package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import weka.core.DenseInstance; import weka.core.Instance; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * @author jansen */ public class DenStream extends AbstractClusterer { public FloatOption epsilonOption = new FloatOption("epsilon", 'e', "Defines the epsilon neighbourhood", 0.01, 0, 1); public IntOption minPointsOption = new IntOption("minPoints", 'p', "Minimal number of points cluster has to contain.", 10); public FloatOption lambdaOption = new FloatOption("lambda", 'l', "", 0.006, 0, 1); public FloatOption betaOption = new FloatOption("beta", 'b', "", 0.001, 0, 1); public FloatOption muOption = new FloatOption("mu", 'm', "", 1, 0, Double.MAX_VALUE); public IntOption initPointsOption = new IntOption("initPoints", 'i', "Number of points to use for initialization.", 1000); double lambda; double epsilon; int minPoints; double mu; double beta; Clustering p_micro_cluster; Clustering o_micro_cluster; ArrayList<DenPoint> initBuffer; boolean initialized; private long timestamp = 0; Timestamp currentTimestamp; long tp; private class DenPoint extends DenseInstance { protected boolean covered; public DenPoint(Instance nextInstance, Long timestamp) { super(nextInstance); this.setDataset(nextInstance.dataset()); } } @Override public void resetLearningImpl() { //init DenStream currentTimestamp = new Timestamp(); lambda = lambdaOption.getValue(); // lambda = (Math.log(1.0/0.01)/Math.log(2)/initPointsOption.getValue()); // System.out.println(lambda); epsilon = epsilonOption.getValue(); minPoints = minPointsOption.getValue(); mu = muOption.getValue(); beta = betaOption.getValue(); initialized = false; p_micro_cluster = new Clustering(); o_micro_cluster = new Clustering(); initBuffer = new ArrayList<DenPoint>(); tp = Math.round(1 / lambda * Math.log((beta * mu) / (beta * mu - 1))) + 1; } public void initialDBScan() { for (int p = 0; p < initBuffer.size(); p++) { DenPoint point = initBuffer.get(p); if (!point.covered) { point.covered = true; ArrayList<Integer> neighbourhood = getNeighbourhoodIDs(point, initBuffer, epsilon); if (neighbourhood.size() > minPoints) { MicroCluster mc = new MicroCluster(point, point.numAttributes(), timestamp, lambda, currentTimestamp); expandCluster(mc, initBuffer, neighbourhood); p_micro_cluster.add(mc); } else { point.covered = false; } } } } @Override public void trainOnInstanceImpl(Instance inst) { timestamp++; currentTimestamp.setTimestamp(timestamp); DenPoint point = new DenPoint(inst, timestamp); ////////////////// //Initialization// ////////////////// if (!initialized) { initBuffer.add(point); if (initBuffer.size() >= initPointsOption.getValue()) { initialDBScan(); initialized = true; } } else { ////////////// //Merging(p)// ////////////// boolean merged = false; if (p_micro_cluster.getClustering().size() != 0) { MicroCluster x = nearestCluster(point, p_micro_cluster); MicroCluster xCopy = x.copy(); xCopy.insert(point, timestamp); if (xCopy.getRadius(timestamp) <= epsilon) { x.insert(point, timestamp); merged = true; } } if (!merged && (o_micro_cluster.getClustering().size() != 0)) { MicroCluster x = nearestCluster(point, o_micro_cluster); MicroCluster xCopy = x.copy(); xCopy.insert(point, timestamp); if (xCopy.getRadius(timestamp) <= epsilon) { x.insert(point, timestamp); merged = true; if (x.getWeight() > beta * mu) { o_micro_cluster.getClustering().remove(x); p_micro_cluster.getClustering().add(x); } } } if (!merged) { o_micro_cluster.getClustering().add(new MicroCluster(point.toDoubleArray(), point.toDoubleArray().length, timestamp, lambda, currentTimestamp)); } //////////////////////////// //Periodic cluster removal// //////////////////////////// if (timestamp % tp == 0) { ArrayList<MicroCluster> removalList = new ArrayList<MicroCluster>(); for (Cluster c : p_micro_cluster.getClustering()) { if (((MicroCluster) c).getWeight() < beta * mu) { removalList.add((MicroCluster) c); } } for (Cluster c : removalList) { p_micro_cluster.getClustering().remove(c); } for (Cluster c : o_micro_cluster.getClustering()) { long t0 = ((MicroCluster) c).getCreationTime(); double xsi1 = Math.pow(2, (-lambda * (timestamp - t0 + tp))) - 1; double xsi2 = Math.pow(2, -lambda * tp) - 1; double xsi = xsi1 / xsi2; if (((MicroCluster) c).getWeight() < xsi) { removalList.add((MicroCluster) c); } } for (Cluster c : removalList) { o_micro_cluster.getClustering().remove(c); } } } } private void expandCluster(MicroCluster mc, ArrayList<DenPoint> points, ArrayList<Integer> neighbourhood) { for (int p : neighbourhood) { DenPoint npoint = points.get(p); if (!npoint.covered) { npoint.covered = true; mc.insert(npoint, timestamp); ArrayList<Integer> neighbourhood2 = getNeighbourhoodIDs(npoint, initBuffer, epsilon); if (neighbourhood.size() > minPoints) { expandCluster(mc, points, neighbourhood2); } } } } private ArrayList<Integer> getNeighbourhoodIDs(DenPoint point, ArrayList<DenPoint> points, double eps) { ArrayList<Integer> neighbourIDs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int p = 0; p < points.size(); p++) { DenPoint npoint = points.get(p); if (!npoint.covered) { double dist = distance(point.toDoubleArray(), points.get(p).toDoubleArray()); if (dist < eps) { neighbourIDs.add(p); } } } return neighbourIDs; } private MicroCluster nearestCluster(DenPoint p, Clustering cl) { MicroCluster min = null; double minDist = 0; for (int c = 0; c < cl.size(); c++) { MicroCluster x = (MicroCluster) cl.get(c); if (min == null) { min = x; } double dist = distance(p.toDoubleArray(), x.getCenter()); dist -= x.getRadius(timestamp); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; min = x; } } return min; } private double distance(double[] pointA, double[] pointB) { double distance = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < pointA.length; i++) { double d = pointA[i] - pointB[i]; distance += d * d; } return Math.sqrt(distance); } public Clustering getClusteringResult() { return null; } @Override public boolean implementsMicroClusterer() { return true; } @Override public Clustering getMicroClusteringResult() { return p_micro_cluster; } @Override protected Measurement[] getModelMeasurementsImpl() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } @Override public void getModelDescription(StringBuilder out, int indent) { } public boolean isRandomizable() { return true; } public double[] getVotesForInstance(Instance inst) { return null; } }