package me.prettyprint.hom.cache; import java.beans.IntrospectionException; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.IdClass; import me.prettyprint.hom.CFMappingDef; import me.prettyprint.hom.ClassCacheMgr; import me.prettyprint.hom.KeyDefinition; public class IdClassParserValidator implements ParserValidator { @Override public <T> void parse(ClassCacheMgr cacheMgr, Annotation anno, CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef) { if (anno instanceof IdClass) { parseIdClassAnnotation(cacheMgr, (IdClass) anno, cfMapDef); } else { throw new HectorObjectMapperException("This class cannot parse annotation, " + anno.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } @Override public <T> void validateAndSetDefaults(ClassCacheMgr cacheMgr, CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef) { KeyDefinition keyDef = cfMapDef.getKeyDef(); if ( null == keyDef.getPkClazz() ) { return; } Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> pdMap; try { pdMap = cacheMgr.getFieldPropertyDescriptorMap(keyDef.getPkClazz()); } catch (IntrospectionException e) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException("exception while introspecting class, " + keyDef.getPkClazz().getName(), e); } if ( keyDef.getIdPropertyMap().size() != pdMap.size() ) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException("Each field in the primary key class, " + keyDef.getPkClazz().getName() + ", must have a corresponding property in the entity, " + cfMapDef.getRealClass().getName() + ", annotated with @" + Id.class.getSimpleName() ); } for ( String idFieldName : pdMap.keySet() ) { if ( !keyDef.getIdPropertyMap().containsKey(idFieldName)) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException("Each field in the primary key class, " + keyDef.getPkClazz().getName() + ", must have a corresponding property in the entity, " + cfMapDef.getRealClass().getName() + ", annotated with @" + Id.class.getSimpleName() + " : missing ID field, " + idFieldName); } } } private <T> void parseIdClassAnnotation(ClassCacheMgr cacheMgr, IdClass anno, CFMappingDef<T> cfMapDef) { Class<?> pkClazz = anno.value(); verifyClassConformsToJpaSpec(pkClazz); cfMapDef.getKeyDef().setPkClass(pkClazz); } private void verifyClassConformsToJpaSpec(Class<?> pkClazz) { // TODO:BTB double check the JPA spec, section 2.4 if (!(Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(pkClazz))) { throw new HectorObjectMapperException("JPA requires that primary key class, " + pkClazz.getName() + ", must be Serializable"); } } }