package me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.client.HClient; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.factory.HClientFactory; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.factory.HClientFactoryProvider; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.*; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.CassandraClientMonitor.Counter; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.ClockResolution; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.*; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.AuthenticationRequest; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class HConnectionManager { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HConnectionManager.class); private final ConcurrentMap<CassandraHost,HClientPool> hostPools; private final ConcurrentMap<CassandraHost,HClientPool> suspendedHostPools; private final Collection<HClientPool> hostPoolValues; private final String clusterName; private CassandraHostRetryService cassandraHostRetryService; private NodeAutoDiscoverService nodeAutoDiscoverService; private final LoadBalancingPolicy loadBalancingPolicy; private final CassandraHostConfigurator cassandraHostConfigurator; private final HClientFactory clientFactory; private HostTimeoutTracker hostTimeoutTracker; private final ClockResolution clock; final ExceptionsTranslator exceptionsTranslator; private final CassandraClientMonitor monitor; private HOpTimer timer; private ConnectionManagerListenersHandler listenerHandler = new ConnectionManagerListenersHandler(); public HConnectionManager(String clusterName, CassandraHostConfigurator cassandraHostConfigurator) { clientFactory = HClientFactoryProvider.createFactory(cassandraHostConfigurator); loadBalancingPolicy = cassandraHostConfigurator.getLoadBalancingPolicy(); clock = cassandraHostConfigurator.getClockResolution(); hostPools = new ConcurrentHashMap<CassandraHost, HClientPool>(); suspendedHostPools = new ConcurrentHashMap<CassandraHost, HClientPool>(); this.clusterName = clusterName; if ( cassandraHostConfigurator.getRetryDownedHosts() ) { cassandraHostRetryService = new CassandraHostRetryService(this, clientFactory, cassandraHostConfigurator, listenerHandler); } monitor = JmxMonitor.getInstance().getCassandraMonitor(this); for ( CassandraHost host : cassandraHostConfigurator.buildCassandraHosts()) { try { HClientPool hcp = loadBalancingPolicy.createConnection(clientFactory, host, monitor); hostPools.put(host,hcp); } catch (HectorTransportException hte) { log.error("Could not start connection pool for host {}", host); listenerHandler.fireOnHostDown(host); if ( cassandraHostRetryService != null ) { cassandraHostRetryService.add(host); } } } if ( cassandraHostConfigurator.getUseHostTimeoutTracker() ) { hostTimeoutTracker = new HostTimeoutTracker(this, cassandraHostConfigurator); } exceptionsTranslator = new ExceptionsTranslatorImpl(); this.cassandraHostConfigurator = cassandraHostConfigurator; hostPoolValues = hostPools.values(); if ( cassandraHostConfigurator.getAutoDiscoverHosts() ) { nodeAutoDiscoverService = new NodeAutoDiscoverService(this, cassandraHostConfigurator); } timer = cassandraHostConfigurator.getOpTimer(); } public void doAddNodes() { new NodeDiscovery(cassandraHostConfigurator, this).doAddNodes(); } /** * Returns true if the host was successfully added. In any sort of failure exceptions are * caught and logged, returning false. * @param cassandraHost * @return */ public boolean addCassandraHost(CassandraHost cassandraHost) { if ( !getHosts().contains(cassandraHost) ) { HClientPool pool = null; try { cassandraHostConfigurator.applyConfig(cassandraHost); pool = cassandraHostConfigurator.getLoadBalancingPolicy().createConnection(clientFactory, cassandraHost, monitor); hostPools.putIfAbsent(cassandraHost, pool);"Added host {} to pool", cassandraHost.getName()); listenerHandler.fireOnAddHost(cassandraHost, true, null, null); return true; } catch (HectorTransportException hte) { String errorMessage = "Transport exception host to HConnectionManager: " + cassandraHost; log.error(errorMessage, hte); listenerHandler.fireOnAddHost(cassandraHost, false, errorMessage, hte); } catch (Exception ex) { String errorMessage = "General exception host to HConnectionManager: " + cassandraHost; log.error(errorMessage, ex); listenerHandler.fireOnAddHost(cassandraHost, false, errorMessage, ex); } } else { String message = "Host already existed for pool " + cassandraHost.getName();; listenerHandler.fireOnAddHost(cassandraHost, false, message, null); } return false; } /** * Remove the {@link CassandraHost} from the pool, bypassing retry service. This * would be called on a host that is known to be going away. Gracefully shuts down * the underlying connections via {@link HClientPool#shutdown()}. This method * will also: * <ul> * <li>shutdown pools in the suspended state, removing them from the underlying * suspended map.</li> * <li>remove hosts from {@link CassandraHostRetryService} if contained therein</li></ul> * * @param cassandraHost */ public boolean removeCassandraHost(CassandraHost cassandraHost) { boolean removed = getHosts().contains(cassandraHost); String message; if ( removed ) { HClientPool pool = hostPools.remove(cassandraHost); message = "Removed from hostPools"; if ( pool == null ) {"removeCassandraHost looking for host {} in suspendedHostPools", cassandraHost); pool = suspendedHostPools.remove(cassandraHost); message = "Removed from suspendedHostPools"; } if ( pool != null ) { pool.shutdown(); } else { removed = false; message = "Removed by another thread";"removeCassandraHost attempt miss for CassandraHost {} May have been beaten by another thread?", cassandraHost); } } else if ( cassandraHostRetryService != null && cassandraHostRetryService.contains(cassandraHost)) {"Host {} not in active pools, but found in retry service.", cassandraHost); removed = cassandraHostRetryService.remove(cassandraHost); message = "Removed from Downed hosts"; } else { message = "Host not found";"Remove requested on a host that was not found in active or disabled pools: {}", cassandraHost); }"Remove status for CassandraHost pool {} was {}", cassandraHost, removed); listenerHandler.fireOnRemoveHost(cassandraHost, removed, message); return removed; } /** * Remove the {@link HClientPool} referenced by the {@link CassandraHost} from * the active host pools. This does not shut down the pool, only removes it as a candidate from * future operations. * @param cassandraHost * @return true if the operation was successful. */ public boolean suspendCassandraHost(CassandraHost cassandraHost) { HClientPool pool = hostPools.remove(cassandraHost); boolean removed = pool != null; if ( removed ) { suspendedHostPools.put(cassandraHost, pool); } listenerHandler.fireOnSuspendHost(cassandraHost, removed);"Suspend operation status was {} for CassandraHost {}", removed, cassandraHost); return removed; } /** * The opposite of suspendCassandraHost, places the pool back into selection * @param cassandraHost * @return true if this operation was successful. A no-op returning false * if there was no such host in the underlying suspendedHostPool map. */ public boolean unsuspendCassandraHost(CassandraHost cassandraHost) { HClientPool pool = suspendedHostPools.remove(cassandraHost); boolean readded = pool != null; if ( readded ) { boolean alreadyThere = hostPools.putIfAbsent(cassandraHost, pool) != null; if ( alreadyThere ) { log.error("Unsuspend called on a pool that was already active for CassandraHost {}", cassandraHost); pool.shutdown(); } } listenerHandler.fireOnUnSuspendHost(cassandraHost, readded);"UN-Suspend operation status was {} for CassandraHost {}", readded, cassandraHost); return readded; } /** * Returns a Set of {@link CassandraHost} which are in the suspended status * @return */ public Set<CassandraHost> getSuspendedCassandraHosts() { return suspendedHostPools.keySet(); } public Set<CassandraHost> getHosts() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(hostPools.keySet()); } public List<String> getStatusPerPool() { List<String> stats = new ArrayList<String>(); for (HClientPool clientPool : hostPools.values()) { stats.add(clientPool.getStatusAsString()); } return stats; } public void operateWithFailover(Operation<?> op) throws HectorException { final Object timerToken = timer.start(op.stopWatchTagName); int retries = Math.min(op.failoverPolicy.numRetries, hostPools.size()); HClient client = null; HClientPool pool = null; boolean success = false; boolean retryable = false; Set<CassandraHost> excludeHosts = new HashSet<CassandraHost>(); // HLT.getExcludedHosts() (will be empty most times) // TODO start timer for limiting retry time spent while ( !success ) { try { // TODO how to 'timeout' on this op when underlying pool is exhausted pool = getClientFromLBPolicy(excludeHosts); client = pool.borrowClient(); // Keyspace can be null for some system_* api calls if ( op.credentials != null && !op.credentials.isEmpty() && !client.isAlreadyAuthenticated(op.credentials)) { client.getCassandra().login(new AuthenticationRequest(op.credentials)); client.setAuthenticated(op.credentials); } Cassandra.Client c = client.getCassandra(op.keyspaceName); op.executeAndSetResult(c, pool.getCassandraHost()); success = true; client.updateLastSuccessTime(); timer.stop(timerToken, op.stopWatchTagName, true); break; } catch (Exception ex) { CassandraHost host = getHost(pool, client); HectorException he = exceptionsTranslator.translate(ex, host); if ( he instanceof HUnavailableException) { // break out on HUnavailableException as well since we can no longer satisfy the CL throw he; } else if (he instanceof HInvalidRequestException || he instanceof HCassandraInternalException) { closeClient(client); throw he; } else if (he instanceof HectorTransportException) { closeClient(client); markHostAsDown(pool.getCassandraHost()); excludeHosts.add(pool.getCassandraHost()); retryable = op.failoverPolicy.shouldRetryFor(HectorTransportException.class); monitor.incCounter(Counter.RECOVERABLE_TRANSPORT_EXCEPTIONS); } else if (he instanceof HTimedOutException ) { // DO NOT drecrement retries, we will be keep retrying on timeouts until it comes back // if HLT.checkTimeout(cassandraHost): suspendHost(cassandraHost); doTimeoutCheck(pool.getCassandraHost()); retryable = op.failoverPolicy.shouldRetryFor(HTimedOutException.class); monitor.incCounter(Counter.RECOVERABLE_TIMED_OUT_EXCEPTIONS); client.close(); // TODO timecheck on how long we've been waiting on timeouts here // suggestion per user moores on hector-users } else if (he instanceof HPoolExhaustedException) { if (pool.getExhaustedTime() >= pool.getCassandraHost().getMaxExhaustedTimeBeforeMarkingAsDown()) { markHostAsDown(pool.getCassandraHost()); log.warn("Client pool for {} was exhausted for {} ms and was marked as down", pool.getCassandraHost(), pool.getExhaustedTime()); } if (hostPools.isEmpty()) { throw he; } excludeHosts.add(pool.getCassandraHost()); retryable = op.failoverPolicy.shouldRetryFor(HPoolExhaustedException.class); monitor.incCounter(Counter.POOL_EXHAUSTED); } else if ( he instanceof HPoolRecoverableException ) { retryable = op.failoverPolicy.shouldRetryFor(HPoolRecoverableException.class);; if ( hostPools.size() == 1 ) { throw he; } monitor.incCounter(Counter.POOL_EXHAUSTED); excludeHosts.add(pool.getCassandraHost()); } else { // something strange happened. Added here as suggested by sbridges. // I think this gives a sane way to future-proof against any API additions // that we don't add in time. retryable = false; } if ( retries <= 0 || retryable == false) throw he; log.warn("Could not fullfill request on this host {}", client); log.warn("Exception: ", he); monitor.incCounter(Counter.SKIP_HOST_SUCCESS); sleepBetweenHostSkips(op.failoverPolicy); } finally { --retries; if ( !success ) { monitor.incCounter(op.failCounter); timer.stop(timerToken, op.stopWatchTagName, false); } releaseClient(client); client = null; } } } private CassandraHost getHost(HClientPool pool, HClient client) { CassandraHost host = null; if (pool != null) { host = pool.getCassandraHost(); } if (host == null && client != null) { host = client.getCassandraHost(); } return host; } private void closeClient(HClient client) { if ( client != null ) { client.close(); client.clearAuthentication(); } } public HOpTimer getTimer() { return timer; } public void setTimer(HOpTimer timer) { this.timer = timer; } /** * adds a listener in order to execute some operations when a status of a host changes * @param listenerName - a name identifier for the listener * @param listener - a {@link me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.ConnectionManagerListener} listener */ public void addListener(String listenerName, ConnectionManagerListener listener){ listenerHandler.put(listenerName, listener); } /** * removes a listener from the connectionManager * @param listenerName - the name of the listener to remove */ public void removeListener(String listenerName){ listenerHandler.remove(listenerName); } /** * removes all listeners from the connectionManager */ public void removeAllListeners(){ listenerHandler.clear(); } /** * Use the HostTimeoutCheck and initiate a suspend if and only if * we are configured for such AND there is more than one operating host pool * @param cassandraHost */ private void doTimeoutCheck(CassandraHost cassandraHost) { if ( hostTimeoutTracker != null && hostPools.size() > 1) { if (hostTimeoutTracker.checkTimeout(cassandraHost) ) { suspendCassandraHost(cassandraHost); } } } /** * Sleeps for the specified time as determined by sleepBetweenHostsMilli. * In many cases failing over to other hosts is done b/c the cluster is too busy, so the sleep b/w * hosts may help reduce load on the cluster. */ private void sleepBetweenHostSkips(FailoverPolicy failoverPolicy) { if (failoverPolicy.sleepBetweenHostsMilli > 0) { if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug("Will sleep for {} millisec", failoverPolicy.sleepBetweenHostsMilli); } try { Thread.sleep(failoverPolicy.sleepBetweenHostsMilli); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("Sleep between hosts interrupted", e); } } } private HClientPool getClientFromLBPolicy(Set<CassandraHost> excludeHosts) { if ( hostPools.isEmpty() ) { throw new HectorException("All host pools marked down. Retry burden pushed out to client."); } return loadBalancingPolicy.getPool(hostPoolValues, excludeHosts); } void releaseClient(HClient client) { if ( client == null ) return; HClientPool pool = hostPools.get(client.getCassandraHost()); if ( pool == null ) { pool = suspendedHostPools.get(client.getCassandraHost()); } if ( pool != null ) { pool.releaseClient(client); } else {"Client {} released to inactive or dead pool. Closing.", client); client.close(); } } HClient borrowClient() { HClientPool pool = getClientFromLBPolicy(null); if ( pool != null ) { return pool.borrowClient(); } return null; } void markHostAsDown(CassandraHost cassandraHost) { log.error("MARK HOST AS DOWN TRIGGERED for host {}", cassandraHost.getName()); listenerHandler.fireOnHostDown(cassandraHost); HClientPool pool = hostPools.remove(cassandraHost); if ( pool != null ) { log.error("Pool state on shutdown: {}", pool.getStatusAsString()); pool.shutdown(); if ( cassandraHostRetryService != null ) cassandraHostRetryService.add(cassandraHost); } } public Set<CassandraHost> getDownedHosts() { return cassandraHostRetryService.getDownedHosts(); } public Collection<HClientPool> getActivePools() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(hostPools.values()); } public long createClock() { return this.clock.createClock(); } public String getClusterName() { return clusterName; } public void shutdown() {"Shutdown called on HConnectionManager"); if ( cassandraHostRetryService != null ) cassandraHostRetryService.shutdown(); if ( nodeAutoDiscoverService != null ) nodeAutoDiscoverService.shutdown(); if ( hostTimeoutTracker != null ) hostTimeoutTracker.shutdown(); JmxMonitor.getInstance().removeCassandraMonitor(this); for (HClientPool pool : hostPools.values()) { try { pool.shutdown(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { log.error("Out of order in HConnectionManager shutdown()?: {}", iae.getMessage()); } } } public void setCassandraHostRetryDelay(int retryDelay) { cassandraHostRetryService.setRetryDelayInSeconds(retryDelay); cassandraHostRetryService.applyRetryDelay(); } }