package; /** * @author Marcel R. Ackermann, Christiane Lammersen, Marcus Maertens, Christoph Raupach, * Christian Sohler, Kamil Swierkot */ public class BucketManager { protected class Bucket { int cursize; Point[] points; Point[] spillover; public Bucket(int d, int maxsize) { this.cursize = 0; this.points = new Point[maxsize]; this.spillover = new Point[maxsize]; for (int i = 0; i < maxsize; i++) { this.points[i] = new Point(d); this.spillover[i] = new Point(d); } } } protected int numberOfBuckets; protected int maxBucketsize; protected Bucket[] buckets; protected MTRandom clustererRandom; protected TreeCoreset treeCoreset; /** * initializes a bucketmanager for n points with bucketsize maxsize and dimension d */ public BucketManager(int n, int d, int maxsize, MTRandom random) { this.clustererRandom = random; this.numberOfBuckets = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log((double) n / (double) maxsize) / Math.log(2)) + 2; this.maxBucketsize = maxsize; this.buckets = new Bucket[this.numberOfBuckets + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfBuckets + 1; i++) { this.buckets[i] = new Bucket(d, maxsize); } this.treeCoreset = new TreeCoreset(); //printf("Created manager with %d buckets of dimension %d \n",this.numberOfBuckets,d); } /** * inserts a single point into the bucketmanager */ void insertPoint(Point p) { //check if there is enough space in the first bucket int cursize = this.buckets[0].cursize; if (cursize >= this.maxBucketsize) { //printf("Bucket 0 full \n"); //start spillover process int curbucket = 0; int nextbucket = 1; //check if the next bucket is empty if (this.buckets[nextbucket].cursize == 0) { //copy the bucket int i; for (i = 0; i < this.maxBucketsize; i++) { this.buckets[nextbucket].points[i] = this.buckets[curbucket].points[i].clone(); //copyPointWithoutInit: we should not copy coordinates? } //bucket is now full this.buckets[nextbucket].cursize = this.maxBucketsize; //first bucket is now empty this.buckets[curbucket].cursize = 0; cursize = 0; } else { //printf("Bucket %d full \n",nextbucket); //copy bucket to spillover and continue int i; for (i = 0; i < this.maxBucketsize; i++) { this.buckets[nextbucket].spillover[i] = this.buckets[curbucket].points[i].clone(); //copyPointWithoutInit: we should not copy coordinates? } this.buckets[0].cursize = 0; cursize = 0; curbucket++; nextbucket++; /* as long as the next bucket is full output the coreset to the spillover of the next bucket */ while (nextbucket < this.numberOfBuckets && this.buckets[nextbucket].cursize == this.maxBucketsize) { //printf("Bucket %d full \n",nextbucket); this.treeCoreset.unionTreeCoreset(this.maxBucketsize, this.maxBucketsize, this.maxBucketsize, p.dimension, this.buckets[curbucket].points, this.buckets[curbucket].spillover, this.buckets[nextbucket].spillover, this.clustererRandom); //bucket now empty this.buckets[curbucket].cursize = 0; curbucket++; nextbucket++; } this.treeCoreset.unionTreeCoreset(this.maxBucketsize, this.maxBucketsize, this.maxBucketsize, p.dimension, this.buckets[curbucket].points, this.buckets[curbucket].spillover, this.buckets[nextbucket].points, this.clustererRandom); this.buckets[curbucket].cursize = 0; this.buckets[nextbucket].cursize = this.maxBucketsize; } } //insert point into the first bucket this.buckets[0].points[cursize] = p.clone(); //copyPointWithoutInit: we should not copy coordinates? this.buckets[0].cursize++; } /** * It may happen that the manager is not full (since n is not always a power of 2). In this case we extract the coreset * from the manager by computing a coreset of all nonempty buckets * <p/> * Case 1: the last bucket is full * => n is a power of 2 and we return the contents of the last bucket * <p/> * Case2: the last bucket is not full * => we compute a coreset of all nonempty buckets * <p/> * this operation should only be called after the streaming process is finished */ Point[] getCoresetFromManager(int d) { Point[] coreset = new Point[d]; int i = 0; if (this.buckets[this.numberOfBuckets - 1].cursize == this.maxBucketsize) { coreset = this.buckets[this.numberOfBuckets - 1].points; } else { //find the first nonempty bucket for (i = 0; i < this.numberOfBuckets; i++) { if (this.buckets[i].cursize != 0) { coreset = this.buckets[i].points; break; } } //as long as there is a nonempty bucket compute a coreset int j; for (j = i + 1; j < this.numberOfBuckets; j++) { if (this.buckets[j].cursize != 0) { //output the coreset into the spillover of bucket j this.treeCoreset.unionTreeCoreset(this.maxBucketsize, this.maxBucketsize, this.maxBucketsize, d, this.buckets[j].points, coreset, this.buckets[j].spillover, this.clustererRandom); coreset = this.buckets[j].spillover; } } } return coreset; } }