package; import weka.core.Instance; import java.util.Arrays; public abstract class CFCluster extends SphereCluster { /** * Number of points in the cluster. */ protected double N; /** * Linear sum of all the points added to the cluster. */ protected double[] LS; /** * Squared sum of all the points added to the cluster. */ protected double[] SS; /** * Instatiates an empty kernel with the given dimensionality. * * @param dimensions The number of dimensions of the points that can be in * this kernel. */ public CFCluster(Instance instance, int dimensions) { this(instance.toDoubleArray(), dimensions); } protected CFCluster(int dimensions) { this.N = 0; this.LS = new double[dimensions]; this.SS = new double[dimensions]; Arrays.fill(this.LS, 0.0); Arrays.fill(this.SS, 0.0); } public CFCluster(double[] center, int dimensions) { this.N = 1; this.LS = center; this.SS = new double[dimensions]; for (int i = 0; i < SS.length; i++) { SS[i] = Math.pow(center[i], 2); } } public CFCluster(CFCluster cluster) { this.N = cluster.N; this.LS = Arrays.copyOf(cluster.LS, cluster.LS.length); this.SS = Arrays.copyOf(cluster.SS, cluster.SS.length); } public void add(CFCluster cluster) { this.N += cluster.N; addVectors(this.LS, cluster.LS); addVectors(this.SS, cluster.SS); } /** * @return this kernels' center */ @Override public double[] getCenter() { assert (this.N > 0); double res[] = new double[this.LS.length]; for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { res[i] = this.LS[i] / N; } return res; } @Override public abstract double getInclusionProbability(Instance instance); /** * See interface <code>Cluster</code> * * @return The radius of the cluster. */ @Override public abstract double getRadius(); /** * See interface <code>Cluster</code> * * @return The weight. * @see Cluster#getWeight() */ @Override public double getWeight() { return N; } /** * Adds the second array to the first array element by element. The arrays * must have the same length. * * @param a1 Vector to which the second vector is added. * @param a2 Vector to be addded. This vector does not change. */ public static void addVectors(double[] a1, double[] a2) { assert (a1 != null); assert (a2 != null); assert (a1.length == a2.length) : "Adding two arrays of different " + "length"; for (int i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) { a1[i] += a2[i]; } } }