package me.prettyprint.hom; import java.beans.IntrospectionException; import java.beans.Introspector; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.Basic; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn; import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorValue; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.IdClass; import javax.persistence.Inheritance; import javax.persistence.Table; import me.prettyprint.hom.annotations.AnonymousPropertyHandling; import me.prettyprint.hom.cache.AnonymousParserValidator; import me.prettyprint.hom.cache.ColumnParser; import me.prettyprint.hom.cache.HectorObjectMapperException; import me.prettyprint.hom.cache.IdClassParserValidator; import me.prettyprint.hom.cache.InheritanceParserValidator; import me.prettyprint.hom.cache.TableParserValidator; import me.prettyprint.hom.converters.DefaultConverter; /** * Manage parsing and caching of class meta-data. * * @author */ public class ClassCacheMgr { private Map<String, CFMappingDef<?>> cfMapByColFamName = new HashMap<String, CFMappingDef<?>>(); private Map<Class<?>, CFMappingDef<?>> cfMapByClazz = new HashMap<Class<?>, CFMappingDef<?>>(); private InheritanceParserValidator inheritanceParVal = new InheritanceParserValidator(); private TableParserValidator tableParVal = new TableParserValidator(); private IdClassParserValidator idClassParVal = new IdClassParserValidator(); private ColumnParser columnPar = new ColumnParser(); private AnonymousParserValidator anonymousParVal = new AnonymousParserValidator(); /** * Examine class hierarchy using {@link CFMappingDef} objects to discover the * given class' "base inheritance" class. A base inheritance class is * determined by {@link CFMappingDef#isBaseEntity()} * * @param <T> * * @param cfMapDef * @return returns the base in the ColumnFamily mapping hierarchy */ public <T> CFMappingDef<? super T> findBaseClassViaMappings(CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef) { CFMappingDef<? super T> tmpDef = cfMapDef; CFMappingDef<? super T> cfSuperDef; while (null != (cfSuperDef = tmpDef.getCfSuperMapDef())) { if (cfSuperDef.isBaseEntity()) { return cfSuperDef; } tmpDef = cfSuperDef; } return null; } /** * Retrieve class mapping meta-data by <code>Class</code> object. * * @param <T> * @param clazz * @param throwException * @return CFMappingDef if found, exception if throwException = true, and null * otherwise */ public <T> CFMappingDef<T> getCfMapDef(Class<T> clazz, boolean throwException) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef = (CFMappingDef<T>) cfMapByClazz.get(clazz); if (null == cfMapDef && throwException) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException( "could not find property definitions for class, " + clazz.getSimpleName() + ", in class cache. This indicates the EntityManager was not initialized properly. If not using EntityManager the cache must be explicity initialized"); } return cfMapDef; } /** * Retrieve class mapping meta-data by ColumnFamily name. * * @param <T> * @param colFamName * @param throwException * @return CFMappingDef if found, exception if throwException = true, and null * otherwise */ public <T> CFMappingDef<T> getCfMapDef(String colFamName, boolean throwException) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef = (CFMappingDef<T>) cfMapByColFamName.get(colFamName); if (null == cfMapDef && throwException) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException( "could not find property definitions for column family, " + colFamName + ", in class cache. This indicates the EntityManager was not initialized properly. If not using EntityManager the cache must be explicity initialized"); } return cfMapDef; } /** * For each class that should be managed, this method must be called to parse * its annotations and derive its meta-data. * * @param <T> * * @param clazz * @return CFMapping describing the initialized class. */ public <T> CFMappingDef<T> initializeCacheForClass(Class<T> clazz) { CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef = initializeColumnFamilyMapDef(clazz); try { initializePropertiesMapDef(cfMapDef); } catch (IntrospectionException e) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException(e); } // by the time we get here, all super classes and their annotations have // been processed and validated, and all annotations for this class have // been processed. what's left to do is validate this class, set super // classes, and and set any defaults checkMappingAndSetDefaults(cfMapDef); // if this class is not a derived class, then map the ColumnFamily name if (!cfMapDef.isDerivedEntity()) { cfMapByColFamName.put(cfMapDef.getEffectiveColFamName(), cfMapDef); } // always map the parsed class to its ColumnFamily map definition cfMapByClazz.put(cfMapDef.getRealClass(), cfMapDef); return cfMapDef; } public Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> getFieldPropertyDescriptorMap(Class<?> clazz) throws IntrospectionException { Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> pdMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyDescriptor>(); // get descriptors for all properties in POJO PropertyDescriptor[] pdArr = Introspector.getBeanInfo(clazz, clazz.getSuperclass()) .getPropertyDescriptors(); // if no property descriptors then return leaving empty annotation map if (null == pdArr || 0 == pdArr.length) { return pdMap; } // create tmp map for easy field -> descriptor mapping for (PropertyDescriptor pd : pdArr) { pdMap.put(pd.getName(), pd); } return pdMap; } private <T> void initializePropertiesMapDef(CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef) throws IntrospectionException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { Class<T> theType = cfMapDef.getEffectiveClass(); Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> pdMap = getFieldPropertyDescriptorMap(theType); if (pdMap.isEmpty() && !cfMapDef.isPersistableDerivedEntity()) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException("could not find any properties annotated with @" + Column.class.getSimpleName()); } Field[] fieldArr = theType.getDeclaredFields(); // iterate over all declared fields (for this class only, no inherited // fields) processing annotations as we go for (Field f : fieldArr) { Annotation[] annoArr = f.getAnnotations(); if (null == annoArr) { // TODO BTB:assume @Basic - fields are not required to be annotated to // be persisted if they are a "basic type" - see 2.8 and 11.1.6 // @Transient to ignore a field continue; } for (Annotation anno : annoArr) { PropertyDescriptor pd = pdMap.get(f.getName()); if (null == pd) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException("Property, " + cfMapDef.getEffectiveClass().getSimpleName() + "." + f.getName() + ", does not have proper setter/getter"); } if (anno instanceof Column || anno instanceof me.prettyprint.hom.annotations.Column) { columnPar.parse(f, anno, pd, cfMapDef); } else if (anno instanceof Basic) { // basicPar.parse(f, anno, pd, cfMapDef); } else if (anno instanceof Id) { processIdAnnotation(f, (Id) anno, cfMapDef, pdMap); } else if (anno instanceof me.prettyprint.hom.annotations.Id) { processIdCustomAnnotation(f, (me.prettyprint.hom.annotations.Id) anno, cfMapDef, pdMap); // } else if (anno instanceof me.prettyprint.hom.annotations.List) { // processListCustomAnnotation(f, // (me.prettyprint.hom.annotations.List) anno, cfMapDef, // pdMap); } } } } private <T> void processIdAnnotation(Field f, Id anno, CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef, Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> pdMap) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { // TODO lookup JPA 2 spec for class-level ids PropertyMappingDefinition md = new PropertyMappingDefinition(pdMap.get(f.getName()), null, DefaultConverter.class); if (null == md.getPropDesc() || null == md.getPropDesc().getReadMethod() || null == md.getPropDesc().getWriteMethod()) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException("@" + Id.class.getSimpleName() + " is defined on property, " + f.getName() + ", but its missing proper setter/getter"); } cfMapDef.getKeyDef().addIdPropertyMap(md); } private <T> void processIdCustomAnnotation(Field f, me.prettyprint.hom.annotations.Id anno, CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef, Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> pdMap) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { // TODO lookup JPA 2 spec for class-level ids PropertyMappingDefinition md = new PropertyMappingDefinition(pdMap.get(f.getName()), null, anno.converter()); if (null == md.getPropDesc() || null == md.getPropDesc().getReadMethod() || null == md.getPropDesc().getWriteMethod()) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException("@" + Id.class.getSimpleName() + " is defined on property, " + f.getName() + ", but its missing proper setter/getter"); } cfMapDef.getKeyDef().addIdPropertyMap(md); } private <T> CFMappingDef<T> initializeColumnFamilyMapDef(Class<T> realClass) { // if already init'd don't do it again - could have happened because of // inheritance - causes recursive processing for class hierarchy CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef = getCfMapDef(realClass, false); if (null != cfMapDef) { return cfMapDef; } cfMapDef = new CFMappingDef<T>(realClass); Class<T> effectiveType = cfMapDef.getEffectiveClass(); CFMappingDef<? super T> cfSuperMapDef = null; // if this class extends a super, then process it first if (null != effectiveType.getSuperclass()) { try { cfSuperMapDef = initializeCacheForClass(effectiveType.getSuperclass()); cfMapDef.setCfSuperMapDef(cfSuperMapDef); } catch (HomMissingEntityAnnotationException e) { // ok, becuase may not have a super class that's an entity } } Annotation[] annoArr = effectiveType.getAnnotations(); if (null == annoArr) { // TODO:btb see if this might be an error return cfMapDef; } for (Annotation anno : annoArr) { if (anno instanceof Table) { tableParVal.parse(this, anno, cfMapDef); } else if (anno instanceof IdClass) { idClassParVal.parse(this, anno, cfMapDef); } else if (anno instanceof Inheritance) { inheritanceParVal.parse(this, anno, cfMapDef); } else if (anno instanceof DiscriminatorColumn) { inheritanceParVal.parse(this, anno, cfMapDef); } else if (anno instanceof DiscriminatorValue) { inheritanceParVal.parse(this, anno, cfMapDef); } else if (anno instanceof AnonymousPropertyHandling) { anonymousParVal.parse(this, anno, cfMapDef); } } return cfMapDef; } private <T> void checkMappingAndSetDefaults(CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef) { inheritanceParVal.validateAndSetDefaults(this, cfMapDef); tableParVal.validateAndSetDefaults(this, cfMapDef); idClassParVal.validateAndSetDefaults(this, cfMapDef); anonymousParVal.validateAndSetDefaults(this, cfMapDef); // must do this after tabeParVal validate checkForPojoPrimaryKey(cfMapDef); // checkForAnonymousHandler(cfMapDef); generateColumnSliceIfNeeded(cfMapDef); } private void checkForPojoPrimaryKey(CFMappingDef<?> cfMapDef) { // if we know it's a complex key then it must be present so we only check // case for simple one field key // SimpleTestBean breaks this check right now because it uses method // annotations which isn't supported by the ClassCacheMgr at this time // if (!cfMapDef.getKeyDef().isComplexKey()) { // if (!cfMapDef.getKeyDef().isSimpleIdPresent()) { // throw new HectorObjectMapperException("Entity, " + // cfMapDef.getRealClass().getName() // + ", is missing a primary key. Must annotate at least one field with @" // + Id.class.getSimpleName() + " or use a complex primary key"); // } // } } // private <T> void checkForAnonymousHandler(CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef) { // CFMappingDef<? super T> tmpDef = cfMapDef; // while (null != tmpDef) { // Method meth = findAnnotatedMethod(cfMapDef.getEffectiveClass(), // AnonymousPropertyAddHandler.class); // if (null != meth) { // Class<?>[] typeArr = meth.getParameterTypes(); // if (2 != typeArr.length || !(typeArr[0] == String.class) || !(typeArr[1] == byte[].class)) { // throw new HectorObjectMapperException(AnonymousPropertyAddHandler.class.getSimpleName() // + " expects a method with exactly two paramters of types, String and byte[]"); // } // // cfMapDef.setAnonymousPropertyAddHandler(meth); // return; // } // tmpDef = tmpDef.getCfSuperMapDef(); // } // } private void generateColumnSliceIfNeeded(CFMappingDef<?> cfMapDef) { if (cfMapDef.isColumnSliceRequired()) { Collection<PropertyMappingDefinition> propColl = cfMapDef.getAllProperties(); String[] columnNames = new String[cfMapDef.isPersistableEntity() ? propColl.size() : propColl.size() + 1]; Iterator<PropertyMappingDefinition> iter = propColl.iterator(); int pos = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { columnNames[pos++] =; } // if an inheritance hierarchy exists we need to add in the discriminator // column if (!cfMapDef.isPersistableEntity()) { columnNames[pos] = cfMapDef.getDiscColumn(); } cfMapDef.setSliceColumnNameArr(columnNames); } } /** * Find method annotated with the given annotation. * * @param clazz * @param anno * @return returns Method if found, null otherwise */ public Method findAnnotatedMethod(Class<?> clazz, Class<? extends Annotation> anno) { for (Method meth : clazz.getMethods()) { if (meth.isAnnotationPresent(anno)) { return meth; } } return null; } }