package me.prettyprint.hom.cache; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn; import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorValue; import javax.persistence.Inheritance; import javax.persistence.InheritanceType; import me.prettyprint.hom.CFMappingDef; import me.prettyprint.hom.ClassCacheMgr; /** * Parse, validate, and set defaults if needed for Inheritance functionality. * * @author bburruss */ public class InheritanceParserValidator implements ParserValidator { @Override public <T> void parse(ClassCacheMgr cacheMgr, Annotation anno, CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef) { if (anno instanceof Inheritance) { parseInheritanceAnnotation((Inheritance) anno, cfMapDef); } else if (anno instanceof DiscriminatorColumn) { parseDiscriminatorColumnAnnotation((DiscriminatorColumn) anno, cfMapDef); } else if (anno instanceof DiscriminatorValue) { parseDiscriminatorValueAnnotation((DiscriminatorValue) anno, cfMapDef); } else { throw new HectorObjectMapperException("This class cannot parse annotation, " + anno.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } private <T> void parseInheritanceAnnotation(Inheritance anno, CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef) { if (InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE == anno.strategy()) { cfMapDef.setInheritanceType(InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Hector object mapper only supports " + InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE + " inheritance at the moment"); } } private <T> void parseDiscriminatorColumnAnnotation(DiscriminatorColumn anno, CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef) { cfMapDef.setDiscColumn(; cfMapDef.setDiscType(anno.discriminatorType()); } private <T> void parseDiscriminatorValueAnnotation(DiscriminatorValue anno, CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef) { cfMapDef.setDiscValue(anno.value()); } @Override public <T> void validateAndSetDefaults(ClassCacheMgr cacheMgr, CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef) { if (cfMapDef.isBaseEntity()) { validateBaseClassInheritance(cfMapDef); } else if (cfMapDef.isPersistableDerivedEntity()) { validateDerivedClassInheritance(cfMapDef); } else if (!cfMapDef.isNonPersistableDerivedEntity()) { if (null != cacheMgr.findBaseClassViaMappings(cfMapDef)) throw new HectorObjectMapperException("@" + Inheritance.class.getSimpleName() + " found in class hierarchy, but no @" + DiscriminatorValue.class.getSimpleName() + " - quitting"); } } private <T> void validateBaseClassInheritance(CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef) { if (InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE.equals(cfMapDef.getInheritanceType())) { validateSingleTableInheritance(cfMapDef); } else { throw new HectorObjectMapperException("You chose inheritance type, " + cfMapDef.getInheritanceType().getClass().getSimpleName() + ". Object mapper only supports " + InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE + " inheritance type"); } } private <T> void validateSingleTableInheritance(CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef) { // validating the base class in an inheritance hierarchy. must have a // discriminator column defined if (null == cfMapDef.getDiscColumn()) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException("Class, " + cfMapDef.getRealClass().getName() + ", requested single table inheritance, but you did not specify a " + DiscriminatorColumn.class.getSimpleName() + " annotation"); } // if it is abstract, cannot be instantiated and therefore should not have a // discriminator value defined if (cfMapDef.isAbstract() && null != cfMapDef.getDiscValue()) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException("Abstract class, " + cfMapDef.getRealClass().getName() + ", has an @" + DiscriminatorValue.class.getSimpleName() + " annotation, but cannot be instantiated"); } else if (!cfMapDef.isAbstract() && null == cfMapDef.getDiscValue()) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException("Class, " + cfMapDef.getEffectiveClass().getName() + ", is a part of inheritance hierarchy, but did not specify a " + DiscriminatorValue.class.getSimpleName() + " annotation. Should it be 'abstract'?"); } } private <T> void validateDerivedClassInheritance(CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef) { if (null == cfMapDef.getDiscValue()) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException("Base class " + cfMapDef.getCfBaseMapDef().getEffectiveClass().getName() + " requested single table inheritance, but this class, " + cfMapDef.getEffectiveClass().getName() + ", did not specify a " + DiscriminatorValue.class.getSimpleName() + " annotation"); } } }