; public static final int TYPE_LFE = 3; public static final int TYPE_DSE = 4; public static final int TYPE_PCE = 5; public static final int TYPE_FIL = 6; public static final int TYPE_END = 7; // Channel layouts public static final int CH_FRONT_LEFT = 0x001; public static final int CH_FRONT_RIGHT = 0x002; public static final int CH_FRONT_CENTER = 0x004; public static final int CH_LOW_FREQUENCY = 0x008; public static final int CH_BACK_LEFT = 0x010; public static final int CH_BACK_RIGHT = 0x020; public static final int CH_FRONT_LEFT_OF_CENTER = 0x040; public static final int CH_FRONT_RIGHT_OF_CENTER = 0x080; public static final int CH_BACK_CENTER = 0x100; public static final int CH_SIDE_LEFT = 0x200; public static final int CH_SIDE_RIGHT = 0x400; public static final int CH_LAYOUT_MONO = CH_FRONT_CENTER; public static final int CH_LAYOUT_STEREO = CH_FRONT_LEFT | CH_FRONT_RIGHT; public static final int CH_LAYOUT_SURROUND = CH_LAYOUT_STEREO | CH_FRONT_CENTER; public static final int CH_LAYOUT_4POINT0 = CH_LAYOUT_SURROUND | CH_BACK_CENTER; public static final int CH_LAYOUT_5POINT0_BACK = CH_LAYOUT_SURROUND | CH_BACK_LEFT | CH_BACK_RIGHT; public static final int CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1_BACK = CH_LAYOUT_5POINT0_BACK | CH_LOW_FREQUENCY; public static final int CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1_WIDE_BACK = CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1_BACK | CH_FRONT_LEFT_OF_CENTER | CH_FRONT_RIGHT_OF_CENTER; // Extension payload IDs public static final int EXT_FILL = 0x0; public static final int EXT_FILL_DATA = 0x1; public static final int EXT_DATA_ELEMENT = 0x2; public static final int EXT_DYNAMIC_RANGE = 0xB; public static final int EXT_SBR_DATA = 0xD; public static final int EXT_SBR_DATA_CRC = 0xE; // Channel positions public static final int AAC_CHANNEL_OFF = 0; public static final int AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT = 1; public static final int AAC_CHANNEL_SIDE = 2; public static final int AAC_CHANNEL_BACK = 3; public static final int AAC_CHANNEL_LFE = 4; public static final int AAC_CHANNEL_CC = 5; // Audio object types public static final int AOT_AAC_MAIN = 1; public static final int AOT_AAC_LC = 2; public static final int AOT_AAC_LTP = 4; public static final int AOT_ER_AAC_LC = 17; public static final int AOT_ER_AAC_LTP = 19; public static final int AOT_ER_AAC_LD = 23; public static final int AOT_ER_AAC_ELD = 39; // Window Sequences public static final int ONLY_LONG_SEQUENCE = 0; public static final int LONG_START_SEQUENCE = 1; public static final int EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE = 2; public static final int LONG_STOP_SEQUENCE = 3; // Band Types public static final int ZERO_BT = 0; ///< Scalefactors and spectral data are all zero. public static final int FIRST_PAIR_BT = 5; ///< This and later band types encode two values (rather than four) with one code word. public static final int ESC_BT = 11; ///< Spectral data are coded with an escape sequence. public static final int NOISE_BT = 13; ///< Spectral data are scaled white noise not coded in the bitstream. public static final int INTENSITY_BT2 = 14; ///< Scalefactor data are intensity stereo positions. public static final int INTENSITY_BT = 15; ///< Scalefactor data are intensity stereo positions. // Coupling Points public static final int BEFORE_TNS = 0; public static final int BETWEEN_TNS_AND_IMDCT = 1; public static final int AFTER_IMDCT = 3; private static VLC vlc_scalefactors; private static VLC vlc_spectral[] = new VLC[11]; private Context ac; private BitReader br; private static class ElemToChannel { int avPosition; int synEle; int elemId; int aacPosition; public ElemToChannel() { } public ElemToChannel(int avPosition, int synEle, int elemId, int aacPosition) { this.avPosition = avPosition; this.synEle = synEle; this.elemId = elemId; this.aacPosition = aacPosition; } public void copy(ElemToChannel that) { avPosition = that.avPosition; synEle = that.synEle; elemId = that.elemId; aacPosition = that.aacPosition; } } /* @name ltp_coef * Table of the LTP coefficients */ public static final float ltp_coef[] = { 0.570829f, 0.696616f, 0.813004f, 0.911304f, 0.984900f, 1.067894f, 1.194601f, 1.369533f }; /* @name tns_tmp2_map * Tables of the tmp2[] arrays of LPC coefficients used for TNS. * The suffix _M_N[] indicate the values of coef_compress and coef_res * respectively. * @{ */ public static final float tns_tmp2_map_1_3[] = { 0.00000000f, -0.43388373f, 0.64278758f, 0.34202015f }; public static final float tns_tmp2_map_0_3[] = { 0.00000000f, -0.43388373f, -0.78183150f, -0.97492790f, 0.98480773f, 0.86602539f, 0.64278758f, 0.34202015f }; public static final float tns_tmp2_map_1_4[] = { 0.00000000f, -0.20791170f, -0.40673664f, -0.58778524f, 0.67369562f, 0.52643216f, 0.36124167f, 0.18374951f }; public static final float tns_tmp2_map_0_4[] = { 0.00000000f, -0.20791170f, -0.40673664f, -0.58778524f, -0.74314481f, -0.86602539f, -0.95105654f, -0.99452192f, 0.99573416f, 0.96182561f, 0.89516330f, 0.79801720f, 0.67369562f, 0.52643216f, 0.36124167f, 0.18374951f }; public static final float tns_tmp2_map[][] = { tns_tmp2_map_0_3, tns_tmp2_map_0_4, tns_tmp2_map_1_3, tns_tmp2_map_1_4 }; // @} public static final int tags_per_config[] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; public static final int aac_channel_layout_map[][][] = { { { TYPE_SCE, 0, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT }, }, { { TYPE_CPE, 0, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT }, }, { { TYPE_SCE, 0, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT }, { TYPE_CPE, 0, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT }, }, { { TYPE_SCE, 0, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT }, { TYPE_CPE, 0, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT }, { TYPE_SCE, 1, AAC_CHANNEL_BACK }, }, { { TYPE_SCE, 0, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT }, { TYPE_CPE, 0, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT }, { TYPE_CPE, 1, AAC_CHANNEL_BACK }, }, { { TYPE_SCE, 0, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT }, { TYPE_CPE, 0, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT }, { TYPE_CPE, 1, AAC_CHANNEL_BACK }, { TYPE_LFE, 0, AAC_CHANNEL_LFE }, }, { { TYPE_SCE, 0, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT }, { TYPE_CPE, 0, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT }, { TYPE_CPE, 1, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT }, { TYPE_CPE, 2, AAC_CHANNEL_BACK }, { TYPE_LFE, 0, AAC_CHANNEL_LFE } }, }; public static final int aac_channel_layout[] = { CH_LAYOUT_MONO, CH_LAYOUT_STEREO, CH_LAYOUT_SURROUND, CH_LAYOUT_4POINT0, CH_LAYOUT_5POINT0_BACK, CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1_BACK, CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1_WIDE_BACK, 0 }; private static final double M_SQRT2 = 1.41421356237309504880; private static final float cce_scale[] = { 1.09050773266525765921f, //2^(1/8) 1.18920711500272106672f, //2^(1/4) (float) M_SQRT2, 2f, }; private static int sampleRateIdx (int rate) { if (92017 <= rate) return 0; else if (75132 <= rate) return 1; else if (55426 <= rate) return 2; else if (46009 <= rate) return 3; else if (37566 <= rate) return 4; else if (27713 <= rate) return 5; else if (23004 <= rate) return 6; else if (18783 <= rate) return 7; else if (13856 <= rate) return 8; else if (11502 <= rate) return 9; else if (9391 <= rate) return 10; else return 11; } @Override public int init(int bytesPerFrame, int channels, int outputChannels, int codingMode) { ac = new Context(); ac.outputChannels = outputChannels; ac.oc[1].m4ac.sampleRate = 44100; ac.oc[1].m4ac.samplingIndex = sampleRateIdx(ac.oc[1].m4ac.sampleRate); ac.channels = channels; ac.oc[1].m4ac.sbr = -1; ac.oc[1].m4ac.ps = -1; ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ff_mpeg4audio_channels.length; i++) { if (ff_mpeg4audio_channels[i] == ac.channels) { ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig = i; break; } } if (ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig != 0) { int layoutMap[][] = new int[MAX_ELEM_ID * 4][3]; int layoutMapTags[] = new int[1]; int ret = setDefaultChannelConfig(layoutMap, layoutMapTags, ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig); if (ret == 0) { outputConfigure(layoutMap, layoutMapTags[0], OC_GLOBAL_HDR, false); } } for (int i = 0; i < vlc_spectral.length; i++) { vlc_spectral[i] = new VLC(); vlc_spectral[i].initVLCSparse(8, ff_aac_spectral_sizes[i], ff_aac_spectral_bits[i], ff_aac_spectral_codes[i], null); } AacSbr.sbrInit(); ac.randomState = 0x1f2e3d4c; AacTab.tableinit(); AacPs.init(); AacPsData.tableinit(); vlc_scalefactors = new VLC(); vlc_scalefactors.initVLCSparse(7, ff_aac_scalefactor_code.length, ff_aac_scalefactor_bits, ff_aac_scalefactor_code, null); ac.mdct = new FFT(); ac.mdct.mdctInit(11, true, 1.0 / (32768.0 * 1024.0)); ac.mdctLd = new FFT(); ac.mdctLd.mdctInit(10, true, 1.0 / (32768.0 * 512.0)); ac.mdctSmall = new FFT(); ac.mdctSmall.mdctInit(8, true, 1.0 / (32768.0 * 128.0)); ac.mdctLtp = new FFT(); ac.mdctLtp.mdctInit(11, false, -2.0 * 32768.0); SineWin.initFfSineWindows(); return 0; } /** * linear congruential pseudorandom number generator * * @param previousVal pointer to the current state of the generator * * @return Returns a 32-bit pseudorandom integer */ private static int lcgRandom(int previousVal) { return previousVal * 1664525 + 1013904223; } /** * Set up channel positions based on a default channel configuration * as specified in table 1.17. * * @return Returns error status. 0 - OK, !0 - error */ private int setDefaultChannelConfig(int[][] layoutMap, int[] tags, int channelConfig) { if (channelConfig < 1 || channelConfig > 7) { log.error(String.format("invalid default channel configuration (%d)", channelConfig)); return AAC_ERROR; } tags[0] = tags_per_config[channelConfig]; for (int i = 0; i < tags[0]; i++) { Utilities.copy(layoutMap[i], aac_channel_layout_map[channelConfig - 1][i]); } return 0; } private int parseAdtsFrameHeader() { AACADTSHeaderInfo hdrInfo = new AACADTSHeaderInfo(); int layoutMap[][] = new int[MAX_ELEM_ID * 4][3]; int layoutMapTabs[] = new int[1]; int ret; int size = hdrInfo.parse(br); if (size > 0) { if (hdrInfo.numAacFrames != 1) { log.warn(String.format("More than one AAC RDB per ADTS frame")); } pushOutputConfiguration(); if (hdrInfo.chanConfig != 0) { ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig = hdrInfo.chanConfig; ret = setDefaultChannelConfig(layoutMap, layoutMapTabs, hdrInfo.chanConfig); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } ret = outputConfigure(layoutMap, layoutMapTabs[0], Math.max(ac.oc[1].status, OC_TRIAL_FRAME), false); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } } else { ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig = 0; // dual mono frames in Japanese DTV can have chan_config 0 // WITHOUT specifying PCE. // Thus, set dual mono as default. if (ac.dmonoMode != 0 && ac.oc[0].status == OC_NONE) { int layoutMapTags = 2; layoutMap[0][0] = TYPE_SCE; layoutMap[1][0] = TYPE_SCE; layoutMap[0][2] = AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT; layoutMap[1][0] = AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT; layoutMap[0][1] = 0; layoutMap[1][1] = 1; if (outputConfigure(layoutMap, layoutMapTags, OC_TRIAL_FRAME, false) != 0) { return AAC_ERROR; } } } ac.oc[1].m4ac.sampleRate = hdrInfo.sampleRate; ac.oc[1].m4ac.samplingIndex = hdrInfo.samplingIndex; ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType = hdrInfo.objectType; if (ac.oc[0].status != OC_LOCKED || ac.oc[0].m4ac.chanConfig != hdrInfo.chanConfig || ac.oc[0].m4ac.sampleRate != hdrInfo.sampleRate) { ac.oc[1].m4ac.sbr = -1; ac.oc[1].m4ac.ps = -1; } if (!hdrInfo.crcAbsent) { br.skip(16); } } return size; } private int frameConfigureElements() { // set channel pointers to internal buffers by default for (int type = 0; type < 4; type++) { for (int id = 0; id < MAX_ELEM_ID; id++) { ChannelElement che = ac.che[type][id]; if (che != null) { che.ch[0].ret = che.ch[0].retBuf; che.ch[1].ret = che.ch[1].retBuf; } } } // get output buffer if (ac.channels == 0) { return 1; } ac.nbSamples = 2048; // map output channel pointers for (int ch = 0; ch < ac.channels; ch++) { if (ac.outputElement[ch] != null) { ac.outputElement[ch].ret = ac.samples[ch]; } } return 0; } private ChannelElement getChe(int type, int elemId) { // For PCE based channel configurations map the channels solely based // on tags. if (ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig == 0) { return ac.tagCheMap[type][elemId]; } // Allow single CPE stereo files to be signaled with mono configuration if (ac.tagsMapped == 0 && type == TYPE_CPE && ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig == 1) { int layoutMap[][] = new int[MAX_ELEM_ID * 4][3]; int layoutMapTags[] = new int[1]; pushOutputConfiguration(); if (setDefaultChannelConfig(layoutMap, layoutMapTags, 2) < 0) { return null; } if (outputConfigure(layoutMap, layoutMapTags[0], OC_TRIAL_FRAME, true) < 0) { return null; } ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig = 2; ac.oc[1].m4ac.ps = 0; } // And vice-versa if (ac.tagsMapped == 0 && type == TYPE_SCE && ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig == 2) { int layoutMap[][] = new int[MAX_ELEM_ID * 4][3]; int layoutMapTags[] = new int[1]; pushOutputConfiguration(); if (setDefaultChannelConfig(layoutMap, layoutMapTags, 1) < 0) { return null; } if (outputConfigure(layoutMap, layoutMapTags[0], OC_TRIAL_FRAME, true) < 0) { return null; } ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig = 1; if (ac.oc[1].m4ac.sbr != 0) { ac.oc[1].m4ac.ps = -1; } } // For indexed channel configurations map the channels solely based // on position. switch (ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig) { case 7: if (ac.tagsMapped == 3 && type == TYPE_CPE) { ac.tagsMapped++; return ac.tagCheMap[TYPE_CPE][elemId] = ac.che[TYPE_CPE][2]; } // Fall-through case 6: /* Some streams incorrectly code 5.1 audio as * SCE[0] CPE[0] CPE[1] SCE[1] * instead of * SCE[0] CPE[0] CPE[1] LFE[0]. * If we seem to have encountered such a stream, transfer * the LFE[0] element to the SCE[1]'s mapping */ if (ac.tagsMapped == tags_per_config[ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig] - 1 && (type == TYPE_LFE || type == TYPE_SCE)) { ac.tagsMapped++; return ac.tagCheMap[type][elemId] = ac.che[TYPE_LFE][0]; } // Fall-through case 5: if (ac.tagsMapped == 2 && type == TYPE_CPE) { ac.tagsMapped++; return ac.tagCheMap[TYPE_CPE][elemId] = ac.che[TYPE_CPE][1]; } // Fall-through case 4: if (ac.tagsMapped == 2 && ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig == 4 && type == TYPE_SCE) { ac.tagsMapped++; return ac.tagCheMap[TYPE_SCE][elemId] = ac.che[TYPE_SCE][1]; } // Fall-through case 3: case 2: if (ac.tagsMapped == (ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig != 2 ? 1 : 0) && type == TYPE_CPE) { ac.tagsMapped++; return ac.tagCheMap[TYPE_CPE][elemId] = ac.che[TYPE_CPE][0]; } else if (ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig == 2) { return null; } // Fall-through case 1: if (ac.tagsMapped == 0 && type == TYPE_SCE) { ac.tagsMapped++; return ac.tagCheMap[TYPE_SCE][elemId] = ac.che[TYPE_SCE][0]; } // Fall-through default: return null; } } private int decodePrediction(IndividualChannelStream ics) { if (br.readBool()) { ics.predictorResetGroup = br.read(5); if (ics.predictorResetGroup == 0 || ics.predictorResetGroup > 30) { log.error(String.format("Invalid Predictor Reset Group")); return AAC_ERROR; } } for (int sfb = 0; sfb < Math.min(ics.maxSfb, AacTab.ff_aac_pred_sfb_max[ac.oc[1].m4ac.samplingIndex]); sfb++) { ics.predictionUsed[sfb] = br.readBool(); } return 0; } /** * Decode Long Term Prediction data; reference: table 4.xx. */ private void decodeLtp(LongTermPrediction ltp, int maxSfb) { ltp.lag = br.read(11); ltp.coef = ltp_coef[br.read(3)]; for (int sfb = 0; sfb < Math.min(maxSfb, MAX_LTP_LONG_SFB); sfb++) { ltp.used[sfb] = br.readBool(); } } /** * Decode Individual Channel Stream info; reference: table 4.6. */ private int decodeIcsInfo(IndividualChannelStream ics) { int aot = ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType; if (aot != AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) { if (br.readBool()) { log.error(String.format("Reserved bit set")); return AAC_ERROR; } ics.windowSequence[1] = ics.windowSequence[0]; ics.windowSequence[0] = br.read(2); if (aot == AOT_ER_AAC_LD && ics.windowSequence[0] != ONLY_LONG_SEQUENCE) { log.error(String.format("AAC LD is only defined for ONLY_LONG_SEQUENCE but window sequence %d found", ics.windowSequence[0])); ics.windowSequence[0] = ONLY_LONG_SEQUENCE; return AAC_ERROR; } ics.useKbWindow[1] = ics.useKbWindow[0]; ics.useKbWindow[0] = br.readBool(); } ics.numWindowGroups = 1; ics.groupLen[0] = 1; if (ics.windowSequence[0] == EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) { ics.maxSfb = br.read(4); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (br.readBool()) { ics.groupLen[ics.numWindowGroups - 1]++; } else { ics.numWindowGroups++; ics.groupLen[ics.numWindowGroups - 1] = 1; } } ics.numWindows = 8; ics.swbOffset = ff_swb_offset_128[ac.oc[1].m4ac.samplingIndex]; ics.numSwb = ff_aac_num_swb_128[ac.oc[1].m4ac.samplingIndex]; ics.tnsMaxBands = ff_tns_max_bands_128[ac.oc[1].m4ac.samplingIndex]; ics.predictorPresent = false; } else { ics.maxSfb = br.read(6); ics.numWindows = 1; if (aot == AOT_ER_AAC_LD || aot == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) { ics.swbOffset = ff_swb_offset_512[ac.oc[1].m4ac.samplingIndex]; ics.numSwb = ff_aac_num_swb_512[ac.oc[1].m4ac.samplingIndex]; ics.tnsMaxBands = ff_tns_max_bands_512[ac.oc[1].m4ac.samplingIndex]; if (ics.numSwb == 0 || ics.swbOffset == null) { return AAC_ERROR; } } else { ics.swbOffset = ff_swb_offset_1024[ac.oc[1].m4ac.samplingIndex]; ics.numSwb = ff_aac_num_swb_1024[ac.oc[1].m4ac.samplingIndex]; ics.tnsMaxBands = ff_tns_max_bands_1024[ac.oc[1].m4ac.samplingIndex]; } if (aot != AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) { ics.predictorPresent = br.readBool(); ics.predictorResetGroup = 0; } if (ics.predictorPresent) { if (aot == AOT_AAC_MAIN) { if (decodePrediction(ics) != 0) { ics.maxSfb = 0; return AAC_ERROR; } } else if (aot == AOT_AAC_LC || aot == AOT_ER_AAC_LC) { log.error(String.format("Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC")); ics.maxSfb = 0; return AAC_ERROR; } else { if (aot == AOT_ER_AAC_LD) { log.error(String.format("LTP in ER AAC LD not yet implemented")); return AAC_ERROR; } ics.ltp.present = br.readBool(); if (ics.ltp.present) { decodeLtp(ics.ltp, ics.maxSfb); } } } } if (ics.maxSfb > ics.numSwb) { log.error(String.format("Number of scalefactor bands in group (%d) exceeds limit (%d)", ics.maxSfb, ics.numSwb)); ics.maxSfb = 0; return AAC_ERROR; } return 0; } /** * Decode band types (section_data payload); reference: table 4.46. * * @param bandType array of the used band type * @param bandTypeRunEnd array of the last scalefactor band of a band type run * * @return Returns error status. 0 - OK, !0 - error */ private int decodeBandTypes(int bandType[], int bandTypeRunEnd[], IndividualChannelStream ics) { int idx = 0; final int bits = (ics.windowSequence[0] == EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) ? 3 : 5; for (int g = 0; g < ics.numWindowGroups; g++) { int k = 0; while (k < ics.maxSfb) { int sectEnd = k; int sectBandType = br.read(4); if (sectBandType == 12) { log.error(String.format("invalid band type")); return AAC_ERROR; } int sectLenIncr; do { sectLenIncr = br.read(bits); sectEnd += sectLenIncr; if (br.getBitsLeft() < 0) { log.error(String.format("decodeBandTypes overread error")); return AAC_ERROR; } if (sectEnd > ics.maxSfb) { log.error(String.format("Number of bands (%d) exceeds limit (%d)", sectEnd, ics.maxSfb)); return AAC_ERROR; } } while (sectLenIncr == (1 << bits) - 1); for (; k < sectEnd; k++) { bandType [idx ] = sectBandType; bandTypeRunEnd[idx++] = sectEnd; } } } return 0; } /** * Decode scalefactors; reference: table 4.47. * * @param sf array of scalefactors or intensity stereo positions * @param globalGain first scalefactor value as scalefactors are differentially coded * @param bandType array of the used band type * @param bandTypeRunEnd array of the last scalefactor band of a band type run * * @return Returns error status. 0 - OK, !0 - error */ private int decodeScalefactors(float sf[], int globalGain, IndividualChannelStream ics, int bandType[], int bandTypeRunEnd[]) { int idx = 0; int offset[] = { globalGain, globalGain - 90, 0 }; boolean noiseFlag = true; for (int g = 0; g < ics.numWindowGroups; g++) { for (int i = 0; i < ics.maxSfb;) { int runEnd = bandTypeRunEnd[idx]; if (bandType[idx] == ZERO_BT) { for (; i < runEnd; i++, idx++) { sf[idx] = 0f; } } else if (bandType[idx] == INTENSITY_BT || bandType[idx] == INTENSITY_BT2) { for (; i < runEnd; i++, idx++) { offset[2] += vlc_scalefactors.getVLC2(br, 3) - 60; int clippedOffset = Utilities.clip(offset[2], -155, 100); if (offset[2] != clippedOffset) { log.warn(String.format("Clipped intensity stereo position (%d -> %d)", offset[2], clippedOffset)); } sf[idx] = ff_aac_pow2sf_tab[-clippedOffset + POW_SF2_ZERO]; } } else if (bandType[idx] == NOISE_BT) { for (; i < runEnd; i++, idx++) { if (noiseFlag) { offset[1] += br.read(9) - 256; noiseFlag = false; } else { offset[1] += vlc_scalefactors.getVLC2(br, 3) - 60; } int clippedOffset = Utilities.clip(offset[1], -100, 155); if (offset[1] != clippedOffset) { log.warn(String.format("Clipped intensity stereo position (%d -> %d)", offset[1], clippedOffset)); } sf[idx] = -ff_aac_pow2sf_tab[clippedOffset + POW_SF2_ZERO]; } } else { for (; i < runEnd; i++, idx++) { offset[0] += vlc_scalefactors.getVLC2(br, 3) - 60; if (offset[0] > 255) { log.error(String.format("Scalefactor (%d) out of range", offset[0])); return AAC_ERROR; } sf[idx] = -ff_aac_pow2sf_tab[offset[0] - 100 + POW_SF2_ZERO]; } } } } return 0; } /** * Decode pulse data; reference: table 4.7. */ private int decodePulses(Pulse pulse, int swbOffset[], int numSwb) { pulse.numPulse = br.read(2) + 1; int pulseSwb = br.read(6); if (pulseSwb >= numSwb) { return -1; } pulse.pos[0] = swbOffset[pulseSwb]; pulse.pos[0] += br.read(5); if (pulse.pos[0] >= swbOffset[numSwb]) { return -1; } pulse.amp[0] = br.read(4); for (int i = 1; i < pulse.numPulse; i++) { pulse.pos[i] = br.read(5) + pulse.pos[i - 1]; if (pulse.pos[i] >= swbOffset[numSwb]) { return -1; } pulse.amp[i] = br.read(4); } return 0; } /** * Decode Temporal Noise Shaping data; reference: table 4.48. * * @return Returns error status. 0 - OK, !0 - error */ private int decodeTns(TemporalNoiseShaping tns, IndividualChannelStream ics) { final int is8 = ics.windowSequence[0] == EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE ? 1 : 0; final int tnsMaxOrder = is8 != 0 ? 7 : ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType == AOT_AAC_MAIN ? 20 : 12; for (int w = 0; w < ics.numWindows; w++) { tns.nFilt[w] = br.read(2 - is8); if (tns.nFilt[w] != 0) { int coefRes = br.read1(); for (int filt = 0; filt < tns.nFilt[w]; filt++) { tns.length[w][filt] = br.read(6 - 2 * is8); tns.order[w][filt] = br.read(5 - 2 * is8); if (tns.order[w][filt] > tnsMaxOrder) { log.error(String.format("TNS filter order %d is greater than maximum %d", tns.order[w][filt], tnsMaxOrder)); tns.order[w][filt] = 0; return AAC_ERROR; } if (tns.order[w][filt] > 0) { tns.direction[w][filt] = br.readBool(); int coefCompress = br.read1(); int coefLen = coefRes + 3 - coefCompress; int tmp2Idx = 2 * coefCompress + coefRes; for (int i = 0; i < tns.order[w][filt]; i++) { tns.coef[w][filt][i] = tns_tmp2_map[tmp2Idx][br.read(coefLen)]; } } } } } return 0; } private static int VMUL2(float dst[], int dstOffset, float v[], int vOffset, int idx, float scale) { dst[dstOffset++] = v[vOffset + ((idx ) & 15)] * scale; dst[dstOffset++] = v[vOffset + ((idx >> 4) & 15)] * scale; return dstOffset; } private static int VMUL4(float dst[], int dstOffset, float v[], int vOffset, int idx, float scale) { dst[dstOffset++] = v[vOffset + ((idx ) & 3)] * scale; dst[dstOffset++] = v[vOffset + ((idx >> 2) & 3)] * scale; dst[dstOffset++] = v[vOffset + ((idx >> 4) & 3)] * scale; dst[dstOffset++] = v[vOffset + ((idx >> 6) & 3)] * scale; return dstOffset; } private static int VMUL2S(float dst[], int dstOffset, float v[], int vOffset, int idx, int sign, float scale) { int s0 = Float.floatToRawIntBits(scale); int s1 = Float.floatToRawIntBits(scale); s0 ^= (sign >> 1) << 31; s1 ^= (sign ) << 31; dst[dstOffset++] = v[vOffset + ((idx ) & 15)] * Float.intBitsToFloat(s0); dst[dstOffset++] = v[vOffset + ((idx >> 4) & 15)] * Float.intBitsToFloat(s1); return dstOffset; } private static int VMUL4S(float dst[], int dstOffset, float v[], int vOffset, int idx, int sign, float scale) { int nz = idx >>> 12; int s = Float.floatToRawIntBits(scale); int t; t = s ^ (sign & (1 << 31)); dst[dstOffset++] = v[vOffset + ((idx ) & 3)] * Float.intBitsToFloat(t); sign <<= nz & 1; nz >>= 1; t = s ^ (sign & (1 << 31)); dst[dstOffset++] = v[vOffset + ((idx >> 2) & 3)] * Float.intBitsToFloat(t); sign <<= nz & 1; nz >>= 1; t = s ^ (sign & (1 << 31)); dst[dstOffset++] = v[vOffset + ((idx >> 4) & 3)] * Float.intBitsToFloat(t); sign <<= nz & 1; t = s ^ (sign & (1 << 31)); dst[dstOffset++] = v[vOffset + ((idx >> 6) & 3)] * Float.intBitsToFloat(t); return dstOffset; } /** * Decode spectral data; reference: table 4.50. * Dequantize and scale spectral data; reference: * * @param coef array of dequantized, scaled spectral data * @param sf array of scalefactors or intensity stereo positions * @param pulsePresent set if pulses are present * @param pulse pointer to pulse data struct * @param bandType array of the used band type * * @return Returns error status. 0 - OK, !0 - error */ private int decodeSpectrumAndDequant(float coef[], float sf[], boolean pulsePresent, Pulse pulse, IndividualChannelStream ics, int bandType[]) { int idx = 0; final int c = 1024 / ics.numWindows; final int offsets[] = ics.swbOffset; for (int g = 0; g < ics.numWindows; g++) { Arrays.fill(coef, g * 128 + offsets[ics.maxSfb], g * 128 + c, 0f); } int coefOffset = 0; for (int g = 0; g < ics.numWindowGroups; g++) { int gLen = ics.groupLen[g]; for (int i = 0; i < ics.maxSfb; i++, idx++) { final int cbtM1 = bandType[idx] == 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : bandType[idx] - 1; int cfo = coefOffset + offsets[i]; int offLen = offsets[i + 1] - offsets[i]; if (cbtM1 >= INTENSITY_BT2 - 1) { for (int group = 0; group < gLen; group++, cfo += 128) { Arrays.fill(coef, cfo, cfo + offLen, 0f); } } else if (cbtM1 == NOISE_BT - 1) { for (int group = 0; group < gLen; group++, cfo += 128) { for (int k = 0; k < offLen; k++) { ac.randomState = lcgRandom(ac.randomState); coef[cfo + k] = ac.randomState; } float bandEnergy = FloatDSP.scalarproduct(coef, cfo, coef, cfo, offLen); float scale = sf[idx] / (float) sqrt(bandEnergy); FloatDSP.vectorFmulScalar(coef, cfo, coef, cfo, scale, offLen); } } else { final float vq[] = ff_aac_codebook_vector_vals[cbtM1]; final int cbVertexIdx[] = ff_aac_codebook_vector_idx[cbtM1]; VLC vlc = vlc_spectral[cbtM1]; switch (cbtM1 >> 1) { case 0: for (int group = 0; group < gLen; group++, cfo += 128) { int cf = cfo; for (int len = offLen; len != 0; len -= 4) { int code = vlc.getVLC2(br, 2); int cbIdx = cbVertexIdx[code]; cf = VMUL4(coef, cf, vq, 0, cbIdx, sf[idx]); } } break; case 1: for (int group = 0; group < gLen; group++, cfo += 128) { int cf = cfo; for (int len = offLen; len != 0; len -= 4) { int code = vlc.getVLC2(br, 2); int cbIdx = cbVertexIdx[code]; int nnz = (cbIdx >> 8) & 15; int bits = nnz != 0 ? br.peek(32) : 0; br.skip(nnz); cf = VMUL4S(coef, cf, vq, 0, cbIdx, bits, sf[idx]); } } break; case 2: for (int group = 0; group < gLen; group++, cfo += 128) { int cf = cfo; for (int len = offLen; len != 0; len -= 2) { int code = vlc.getVLC2(br, 2); int cbIdx = cbVertexIdx[code]; cf = VMUL2(coef, cf, vq, 0, cbIdx, sf[idx]); } } break; case 3: case 4: for (int group = 0; group < gLen; group++, cfo += 128) { int cf = cfo; for (int len = offLen; len != 0; len -= 2) { int code = vlc.getVLC2(br, 2); int cbIdx = cbVertexIdx[code]; int nnz = (cbIdx >> 8) & 15; int sign = nnz != 0 ? (br.peek(nnz) << (cbIdx >> 12)) : 0; br.skip(nnz); cf = VMUL2S(coef, cf, vq, 0, cbIdx, sign, sf[idx]); } } break; default: for (int group = 0; group < gLen; group++, cfo += 128) { int icf = cfo; for (int len = offLen; len != 0; len -= 2) { int code = vlc.getVLC2(br, 2); if (code == 0) { coef[icf++] = 0f; coef[icf++] = 0f; continue; } int cbIdx = cbVertexIdx[code]; int nnz = cbIdx >> 12; int nzt = cbIdx >> 8; int bits = br.read(nnz) << (32 - nnz); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if ((nzt & (1 << j)) != 0) { /* The total length of escape_sequence must be < 22 bits according to the specification (i.e. max is 111111110xxxxxxxxxxxx). */ int b = br.peek(32); b = 31 - avLog2(~b); if (b > 8) { log.error(String.format("error in spectral data, ESC overflow")); return AAC_ERROR; } br.skip(b + 1); b += 4; int n = (1 << b) + br.read(b); coef[icf++] = Float.intBitsToFloat(cbrt_tab[n] | (bits & (1 << 31))); bits <<= 1; } else { float v = vq[cbIdx & 15]; if (v == 0f) { coef[icf++] = 0f; } else { if ((bits & (1 << 31)) != 0) { v = -v; } coef[icf++] = v; bits <<= 1; } } cbIdx >>= 4; } } FloatDSP.vectorFmulScalar(coef, cfo, coef, cfo, sf[idx], offLen); } break; } } } coefOffset += gLen << 7; } if (pulsePresent) { idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pulse.numPulse; i++) { float co = coef[pulse.pos[i]]; while (offsets[idx + 1] <= pulse.pos[i]) { idx++; } if (bandType[idx] != NOISE_BT && sf[idx] != 0f) { float ico = -pulse.amp[i]; if (co != 0f) { co /= sf[idx]; ico = co / (float) Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(Math.abs(co))) + (co > 0f ? -ico : ico); } coef[pulse.pos[i]] = (float) Math.cbrt(Math.abs(ico)) * ico * sf[idx]; } } } return 0; } private void resetPredictState(PredictorState ps) { ps.r0 = 0f; ps.r1 = 0f; ps.cor0 = 0f; ps.cor1 = 0f; ps.var0 = 1f; ps.var1 = 1f; } private void resetAllPredictors(PredictorState ps[]) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PREDICTORS; i++) { resetPredictState(ps[i]); } } private void resetPredictorGroup(PredictorState ps[], int groupNum) { for (int i = groupNum - 1; i < MAX_PREDICTORS; i += 30) { resetPredictState(ps[i]); } } private static float flt16Round(float pf) { int i = Float.floatToRawIntBits(pf); i = (i + 0x00008000) & 0xFFFF0000; return Float.intBitsToFloat(i); } private static float flt16Even(float pf) { int i = Float.floatToRawIntBits(pf); i = (i + 0x00007FFF + ((i & 0x00010000) >> 16)) & 0xFFFF0000; return Float.intBitsToFloat(i); } private static float flt16Trunc(float pf) { int i = Float.floatToRawIntBits(pf); i &= 0xFFFF0000; return Float.intBitsToFloat(i); } private void predict(PredictorState ps, float coef[], int coefOffset, boolean outputEnable) { final float a = 0.953125f; // 61.0 / 64 final float alpha = 0.90625f; // 29.0 / 32 float r0 = ps.r0; float r1 = ps.r1; float cor0 = ps.cor0; float cor1 = ps.cor1; float var0 = ps.var0; float var1 = ps.var1; float k1 = var0 > 1f ? cor0 * flt16Even(a / var0) : 0f; float k2 = var1 > 1f ? cor1 * flt16Even(a / var1) : 0f; float pv = flt16Round(k1 * r0 + k2 * r1); if (outputEnable) { coef[coefOffset] += pv; } float e0 = coef[coefOffset]; float e1 = e0 - k1 * r0; ps.cor1 = flt16Trunc(alpha * cor1 + r1 * e1); ps.var1 = flt16Trunc(alpha * var1 + 0.5f * (r1 * r1 + e1 * e1)); ps.cor0 = flt16Trunc(alpha * cor0 + r0 * e0); ps.var0 = flt16Trunc(alpha * var0 + 0.5f * (r0 * r0 + e0 * e0)); ps.r1 = flt16Trunc(a * (r0 - k1 * e0)); ps.r0 = flt16Trunc(a * e0); } /** * Apply AAC-Main style frequency domain prediction. */ private void applyPrediction(SingleChannelElement sce) { if (!sce.ics.predictorInitialized) { resetAllPredictors(sce.predictorState); sce.ics.predictorInitialized = true; } if (sce.ics.windowSequence[0] != EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) { for (int sfb = 0; sfb < ff_aac_pred_sfb_max[ac.oc[1].m4ac.samplingIndex]; sfb++) { for (int k = sce.ics.swbOffset[sfb]; k < sce.ics.swbOffset[sfb + 1]; k++) { predict(sce.predictorState[k], sce.coeffs, k, sce.ics.predictorPresent && sce.ics.predictionUsed[sfb]); } } if (sce.ics.predictorResetGroup != 0) { resetPredictorGroup(sce.predictorState, sce.ics.predictorResetGroup); } } else { resetAllPredictors(sce.predictorState); } } /** * Decode an individual_channel_stream payload; reference: table 4.44. * * @param commonWindow Channels have independent [0], or shared [1], Individual Channel Stream information. * @param scaleFlag scalable [1] or non-scalable [0] AAC (Unused until scalable AAC is implemented.) * * @return Returns error status. 0 - OK, !0 - error */ private int decodeIcs(SingleChannelElement sce, boolean commonWindow, boolean scaleFlag) { int ret; Pulse pulse = new Pulse(); TemporalNoiseShaping tns = sce.tns; IndividualChannelStream ics = sce.ics; float out[] = sce.coeffs; boolean eldSyntax = ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD; boolean erSyntax = ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType == AOT_ER_AAC_LC || ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType == AOT_ER_AAC_LTP || ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType == AOT_ER_AAC_LD || ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD; int globalGain = br.read(8); if (!commonWindow && !scaleFlag) { if (decodeIcsInfo(ics) < 0) { return AAC_ERROR; } } ret = decodeBandTypes(sce.bandType, sce.bandTypeRunEnd, ics); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } ret = decodeScalefactors(sce.sf, globalGain, ics, sce.bandType, sce.bandTypeRunEnd); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } boolean pulsePresent = false; if (!scaleFlag) { if (!eldSyntax && (pulsePresent = br.readBool())) { if (ics.windowSequence[0] == EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) { log.error(String.format("Pulse tool not allowed in eight short sequence")); return AAC_ERROR; } if (decodePulses(pulse, ics.swbOffset, ics.numSwb) != 0) { log.error(String.format("Pulse data corrupt or invalid")); return AAC_ERROR; } } tns.present = br.readBool(); if (tns.present && !erSyntax) { if (decodeTns(tns, ics) < 0) { return AAC_ERROR; } } if (!eldSyntax && br.readBool()) { return AAC_ERROR; } // I see no textual basis in the spec for this occuring after SSR gain // control, but this is what both reference and real implementations do if (tns.present && erSyntax) { if (decodeTns(tns, ics) < 0) { return AAC_ERROR; } } } if (decodeSpectrumAndDequant(out, sce.sf, pulsePresent, pulse, ics, sce.bandType) < 0) { return AAC_ERROR; } if (ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType == AOT_AAC_MAIN && !commonWindow) { applyPrediction(sce); } return 0; } /** * Decode an array of 4 bit element IDs, optionally interleaved with a * stereo/mono switching bit. * * @param type speaker type/position for these channels */ private void decodeChannelMap(int[][] layoutMap, int layoutMapOffset, int type, int n) { while (n-- != 0) { int synEle; switch (type) { case AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT: case AAC_CHANNEL_BACK: case AAC_CHANNEL_SIDE: synEle = br.read1(); break; case AAC_CHANNEL_CC: br.skip(1); synEle = TYPE_CCE; break; case AAC_CHANNEL_LFE: synEle = TYPE_LFE; break; default: log.error(String.format("decodeChannelMap invalid type %d", type)); return; } layoutMap[layoutMapOffset][0] = synEle; layoutMap[layoutMapOffset][1] = br.read(4); layoutMap[layoutMapOffset][2] = type; layoutMapOffset++; } } /** * Decode program configuration element; reference: table 4.2. * * @return Returns error status. 0 - OK, !0 - error */ private int decodePce(MPEG4AudioConfig m4ac, int[][] layoutMap) { br.skip(2); // object_type int samplingIndex = br.read(4); if (m4ac.samplingIndex != samplingIndex) { log.warn(String.format("Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container")); } int numFront = br.read(4); int numSide = br.read(4); int numBack = br.read(4); int numLfe = br.read(2); int numAssocData = br.read(3); int numCc = br.read(4); if (br.readBool()) { br.skip(4); // mono_mixdown_tag } if (br.readBool()) { br.skip(4); // stereo_mixdown_tag } if (br.readBool()) { br.skip(3); // mixdown_coeff_index and pseudo_surround } if (br.getBitsLeft() < 4 * (numFront + numSide + numBack + numLfe + numAssocData + numCc)) { log.error(String.format("decode_pce: overread error")); return AAC_ERROR; } decodeChannelMap(layoutMap, 0, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT, numFront); int tags = numFront; decodeChannelMap(layoutMap, tags, AAC_CHANNEL_SIDE , numSide ); tags += numSide; decodeChannelMap(layoutMap, tags, AAC_CHANNEL_BACK , numBack ); tags += numBack; decodeChannelMap(layoutMap, tags, AAC_CHANNEL_LFE , numLfe ); tags += numLfe; br.skip(4 * numAssocData); decodeChannelMap(layoutMap, tags, AAC_CHANNEL_CC , numCc ); tags += numCc; br.byteAlign(); // comment field, first byte is length int commentLen = br.read(8) * 8; if (br.getBitsLeft() < commentLen) { log.error(String.format("decode_pce: overread error")); return AAC_ERROR; } br.skip(commentLen); return tags; } /** * Save current output configuration if and only if it has been locked. */ private void pushOutputConfiguration() { if (ac.oc[1].status == OC_LOCKED) { ac.oc[0].copy(ac.oc[1]); } ac.oc[1].status = OC_NONE; } /** * Restore the previous output configuration if and only if the current * configuration is unlocked. */ private void popOutputConfiguration() { if (ac.oc[1].status != OC_LOCKED && ac.oc[0].status != OC_NONE) { ac.oc[1].copy(ac.oc[0]); ac.channels = ac.oc[1].channels; outputConfigure(ac.oc[1].layoutMap, ac.oc[1].layoutMapTags, ac.oc[1].status, false); } } private int assignPair(ElemToChannel e2cVec[], int layoutMap[][], int offset, int left, int right, int pos) { if (layoutMap[offset][0] == TYPE_CPE) { e2cVec[offset] = new ElemToChannel(left | right, TYPE_CPE, layoutMap[offset][1], pos); return 1; } e2cVec[offset ] = new ElemToChannel(left , TYPE_SCE, layoutMap[offset ][1], pos); e2cVec[offset + 1] = new ElemToChannel(right, TYPE_SCE, layoutMap[offset + 1][1], pos); return 2; } private int countPairedChannels(int layoutMap[][], int tags, int pos, int[] current) { int numPosChannels = 0; boolean firstCpe = false; boolean sceParity = false; int i; for (i = current[0]; i < tags; i++) { if (layoutMap[i][2] != pos) { break; } if (layoutMap[i][0] == TYPE_CPE) { if (sceParity) { if (pos == AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT && !firstCpe) { sceParity = false; } else { return -1; } } numPosChannels += 2; firstCpe = true; } else { numPosChannels++; sceParity = !sceParity; } } if (sceParity && ((pos == AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT && firstCpe) || pos == AAC_CHANNEL_SIDE)) { return -1; } current[0] = i; return numPosChannels; } private int sniffChannelOrder(int[][] layoutMap, int tags) { ElemToChannel e2cVec[] = new ElemToChannel[4 * MAX_ELEM_ID]; if (e2cVec.length < tags) { return 0; } int ii[] = new int[1]; ii[0] = 0; int numFrontChannels = countPairedChannels(layoutMap, tags, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT, ii); if (numFrontChannels < 0) { return 0; } int numSideChannels = countPairedChannels(layoutMap, tags, AAC_CHANNEL_SIDE, ii); if (numSideChannels < 0) { return 0; } int numBackChannels = countPairedChannels(layoutMap, tags, AAC_CHANNEL_BACK, ii); if (numBackChannels < 0) { return 0; } int i = 0; if ((numFrontChannels & 1) != 0) { e2cVec[i] = new ElemToChannel(CH_FRONT_CENTER, TYPE_SCE, layoutMap[i][1], AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT); i++; numFrontChannels--; } if (numFrontChannels >= 4) { i += assignPair(e2cVec, layoutMap, i, CH_FRONT_LEFT_OF_CENTER, CH_FRONT_RIGHT_OF_CENTER, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT); numFrontChannels -= 2; } if (numFrontChannels >= 2) { i += assignPair(e2cVec, layoutMap, i, CH_FRONT_LEFT, CH_FRONT_RIGHT, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT); numFrontChannels -= 2; } while (numFrontChannels >= 2) { i += assignPair(e2cVec, layoutMap, i, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT); numFrontChannels -= 2; } if (numSideChannels >= 2) { i += assignPair(e2cVec, layoutMap, i, CH_SIDE_LEFT, CH_SIDE_RIGHT, AAC_CHANNEL_FRONT); numSideChannels -= 2; } while (numSideChannels >= 2) { i += assignPair(e2cVec, layoutMap, i, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, AAC_CHANNEL_SIDE); numSideChannels -= 2; } while (numBackChannels >= 4) { i += assignPair(e2cVec, layoutMap, i, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, AAC_CHANNEL_BACK); numBackChannels -= 2; } if (numBackChannels >= 2) { i += assignPair(e2cVec, layoutMap, i, CH_BACK_LEFT, CH_BACK_RIGHT, AAC_CHANNEL_BACK); numBackChannels -= 2; } if (numBackChannels > 0) { e2cVec[i] = new ElemToChannel(CH_BACK_CENTER, TYPE_SCE, layoutMap[i][1], AAC_CHANNEL_BACK); i++; numBackChannels--; } if (i < tags && layoutMap[i][2] == AAC_CHANNEL_LFE) { e2cVec[i] = new ElemToChannel(CH_LOW_FREQUENCY, TYPE_LFE, layoutMap[i][1], AAC_CHANNEL_LFE); i++; } while (i < tags && layoutMap[i][2] == AAC_CHANNEL_LFE) { e2cVec[i] = new ElemToChannel(Integer.MAX_VALUE, TYPE_LFE, layoutMap[i][1], AAC_CHANNEL_LFE); i++; } // Must choose a stable sort int totalNonCcElements = i; int n = i; ElemToChannel tmp = new ElemToChannel(); do { int nextN = 0; for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { if (e2cVec[i - 1].avPosition > e2cVec[i].avPosition) { tmp.copy(e2cVec[i - 1]); e2cVec[i - 2].copy(e2cVec[i]); e2cVec[i].copy(tmp); nextN = i; } } n = nextN; } while (n > 0); int layout = 0; for (i = 0; i < totalNonCcElements; i++) { layoutMap[i][0] = e2cVec[i].synEle; layoutMap[i][1] = e2cVec[i].elemId; layoutMap[i][2] = e2cVec[i].aacPosition; if (e2cVec[i].avPosition != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { layout |= e2cVec[i].avPosition; } } return layout; } /** * Check for the channel element in the current channel position configuration. * If it exists, make sure the appropriate element is allocated and map the * channel order to match the internal FFmpeg channel layout. * * @param chePos current channel position configuration * @param type channel element type * @param id channel element id * @param channels count of the number of channels in the configuration * * @return Returns error status. 0 - OK, !0 - error */ private int cheConfigure(int chePos, int type, int id, int[] channels) { if (channels[0] >= MAX_CHANNELS) { return AAC_ERROR; } if (chePos != 0) { if (ac.che[type][id] == null) { ac.che[type][id] = new ChannelElement(); AacSbr.ctxInit(ac.che[type][id].sbr); } if (type != TYPE_CCE) { if (channels[0] >= MAX_CHANNELS - ((type == TYPE_CPE || (type == TYPE_SCE && ac.oc[1].m4ac.ps == 1)) ? 1 : 0)) { log.error(String.format("Too many channels")); return AAC_ERROR; } ac.outputElement[channels[0]++] = ac.che[type][id].ch[0]; if (type == TYPE_CPE || (type == TYPE_SCE && ac.oc[1].m4ac.ps == 1)) { ac.outputElement[channels[0]++] = ac.che[type][id].ch[1]; } } } else { if (ac.che[type][id] != null) { AacSbr.ctxClose(ac.che[type][id].sbr); ac.che[type][id] = null; } } return 0; } /** * Configure output channel order based on the current program * configuration element. * * @return Returns error status. 0 - OK, !0 - error */ private int outputConfigure(int[][] layoutMap, int tags, int ocType, boolean getNewFrame) { if (ac.oc[1].layoutMap != layoutMap) { for (int i = 0; i < tags; i++) { System.arraycopy(layoutMap[i], 0, ac.oc[1].layoutMap[i], 0, 3); } ac.oc[1].layoutMapTags = tags; } // Try to sniff a reasonable channel order, otherwise output the // channels in the order the PCE declared them int layout = sniffChannelOrder(layoutMap, tags); int channels[] = new int[1]; for (int i = 0; i < tags; i++) { int type = layoutMap[i][0]; int id = layoutMap[i][1]; int position = layoutMap[i][2]; // Allocate or free elements depending on if they are in the // current program configuration int ret = cheConfigure(position, type, id, channels); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } } if (ac.oc[1].m4ac.ps == 1 && channels[0] == 2) { if (layout == CH_FRONT_CENTER) { layout = CH_FRONT_LEFT | CH_FRONT_RIGHT; } else { layout = 0; } } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < MAX_ELEM_ID; j++) { ac.tagCheMap[i][j] = ac.che[i][j]; } } ac.oc[1].channelLayout = layout; ac.channels = channels[0]; ac.oc[1].channels = channels[0]; ac.oc[1].status = ocType; if (getNewFrame) { int ret = frameConfigureElements(); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } } return 0; } /** * Decode a channel_pair_element; reference: table 4.4. * * @return Returns error status. 0 - OK, !0 - error */ private int decodeCpe(ChannelElement cpe) { int ret; int msPresent = 0; boolean eldSyntax = ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD; boolean commonWindow = eldSyntax || br.readBool(); if (commonWindow) { if (decodeIcsInfo(cpe.ch[0].ics) != 0) { return AAC_ERROR; } boolean i = cpe.ch[1].ics.useKbWindow[0]; cpe.ch[1].ics.copy(cpe.ch[0].ics); cpe.ch[1].ics.useKbWindow[1] = i; if (cpe.ch[1].ics.predictorPresent && ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType != AOT_AAC_MAIN) { cpe.ch[1].ics.ltp.present = br.readBool(); if (cpe.ch[1].ics.ltp.present) { decodeLtp(cpe.ch[1].ics.ltp, cpe.ch[1].ics.maxSfb); } } msPresent = br.read(2); if (msPresent == 3) { log.error(String.format("ms_present = 3 is reserved")); return AAC_ERROR; } if (msPresent != 0) { decodeMidSideStereo(cpe, msPresent); } } ret = decodeIcs(cpe.ch[0], commonWindow, false); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } ret = decodeIcs(cpe.ch[1], commonWindow, false); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } if (commonWindow) { if (msPresent != 0) { applyMidSideStereo(cpe); } if (ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType == AOT_AAC_MAIN) { applyPrediction(cpe.ch[0]); applyPrediction(cpe.ch[1]); } } applyIntensityStereo(cpe, msPresent); return 0; } /** * Decode Mid/Side data; reference: table 4.54. * * @param ms_present Indicates mid/side stereo presence. [0] mask is all 0s; * [1] mask is decoded from bitstream; [2] mask is all 1s; * [3] reserved for scalable AAC */ private void decodeMidSideStereo(ChannelElement cpe, int msPresent) { if (msPresent == 1) { for (int idx = 0; idx < cpe.ch[0].ics.numWindowGroups * cpe.ch[0].ics.maxSfb; idx++) { cpe.msMask[idx] = br.read1(); } } else if (msPresent == 2) { Arrays.fill(cpe.msMask, 0, cpe.ch[0].ics.numWindowGroups * cpe.ch[0].ics.maxSfb, 1); } } /** * Mid/Side stereo decoding; reference: */ private void applyMidSideStereo(ChannelElement cpe) { final IndividualChannelStream ics = cpe.ch[0].ics; int ch0 = 0; int ch1 = 0; int idx = 0; final int offsets[] = ics.swbOffset; for (int g = 0; g < ics.numWindowGroups; g++) { for (int i = 0; i < ics.maxSfb; i++, idx++) { if (cpe.msMask[idx] != 0 && cpe.ch[0].bandType[idx] < NOISE_BT && cpe.ch[1].bandType[idx] < NOISE_BT) { for (int group = 0; group < ics.groupLen[g]; group++) { FloatDSP.butterflies(cpe.ch[0].coeffs, ch0 + group * 128 + offsets[i], cpe.ch[1].coeffs, ch1 + group * 128 + offsets[i], offsets[i + 1] - offsets[i]); } } } ch0 += ics.groupLen[g] * 128; ch1 += ics.groupLen[g] * 128; } } /** * intensity stereo decoding; reference: * * @param ms_present Indicates mid/side stereo presence. [0] mask is all 0s; * [1] mask is decoded from bitstream; [2] mask is all 1s; * [3] reserved for scalable AAC */ private void applyIntensityStereo(ChannelElement cpe, int msPresent) { final IndividualChannelStream ics = cpe.ch[1].ics; final SingleChannelElement sce1 = cpe.ch[1]; int coef0 = 0; int coef1 = 0; final int offsets[] = ics.swbOffset; int idx = 0; for (int g = 0; g < ics.numWindowGroups; g++) { for (int i = 0; i < ics.maxSfb; ) { if (sce1.bandType[idx] == INTENSITY_BT || sce1.bandType[idx] == INTENSITY_BT2) { final int btRunEnd = sce1.bandTypeRunEnd[idx]; for (; i < btRunEnd; i++, idx++) { int c = -1 + 2 * (sce1.bandType[idx] - 14); if (msPresent != 0) { c *= 1 - 2 * cpe.msMask[idx]; } float scale = c * sce1.sf[idx]; for (int group = 0; group < ics.groupLen[g]; group++) { FloatDSP.vectorFmulScalar(cpe.ch[1].coeffs, coef1 + group * 128 + offsets[i], cpe.ch[0].coeffs, coef0 + group * 128 + offsets[i], scale, offsets[i + 1] - offsets[i]); } } } else { int btRunEnd = sce1.bandTypeRunEnd[idx]; idx += btRunEnd - i; i = btRunEnd; } } coef0 += ics.groupLen[g] * 128; coef1 += ics.groupLen[g] * 128; } } /** * Decode coupling_channel_element; reference: table 4.8. * * @return Returns error status. 0 - OK, !0 - error */ private int decodeCce(ChannelElement che) { int numGain = 0; SingleChannelElement sce = che.ch[0]; ChannelCoupling coup = che.coup; coup.couplingPoint = 2 * br.read1(); coup.numCoupled = br.read(3); for (int c = 0; c <= coup.numCoupled; c++) { numGain++; coup.type[c] = br.readBool() ? TYPE_CPE : TYPE_SCE; coup.idSelect[c] = br.read(4); if (coup.type[c] == TYPE_CPE) { coup.chSelect[c] = br.read(2); if (coup.chSelect[c] == 3) { numGain++; } } else { coup.chSelect[c] = 2; } } coup.couplingPoint += (br.readBool() || (coup.couplingPoint >> 1) != 0) ? 1 : 0; boolean sign = br.readBool(); float scale = cce_scale[br.read(2)]; int ret = decodeIcs(sce, false, false); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } for (int c = 0; c < numGain; c++) { int idx = 0; boolean cge = true; int gain = 0; float gainCache = 1f; if (c != 0) { cge = coup.couplingPoint == AFTER_IMDCT ? true : br.readBool(); gain = cge ? vlc_scalefactors.getVLC2(br, 3) - 60 : 0; gainCache = (float) pow(scale, -gain); } if (coup.couplingPoint == AFTER_IMDCT) { coup.gain[c][0] = gainCache; } else { for (int g = 0; g < sce.ics.numWindowGroups; g++) { for (int sfb = 0; sfb < sce.ics.maxSfb; sfb++, idx++) { if (sce.bandType[idx] != ZERO_BT) { if (!cge) { int t = vlc_scalefactors.getVLC2(br, 3) - 60; if (t != 0) { int s = 1; gain += t; t = gain; if (sign) { s -= 2 * (t & 0x1); t >>= 1; } gainCache = (float) pow(scale, -t) * s; } } coup.gain[c][idx] = gainCache; } } } } } return 0; } /** * Skip data_stream_element; reference: table 4.10. */ private int skipDataStreamElement() { boolean byteAlign = br.readBool(); int count = br.read(8); if (count == 255) { count += br.read(8); } if (byteAlign) { br.byteAlign(); } if (br.getBitsLeft() < 8 * count) { log.error(String.format("skipDataStreamElement overread error")); return AAC_ERROR; } br.skip(8 * count); return 0; } /** * Parse whether channels are to be excluded from Dynamic Range Compression; reference: table 4.53. * * @return Returns number of bytes consumed. */ private int decodeDrcChannelExclusions(DynamicRangeControl cheDrc) { int numExclChan = 0; do { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { cheDrc.excludeMask[numExclChan++] = br.read1(); } } while (numExclChan < MAX_CHANNELS - 7 && br.readBool()); return numExclChan / 7; } /** * Decode dynamic range information; reference: table 4.52. * * @return Returns number of bytes consumed. */ private int decodeDynamicRange(DynamicRangeControl cheDrc) { int n = 1; int drcNumBands = 1; // pce_tag_present? if (br.readBool()) { cheDrc.pceInstanceTag = br.read(4); br.skip(4); // tag_reserved_bits n++; } // excluded_chns_present? if (br.readBool()) { n += decodeDrcChannelExclusions(cheDrc); } // drc_bands_present? if (br.readBool()) { cheDrc.bandIncr = br.read(4); cheDrc.interpolationScheme = br.read(4); n++; drcNumBands += cheDrc.bandIncr; for (int i = 0; i < drcNumBands; i++) { cheDrc.bandTop[i] = br.read(8); n++; } } // prog_reg_level_present? if (br.readBool()) { cheDrc.progRefLevel = br.read(7); br.skip(1); // prog_ref_level_reserved_bits n++; } for (int i = 0; i < drcNumBands; i++) { cheDrc.dynRngSgn[i] = br.read1(); cheDrc.dynRngCtl[i] = br.read(7); n++; } return n; } private int decodeFill(int len) { if (len >= 13 + 7 * 8) { br.read(13); len -= 13; byte buf[] = new byte[Math.min(256, len / 8)]; for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++, len -= 8) { buf[i] = (byte) br.read(8); } String s = new String(buf); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(String.format("FILL: '%s'", s)); } Pattern p = Pattern.compile("libfaac (\\d+)\\.(\\d+)"); Matcher m = p.matcher(s); if (m.matches()) { ac.skipSamples = 1024; } } br.skip(len); return 0; } /** * Decode extension data (incomplete); reference: table 4.51. * * @param cnt length of TYPE_FIL syntactic element in bytes * * @return Returns number of bytes consumed */ private int decodeExtensionPayload(int cnt, ChannelElement che, int elemType) { boolean crcFlag = false; int res = cnt; switch (br.read(4)) { // extension type case EXT_SBR_DATA_CRC: crcFlag = true; // Fall-through case EXT_SBR_DATA: if (che == null) { log.error(String.format("SBR was found before the first channel element")); return res; } else if (ac.oc[1].m4ac.sbr == 0) { log.error(String.format("SBR signaled to be not-present but was found in the bitstream")); br.skip(8 * cnt - 4); return res; } else if (ac.oc[1].m4ac.sbr == -1 && ac.oc[1].status == OC_LOCKED) { log.error(String.format("Implicit SBR was found with a first occurrence after the first frame")); br.skip(8 * cnt - 4); return res; } else if (ac.oc[1].m4ac.ps == -1 && ac.oc[1].status < OC_LOCKED && ac.channels == 1) { ac.oc[1].m4ac.sbr = 1; ac.oc[1].m4ac.ps = 1; outputConfigure(ac.oc[1].layoutMap, ac.oc[1].layoutMapTags, ac.oc[1].status, true); } else { ac.oc[1].m4ac.sbr = 1; } res = AacSbr.decodeSbrExtension(ac, che.sbr, crcFlag, cnt, elemType); break; case EXT_DYNAMIC_RANGE: res = decodeDynamicRange(ac.cheDrc); break; case EXT_FILL: decodeFill(8 * cnt - 4); break; case EXT_FILL_DATA: case EXT_DATA_ELEMENT: default: br.skip(8 * cnt - 4); break; } return res; } private void imdctAndWindowing(SingleChannelElement sce) { IndividualChannelStream ics = sce.ics; float in[] = sce.coeffs; float out[] = sce.ret; float saved[] = sce.saved; final float swindow [] = ics.useKbWindow[0] ? ff_aac_kbd_short_128 : ff_sine_128; final float lwindowPrev[] = ics.useKbWindow[1] ? ff_aac_kbd_long_1024 : ff_sine_1024; final float swindowPrev[] = ics.useKbWindow[1] ? ff_aac_kbd_short_128 : ff_sine_128; float buf[] = ac.bufMdct; float temp[] = ac.temp; // imdct if (ics.windowSequence[0] == EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) { for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i += 128) { ac.mdctSmall.imdctHalf(buf, i, in, i); } } else { ac.mdct.imdctHalf(buf, 0, in, 0); } /* window overlapping * NOTE: To simplify the overlapping code, all 'meaningless' short to long * and long to short transitions are considered to be short to short * transitions. This leaves just two cases (long to long and short to short) * with a little special sauce for EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE. */ if ((ics.windowSequence[1] == ONLY_LONG_SEQUENCE || ics.windowSequence[1] == LONG_STOP_SEQUENCE) && (ics.windowSequence[0] == ONLY_LONG_SEQUENCE || ics.windowSequence[0] == LONG_START_SEQUENCE)) { FloatDSP.vectorFmulWindow(out, 0, saved, 0, buf, 0, lwindowPrev, 0, 512); } else { System.arraycopy(saved, 0, out, 0, 448); if (ics.windowSequence[0] == EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) { FloatDSP.vectorFmulWindow(out , 448 + 0 * 128, saved, 448 , buf, 0 * 128, swindowPrev, 0, 64); FloatDSP.vectorFmulWindow(out , 448 + 1 * 128, buf , 0 * 128 + 64, buf, 1 * 128, swindow , 0, 64); FloatDSP.vectorFmulWindow(out , 448 + 2 * 128, buf , 1 * 128 + 64, buf, 2 * 128, swindow , 0, 64); FloatDSP.vectorFmulWindow(out , 448 + 3 * 128, buf , 2 * 128 + 64, buf, 3 * 128, swindow , 0, 64); FloatDSP.vectorFmulWindow(temp, 0 , buf , 3 * 128 + 64, buf, 4 * 128, swindow , 0, 64); System.arraycopy(temp, 0, out, 448 + 4 * 128, 64); } else { FloatDSP.vectorFmulWindow(out , 448 , saved, 448 , buf, 0 , swindowPrev, 0, 64); System.arraycopy(buf, 64, out, 576, 448); } } // buffer update if (ics.windowSequence[0] == EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) { System.arraycopy(temp, 64, saved, 0, 64); FloatDSP.vectorFmulWindow(saved, 64 , buf, 4 * 128 + 64, buf, 5 * 128, swindow, 0, 64); FloatDSP.vectorFmulWindow(saved, 192, buf, 5 * 128 + 64, buf, 6 * 128, swindow, 0, 64); FloatDSP.vectorFmulWindow(saved, 320, buf, 6 * 128 + 64, buf, 7 * 128, swindow, 0, 64); System.arraycopy(buf, 7 * 128 + 64, saved, 448, 64); } else if (ics.windowSequence[0] == LONG_START_SEQUENCE) { System.arraycopy(buf, 512 , saved, 0 , 448); System.arraycopy(buf, 7 * 128 + 64, saved, 448, 64 ); } else { // LONG_STOP or ONLY_LONG System.arraycopy(buf, 512 , saved, 0 , 512); } } private void imdctAndWindowingLd(SingleChannelElement sce) { IndividualChannelStream ics = sce.ics; float in[] = sce.coeffs; float out[] = sce.ret; float saved[] = sce.saved; float buf[] = ac.bufMdct; // imdct ac.mdct.imdctHalf(buf, 0, in, 0); // window overlapping if (ics.useKbWindow[1]) { // AAC LD uses a low overlap sine window instead of a KBD window System.arraycopy(saved, 0, out, 0, 192); FloatDSP.vectorFmulWindow(out, 192, saved, 192, buf, 0, ff_sine_128, 0, 64); System.arraycopy(buf, 64, out, 320, 192); } else { FloatDSP.vectorFmulWindow(out, 0, saved, 0, buf, 0, ff_sine_512, 0, 256); } // buffer update System.arraycopy(buf, 256, saved, 0, 256); } private void imdctAndWindowingEld(SingleChannelElement sce) { float in[] = sce.coeffs; float out[] = sce.ret; float saved[] = sce.saved; float window[] = AacTab.ff_aac_eld_window; float buf[] = ac.bufMdct; final int n = 512; final int n2 = n >> 1; final int n4 = n >> 2; // Inverse transform, mapped to the conventional IMDCT by // Chivukula, R.K.; Reznik, Y.A.; Devarajan, V., // "Efficient algorithms for MPEG-4 AAC-ELD, AAC-LD and AAC-LC filterbanks," // International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing, ICALIP 2008. // URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=4590245&isnumber=4589950 for (int i = 0; i < n2; i += 2) { float temp; temp = in[i ]; in[i ] = -in[n - 1 - i]; in[n - 1 - i] = temp; temp = -in[i + 1]; in[i + 1] = in[n - 2 - i]; in[n - 2 - i] = temp; } ac.mdct.imdctHalf(buf, 0, in, 0); for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 2) { buf[i] = -buf[i]; } // Like with the regular IMDCT at this point we still have the middle half // of a transform but with even symmetry on the left and odd symmetry on // the right // window overlapping // The spec says to use samples [0..511] but the reference decoder uses // samples [128..639]. for (int i = n4; i < n2; i ++) { out[i - n4] = buf[n2 - 1 - i] * window[i - n4] + saved[ i + n2] * window[i + n - n4] + -saved[ n + n2 - 1 - i] * window[i + 2*n - n4] + -saved[2*n + n2 + i] * window[i + 3*n - n4]; } for (int i = 0; i < n2; i ++) { out[n4 + i] = buf[i] * window[i + n2 - n4] + -saved[ n - 1 - i] * window[i + n2 + n - n4] + -saved[ n + i] * window[i + n2 + 2*n - n4] + saved[2*n + n - 1 - i] * window[i + n2 + 3*n - n4]; } for (int i = 0; i < n4; i ++) { out[n2 + n4 + i] = buf[ i + n2] * window[i + n - n4] + -saved[ n2 - 1 - i] * window[i + 2*n - n4] + -saved[ n + n2 + i] * window[i + 3*n - n4]; } // buffer update System.arraycopy(saved, 0, saved, n, 2 * n); System.arraycopy(buf , 0, saved, 0, n); } private void imdctAndWindow(SingleChannelElement sce) { switch (ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType) { case AOT_ER_AAC_LD: imdctAndWindowingLd(sce); break; case AOT_ER_AAC_ELD: imdctAndWindowingEld(sce); break; default: imdctAndWindowing(sce); break; } } /** * Apply windowing and MDCT to obtain the spectral * coefficient from the predicted sample by LTP. */ private void windowingAndMdctLtp(float out[], float in[], IndividualChannelStream ics) { final float lwindow [] = ics.useKbWindow[0] ? ff_aac_kbd_long_1024 : ff_sine_1024; final float swindow [] = ics.useKbWindow[0] ? ff_aac_kbd_short_128 : ff_sine_128; final float lwindowPrev[] = ics.useKbWindow[1] ? ff_aac_kbd_long_1024 : ff_sine_1024; final float swindowPrev[] = ics.useKbWindow[1] ? ff_aac_kbd_short_128 : ff_sine_128; if (ics.windowSequence[0] != LONG_STOP_SEQUENCE) { FloatDSP.vectorFmul(in, 0, in, 0, lwindowPrev, 0, 1024); } else { Arrays.fill(in, 0, 448, 0f); FloatDSP.vectorFmul(in, 448, in, 448, swindowPrev, 0, 128); } if (ics.windowSequence[0] != LONG_START_SEQUENCE) { FloatDSP.vectorFmulReverse(in, 1024, in, 1024, lwindow, 0, 1024); } else { FloatDSP.vectorFmulReverse(in, 1024 + 448, in, 1024 + 448, swindow, 0, 128); Arrays.fill(in, 1024 + 576, 1024 + 576 + 448, 0f); } ac.mdctLtp.mdctCalc(out, 0, in, 0); } /** * Apply the long term prediction */ private void applyLtp(SingleChannelElement sce) { LongTermPrediction ltp = sce.ics.ltp; final int offsets[] = sce.ics.swbOffset; if (sce.ics.windowSequence[0] != EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) { final float predTime[] = sce.ret; final float predFreq[] = ac.bufMdct; int numSamples = 2048; if (ltp.lag < 1024) { numSamples = ltp.lag + 1024; } for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { predTime[i] = sce.ltpState[i + 2048 - ltp.lag] * ltp.coef; } Arrays.fill(predTime, numSamples, 2048, 0f); windowingAndMdctLtp(predFreq, predTime, sce.ics); if (sce.tns.present) { applyTns(predFreq, sce.tns, sce.ics, false); } for (int sfb = 0; sfb < Math.min(sce.ics.maxSfb, MAX_LTP_LONG_SFB); sfb++) { if (ltp.used[sfb]) { for (int i = offsets[sfb]; i < offsets[sfb + 1]; i++) { sce.coeffs[i] += predFreq[i]; } } } } } /** * Update the LTP buffer for next frame */ private void updateLtp(SingleChannelElement sce) { IndividualChannelStream ics = sce.ics; float saved[] = sce.saved; float savedLtp[] = sce.coeffs; final float lwindow[] = ics.useKbWindow[0] ? ff_aac_kbd_long_1024 : ff_sine_1024; final float swindow[] = ics.useKbWindow[0] ? ff_aac_kbd_short_128 : ff_sine_128; if (ics.windowSequence[0] == EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) { System.arraycopy(saved, 0, savedLtp, 0, 512); Arrays.fill(savedLtp, 576, 576 + 448, 0f); FloatDSP.vectorFmulReverse(savedLtp, 448, ac.bufMdct, 960, swindow, 64, 64); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { savedLtp[i + 512] = ac.bufMdct[1023 - i] * swindow[63 - i]; } } else if (ics.windowSequence[0] == LONG_START_SEQUENCE) { System.arraycopy(ac.bufMdct, 512, savedLtp, 0, 448); Arrays.fill(savedLtp, 576, 576 + 448, 0f); FloatDSP.vectorFmulReverse(savedLtp, 448, ac.bufMdct, 960, swindow, 64, 64); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { savedLtp[i + 512] = ac.bufMdct[1023 - i] * swindow[63 - i]; } } else { // LONG_STOP or ONLY_LONG FloatDSP.vectorFmulReverse(savedLtp, 0, ac.bufMdct, 512, lwindow, 512, 512); for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) { savedLtp[i + 512] = ac.bufMdct[1023 - i] * lwindow[511 - i]; } } System.arraycopy(sce.ltpState, 1024, sce.ltpState, 0 , 1024); System.arraycopy(sce.ret , 0 , sce.ltpState, 1024, 1024); System.arraycopy(savedLtp , 0 , sce.ltpState, 2048, 1024); } /** * Decode Temporal Noise Shaping filter coefficients and apply all-pole filters; reference: * * @param decode 1 if tool is used normally, 0 if tool is used in LTP. * @param coef spectral coefficients */ private void applyTns(float coef[], TemporalNoiseShaping tns, IndividualChannelStream ics, boolean decode) { final int mmm = Math.min(ics.tnsMaxBands, ics.maxSfb); final float lpc[] = new float[TNS_MAX_ORDER]; final float tmp[] = new float[TNS_MAX_ORDER + 1]; for (int w = 0; w < ics.numWindows; w++) { int bottom = ics.numSwb; for (int filt = 0; filt < tns.nFilt[w]; filt++) { int top = bottom; bottom = Math.max(0, top - tns.length[w][filt]); int order = tns.order[w][filt]; if (order == 0) { continue; } // tns_decode_coef computeLpcCoefs(tns.coef[w][filt], order, lpc, 0, false, false); int start = ics.swbOffset[Math.min(bottom, mmm)]; int end = ics.swbOffset[Math.min(top , mmm)]; int size = end - start; if (size <= 0) { continue; } int inc; if (tns.direction[w][filt]) { inc = -1; start = end - 1; } else { inc = 1; } start += w * 128; if (decode) { // ar filter for (int m = 0; m < size; m++, start += inc) { for (int i = 1; i <= Math.min(m, order); i++) { coef[start] -= coef[start - i * inc] * lpc[i - 1]; } } } else { // ma filter for (int m = 0; m < size; m++, start += inc) { tmp[0] = coef[start]; for (int i = 1; i <= Math.min(m, order); i++) { coef[start] += tmp[i] * lpc[i - 1]; } for (int i = order; i > 0; i--) { tmp[i] = tmp[i - 1]; } } } } } } /** * Apply dependent channel coupling (applied before IMDCT). * * @param index index into coupling gain array */ private void applyDependentCoupling(SingleChannelElement target, ChannelElement cce, int index) { IndividualChannelStream ics = cce.ch[0].ics; int offsets[] = ics.swbOffset; float dest[] = target.coeffs; float src[] = cce.ch[0].coeffs; int idx = 0; if (ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType == AOT_AAC_LTP) { log.error(String.format("Dependent coupling is not supported together with LTP")); return; } int destOffset = 0; int srcOffset = 0; for (int g = 0; g < ics.numWindowGroups; g++) { for (int i = 0; i < ics.maxSfb; i++, idx++) { if (cce.ch[0].bandType[idx] != ZERO_BT) { final float gain = cce.coup.gain[index][idx]; for (int group = 0; group < ics.groupLen[g]; group++) { for (int k = offsets[i]; k < offsets[i + 1]; k++) { dest[destOffset + group * 128 + k] += gain * src[srcOffset + group * 128 + k]; } } } } destOffset += ics.groupLen[g] * 128; srcOffset += ics.groupLen[g] * 128; } } /** * Apply independent channel coupling (applied after IMDCT). * * @param index index into coupling gain array */ private void applyIndependentCoupling(SingleChannelElement target, ChannelElement cce, int index) { final float gain = cce.coup.gain[index][0]; float src[] = cce.ch[0].ret; float dest[] = target.ret; final int len = 1024 << (ac.oc[1].m4ac.sbr == 1 ? 1 : 0); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { dest[i] += gain * src[i]; } } private void applyCouplingMethod(SingleChannelElement target, ChannelElement cce, int index, boolean applyDependentCoupling) { if (applyDependentCoupling) { applyDependentCoupling(target, cce, index); } else { applyIndependentCoupling(target, cce, index); } } /** * channel coupling transformation interface * * @param apply_coupling_method pointer to (in)dependent coupling function */ private void applyChannelCoupling(ChannelElement cc, int type, int elemId, int couplingPoint, boolean applyDependentCoupling) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ELEM_ID; i++) { ChannelElement cce = ac.che[TYPE_CCE][i]; if (cce != null && cce.coup.couplingPoint == couplingPoint) { int index = 0; ChannelCoupling coup = cce.coup; for (int c = 0; c <= coup.numCoupled; c++) { if (coup.type[c] == type && coup.idSelect[c] == elemId) { if (coup.chSelect[c] != 1) { applyCouplingMethod(cc.ch[0], cce, index, applyDependentCoupling); if (coup.chSelect[c] != 0) { index++; } } if (coup.chSelect[c] != 2) { applyCouplingMethod(cc.ch[1], cce, index++, applyDependentCoupling); } } else { index += 1 + (coup.chSelect[c] == 3 ? 1 : 0); } } } } } /** * Convert spectral data to float samples, applying all supported tools as appropriate. */ private void spectralToSample() { for (int type = 3; type >= 0; type--) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ELEM_ID; i++) { ChannelElement che = ac.che[type][i]; if (che != null) { if (type <= TYPE_CPE) { applyChannelCoupling(che, type, i, BEFORE_TNS, true); } if (ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType == AOT_AAC_LTP) { if (che.ch[0].ics.predictorPresent) { if (che.ch[0].ics.ltp.present) { applyLtp(che.ch[0]); } if (che.ch[1].ics.ltp.present && type == TYPE_CPE) { applyLtp(che.ch[1]); } } } if (che.ch[0].tns.present) { applyTns(che.ch[0].coeffs, che.ch[0].tns, che.ch[0].ics, true); } if (che.ch[1].tns.present) { applyTns(che.ch[1].coeffs, che.ch[1].tns, che.ch[1].ics, true); } if (type <= TYPE_CPE) { applyChannelCoupling(che, type, i, BETWEEN_TNS_AND_IMDCT, true); } if (type != TYPE_CCE || che.coup.couplingPoint == AFTER_IMDCT) { imdctAndWindow(che.ch[0]); if (ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType == AOT_AAC_LTP) { updateLtp(che.ch[0]); } if (type == TYPE_CPE) { imdctAndWindow(che.ch[1]); if (ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType == AOT_AAC_LTP) { updateLtp(che.ch[1]); } } if (ac.oc[1].m4ac.sbr > 0) { AacSbr.sbrApply(ac, che.sbr, type, che.ch[0].ret, che.ch[1].ret); } } if (type <= TYPE_CCE) { applyChannelCoupling(che, type, i, AFTER_IMDCT, false); } } } } } private int decodeFrameInt() { int err; int elemType; int elemTypePrev = TYPE_END; ChannelElement che = null; ChannelElement chePrev = null; boolean audioFound = false; int sceCount = 0; boolean pceFound = false; if (br.peek(12) == 0xFFF) { err = parseAdtsFrameHeader(); if (err < 0) { popOutputConfiguration(); return err; } if (ac.oc[1].m4ac.samplingIndex > 12) { log.error(String.format("Invalid sampling rate index %d", ac.oc[1].m4ac.samplingIndex)); popOutputConfiguration(); return AAC_ERROR; } } err = frameConfigureElements(); if (err < 0) { popOutputConfiguration(); return err; } ac.tagsMapped = 0; int samples = 0; // parse while ((elemType = br.read(3)) != TYPE_END) { int elemId = br.read(4); if (elemType < TYPE_DSE) { che = getChe(elemType, elemId); if (che == null) { log.error(String.format("channel element %d.%d is not allocated", elemType, elemId)); popOutputConfiguration(); return AAC_ERROR; } samples = 1024; } switch (elemType) { case TYPE_SCE: err = decodeIcs(che.ch[0], false, false); audioFound = true; sceCount++; break; case TYPE_CPE: err = decodeCpe(che); audioFound = true; break; case TYPE_CCE: err = decodeCce(che); break; case TYPE_LFE: err = decodeIcs(che.ch[0], false, false); audioFound = true; break; case TYPE_DSE: err = skipDataStreamElement(); break; case TYPE_PCE: { int layoutMap[][] = new int[MAX_ELEM_ID * 4][3]; pushOutputConfiguration(); int tags = decodePce(ac.oc[1].m4ac, layoutMap); if (tags < 0) { err = tags; break; } if (pceFound) { log.error(String.format("Not evaluating a further program_config_element as this construct is dubious at best")); } else { err = outputConfigure(layoutMap, tags, OC_TRIAL_PCE, true); if (err == 0) { ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig = 0; } pceFound = true; } break; } case TYPE_FIL: if (elemId == 15) { elemId += br.read(8) - 1; } if (br.getBitsLeft() < 8 * elemId) { log.error(String.format("TYPE_FIL: overread error")); popOutputConfiguration(); return AAC_ERROR; } while (elemId > 0) { elemId -= decodeExtensionPayload(elemId, chePrev, elemTypePrev); } err = 0; break; default: log.error(String.format("Unknown element type %d", elemType)); popOutputConfiguration(); return AAC_ERROR; } chePrev = che; elemTypePrev = elemType; if (err != 0) { popOutputConfiguration(); return err; } if (br.getBitsLeft() < 3) { log.error(String.format("overread error")); popOutputConfiguration(); return AAC_ERROR; } } spectralToSample(); int multiplier = ac.oc[1].m4ac.sbr == 1 ? (ac.oc[1].m4ac.extSampleRate > ac.oc[1].m4ac.sampleRate ? 1 : 0) : 0; samples <<= multiplier; if (ac.oc[1].status != 0 && audioFound) { ac.frameSize = samples; ac.oc[1].status = OutputConfiguration.OC_LOCKED; } if (samples != 0) { ac.nbSamples = samples; } // for dual-mono audio (SCE + SCE) boolean isDmono = ac.dmonoMode != 0 && sceCount == 2 && ac.oc[1].channelLayout == (CH_FRONT_LEFT | CH_FRONT_RIGHT); if (isDmono) { if (ac.dmonoMode == 1) { System.arraycopy(ac.samples[0], 0, ac.samples[1], 0, samples); } else if (ac.dmonoMode == 2) { System.arraycopy(ac.samples[1], 0, ac.samples[0], 0, samples); } } return 0; } private int decodeErFrame() { int samples = 1024; int chanConfig = ac.oc[1].m4ac.chanConfig; int aot = ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType; if (aot == AOT_ER_AAC_LD || aot == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) { samples >>= 1; } int err = frameConfigureElements(); if (err < 0) { return err; } ac.tagsMapped = 0; if (chanConfig < 0 || chanConfig >= 8) { log.error(String.format("Unknown ER channel configuration %d", chanConfig)); return AAC_ERROR; } for (int i = 0; i < tags_per_config[chanConfig]; i++) { final int elemType = aac_channel_layout_map[chanConfig - 1][i][0]; final int elemId = aac_channel_layout_map[chanConfig - 1][i][1]; ChannelElement che = getChe(elemType, elemId); if (che == null) { log.error(String.format("channel element %d.%d is not allocated", elemType, elemId)); return AAC_ERROR; } if (aot != AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) { br.skip(4); } switch (elemType) { case TYPE_SCE: err = decodeIcs(che.ch[0], false, false); break; case TYPE_CPE: err = decodeCpe(che); break; case TYPE_LFE: err = decodeIcs(che.ch[0], false, false); break; } if (err < 0) { return err; } } spectralToSample(); ac.nbSamples = samples; br.skip(br.getBitsLeft()); return 0; } @Override public int decode(int inputAddr, int inputLength, int outputAddr) { br = new BitReader(inputAddr, inputLength); ac.br = br; ac.dmonoMode = 0; int err; switch (ac.oc[1].m4ac.objectType) { case AOT_ER_AAC_LC: case AOT_ER_AAC_LTP: case AOT_ER_AAC_LD: case AOT_ER_AAC_ELD: err = decodeErFrame(); break; default: err = decodeFrameInt(); break; } if (err < 0) { return err; } CodecUtils.writeOutput(ac.samples, outputAddr, ac.nbSamples, ac.channels, ac.outputChannels); return br.getBytesRead(); } @Override public int getNumberOfSamples() { return ac.nbSamples; } }