package; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Java Porting of the Miniball.h code of <B>Bernd Gaertner</B>. * Look at<br> * and related work at *<br> * for reading about the algorithm and the implementation of it.<p> * <p/> * If interested in Bounding Sphere algorithms read also published work of <B>Emo Welzl</B> "Smallest enclosing disks (balls<br> * and Ellipsoid)" and * the work of <B>Jack Ritter</B> on "Efficient Bounding Spheres" at<br> *<p> * <p><p> * For Licencing Info report to Bernd Gaertner's one reported below:<p> * <p/> * Copright (C) 1999-2006, Bernd Gaertner<br> * $Revision: 1.3 $<br> * $Date: 2006/11/16 08:01:52 $<br> * <br> * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify<br> * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by<br> * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or<br> * (at your option) any later version.<br> * <br> * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,<br> * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of<br> * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the<br> * GNU General Public License for more details.<br> * <br> * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License<br> * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software<br> * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA,<br> * or download the License terms from<br> * <br> * Contact:<br> * --------<br> * Bernd Gaertner<br> * Institute of Theoretical Computer Science<br> * ETH Zuerich<br> * CAB G32.2<br> * CH-8092 Zuerich, Switzerland<br> *<br> * <p/> * Original Java port from Paolo Perissinotto for Jpatch Project by Sascha Ledinsky * found at * * @author Paolo Perissinotto for Jpatch Project by <B>Sascha Ledinsky</B> * @version 1.0 * {@literal Date: 2007/11/18 21:57} * <p/> * used for moa for calculating most compact sphere cluster * modified by Timm Jansen ( to be used with high * dimensional points */ public class Miniball { int d; ArrayList L; Miniball_b B; int support_end = 0; public Miniball(int dim) { d = dim; L = new ArrayList(); B = new Miniball_b(); } class pvt { int val; pvt() { val = 0; } void setVal(int i) { val = i; } int getVal() { return (val); } } class Miniball_b { int m, s; // size and number of support points double[] q0 = new double[d]; double[] z = new double[d + 1]; double[] f = new double[d + 1]; double[][] v = new double[d + 1][d]; double[][] a = new double[d + 1][d]; double[][] c = new double[d + 1][d]; double[] sqr_r = new double[d + 1]; double[] current_c = new double[d]; // refers to some c[j] double current_sqr_r; double[] getCenter() { return (current_c); } double squared_radius() { return current_sqr_r; } int size() { return m; } int support_size() { return s; } double excess(double[] p) { double e = -current_sqr_r; for (int k = 0; k < d; ++k) { e += mb_sqr(p[k] - current_c[k]); } return e; } void reset() { m = 0; s = 0; // we misuse c[0] for the center of the empty sphere for (int j = 0; j < d; j++) { c[0][j] = 0; } current_c = c[0]; current_sqr_r = -1; } void pop() { --m; } boolean push(double[] p) { //System.out.println("Miniball_b:push"); int i, j; double eps = 1e-32; if (m == 0) { for (i = 0; i < d; ++i) { q0[i] = p[i]; } for (i = 0; i < d; ++i) { c[0][i] = q0[i]; } sqr_r[0] = 0; } else { // set v_m to Q_m for (i = 0; i < d; ++i) { v[m][i] = p[i] - q0[i]; } // compute the a_{m,i}, i< m for (i = 1; i < m; ++i) { a[m][i] = 0; for (j = 0; j < d; ++j) { a[m][i] += v[i][j] * v[m][j]; } a[m][i] *= (2 / z[i]); } // update v_m to Q_m-\bar{Q}_m for (i = 1; i < m; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < d; ++j) { v[m][j] -= a[m][i] * v[i][j]; } } // compute z_m z[m] = 0; for (j = 0; j < d; ++j) { z[m] += mb_sqr(v[m][j]); } z[m] *= 2; // reject push if z_m too small if (z[m] < eps * current_sqr_r) { return false; } // update c, sqr_r double e = -sqr_r[m - 1]; for (i = 0; i < d; ++i) { e += mb_sqr(p[i] - c[m - 1][i]); } f[m] = e / z[m]; for (i = 0; i < d; ++i) { c[m][i] = c[m - 1][i] + f[m] * v[m][i]; } sqr_r[m] = sqr_r[m - 1] + e * f[m] / 2; } current_c = c[m]; current_sqr_r = sqr_r[m]; s = ++m; return true; } double slack() { double min_l = 0; double[] l = new double[d + 1]; l[0] = 1; for (int i = s - 1; i > 0; --i) { l[i] = f[i]; for (int k = s - 1; k > i; --k) { l[i] -= a[k][i] * l[k]; } if (l[i] < min_l) { min_l = l[i]; } l[0] -= l[i]; } if (l[0] < min_l) { min_l = l[0]; } return ((min_l < 0) ? -min_l : 0); } } /** * Method clear: clears the ArrayList of the selection points.<br> * Use it for starting a new selection list to calculate Bounding Sphere on<br> * or to clear memory references to the list of objects.<br> * Always use at the end of a Miniball use if you want to reuse later the Miniball object */ public void clear() { L.clear(); } /** * Adds a point to the list.<br> * Skip action on null parameter.<br> * * @param p The object to be added to the list */ public void check_in(double[] p) { if (p != null) { L.add(p); } else { System.out.println("Miniball.check_in WARNING: Skipping null point"); } } /** * Recalculate Miniball parameter Center and Radius */ public void build() { B.reset(); support_end = 0; pivot_mb(points_end()); } void mtf_mb(int i) { int pj = 0; support_end = points_begin(); if ((B.size()) == d + 1) { return; } for (int k = points_begin(); k != i;) { pj = pj + 1; int j = k++; double[] sp = (double[]) L.get(j); if (B.excess(sp) > 0) { if (B.push(sp)) { mtf_mb(j); B.pop(); move_to_front(j); } } } } void move_to_front(int j) { if (support_end <= j) { support_end++; } // L.splice (L.begin(), L, j); double[] sp = (double[]) L.get(j); L.remove(j); L.add(0, sp); } void pivot_mb(int i) { int t = 1; mtf_mb(t); double max_e = 0.0, old_sqr_r = -1; pvt pivot = new pvt(); do { max_e = max_excess(t, i, pivot); if (max_e > 0) { t = support_end; if (t == pivot.getVal()) { ++t; } old_sqr_r = B.squared_radius(); double[] sp = (double[]) L.get(pivot.getVal()); B.push(sp); mtf_mb(support_end); B.pop(); move_to_front(pivot.getVal()); } } while ((max_e > 0) && (B.squared_radius() > old_sqr_r)); } double max_excess(int t, int i, pvt pivot) { double[] c = B.getCenter(); double sqr_r = B.squared_radius(); double e, max_e = 0; for (int k = t; k != i; ++k) { double[] p = (double[]) L.get(k); e = -sqr_r; for (int j = 0; j < d; ++j) { e += mb_sqr(p[j] - c[j]); } if (e > max_e) { max_e = e; pivot.setVal(k); } } return max_e; } /** * Return the center of the Miniball * * @return The center (double[]) */ public double[] center() { return B.getCenter(); } /** * Return the sqaured Radius of the miniball * * @return The square radius */ public double squared_radius() { return B.squared_radius(); } /** * Return the Radius of the miniball * * @return The radius */ public double radius() { return ((1 + 0.00001) * Math.sqrt(B.squared_radius())); } /** * Return the actual number of points in the list * * @return the actual number of points */ public int nr_points() { return L.size(); } int points_begin() { return (0); } int points_end() { return (L.size()); } /** * Return the number of support points (used to calculate the miniball).<br> * It's and internal info * * @return the number of support points */ public int nr_support_points() { return B.support_size(); } int support_points_begin() { return (0); } int support_points_end() { return support_end; } double accuracy(double slack) { double e, max_e = 0; int n_supp = 0; int i; for (i = points_begin(); i != support_end; ++i, ++n_supp) { double[] sp = (double[]) L.get(i); if ((e = Math.abs(B.excess(sp))) > max_e) { max_e = e; } } if (n_supp == nr_support_points()) { System.out.println("Miniball.accuracy WARNING: STRANGE PROBLEM HERE!"); } for (i = support_end; i != points_end(); ++i) { double[] sp = (double[]) L.get(i); if ((e = B.excess(sp)) > max_e) { max_e = e; } } slack = B.slack(); return (max_e / squared_radius()); } boolean is_valid(double tolerance) { double slack = 0.0; return ((accuracy(slack) < tolerance) && (slack == 0)); } double mb_sqr(double r) { return r * r; } }