package; import; import weka.core.Utils; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: caglar * Date: Oct 13, 2010 * Time: 1:49:37 PM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class QBC { public QBC() { } public static double getEntropyForArray(double votes[]) { double entropy = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < votes.length; i++) { votes[i] -= votes[i] * (Math.log(votes[i]) / Math.log(2)); // By Default Java computes Math.log for base e, to compute base 2 we should divide by log(2) } return entropy; } public static double getQBCEntropy(double vote, int success) { double entropy = 0.0; entropy += (vote / success) * Utils.log2(vote / success); //(Math.log(vote) / Math.log(2)); // Default Java log function computes // Math.log for base e, to compute base 2 we // should divide by log(2) return entropy; } public static double getKullbackLeiblerDiv(double[][] commiteeVotes, DoubleVector comitteeVote, int noOfSuccesses) { double klDiv = 0.0; if (noOfSuccesses != 0) { for (double[] votes : commiteeVotes) { for (int i = 0; i < votes.length; i++) { if (comitteeVote.getValue(i) != 0) { klDiv += votes[i] * Math.log(votes[i] / (double) comitteeVote.getValue(i)); } } } } klDiv /= noOfSuccesses; return klDiv; } public static double getKullbackLeiblerDiv_old(double[] ensembleVotes, int noOfClasses, int ensembleLength) { double klDiv = 0.0; if (noOfClasses != 0) { double commiteeProb = 0.0; for (double ensVote : ensembleVotes) { commiteeProb += commiteeProb; } commiteeProb /= ensembleLength; for (int j = 0; j < noOfClasses; j++) { if (ensembleVotes[j] != 0) { klDiv += (double) ensembleVotes[j] * Math.log(ensembleVotes[j] / commiteeProb); } } } return klDiv; } /** * Query By Comittee algorithm * This measures the vote entropy. * xve = argmax -Sigma (V(yi)/C)*log(V(yi)/C) or xve = argmin Sigma (V(yi)/C)*log(V(yi)/C) * xve is the vote entropy. * C is the comittee size * V(yi) is the number of the votes that a label recieves among the comittee members' votes. */ public static double queryByCommitee(double[] ensembleVotes, int noOfClasses, int success, int ensembleLength) { double entropyQBC = 0.0; double qbc = 0.0; if (noOfClasses != 0) { for (int j = 0; j < noOfClasses; j++) { if (ensembleVotes[j] != 0) { qbc = (double) ensembleVotes[j] / ((double) ensembleLength); entropyQBC -= getQBCEntropy(qbc, success); } } } return entropyQBC; } /** * Query By Comittee algorithm * This measures the vote entropy. * xve = argmax -Sigma (V(yi)/C)*log(V(yi)/C) or xve = argmin Sigma (V(yi)/C)*log(V(yi)/C) * xve is the vote entropy. * C is the comittee size * V(yi) is the number of the votes that a label recieves among the comittee members' votes. */ public static double queryActiveLearnByCommitee(double[] ensembleVotes, int noOfClasses, int success, int ensembleLength) { double entropyQBC = 0.0; double qbc = 0.0; if (noOfClasses != 0) { for (int j = 0; j < noOfClasses; j++) { if (ensembleVotes[j] != 0) { qbc = (double) ensembleVotes[j] / ((double) ensembleLength); entropyQBC += getQBCEntropy(qbc, success); } } } return entropyQBC; } }