package; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.DenseInstance; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.converters.ArffLoader.ArffReader; import*; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: caglar * Date: Sep 20, 2010 * Time: 3:08:54 PM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class UDPStream extends AbstractOptionHandler implements InstanceStream { @Override public String getPurposeString() { return "A stream read from UDP."; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public FileOption arffFileOption = new FileOption("arffFileHeader", 'f', "ARFF file header to load.", null, "arff", false); public IntOption portOption = new IntOption( "portNumber", 'p', "Port number that the socket will be created at and will be bind", 2500, 1, 65555); public IntOption packetSizeOption = new IntOption( "packetSizeOption", 'a', "Size of each packet in bytes", 1024, 8, Integer.MAX_VALUE); //Min length is 8, since this is the size of header public FlagOption checkHostOption = new FlagOption( "checkHost", 't', "Do you want to match the host that the packets coming from the host you specify."); public StringOption hostOption = new StringOption( "host", 'h', "host name or ip that the socket will be created at", "-1"); public IntOption classIndexOption = new IntOption( "classIndex", 'c', "Class index of data. 0 for none or -1 for last attribute in file.", -1, -1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); public IntOption socketTimeoutOption = new IntOption( "socketTimeout", 's', "socket timeout in ms (Enter 0 for no timeout)", 5000, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); public IntOption windowSizeOption = new IntOption( "windowSize", 'w', "Size of the window that the instances will be stored before processing", 1000, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); public IntOption maxInstancesOption = new IntOption( "maxInstances", 'm', "limit in max number of instances (Enter 0 for no limit)", 1000000, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); protected Instances instances; //Queue of instances protected Instances activeInstances; //Active Queue of instances protected Reader fileReader; protected boolean endOfStream; protected Instance lastInstanceRead; protected int numInstancesRead; protected InputStreamProgressMonitor fileProgressMonitor; protected UDPStreamReceiver uStreamReceiver; public UDPStream() { } public UDPStream(String arffFileName, int classIndex) { this.arffFileOption.setValue(arffFileName); this.classIndexOption.setValue(classIndex); restart(); } @Override public void prepareForUseImpl(TaskMonitor monitor, ObjectRepository repository) { restart(); } public InstancesHeader getHeader() { return new InstancesHeader(this.instances); } public long estimatedRemainingInstances() { double progressFraction = 0.0; try { if (this.fileProgressMonitor != null || this.fileProgressMonitor.available() > 0) { progressFraction = this.fileProgressMonitor .getProgressFraction(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } if ((progressFraction > 0.0) && (this.numInstancesRead > 0)) { return (long) ((this.numInstancesRead / progressFraction) - this.numInstancesRead); } return -1; } public boolean hasMoreInstances() { if (this.endOfStream) { uStreamReceiver.closeSocket(); } return !this.endOfStream; } public Instance nextInstance() { Instance prevInstance = this.lastInstanceRead; this.endOfStream = !recieveNextInstanceFromStream(); return prevInstance; } public boolean isRestartable() { return true; } public void restart() { try { if (this.fileReader != null) { this.fileReader.close(); } if (this.uStreamReceiver != null) { if (this.uStreamReceiver.isSockBound()) { this.uStreamReceiver.closeSocket(); } } InputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(this.arffFileOption .getFile()); this.fileProgressMonitor = new InputStreamProgressMonitor( fileStream); this.fileReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( this.fileProgressMonitor)); ArffReader arff = new ArffReader(fileReader, 0); this.instances = arff.getStructure(); this.activeInstances = arff.getStructure(); if (this.classIndexOption.getValue() < 0) { this.instances .setClassIndex(this.instances.numAttributes() - 1); this.activeInstances .setClassIndex(this.activeInstances.numAttributes() - 1); } else if (this.classIndexOption.getValue() > 0) { this.instances .setClassIndex(this.classIndexOption.getValue() - 1); this.activeInstances .setClassIndex(this.classIndexOption.getValue() - 1); } this.numInstancesRead = 0; this.lastInstanceRead = null; uStreamReceiver = new UDPStreamReceiver(portOption.getValue(), packetSizeOption.getValue()); uStreamReceiver.openSocket(socketTimeoutOption.getValue()); if (checkHostOption.isSet()) { if (hostOption.getValue() != null && hostOption.getValue().length() > 7) { InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(hostOption.getValue()); uStreamReceiver.putHostConstraint(address); } else { InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(hostOption.getValue()); uStreamReceiver.putHostConstraint(address); } } this.endOfStream = !recieveNextInstanceFromStream(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("UDPStream restart failed.", ioe); } } protected boolean recieveNextInstanceFromStream() { if (uStreamReceiver == null) { throw new NullPointerException("recieveNextInstanceFromStream: UDP Data Receiver object should not be empty"); } if ((this.maxInstancesOption.getValue() == 0) || (this.numInstancesRead < maxInstancesOption.getValue())) { if (uStreamReceiver.isSockBound()) { try { String message = uStreamReceiver.getPacketData(); if (message != null && message.length() > 0) { addInstance(message); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "An IOException occured!"); } } if (activeInstances.size() > 0) { this.lastInstanceRead = this.activeInstances.instance(0); this.activeInstances.delete(); //keep instances clean this.numInstancesRead++; } else if (instances.size() > 0) { this.lastInstanceRead = this.instances.instance(0); this.instances.delete(); // keep instances clean this.numInstancesRead++; } if (uStreamReceiver.isSockBound()) { return true; } } return false; } protected void addInstance(String mess) { if (!mess.toLowerCase().startsWith("@data") || !mess.toLowerCase().startsWith("@relation") || !mess.toLowerCase().startsWith("%")) { if (instances != null) { if (instances.size() < windowSizeOption.getValue()) { addInstanceToInstances(mess, instances); } else { activeInstances = instances; instances.clear(); addInstanceToInstances(mess, instances); } } else { throw new NullPointerException("instances can't be null."); } } } protected void addInstanceToInstances(String mess, Instances insts) { String[] tokens = mess.split(","); Instance inst = new DenseInstance(insts.numAttributes()); inst.setDataset(insts); ArrayList<Attribute> attList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); attList = Collections.list(inst.enumerateAttributes()); for (Attribute attr : attList) { if (attr.isNumeric()) { inst.setValue(attr, Double.parseDouble(tokens[attr.index()].trim())); } else { inst.setValue(attr, tokens[attr.index()].trim()); } } if (mess.length() == attList.size() + 1) { inst.setClassValue(tokens[attList.size()].trim()); } insts.add(inst); } public void getDescription(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }